We Bruneians decided to play Secret Santa, just for fun since Christmas is nearing...
Playing Secret Santa kicked off in November, giving each of us plenty of time (a month to be precise) to find the perfect gift for the 'receivers' til December..
in November, each of us drew out a tiny piece of crumpled paper from a container and written on each of those papers is the name of the 'receiver'. We cant say the names out loud. since we were playing SECRET santa. haha. till December, we cant tell who's the secret santa to whom. till then, we just had to make futile guesses (sp?) haha.
the long awaited December came and on the last week of school before xmas holidays, all of us gathered in my room. usually, the Secret Santa is suppose to hand the gift face to face to the 'receiver' but we made our version of secret santas a wee bit interesting.. We spiced up the mystery; before the day of the gathering, each Secret Santas had to find the time to sneak into the 'receiver's' room and place the gift on her bed. and each of us also had to make a riddle, iatah riddle atu tah gonna help us guess sapa secret santa tani. Twas quite fun!
Ani just a couple of pics from that night:
after habis dah semua, kami reveal cemana kami dapat find the time to put the gifts on the beds wah since kami most of the time together. How sneaky some people could get! hahahaa. some got help from others; my santa just needed 30seconds for me to get out of the room! hahaha. siuk lah that night.
Vivien said we should make this a Bruneian tradition. next year kalau aku ada juniors, we're gonna play this game with them.. and next generation lagi and the next. haha.
love, Sadrina
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