Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sad loves Elmo! =)

I suddenly have a liking for ELMO!

Iaaa CUUUUUUTE! haha =)

Aku mau tinggal di SESAME STREET! A place where you can see cute monsters of all shapes, and colours with googly eyes.... Mana ada crime tu sana ah, it's a happy STRESS-FREE environment. Iatah aku mau tinggal sini!

Mau rent an apartment with me, pipah? haha =)

Bah, lakastah FnVs migrate to SESAME STREET!! We'll live happily ever after!

Sad was HERRREEE.. =)

Friday, August 29, 2008


Of all the senerio.. why does it have to be this one? Why is it the time for me to just have fun for a day with my friends and there it comes , the person I didnt expect to meet infront of me. I repel my way back in the other direction just to make sure you didnt see me. Just to make sure that it is you i'm avoiding.

It is you. Passing by your side with a wide smile on your face but your eyes werent at mine. It was just a second that you notice me.

I laid my face down. Making sure i didnt capture enough of your features to let it stuck in my mind again. I galanced back in your direction. Yes it is you.. Watching your back with a beautiful girl beside you. I guess you're living a wonderful life now.

Because you never turned back to face me...

Unwell - Matchbox Twenty

Monday, August 25, 2008

And so..I have to posted by myself..

This is for the sake of fifah..who is waiting for updates on my birthday and dinner...i'll just post up some picture then:)..Pictures speak louder than words!!!..

Sunday, August 24, 2008


My other half is Adib and a half of the remaining belongs to fnv :) We've been through a lot of things. It has been 2 years plus and we are still going strong and bonded like COVALENT BOND! Hahaha, lame aku ani eh. *laughsorang2* But anyhoo, dua orang perempuan from FnV akan meninggalkan kami semua di Brunei. 'Ms.laugh at her joke' and 'Ms.hyper serta dramatic'. Cuba kamu teka which one is which nah. Kalau kamu dpt, tahniah! You just scored a date with ambuk di hutan. Mwhahahahahaha. This post is not going anywhere, tahap ke lameness ku makin tinggi. Di sini, saya ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk meminta ampun kepada blog ini kerana tidak mnyelamatkn dirinya semasa dia memerlukan bantuan pernafasan. ;)

Aku sayang kamu semuaaaaa! =) Be happy people, jgn sedih2! I'm here to save the day because aku SI SUPER PONGUS YANG HANDAL. Lepas ku melihat superman bah tadi pagi.

Bah, aku kan save the world dulu ;) sampai ketemu lagi ya dong.

Ur a FOoL

I received this email and i felt like sharing with u guys... enjoy being a fool.. coz im one... hahahahahahah... =DD


Fact 1: You cannot touch all your teeth with your tongue.

Fact 2 : After reading the first fact, all fools try it.

Fact 3: Fact 1 is false ha ha ha ha ha....!

Fact 4: Now you are laughing... bcoz you became a fool!!!

Fact 5: You are going to forward this now coz you don't wanna be the only fool Hehee!

FnV's for Life

As we walk our path of life,
We meet people everyday.
Most are simply met by chance.
But, some are sent our way.

These become special friends

Whose bond we can't explain
The ones who understand us
And share our joy and pain.

Their love contains no boundaries.
So, even we are apart.
Their presence enhances us
With a warmth felt in the heart.

This love becomes a passageway,
When even the miles disappear.
And so, these friends,
God sends our way,

Remain forever near.


All the best to FnV scholars. Your lively pesence will and shall be missed.
Carpe diem.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Another birthday:D

Good day people:D

22nd August '08 is marked as T'cher Malai Rabiah's great day, her BIRTHDAY, that is!:D

She's a great teacher. She still looks young and hip eventhough she's in her 40's or 50's now, i guess! She has a heart of an angel. Aaaa~ can you see the light shining down on her? Angel? Get me? Oh, nevermind.

Dalilah Nabilah.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Happy burpday 2u..
Happy busday 2u..
Happy burpday to EKIN..
Happy busday 2u..
*clap3* hahaha xD merdu suara i.. =p

ekiin.. LEGAL dah ne.. DRIVIIIING.. Hehe =) wel since aku blum g kna sruh, soo wait 4 my sesi touchering.. Ku sruh ko ambil aku ne.. hahah! btw ENJOY ur day today.. stay GILA, in a gud way i mean.. n u my artistc fren jgn dtinggalkn sfat hyper mu.. n saranghaeyo!! =) *wink* u ROCK dude.. hahah!

owkay, owkay since cNaz dah burp 17times, now ur turn! 18times yoww.. Huhu.. Bah2, aku skulah dlu.. I'll cya later, 'LATEER' dat is..


Selamat hari lahir.

Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaaatuh.

Menjunjung titah perintah, dengan ini, diisytiharkan, anak bulan Ramadhan disahkan tidak nampak. Kerana ini masih lagi 18 Syaaban 1429H. Mama bulan pun alum beranak lai.

