Tuesday, October 26, 2010

We were all once a kid.

Salam everyone. :)

October is gonna end soon.. And i haven't even fully explored Nottingham yet! D: But nda papa, focus on studying first, then cuti baru tah enjoy heheh. This is one of the less intense week, but next week & next next week intense.. and one day ada lecture for seven hours. ARGH. die die die. But nevertheless, mesti stay strong, i guess.

This weekend, we have BMT (Bruleeds Mini Tournament) and im involved in the netball game. Wish me luck! Semoga kami manang. AMIN! Tho payah plggg. But i guess just play for fun? HEHE. And the next day will be Robin Hood Castle paegant thingyyy, yang Brunotts organised for all Bruneians. YAY! I kennot waitttttt. I need to unwind.

I know pulang i went to Leicester sudah masa last week. HAHA but i mean, come on, people need to unwind... AGAIN! :p

here are some pics.. not much, cos too lazy Courtesy of Farhan Murni :)

One of the pic, Erwan Izzah & I di arah this beautiful pathway in Leicester :) And the other one,masa kami hogging singstar di rumah si Sabri. HEHHE tengkiu Sabri & ze housematessss! :D

None of you guys blog anymore. Should i stop then? Hm....

<3 all the way from Notts,

Monday, October 18, 2010

For a moment like this, some ppl wait a lifetime.

Just feel like typing things out before going to bed. :p I should be sleeping, six hours lecture tmrw! O.O

Anyway this weekend... a lot of ups and downs. Which somehow perked me up. HAHA weird me. Free WHOLE day friday, WHOOP WHOPPPPP! but then macam-macam berlaku. And malam, I locked myself outta my room. Pasal somehow bilikku terkunci magically cos ada this weirdo guy yang knocked too loudly on the door and kami takut and panic cos kami pikir ia org jahat! and turned out he was... the delivery man.

and pasal ia.. pintu ku tekunci. D:

and all i had with me was a dying phone. and my liquid eyeliner. GREAT kan :)

and i havent even changed from my pjs since pagi cos since it's free whole day! and my glasses inside the room. so practically BUTA. and texted the landlady but ia reply smtng psl JEWS and "we need to speaks" antah bida inglish nya! mabuk kali D:

Slept in Dilah's room. YAY! and the next day ada netball session. and YES, buta nda nampak, plus silau-silau, makin nda nampak. and baju and seluar and stukin and tudung minta simpati housemates ku! and yes, moisturizer too! HOW KASIAN! HAHHAHAH!

and then ptg ada freshers' gathering.. banyak drama! but malas taip cos it's just not good.

Sunday, my housemates and I decided to stay in. Diam brabis rumah HAHAHAH. weird lah. No normal spongebob punya suara (cos my housemate is in love with that cartoon!) and malam went cali~ food delivery. and nyanyi2 sambil main piano.

I'm just great i'm so blessed.

Thank you Ya Allah.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Saturday, October 9, 2010

We all are dynamite ;)

She can deal with stress and carry heavy burdens.
She smiles when she feels like screaming and she sings when she feels like crying.
She cries when she's happy & laughs when she's afraid.
Her love is unconditional.
There's only one thing wrong with her, she forgets what...she's worth!
I...love you girl...pass this to e......very... woman you know, remind her she's unique.

hope this cheers u all up! :)
