So far nothing much happened here in Brunei.. im pretty much sure kamu yg di UK tau since kamu chatting with the others.. while im not online-ing.. we all here are 'busy' with preparations for AS level exams which is less than a month.. sigh.. remembering exams buat aku kan nangis sebab aku blum start belajar.. Waaaa.... *meraung* hahahaha.. and im sure kamu pun ada exam right.. same with us is it..? ooh btw.., this question goes to c sad and pipah yg di UK.. krg urg lain th plg asi2 menjawab.. hahaha..
Anyways.., the reason why im here.., after a looonngg time is to wish our very eldest sister who is 19 years old now. she is the oldest in Fnvs.. dan siapakah dia..?? jeng jeng jeng jeng jeng. beliau adalah NUR AFIQAH BTE ROSLAN... *clapclapclap*
okk.. so aku lambat post about it since her birthday falls on the 7th which was weeks ago.. hahaha.. bruth ku ada that aura of rajin-ness sikit wah.. yth ku ambil peluang ani..
and soo.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU GIRL...!!!! may Allah bless you and semoga pnjg umur and dimurahkan rezeki supaya kau bleh belanja aku.. mwahahahaha... and also to Azman whose bday falls on the smae date as pikah.. and to the rest of April babies.. :)
i think fifah know about the story pasal the surprise for fiqah.. im not sure if sad tau or not.. but whatever.., heres the summary.., kami FnVs surprisekan fiqah during her birthday with two cakes.., one i made myslef and one from her beloved boy.. :) and im very glad that she loved it..
also thanks to all FnVs, and some extra people (u know who u are) for co-operating in this surprise plans.. :DD
sesungguhnya aku nda tau apa lagi yg kan di type.. even the one above is all craps.. heehh.. yth kejadiannya mun menaip separuh tidur ani.. haha.. awuu aku ngantuk bahh.. mata ani lagi padih ntah napa kah ya.. haha.. so below are some pictures during the surprise..
While waiting for pikah to abis class.., as usual kami vaining.. hehehe.. :PP
den the bday girl enter the room..

dan dengan ini saya mengundurkan diri... btw kamuu english ku makin truk laahh... hahaha..
sorry for the not so organise 'essay' hahahaha...
Pipah and Sad.. cant wait till kamu blik kmari...!!! dpt tni jln.. seriously aku mau jln sama kamu.. begila-ing d excapade smpai sasak smua pengunjung resturant atuu.. hahaha..
Alrite... super duber sugweet honehduh is outzzaaa...
sorry for the not so organise 'essay' hahahaha...
Pipah and Sad.. cant wait till kamu blik kmari...!!! dpt tni jln.. seriously aku mau jln sama kamu.. begila-ing d excapade smpai sasak smua pengunjung resturant atuu.. hahaha..
Alrite... super duber sugweet honehduh is outzzaaa...
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