Dan adalah diisytiharkan juga, anak yang mukanya bulat seperti bulan penuh yang mengambang diwaktu malam(mestilah malam) yang memberi kembang bulu roma, yang kebetulan, sahabat saya, NUR MAZIYYAH RAZIQIN YUSOF, selamat diberanakkan oleh bondanya, pada 21 Ogos 1990 di Hospital RIPAS:)

Saya, sangat berbesar hati dan sebesar suara ingin mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI LAHIR KE-18 kepada RAGUNGIK A.K.A NAMA YANG DISEBUTKAN DI ATAS.

Kau sudah HALAL. Sangat bersukacinta:D Terima Kasih untuk segalanya, Kerana dirimu begitu berharga:) Selamat maju jaya dalam mengharungi rona liku-liku hidup dan selekoh-selekoh di jalan raya dengan jaya sekali.

Dalilah Nabilah

cinderella hilang kasut :D

It's past midnight now..

So do you know what that means?

Of course lah =D

It's when cinderella lost her left shoe. Or was it the right one?


HAAAAAAAAIIII EKIIIINNNN!! ;DD I know i havent text you via message, cause im doing this first. =) Selamat hari jadi kepada kawan saya, Nurmaziyyah Raziqin, yang berumur 18 tahun and beberapa minit baru ni. HAHAHA. Ia inda pulang ilang kasutnya ni. Kalau ilang pun, bali lah lagi. ;pp Anyway, thank you for everything, you've been great friend all this while, listening to my rants and were there for me when i lost myself along the way. Thank you =) Moga-moga kau makin laju menyelesaikan rubic's cube yang aku indada kesabaran mmbuat (HAHHAHA), manatah tau kau dpt ikut world's championship in finishing the rubics cube he dash he. =p

I hope you'll have a great career in fine arts area, cause that's what you've always wanted. Kalau driving atu bisai-bisai, pakai seatbelt. HAHAHA apakan. Apa lagi ah? I hope you'll be happy forever, with your loved ones, maintain pipi tabam, etc. Aku buat di card lagi, krg abis tia segala-galanya terluah di sini. HAHAHA ;pp

Anyway, i hope you'll have a great one this year. Too bad i cant come to your bbq, kalau inda aku tah yang paling banyak makan tu. Look at the bright side, aku nada at least semua urang hampit makan. HAHAHA XDD See you later =))


Fifah. <3


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Time sakit parut. Tsk tsk.

It's late and I can't sleep.

The adrenaline sure has done their job an hour ago. My body feels warm and my pupils dilate. This is what happens when people from London called that you would have an interview in few minutes time from your school. And mind you, at that time you wanted to go to bed and was suffering from food poison.

I will tell the story chronologically.

9-ish pm
I was too engrossed in trying to connect my phone cable with the laptop. But things still didnt worked out as planned.

KRRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIINGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!! *memecahkan kesunyian malam*
I answered hello.
The guy: Bulih becakap sama dayang fifah?
Me: ahhh ia ni, kenapa? * i replied, yawning, and pigang2 parut, and mata separuh kajam.*
The guy: Ahhh.. Ani dari London, calling to inform you yang your school kan interview kau. bulih kah?
Me: AHH? Mesti kah? *bangang. tekajut. intosnasi berubah*
The guy: awu. Ia mau urgent. Bulih lah ah. ani pukul brapa sudah ni di brunei?
Fifah: 9.25 pm *criket-criket*
The guy: bah.. i'll inform them later. I'll give you their number. Call them at 9.45pm ahh. Then you call me back later to inform me about the progress okay?
Fifah: Okay.

I put the phone down.




Im gonna flunk this!

9.45 to 10pm
Tried to stay bubbly.
"Good afternoon" the school lady said.
Aku macam, "afternoon? Di brunei malam? Cana niiiiee?" Aku jawap good afternoon pulang. Kajar-kajar lagi tu. =.="
Lacis-lacis selajur inglish ku masa becakap. =_____="
Lapas tu, aku tanya lagi pasal laundry arah the school lady ah. Like okay. Sama aku bagitau ia aku baru pandai swimming. Sama aku tnya berapa jauh the hostel with the skool. Ia ckp few metres away. iatah aku ckp inda papalah, bulih exercise. HAHAHAH. Kurus ku ni. Etc. It went well pulang. Mcm apakan interview ku ah? Takut ku gagal ih.

The guy called back.
The guy: Apatah ur interview? Ada ya ckp kana offer?
Fifah: It went well pulang. offer? Entah. Inda ku tau. Katanya ia telipun semula.
The guy: Eh. Kenapa ya? Sepatutnya ada jua tu.
Fifah: entah? *criket-criket*inda kana terima kali ni. WAAAAAAAA =(( i said dlm hati*
Then, Inda ku ingat ckpnya. he said he'll call again.

The guy told me my school approved us going there! And it's confirmed! inda sia-sia aku lacis-lacis inglish.

it's 11.52 now. and i still cant sleep. Adrenaline adrenaline. Tsk tsk.
I better go now.
Babai =)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Horrible Day Of PHYSICS =.='

At last..I got it over withh..YESSSS!!

Last qualifying nice too hear its finally end..

all those nights struggling..(make it last 3 nights).. reading notes,memorizing laws,definitions formulas..being fimiliar with all the applications. and atlast you feel ready to sit for the exam.

the one last touch up i did before the paper starts... - going through the past year paper2 papers for physics.. just being fimiliar with the questions.. the simple question i tried to do..and the difficult questions i ignored..(which instead i ignored)

There was I for the examm..

