Im being sooo nice. Kamu sebenarnya mesti post jua bah. SIGH SIGH SIGH. :P
Skyped with the girls tadi masa durang celebrated Fiqah's birthday. (HAPPY BIRTDHAY AGAIN BABE! :p) And OMG cali berabis with them.... i miss you guys so much :') And since k-box Brunei makin lawa, lets kbox okaieeee when I come back? And to Dal and Qayah, yes i will hapalkan that "I STALK YOUR PROFILE" song.... KAMU PUN MESTI HAPALKAN!!! Jgn indaaa!! :P walaupun that song mcm music "jgn ya laila, jgn terpedaya" by Yasin... Hmmmm...
And sorry mcm lag berabis tadi atu. I will aga the owner of the wireless company and complain. EYAH cam si banar tehehhe. entah maybe connection Brunei kali jua. Inda ku tau. Padahal awal-awal atu okay ajeer. Weird much! :( But it's okey, i get to see your faces. :)
And HAHAHAH i am not in love, okayyy?????? LOL. cali kamu anieh!
And and.... time bagmbr, HAHAHHA hancur! Si dal yang langsung inda begarak and muanya terpampang saja HAHAHAH di dapan no worries slightly kabur, inda nampak ur jeragats yang awak suruh fotoshop tehehe. and... Mcm mua kamu terstuck2. Sudah okay, skali then mcm one of you will garak. esp si Fajin, Qayah and Naj. Mcm begarak sajaaaa! Camm whatt CMANA KAN BEGAMBAR NI HAHAHHA but i chose one picture yang the best. Teheee.
Cannot wait for summer. Miss you babes! :D

Piping, always and foreverrr~
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