Tuesday, September 4, 2012

When life turns slightly sour.


So today, someone close to me shared her disappointment. The fact that she didnt get into any available uni to pursue the next step of her education broke her heart. It felt good to lift up her spirits through talking to her. And i was sad, she was one of the person I jam with, staying up all night, talking about useless hilarious stuff, bejalan, cakap pasal fesyen. I was soooo looking forward to inviting her to my housewarming, in fact, i have already invited her gazillion times, telling her my room is always open for her. Sedih eh. sigh.

Anyway, that's not the point i'm trying to make.

The point is, I was reading through tumblr and saw her post. How she was feeling. She didn't say what happened to her. But she explained what she was feeling, the frustration and discontentment that she was experiencing while all these happened.

Reading all that, it made me realise something, typing something that comes from your heart really makes a difference. I really do find typing all these acts like a healing potion. Like, whenever you're sad, typing all these away with mellow music as background helps a lot.

Both of us are different. But somehow we clicked. She filled in what I lack, and vice versa. Always giving a piece of advice (or pieces) that are really helpful. That we should pursue our ambition berabis rabis, she's one of the hardworking ones, yang never make excuses, always striving to be the best, and never giving up.

I need such will, strength. And determination. To carry on.

Please ya rabb, grant her happiness, blessing and success, and to everyone i love as well. Amin amin amin.