IT WAS DAMN HARD!!!..OMG..all i see printed on the exam paper were past years questions...which mostly are the difficult ones i tried to ingnore earlier.. what a tough luck ..i was almost on the boundary to get a pass in physics..if only i pay much more attention on the past year and work it out- instead ignoring it- I can get this paper A..well at least a B or a C...but now...FAILING!!..its already confrimed when i went out the dull exam hall..

Today was full of regrets..I regreted not to eat anything today before the exam too..and not enough sleep before today begins... mayb i was thinking too much from my studies to all sort of things..its just so typical me to do that..haha

SASAK KU.. I'M MADDD!!! (asap keluar from telinga) haha

Kaboom! or not.

There I go again.

Eh eh. Imagine if someone likes you. What would you do? Would you go back at him/her? Or would you prepare yourself for a flight? I don’t even know why im typing about this. Well tau pulang. Pasal kan di bilik yang masa ani aku menaip, ada dua tilam, and dua-dua biru, iatah kan aku imagine if dua tilam ani couple wah since they are of same species.

Anyway, banyak urang frustrated with myself. Aku apatah lagi. I cant make it to the dinner, and to the bbq as well. At this point, sorry seems to be the hardest word. Pasal aku mcm bagi high hopes to the people masa drg tnya, “kau datang dinner?” and I replied happily, “yes yes!!!” and then turned out I can’t. I hate hopes. Hopes that are too high can be deadly.

I. Hate. Hopes.

Inda pulang hate sampai aku inda lagi mau becakap psl hopes. Tapinya just till a point yang ia annoying when it can’t be fulfilled.

I am feeling a certain feeling right now. That something is missing. Gatah rambut kali. Antah. I’ll look for it nanti. Tapinya, aku rasa I’m missing more than that. I guess I’ll just keep it to myself.

Macam kan, at this point, a lot of plans are made. And aku macam selalu ruin the plan. Eh teingat pulang ku cerita mummy yang dulu-dulu selalu involves ruins. HAHA. Apakan. Anyway, I need to spend some quality time with the people I love; family and friends. It’s only, I don’t know.. how many days till I go. I don’t usually say this out loud, pasal the whole ‘S’ thing, about when I’ll be leaving and all. Aku pun inda tau. Tapinya it will be soon. Too soon till aku realize yang aku belayar isuk. Sekiranya lah. Inda pulang aku belayar isuk. Tapinya macam suddenly they call you to tell you you’ll be leaving. How do you think someone would react? Except that person unreactive lah, macam elements yang structurenya octet. HAHAH.


I realized the talk on this matter is deadly too. Sheeeeets. Bah I better drop this topic off. As Snood Dogg says it, “Drop it like it’s hot” tapi inda pulang aku kan drop it like its hot. Cause kan I’ll be dropping it cold. Hhahaha. Does this make sense at all? ANTAH.

Talking about dogs, makes me go shiver. Tapi inda papa lah, just baca-baca doa. Bukan pulang aku shiver kajar-kajar, it’s just that the stray dogs bermacam-macam kerenah. Kesian kanak-kanak yang kana gigit atu, terpaksa kana samak. Eh eh, hari atu I was looking for perkaataan samak, tapi in English. Adakah? Do tag if uyou know. =)

Dal and I have been posting about lots, inda pulang banyak lah, tapi sufficient enough for the blog to stay alive. Macam blog kami ani needs food to stay alive, in this case, urang mentag and urang mem-post wah. Macam piranha jua wah, guna makanan. Tapinya blog kami ani inda pulang menggigit mcm piranha smpai urang mati apa. Mesti wah hidupkan. Apa neee. Kamu ani macam post-exam depression ehh. He-he.

Hahaha cali ketawa ku ah, he-he. Ada dash ah. Imagine if kamu in real life ketawa cematu, he dash he dash he. HAHAH. ;p

Before I go, I leave you with a convo =)
Ekin: Kau datang kah Nigel?
Dal : Ia mana datang. Ia lelaki. Ia nada ‘V’
Ekin: =.=”
Fifah: HAHAHHA aku paham! Aku paham! *high five-ed Dal*

Hahaha. Geddit it? If you do, tag. And to silent readers, I guess this is time for you to start tagging and let us know u’re reading this blog.

He dash he dash he, ;D

Monday, August 18, 2008


Kuasa Allah Taala yang menciptakan langit dan bumi, sang bulan dan sang matahari.

What a dark night, as if someone has spilled a vast can of black paint. Well, palpably, the world is dark at night. Today, the moon is shining brightly, really bright. You can even see its reflection on infinite litres of water, that fills the calming sea and oceans. What a beautiful scenery indeed, that it can enter a beauty paegent(sp?) Better stop right here, before i go far enough for you to get stomach cramps:)

I wanna share with you something. Something hilarious and superb funny. For me. For you? I hope so.

We were studying climographs this morning during our geography class.

Sir: So, 'L', what is the coldest country?


'L': Mumbai, India.

Sir: I cant think of any worst answer than that.

