Friday, May 23, 2008

Maju sukan untuk negara. :D

Today is Friday.
And my blisters are getting worse.

Chem, yesterday, was fine. We were suppose to study for the topical test, - YES IT’S TEST WEEK!!- tapinya si Peah kept on nudging me. Instead of studying, kami tulis surat for each other. HHAAH stail skulah rendah wah kami ahh, tulis-tulis surat. =D

She started drawing a picture of me, quite BEAUTIFULLY, macam the real person a.k.a Fifah the Great =D hahaha. And I drew her future son, just in case she marries Elton John. But I doubt that, cause ya’know Elton John is umm.. Not into girls. If you catch my drift. HAHA.

Then we started drawing mahirah, (Mer, aku kan tunjukkan arah mu the drawings, but aku lupa =.=”). What will happen if mahirah and giuk bulu kawin? HAHAHA. The son only takes mahirah’s smile. And telinga. HAHA. Sorry merr. Recessive wah genes mu atu =pp

I am soo malas to write about what happened in my other classes. Let that be secret. Nyahaaa.

I am craving for Narnia. Awu kasian aku balum meliat. =(

The announcement yesterday broke my heart.
*Heart. Break break skjhfkd*
I went &**(@#!
We had to follow teacher, so NO abang driver sexy for us. HAHAHAH XDD
We arrived there quite early.
No speedo guy.
I really want to mock him.

I drowned again.
But at least I got better.
Qayah makin pandai jua. Whoooo. =DD
Dal and Fajrina inda suwimming.
Si dal iski menggambar2.
Banyak gambar2 ku yang hodoh. Hahah. Tapi inda papa, at least atu ONE IN A MILLION. =P
Si alai jiah first time swimming!
Macam shark =D
Ia gigit aku! HAHAH. Inda lah. Eksen ku wah.
Mun ada shark indada ku mandi.
Edmond was there, surprisingly.
Ia show offffff, backstroke, whatever stroke. Pfft. =P
Si fiqah pakai baju one set, TWEEEETY! Yang cartoon arah cartoon network ah. :DD

Lapas tu, during simaa fiqah and Naj, durang melumpat wah. Then I wanted to lumpat jua. Kes jeles. HAHAH. Aku kan naik wah, tapi inda tenaik. Hahaaa sorry wah, bajuku yang barat HAHA XDD Iatah skali time ku kan lumpat, si dal tulak aku. Iatah abis aing tekeluar. Nada lagi air arah swimming pool! =ooo Iatah during semua payah kan benafas. Pasal during smua pakai gills.
No water = no breathing.

Kalau kamu pecaya cerita ku pasal gills atu inda tah ku tau tu. Hahahahah.

Patang, handball. Im gonna be ready for the pe fitness test on Monday. Banar ni. :D cause ive been nonstop besukan since Monday. Which is like woahh. Plus aku kan naik gunung lagi kan. Wish me all the best and hope I wont be frozen on top of Everest.

I’ll be the queen of the mountain. =)

Anyways, handball. Aku surprise diriku sendiri. Pasal aku handal jadi keeper. Whoo.

“PEEK-A-BOO!” said Fifah’s right heart.
“Eh jantung kanan, tekajut ku kau ani.” said Fifah’s left heart.

I saved Yeefah’s ball. And the opponent team only managed to score tiga.
I have a hidden talent.
Jangan-jangan, I can be the goalkeeper of Brunei’s tebuan. =DD

I joined Red Durian punya team. Aku sama si riza telanggar, pasal kami sama-sama kan tangkap the bula =.=” We landed on the futsal turf. Hahaa the turf kissed my butt. Ohh, durang panggil si riza, BBR. Which is equivalent to Baby Riza. HHAHA. Kiut the name.

Skali wah, ada this match between Monday Blues and Red Durians, I was the goal keeper again. Aku handal banar ani wahhh, like banyak goals saved by me. Bah Brunei tebuan team, CALL ME! =DD Skali, at this one moment, came the super kuat ball. Trying to save it, instead tekana paha ku.

OUCCCCH. Sakit gila!!!

Now my paha is green. So environmental friendly. Hahahaa.
Still against the durians, it was one last minute.
The ball was coming toward me.
Oh oh ohhhhh!!
Aku terslide.
The turf kissed my butt again. HAHA.
The goalpost was unoccupied.
Fadzay tried to score..
HAHAHA kami ketawa-ketawa.
It was the grand finale of that match. =D
Cali aku tegugur and the fact inda gol walaupun nada urg jaga hahaha.

Andrew a.k.a Kwang was being super nice. And gentleman. Im pretty much amazed. =pp He didn’t throw me super kuat ball like the other someone. Ia macam kan score, tapi ia hesitated, so he passed to bini-bini. For that I thank youuu. ;PP

Si Andrew, masa main, he was like “ehhh Fifah the great wah tu” HAHAHA. Talor. And ia puji aku handal jadi goalkeeper. HAHAHHA gila betapa kambang ku mendangar. XDD

The last match was girls against girls. I guess I kinda lost my talent by then due to the ngalih-ness. Iatah kan, when im tired and annoyed, you don’t try to make jokes yang I don’t like. Cause I guarantee, I will explode. Hahaaa.

I wanted to visit Rabi last nitght with Nazihahpongie, Merah and Peah, but aku kana suruh buat laundry. That is sad. =/

Anyways, Rabi. I hope you get well soooooon. =)

Nazihah is very very devastated when David Archulette kalah. Im not a big fan of david, so I am not sad. Hahaha.

Currently in ngalih mode,

Ps: the post is very very long. Hahaha.

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