Just some pictures really when we visited the Nottingham Castle, taken from Chia Yi's, so thank you photographer! HEHEHHE.

My picture with my housemates.. GO US! HEHE yes kami suka begambar wah, so, you've got a problem with that? :P

Basically ada music yang mcm legend berabis lah.. & im sure u guys tau jua! and then kami menari tarian tradisional brunei, in front of those gazillion people. Membagi malu pulang banarnya HAHAH but it was FUN! (Left to right: Me, Raihan, Farah)

Trying to climb the castle's wall.. but obviously fail. HAHAHHA

Raihan and I kan menyubuk apa statue atu baca... HAHAHHAHAH :p

The Robin Hood statue! :D
I'll post some other pictures if anything happens.. Okay? I know this is like a one sided thing as i'm the only one who's active. But I quite enjoy doing this jua.. so yeah. Cant wait to see you guys (di UK) soon! :)
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