BIG BIG thank you to Hajah Amalina Haji Yahya and Nuraimi Mahirah Ismail for organising a birthday suprise for me.. Inda disangka2.. I was in the room becerita2 with sadrina, and then hajah suruh turun ke bawah cos katanya sabri minta highlighters.. i was reluctant at first, but i did go in the end and i was bringing three different coloured higlighters for God's sake! HAHAH bimbo wah drg atu.. masa kana suprise, myhands (together with the three highlighters) were shaking! HAHA! but it was a fun day! :)

Durang inda tau what i want for my birthday, so they thought of something as my hadiah, that is put ribbons on all the guys' head! HAHA can you guys spot the ribbons? Manis ahhh. and i was holding the cawan yang berlabel "AMAH" given by Sabri and Farid.. and the hoodie and the seluar, given by both of them jua plus si Hajah. The seluar ha "DRAMA QUEEN" all over it. HAHAHHA! i wonder whyyyy :p

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