It's Novembre the 3rd now. Everything is going so fast and it feels like we're racing against time. Most of the trees have changed colours now, some are already bald, if you know what i mean. I guess everything changes without you wanting them too. I guess that's just crucial, in life.
henyyywayyyy last weekend I went to Leeds for BMT tournament and played netball, and teruk lah kami kana belasah. Tapinya to be honest, dont really care, and so did the rest of the team mates. Mcm.. all we want to do is just try and win it at the same time try to have fun. Most of us were first years so mcm less chemistry compared to other groups who have been playign for three or four years together! But yang calinya kami begambar mcm org manang.. HAHAHAHA <3 i love them!
And the day after that we went to visit Robin Hood Castle. Siuk ber-vaining HEHEHHE. Pics up on facebook so just browse thru them, oteyyy? :P
Today GP practice & im enjoying it berry berry muchoooo :D and and.. I had my first interview with real patient today. It didnt go too good, but all I can say is there's always hope.

Source: leilockheart
Never give up!
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