Atleast, she's trying:) better luck next time,eh?

Just so you know, 'L' answered it spontaneously that all of us burst into laughters:')

I was having a great HAHA. You know how my laughter sounds, right?

Dalilah Nabilah

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Making love.

Dal have been making love with Napoleon Bonaparte of France, and in addition, pen and A4 papers as well, for the past few days.

About Napoleon, he has no deformaties. Not like Mr. Misai Kontot, Adolf Hitler and King Louis XVI. Want to know about their deformaties? Go and google on them. Then, you'll know how tragic it was.:)

I know, this is the shortest post ever, but, whatever, im doing this for the sake of keeping this suffocating,about-to-die blog from really, really, totally dead.

I want to watch Napoleon Dynamite:)

Wahai jelama-jelama, sila hidupkan papan tag itu.

Dalilah Nabilah

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Greetings. ;D

HELLLLOOOOO. =DD I am feeling all weird, this blog is not suppose to die. Aiyoooo. HAHAH. It's been a while since i go to school, with all the chaos going around, a lot of stress to handle, and i am missing my school, and most definitely my friends. =)

I'm currently in temburong. And saya terkejut kerana banyak makanan di dalam almari! OHMAIGOD! Padahal di bandar kosong sihhh. Aiyo. Tsk tsk. Tapi inda papa, for tonight, im quite full, the crabs berabisly delicious! so is the ayam and the sayur and even the nasi! HAHAHHA. Macam aku ani lama sudah betapa di gua inda makan. Tsk tsk.

I have no idea what to post. Banar. I met Amoy yesterday when i was accompanying my parents at the Mall. My dad plans to buy a Rayband. I dont know if the spelling is right? I have no idea. Well, i do have some idea, tapinya macam i dont care much. Apa saja tia bah brand atu. Hung Ching kah, Ku Ching kah, ape-ape aje ler. HAHAHA.

Most exams are done now. Congratulations to all BIO students yang inda ambil Physics!! Cause you are free now. Flyyyyy now, go take off from the tallest building, and u'll end up dead. HAHA. See? Im lacking ideas day by day. I should go now.


ZULAZRI ZIQRY!!! HAPPPYYY BELATEDDD BIRTHDAY! I hope you won't ever lose that golden voice of yours. Kalau inda cemana kau kan nyanyikan aku lagu OHCAROLLL? ;DDD Kerana keceriaan mu menceriakan diriku di biology class. Will never get tired of your cali-ness or your voice, or maybe i will, if aku kanyang sudah dangar. HAHAH! But for the moment, not yet, and i think never will. =) You had your biology test on your birthday, and therefore, i am soooo sure you did well on both papers. Might be the highest, who knows? :p Oh yeahhh!! KITANI ADA DESTINY ZULLLL!!! HAHAHAH (insidejoke)

Apa lagi ahhh? Aku kan mushy-mushy ka this message, but then i'm too full and my brain can't think. Sorie sorie, but then zul, as you said, it's the thought that counts. ;p

i end my speech here.
(Inserts name)

ps: i leave you with a quote; "I guess you never quite leave my head"

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


WISH you good luck in everything..especially putting yourself some're longing dream..hope it'll come true..aha :P..

Plus stay hyper always...macam sponge bob..laugh like him..and be funny like squeeze yourself between two walls so often..nda baik untuk kau tuu...makin cia kau kurus..haha( if you get what i mean-)..haha

and last but not least..wish you a very good luck in everything you do...and all the best wwish come true..

we love you..:D...

The Invasion

911 incomming!!!!

BOOOMMMMM!! (Ada bunga api..wording nya...218!!)..haha

i'm here to save the blog from dying..Yeah!!

first thing first.. THE INVASION TO MY ROOM

FIRST ENCOUNTER- The first week I started to sleep in my new bedroom was the time this huge cocroach (Huge as in for their species) running around about my cleaned floor.

It came from the toilet. then it ran about the edeges of my room. hiding behind cupboards..and i was haunting him to go away. BUT then this 'speedo' cocroach went under my table. arrggh!! Its really hard to get him down. so I stopped chasing.

I havent given up yet. After sometime- few hours before my bed time. I went into my room. Then came suddenly the HUGE COCROACH clearing from his hiding place. It went out from under my bed. I was going mad with this battle, thinking it'll be worse it that thing gets to fly around. What if it lands on my face. HELL I'll go screaming haha..

A brilliant idea came into my head. I brought myself to get amoured. Instead of a gun, I used the MAGIC POWER - SHELTOX. HAHAHA...and i sprayed the cocroach..till it took his last breath until it suffociates and eventually died! And i'm not even going to buried it...I just throw it outside the window..hahah... by now..I'll be decaying into useful nutrients.. and i saved the plants:)..haha

SECOND ENCOUNTER- They are small , almost as visible as one of your eyelashes. When they are many they can kill, giving a buzz sound everytime when they pass by. Their job is not just to fly but as well as sucking your blood and leaving the contiminated one inside you. "THE ARMY FLEET OF MOSQUITOES".

Never missed a single night of the MOSQUITO KISS. they arent sweet but 'icth-lly' annoying. haha...there was this one time I left my window open during the day. At it was the most populated night in my room. Sadly I didnt think of spraying my room with sheltox that night.

