Friday, December 25, 2009

Let's play, Shall we..??

Hello FnVs and dearest readers.. Its been a while this FnV blog nda be-update.. and i wonder why..? hmm.. and so i've come up with this idea - TAG GAME.. I've come across this one tag game in one of the blogs and so i've decided to copypaste it here with the hope of other fnv to respond and play along. Not that i have my hopes high but what the heck..

Here's the game. Find 7 or more things that consist of ONE COLOUR only in your room or house. Take picture of them and post it here. And since today is Christmas Day, i've taken pictures of RED things. And so.., Below are my red stuff in my house.. Unfortunately there's not much red stuff. Most of it are my mom's decorated flowers.

That's it from me. Hope the other fnvs follow along.. As for the next FnV who is willing to do this..,. i tag you to find green things. Then after you've done it. Feel free to tag the next one with different colours or specific stuff (e.g Vase, flower, carpet etc) to the next person..

Hope you play along. But if you don't then its ok.. :)

Till we meet again,
Nudge.. :)