Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kaboom! or not.

There I go again.

Eh eh. Imagine if someone likes you. What would you do? Would you go back at him/her? Or would you prepare yourself for a flight? I don’t even know why im typing about this. Well tau pulang. Pasal kan di bilik yang masa ani aku menaip, ada dua tilam, and dua-dua biru, iatah kan aku imagine if dua tilam ani couple wah since they are of same species.

Anyway, banyak urang frustrated with myself. Aku apatah lagi. I cant make it to the dinner, and to the bbq as well. At this point, sorry seems to be the hardest word. Pasal aku mcm bagi high hopes to the people masa drg tnya, “kau datang dinner?” and I replied happily, “yes yes!!!” and then turned out I can’t. I hate hopes. Hopes that are too high can be deadly.

I. Hate. Hopes.

Inda pulang hate sampai aku inda lagi mau becakap psl hopes. Tapinya just till a point yang ia annoying when it can’t be fulfilled.

I am feeling a certain feeling right now. That something is missing. Gatah rambut kali. Antah. I’ll look for it nanti. Tapinya, aku rasa I’m missing more than that. I guess I’ll just keep it to myself.

Macam kan, at this point, a lot of plans are made. And aku macam selalu ruin the plan. Eh teingat pulang ku cerita mummy yang dulu-dulu selalu involves ruins. HAHA. Apakan. Anyway, I need to spend some quality time with the people I love; family and friends. It’s only, I don’t know.. how many days till I go. I don’t usually say this out loud, pasal the whole ‘S’ thing, about when I’ll be leaving and all. Aku pun inda tau. Tapinya it will be soon. Too soon till aku realize yang aku belayar isuk. Sekiranya lah. Inda pulang aku belayar isuk. Tapinya macam suddenly they call you to tell you you’ll be leaving. How do you think someone would react? Except that person unreactive lah, macam elements yang structurenya octet. HAHAH.


I realized the talk on this matter is deadly too. Sheeeeets. Bah I better drop this topic off. As Snood Dogg says it, “Drop it like it’s hot” tapi inda pulang aku kan drop it like its hot. Cause kan I’ll be dropping it cold. Hhahaha. Does this make sense at all? ANTAH.

Talking about dogs, makes me go shiver. Tapi inda papa lah, just baca-baca doa. Bukan pulang aku shiver kajar-kajar, it’s just that the stray dogs bermacam-macam kerenah. Kesian kanak-kanak yang kana gigit atu, terpaksa kana samak. Eh eh, hari atu I was looking for perkaataan samak, tapi in English. Adakah? Do tag if uyou know. =)

Dal and I have been posting about lots, inda pulang banyak lah, tapi sufficient enough for the blog to stay alive. Macam blog kami ani needs food to stay alive, in this case, urang mentag and urang mem-post wah. Macam piranha jua wah, guna makanan. Tapinya blog kami ani inda pulang menggigit mcm piranha smpai urang mati apa. Mesti wah hidupkan. Apa neee. Kamu ani macam post-exam depression ehh. He-he.

Hahaha cali ketawa ku ah, he-he. Ada dash ah. Imagine if kamu in real life ketawa cematu, he dash he dash he. HAHAH. ;p

Before I go, I leave you with a convo =)
Ekin: Kau datang kah Nigel?
Dal : Ia mana datang. Ia lelaki. Ia nada ‘V’
Ekin: =.=”
Fifah: HAHAHHA aku paham! Aku paham! *high five-ed Dal*

Hahaha. Geddit it? If you do, tag. And to silent readers, I guess this is time for you to start tagging and let us know u’re reading this blog.

He dash he dash he, ;D

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