It was an annoying night. i cant get a nice sleep. Sheesh!.. Almost every seconds I get to rub my skin. they bit me everywhere..The worse part was my right eyelid.. haha..the next day i woke of my eye was bulging.. What is even more worst was.. the annoying buzzing sound they make. It makes me half asleep. and i can still hear them in my sleep..and every time i hear the buzzing sound. i hit my own ears and face with my eyes closed. It was so irritating. haha..

Then the next night..I use my magic power..THE SHELTOX..owh yea..there are so many corpse of mosquitoes lying down on the floor..Now you know how tough i am..hahah

THIRD ENCOUNTER- enough of the its reptile... the animal which human usually despise.. their scaly body and their crushed able body.. everytime their in sights people start to beware..even when they are far away.. THE LIZARD!!!! haha

First thing first when i saw a lizard resting near my toilet lights switch. AAAAAA!!!!!!!! the biggest scream "LIZZZZAAAARDDDD!!!". my mum from next room was shouting towards my reaction.." WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" she asked..haha.. then i say CICAK!! haha..

nowonder there was a lizard. my dad used my toilet at that time.. mayb it came from inside the toilet. then he went out..the lizard was running behind my purse, handbags.. WHAT IF IT WAS TI STUCK IN ONE OF MY HAND BAGS...HOW AM I GOING TO GET IT OUT??

Then came my father to the rescue..using my small towel (just got it out of my closet) , he was smacking the LIZARD to go back in the toilet and when it finally did..He used the fast flowing water to get the lizard drowned in the plumbing pipe..haha.. not so heroic using my towel tho..nasty.,.eewww!! haha




Birthday girl ;D


CALL 911!!


The blog is dying!


*Fifah, Dal and Fiqah came to rescue*

Blog's heartbeat increasing.
Pulse stable.
Blog's alive.

HAHAHHAHA APAKAN. Eh eh, now, let's CPR the tagboard. Exam tu punya pasal. Sheeeesh. Keep on tagging people. =))


Kau memang kawan ku yang weird, yang slalu kan beyoga, yang pouting2 mulutnya selalu sama si zaty kalau begambar, yang ucap aku ketawa at my own jokes walaupun ia sama jua. HAHAHA. Kan, aku ani baik wah Naz. Aku tau kau. Cakap aku baik. jaga kau. Sama lawa jua. Mesti. Kalau inda ku delete ni. HAHAHA XDDD

Today morning, i temporarily lost my sense of touch of my right hand. Too much book lifting i guess. Bemuscle tangan. Bulih join olympic ni yang HEAVYWEIGHT champion! AWESOME :DD Oh oh i watched olymipcs tadi yang gymnastic. Orang-orang nya handsome2. Must watch! Especially yang dari USA.

SIZZZZ-uhhhh-ling!!! =DDD

School was dead. Not that it killed itself, it's just that lots of people didnt come to school. I travelled dari satu tempat ke satu tempat, yang jauh-jauh. Kaki terasa lenguh. Aku terkapai-kapai mensearch for oxygen. Sebabnya air/udara ani ada approximately 21% oxygen saja. Yang banyak nya nitrogen. HAHAHAH. Tapikan, kalau didivide 21% pxygen with 6.7 billion of world population, sama jua sikit kan? HAHAHA. Apakan. ^^,

Oh fyi, NazPong told me sir sang her a birthday song! Jeles jua ku tu! Plus plus sir abio gave her hadiah, walaupun hadiahnya atu was memadam whiteboard ah, tapi inda papa. It's the thoughts that counts. Sheeeeeesh. Hampa hampa aku. Beneran nihhhh. kes jeles nihhh. hahahha.

Muizz was handsome again tadi. HAHAHA. Well, okay lah. HAHAH qayah, kalau kau inda mau si muizz, rugi kau ni. BANAR! XDD And Farhan tadi ada jua. he was wearing the same baju kemeja like masa attachment, yang the black one. Sekali i was like, "eh kenapa bajumu ada bintik2 di belakang atu? kelimumur kah? HAHAHAH" PANAT. Si Farhan was likeee, "eh inda ko pernah mendangar dust kah? HAHAH palau. Eh berapa sudah umur opah ni?" I tried to kanakan ia balik, and i replied, "umurku sama mcm umurmu lah. he he he *giggle giggle*" He then replied back, "Umur ku 99! Ni nah anakku!"

HAHHAHA palau! Aku kan kanakan ia, ia yang kanakan aku balik!. CIS. XDDD

Sadrina Zawani and I were pretty much annoyed, like super anoyed, with some people yang mulutnya inda beranti becakap. Walaupun aku ani nyanyah, tapi kalau briefing aku dngr jua. SHEESH. Some people just dont geddit. Mun inda tau, barutah kan menangis2 betnya urg apa kan dibuat. Sheeesh. >=(

Ohmaigod. That angry looking face just ruins my blog mood. Lets smile now shall we? Say cheeeeesssssseeeeeeee/kejuuuuuuuuu ;DDDDDDDD Oh oh, tadi my big brother kept on disturbing me, so i was like, "psychopath jua kau ani ih!!" my little brother said,"bkn psychopath. tapi psychowalk" and i corrected him, "psychoroad lah!!!" HAHAH geddit? path and road? HAHAH siapa inda paham ia inda lawa/handsome. HAHAHHA! ;D

Oh la la. Happy happy again. To all PU1s students, goodluck for qualifying. I know this is like one day late, but whoo cares, nya orang, better late than never. =) Bah, kan berinut ku dulu. Aku kan makan nasi ayam penyet ku. Nyaamn and padassss. Balilah makanan di pasar Gadong. HAHAHA.

