She: I knew it..!!! hahaha
Us: Apakann~~~
And there it was a cake with lilin yg parai waiting for her, our one and only ''babi'' yg halal yg bernama Nur Nazihah Haji Nordin aka Pong Aka nuna - our mangga of FnV (i think). and here i am..., yg cantik menarik tertarik lagi ngetop najihah kamilah (remember the name) trying to save this blog from dying.. hohohohoho..
awuu bah aku banarnya jobless bah nie msane. it took forever to upload the pictures arh facebook so might as well just do something arh this blog.. It seems that the world of blogging has been neglected by us all..
Its the middle of August now (almost) and august is the best month but the kapeh month too.. why..? sebab banyak august babies.. its best cause they might treat you to dining out or even chocolate at the vey least but kapeh cos we have to buy presents or cakes for them.. hehehe.. :P
And today, 12 aug 09 marks the day where Nazihah aka pong is one year older and one year crazier.. bukannya kan wiser tpi mkin gila.. hahaha.. jgn marah naz ah.. hehe.. at least this post is dedicated to you. 0:)
and so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU NAZES..!! (banyak jua nickname mu ani eh)
may you happy always and hope you like and enjoyed your day. esp the surprise that we did. Big thanks to Sad and Fifah for making it a success and big thanks to Amoy for being the driver. and a big round of applause for all fnvs for uniting for this surprise. too bad zaty and fajin arnt there to with us.
ok im lost of words now.. here's some pictures from the day.. just to reactivekan this blog - for a moment plg sja tuu.. haha..

for more pictures of the day, click here. esp for those yg nada FB..
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