Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
random post 1
Oh gawd, i feel like updating this blog coz i dont know.. i miss the existence... =D so i ended up posting some old pictures instead since this blog is nearly PICTURE LESS!!!! nda jaaaa? =D
sooo below are some pictures masa lawan Uni United d UBD... good games... =D i loved it!!
sooo below are some pictures masa lawan Uni United d UBD... good games... =D i loved it!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
''Everybody has got their own Everest. Each is of different height but it's yours and you have to reach it''
An inspiring quote from this guy who managed to run the whole of Great Wall of China (GWOC) in 98 days. And kamu tau, the bricks of wall of China were stuck together using glutinous rice. And that the greatest myth of the GWOC is that it consists of just the jalan with the bricks atu, tapinya banarnya inda. Ada trench lagi, ada like mud wall saja with no bricks, and these acts as protection against the enemies during war. Interested? google it up yourself. (:
I've been getting this high magnitude of headache (HAHA mcm earthquake saja ani wah) and it's bothering me quite a lot. I. NEED. TENNIS. Dagaym.
Someone said this, ''Eventually we just pack up our bags and leave, cause everybody's changing and I don't feel the same''
Pi to the ping.
An inspiring quote from this guy who managed to run the whole of Great Wall of China (GWOC) in 98 days. And kamu tau, the bricks of wall of China were stuck together using glutinous rice. And that the greatest myth of the GWOC is that it consists of just the jalan with the bricks atu, tapinya banarnya inda. Ada trench lagi, ada like mud wall saja with no bricks, and these acts as protection against the enemies during war. Interested? google it up yourself. (:
I've been getting this high magnitude of headache (HAHA mcm earthquake saja ani wah) and it's bothering me quite a lot. I. NEED. TENNIS. Dagaym.
Someone said this, ''Eventually we just pack up our bags and leave, cause everybody's changing and I don't feel the same''
Pi to the ping.
Another one to climb
Assalamualaikum everyone (:
Firstly, I would like to say HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to FAJRINA, semoga selera mu semakin berkembang kerana kau adalah partner in crime ku makan banyak-banyak and mengaut balik-balik time buffet HEHEHE. Semoga panjang umur murah rezeki and diberkati Allah sentiasaaaa.
Saw you guys punya raya pictures on facebook, seemed like kamu are really enjoying the celebration. GOOD (Y) :D
And FYI, tangan ku bebalut atu, well, it's not bebalut, it's wrist support pasal apparently i've got tendonitis, which basically means urat ku swollen, and ive stopped being on pills two days ago pasal the ubat can cause side effect and it's got no sign to go away, the pain i mean. And it's really annoying cause this is the time where stress is at the highest peak with all the UCAS and progress checks and i really really need to detox myself by doing tennis or netball. But oh noooo, poor wrist inda suruh.
And oh coach tennis ku cakap aku macam buku. Ia pandai baca aku. DANGGGIT. Not that i think it's ever hard, reading me. HMPH.
Aku rasa aku macam si Nobita tapinya lain jantina saja. SIGH. hahah inda, inda emo ni, just disappointed. Si yeefah suruh aku pakai black nail polish and be-emo sama ia, with blisters. I mean what's blisters got to do with being emo? HAHAH antah ask him. Lupa ku tanya.
They say, the older you get, the steeper the challenges you have to face.
I feel that now.
Goodnites <3
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