See you when i see you. I hope you'll not be invisible by then. HAHAHHA apakan. Bah babai.

Done by:
FIf@1-1 (stail poklen HAHAH =ppp)


pong!!! Happy 17th burpday... bh ko msti burp 17times! Hahah xDD pong pong since ur 17, go n produce more spongy mesophyll.. Hahah xD wth!! Im high..

ayte pong! Maintain ur craziness+mentalness yg over the top atu.. Dlmkn lgi dimple mu aah.. Hahah xD biar mkin obvious.. ++ mature taa bh.. Ecewaah~ aku sndri pun nda =p ayte2 ENJOY bday mu wt org yg ko looovveee! N stay labang n also maintain snyuman mu yg menggoda! Adeeyh.. Bh bek ku adang! muaahz muahz 4u naz.. HAHAH =) Biar ko!


Nazihah's Birthday.

Happy 17th birthday to our very own, my used to be twin, Pongus, NUR NAZIHAH HAJI NORDIN :)

A year older and a year wiser. Wait.. Wiser? I doubt that. Haha! May Allah bless you with lots of happyness and prosperity ahead. Amin. All the very best in what you're doing:) We're always here to support you, no matter what:)

Gunung Kinabalu sanggup ku daki,
Laut China Selatan sanggup ku renangi.
Tidak percaya? Ambillah kapak mainan dan belahlah dadaku ini.


Oh! Keep the tagboard alive, people! Keep it coming,baby! Make it more productive than ever!

On behalf of the FnVs,
Dalilah Nabilah

Friday, August 8, 2008


This blog has been in a 'vibrate and silent' mode for quite some time. Therefore, im posting something random here, for the sake of switching this blog, from the latter mode, to the head-banging 'ringing' mode.

I had a great laugh yesterday, with alai ifah, on the so-called 'sofa', in a place where people tend to study, rupanya kan beaircond or tidur, the LIBRARY, after having a very hectic(not so) day. She planned to have a very nice, deep, beauty sleep and terrifically, i couldnt stop my mouth from making and producing more and more sounds, talking, that is. I could hardly shut up because aku ada yang kan dicakapkan. So, i think, that kinda distracted her. Sorry.

On top of all, we had fun. We're in our own world. Sabri and Zul was there too. They were busy staring at Sabri's laptop, looking at Sabris' pictures when he was fat, flabby, double-chinned, tanned and fatter. Hahaha! Trust me, he was fatter than when he was in form 1. And of course, they were in their own world. Because, when we did something hilarious, well, hilarious for pipah and i. Cali hantap bui. They didnt get it. Banar. Frequency kami inda sama. Mine's 2 hertz. Pipah's 2.5 hertz. Sabri's either 80 or 50. Jauh bezanya. More than 1, less than 80, are the difference. Cuba kamu kira pakai alat kira-kira atau abacus.

With us too was, Adib, Mr.Nazihah. Nazihah pongitonggi ditched him, so, si Adib, ber-emo dengan akhbar tempatan, Media Permata. Anyway, you two, happy 2years, 2months and 2 days anniversary. Sayang kamu sangat.

Atu sahaja yang hendak saya sampaikan. Sebab aku nada apa apa yang kan dicakapkan.

Dalilah Nabilah

Sunday, August 3, 2008




HAHAHHA. Awu naz, i still laugh at my own jokes. Kau pun sama kali jua ahhh. ;ppp

Malam ani aku produktif banget menggunakan komputer. I searched for horoscopes, because i was boredddd. BANAR. No one's online, well, not really, but then i wasnt on the mood to chat anyway. And sooo, i went, surfing, arah ocean, HAHAHHA, of net, HAHAH GEDDIT? Surfing the net. HAHAHHAHAH Ohmaigod. Aku high. Well, and yeah, so i did.

I came across the palm reading section. Mcm Chemistry, and Biology, the study of reading palms is called palmistry. HAHHAHA. Cali. Yeah aku semangat jua mana tau ada jodoh sama siapakah, Sheikh Muzaffar kah. HAHHA mana tau kann.. Jodoh di tangan Tuhan. Sekalinya, after ticking the boxes of my palm description, aku semangat lah sudah ni.

Tapinya, stupidly, the result atu msti bebayar. PADAHAL AWAL-AWAL ia cakap FREE!

Betapa kurang hasem. So i pressed the cute 'x' on top of the box.

