Last weekend, i went paintball-ing. Maryam went to her mom's place, so practically i was with 15 other Queenswoodians. It was fun, really. Macam asgar ku sudah. HAHA. But yeah, the pictures didnt show much, cause as usual, the picture uploader is mengusut, inda dapat mengupload gmbr, for reason only God knows. Anyway, yeahh. Enjoy ;D
This is the area yang tempat kami masuk for paintball and everything, where everyone refilled their ammo. The picture is a bit blurry cause masa atu ujan, and camera ku basah. Camera ENYAH ku. HAHA.
Notice the soldier on top arah atap ah? Aku fascinated by it. Iatah orang hairan kenapa aku gambar. Biar tia, aku sakai. XD
Outside, while waiting for everyone to register. Masa ani kami sudah register, so tinggal menunggu the junies siap. Masa atu hujan, and notice what i was holding? Banarnya kantung makanan wah tu, and kantung makanan atu putus, psl it's made of keratas and tekana hujan so rusak. tsk tsk. HAHA. And oh, aku happy awal2 psl sekulah sdiakan makanan for the trip, when aku buka, i got Ham sandwich. MANISSS. -.-" sekali psl kantung ku rusak, aku buang the whole sandwich. HAHA alasannnn. Oh from left: Omolola, Jamie and yours truly =)
Jing, Omolola, Jamie and me. Notice my tudung, BASAHHHHHHH! And kacamata ku pun basah tu, klw kamu zoom nampak kali. Tapi jgn zoom lah, krg nampak jerawat ku. HAHAHHA.
Look at that people. Gila banyak urang! :o

Jing, me, Jamie. while waiting for the thing to start.

Omo, Jamie, me and Jing. Cali usulku ah. HAHA baju kami inda lawa. And bakas-bakas tekana tanah licak lagi tu. Tsk tsk. Nada changing room. so paksa tarus pakai. iatah tekana tanah.

Look at Omo. HAHA aku kan candid ia sekali ia nampak iatah ia senyum. Inda menjadi. Awu naj, aku masih inda pandai candid urang. HAHA :pp

Exhausted after the 4th game. Took the picture with Jing, with me holding the paintball punya tempat simpan.

I guess that's all. Im tired and i have three test on queue. Belajar rajin-rajin kamu, as cliche as it may sounds, exam inda lagi lama. HAHAH. And amoy and naz, thank you for posting up your raya pictures! =))
And i have community action esuk. Aku ke Northaw Primary school. If aku dapat ambil gambar, i will, insyaallah. I wonder what dibuat isuk, apparently haritu kami menulung kanak2 buat triangle basar pakai triangle damit. hahah kiut ahhh aku suka. Ada kanak2 ani, namanya Sammy, ia gtau aku yang parentsnya break up. Sadih ku mendangar. And ada this one kid, namanya si Matty, ia ada clicky finger, iatah ia tunjukkan aku. HAHA weird tapi aku layan saja.
Bah bah i gtg now. Assalamualaikum.
Heartssss mucho,
Ain Fa Ya Fa Ha ;DD