Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Whining about daging

Salam everyone. :)

Banarnya post ani useless pulang ni KEKEKKE. Aku masak daging kari tonight YAY! :D pasal kami smua sick of eating chicken wah sudah... -ish and lama sudah nda makan daging psl daging here is really mahal.

Skali kan batah wah tunggu daging ani masak. Iatah ku malas tu nah...

Tapi it was a success! Happy I.

Harap-harap org nda sakit parut! HAHAHHAHAHHAHAH!

eh nyaman wah banar.

bah aku kan panjangkan post ani supaya nda THATTT empty.

Bah bai :P


Saturday, January 15, 2011

If you have no intention of staying........

Salam everyone. :)

I know I should really be studying right now. It's uni exam season and honestly, ngalih ku sudah belajar HAHAHHA right now lah. So tired. I just wanna sleep, or youtube stuff or watch Spongebob. BANAR. But masani menunggu masak nasi HAHAH so yeah i might as well type something here! (irrelevant banar paragraph ani HAHAHAHHA!)

You know that feeling when you go to sleep crying and the next day you wake up with puffy face? Yeah let's hope that's not gonna happen to us anytime sooner. LOL. Aku wondering saja... bakas liat chick flicks KEKE.

And sekali.... there are some things yang you regret doing lately. Skali this peribahasa came up to my mind "Terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata buruk padahnya." Iatah baik-baik. I guess cakap siang pandang-pandang, cakap malam dengar-dengar (or so i think it goes like that)

And like.... if you don't intend to stay, mcm jgntah start. AT ALL. Just sayinnnnnnnn. If TER-start sudah, at least say proper goodbye. Courtesy bah!

I'm hungry. Hope nasi ku masak sudah! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA

Piping :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Obligatory last day 2010 post :)


Anyway. I just thought that a post on the last day of 2010 is a must. I don't think i've ever done an obligatory post but someone in twitter said she wanted to do one, and then i got me into doing it jua KEKEK. LOL. It's funny how we all conform to the same ideas. despite it being a ridiculous one. :P HEWHEWHEW (cos everyone laughs like this lately. see? conforming again hahah!)

So.. what happened in 2010?

Stupid UCAS moments. The best birthday ever, being 19th and such birthday ideas are irreplaceable. Italy trip. Barcelona trip. Left Queenswood for good. The most amazing summer, EVER. Got into Notts uni doing the course that I want. Amazing housemates in Nottingham.

To be honest, i can't remember much. Oh why whyyyy? when i agree to make an epic post. selalu ni. annoying tia. Well. Ingat pulang sebenarnya but then i wouldnt write down my 2010 life chronology, okay, cause that's just... wrong. HAHAHHAHHA. Obviously there are some shit things I wouldn't fancy much but i guess they make me stronger? And of course, some bits yang buat aku happy. mcm happy yang buat aku jump in joy.

Nevertheless, here's to an amazing 2010. CHEERS! Semoga 2011 memberi lebih makna to us! WIth keberkatan dari Allah and kegembiraan. Amin.