Bye bye palm reading. Till we meet again, when you are FREE. HAHAHHAHA

After the horoscope thingy, i searched for GREAT WALL OF CHINA. HAHHAH betapa freak nya aku. Yes thank you. *BOWS* I know i know.. hahaha aku mcm interested. I watched The Mummy 3 tadi with my cousin and siblings. Turned out it wasnt as bad, siuk jua. Sekali in that movie, ada psl great wall. HAHAHA. Iatah aku curious. Andngnya jua curiousity kills the cat. Tapi aku bukan cat. So i dont think it's gonna kill me. HAHHAHA apakan.

Aku macam cakap apa saja yang aku tefikir right now. Si Merah the Red yang suruh aku update. IA DEMAND!! Demanding jua banar ihhh. Mcm demand ani mcm pelajaran economics, yang mcm people demands to increase country's economy. HAHHA aku mana minat economics. Aku mana pandai tu. Aku tau pasal yang sciences saja. Mcm immunoglobulin, ribosomes apa atu tau ku tu. HAHHAHA.

Tadi si Farhan suruh aku aga this link :

Then chatting with Farhan and Merah. Wewere talking about siapa dengan si Farhan sekulah. And i was like Amy Whinehouse? And he was like atu kan belajar bedadah. And i was like dadah tahai? HAHHAHAHHA WE ALL LAUGH LIKE CRAZY. HAHAHHAHAH. Part of convo ahead.

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:
kau ada voice inseide the head? kau gila banar udah tau HAHHAHAH

The voice inside ur head says:
inda tidur ku alwyas nyamannn

The voice inside ur head says:
im not the one yg ber voice

The voice inside ur head says:
ur the one

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:
HAHHA tidur mu bulih dimakan wah? AWESOMEEE

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:

The voice inside ur head says:
its says UR head!

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:
hHAHAH utak ku ada voice wah? sarut kali.. cos aku inda tedngr pun awal ani. HAHAHHAHHA

The voice inside ur head says:
gila akhir udah eh

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:
HAHHAHA OHMAIGOD i didnt know its 1 labih sudah

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:

The voice inside ur head says:
bejerawat karang!

Mahirah;;Mer=[4A's].impossible is nothing. says:

Mahirah;;Mer=[4A's].impossible is nothing. says:
apa eh

Mahirah;;Mer=[4A's].impossible is nothing. says:
too consious jua

Mahirah;;Mer=[4A's].impossible is nothing. says:

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:

Mahirah;;Mer=[4A's].impossible is nothing. says:

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:
aku andngnya bejerawat. biar tia ahhahahha

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:
HAHHA gila sudah si farhan ani. aku currently check pasal great wall of china

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:

Mahirah;;Mer=[4A's].impossible is nothing. says:

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:
eh paning ku mmbaca psl great wall of china ani ehh. eh farhan, ko carikan, lapas tu ko summarize. pnjng ah. HAHHAHAH

Mahirah;;Mer=[4A's].impossible is nothing. says:

Mahirah;;Mer=[4A's].impossible is nothing. says:
cali tu eh. LOL. HAHAHAHA. napa great wall of china?

The voice inside ur head says:
behapa ko baca pasal GWOC?

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:
psl tadi arah cerita the mummy, ada psl the great wall of china.

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:
so i was wondering cana durang mmbuat it. HAHHA AKU FREAK

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:

The voice inside ur head says:
eh kan tidur ku eh

The voice inside ur head says:
gila esok jalan2 ke airport mcm zombie

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:
bhpa ko ke airport?

Mahirah;;Mer=[4A's].impossible is nothing. says:

The voice inside ur head says:
antah my mum bawa ke sana esok to run some erants

The voice inside ur head says:
ke bank kali

Mahirah;;Mer=[4A's].impossible is nothing. says:
i see

Mahirah;;Mer=[4A's].impossible is nothing. says:
maybe uruskan tickets?

The voice inside ur head says:
no la

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:
HAHHA cali jua kau ija tiket

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:
tikiettt. HAHHAHAHHA

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:
ada bank wah di airport

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:
brngkali mamamu kan bali xpress

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:

Mahirah;;Mer=[4A's].impossible is nothing. says:

The voice inside ur head says:

The voice inside ur head says:
its what makes me specialll

The voice inside ur head says:
and kamu jelus aku tau

Mahirah;;Mer=[4A's].impossible is nothing. says:

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:
special? HAHAHHA. mcm nasi lemak special. HAHHAHAHHAHA. besambal ko kah? HAHHA atau xtra timun?

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:

Mahirah;;Mer=[4A's].impossible is nothing. says:

Mahirah;;Mer=[4A's].impossible is nothing. says:

The voice inside ur head says:
bah eh malarat dah ni

The voice inside ur head says:

The voice inside ur head says:

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:
mana ku jeles. bahapa? buang energy. abis kilojoules/ HAHAH

The voice inside ur head says:
u r officially RAJA LME

Mahirah;;Mer=[4A's].impossible is nothing. says:
nah battle lame ness kamu ane?

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:
HHAHA. aku puteri!!!

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:
HAHAHHA RAJA lelaki!!!

