Saturday, July 2, 2011

Angst driven.

In times of need, always, without fail, your phone decides to die, or habis credit, or expired tia. Sekali annoyingly, DST started texting you saying"Top up today to get 45days till your next expiry date" or something along those lines. Sekali I went "jkhfbfnejvj" How appropriate timing. Berabis. Inda tia dpt ke kadai pasal nada kerita. Kasian jua lah sedikit. Membari kan jalan kaki tapi hujan skali weather nyaman skali tetidur.... zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

I don't usually do this ramblings, about things that don't go my way. Pasal it shows it's quite freaky. Skali people judge lagi, always. But this time, I don't mind. I really don't.

I know ani stupid berabis. I am bloody exhausted. Tapi pasal I am waiting for something yang Im not even sure will pop up. Sort of stupid, I KNOW. Well people deserve to feel stupid sometimes. It's natural. IT'S NATURAL BAH. Sekali I hate when a promise atu inda ditepati. Kalau sekiranya inda tebuat, jgntah bejanji. Cam apa saja.

Sekali it's annoying how time cemani jua, it's starting to hurt. I thought I'm over it. Bukan love ni eh. Shallow banar jua wei. Well.. sebenarnya I know i was never over it. Before I sleep, or when I wake up, I keep thinking, thinking and thinking. Sekali to add salt (with pepper and chilli) into the wound yang sepatutnya bangas tapi balum pasal I'm not over it, sekali jadi makin padih by listening to emo songs. So people, what songs do you recommend me today? Add a little something something to my itunes lah.

This post macam full of angst. Sorry. Kalau sangal, beranti baca.

I know in life, things don't always go our way. I know.. Issokay. Cause it always turns for the better. But for now biar tia bitter sedikit. There will be sunshine, with rainbows after today.

x (pasal aku karit this time. Satu saja)

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