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:

The voice inside ur head says:
aku confoim kalah lawan c piping

Mahirah;;Mer=[4A's].impossible is nothing. says:

The voice inside ur head says:
kau putri

The voice inside ur head says:
ayu pun inda

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:
HAHHAH puteri inda papa kalau inda ayu, pakai saja produk sari ayu

'ao. nydk; Exeats. HAHAH. says:

And then i got disconnected because Farhan kept on sending the links. HAHHAHA i deleted some texts above. Pasal krg keluar tia segala rahsia. HAHAHHAHAH. Mana bulih tu... hahha. Btw Fiqah, CONGRATULATIONS for winning the sukan between sekolah-sekolah!! Kau ani bulih kalah sudah kerita Michael Schumaccer. HAHHAHA aku inda tau the spelling. hhahaha.

Aku ada dangar this one song, about global warming. The lyric macam ani, "The acid rain right through my veins" HHAHAHA cool ah. Tapi kan masih jua increasing global warming ani. Payah ihhh.

I think i need to head to bed now. Aku di katil pulang sudah ni. HAHAH. Tapinya ada laptop. Cana ku kan tidur mun ada laptop? I think my laptop needs to head to the table now. HAHHAHA APAKAN. Aku rasa this post is going nowhere. Tapi aku rasa si Merah senyum-senyum ni mmbaca pasal at least ia inda keboringan wah. Ia mau something to read. HAHHA so here you go. A useless post, tapi aku iski menaip lagi.

I dont know when i'll stop.

Should i stop now?

Or now?

HAHHAHA. Tapi aku mau taip lagi.

Qualifying inda lagi lama. Cemana tah tu? Aku takut. =.=" ADA COUNTDOWN LAGI TU ARAH SI GIUKBULU punya page. HAHAH. Annoying much. Inda mau beranti. Macam time bomb, yang mcm bom yang ada time ah.

HAHAH apakan.

Bah i better stop now.

It's late and kata si Farhan karang bejerawat muka. Walaupun mukaku bejerawat jua sudah. HAHHAA. Belilah produk ___________(fill in the blanks) untuk menghilangkan jerawat. HAHAHHAHA. Apakan. Macam soalan sivik dulu masa primary skool. Fill in the blanks. Cubatah Alevel mcm fill in the blanks and soalannya as easy as sivik?


We can dream right?

Nah teingat tah ku pulang dreamcones.

Kadai makanan kan tu? =o


HAHHAHAH bah bah. I think the proBABIlity (HAHHA HI ZATYYY) of me stopping now is 0.99.

Tapi i still have 0.1. HAHHAHA.

You think im stopping? HAHHAHA. Nothing can stop me. HAHHAHA.

Bah see, this post ani tidak akan ke mana2. I better stop now.

So long people. Till we meet again. Kan tidur ku. :)

Banyak-banyak cinta, =)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

my 15th medals

Ooyea~ today i gt my 15th medals in 4x100m relay for interskul competition.. My teamates are deborah, mas n ming rui.. Oh my~ unbelievable.. We've gt no3.. No1 - chung Hwa bandar n no2 - chung Hwa kb.. Man!!! They are FAST!! Damn FAST!!

Fyi, i dint noe dat 2day is my event.. I tot 2mrw.. So i jz went normally to skul, worrying bout NOTHING! but aku smpai early 2day b4 7am =) n yun2 d first person realised dat.. Hahah xDD

I had my chem claz den P.E.. Since our pe tcer nada, ce mizah told us to play anyting.. Den as usual, gurls play netball (ce mizah joined us) n d guys playd football.. Merah HANDAL shoot yoh! Hahah xDD c butylicious aah.. Her kraja msa pe tdi was ampas punggung org! So dat firm! Hahah xp.. Syok2 maen, ada col arh fone ce mizah! Jz by one call, evrythings change!! Cheewah~ sir izam was searching for me, den ce mizah told him dat im der.. Den tce told me sir izam wil pickd me up any min now c0z i hv to run d stadium! I was lyk 'whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?'

Then off i go to stadium, me alone wit sir izam.. Fuhh~ lagu yg sir pasang ane lgi ke jiwa.. ROMANTIIIS banget =) dsna sir azlan slap me wit soalan2 yg dirasakannya penting!
-mana ko?
-sir col nda angkat y?
-sir msg bla3..
-ur ic?

I changd my baju n den off we go.. For semis, we've got no1.. Den final wud be around 3pm.. n we got no3.. B4 final, we went back to skul, utk rehat jap! N btw sir izam lanja jolibee.. =) now we gt medal agen, sir azlan kan lanja.. N d rest of d pe tcer.. Im WAIIITIIING...

im signing off
XOXO fyqa

Friday, August 1, 2008

Bimbo baby!

Out of the blue, yesterday, nazihah, afifah and möi, dalilah turned into bimbo baby! Better yet, imitated all the bimbos that exist in this world.

We were so damn hyper.

Pipah: rainbow ada berapa warna?

Dal: ada 3.

Pipah: awesome. *hi-5*

Dal: Oh my god! Aku intelligent.

Naz: siapa tinggal dalam nanas bawah air?

Pipah, dal, jann, sam: SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!

Dal: Oh my god! Tani pandai.

So on and so forth. Alot to be mentioned here.

We managed to entertain everyone around us, right my blonde friends? So grand darling. However, naz was weird. She jumped before she did her bimbo thang.

Dalilah Nabilah