this morning was great:) we had a race called "explore venture".. we had fun:) im really proud of my team:) THE GREENLIGHT!!! ehsan, ekin, adlan!!! thanks y'all for the teamwork.!!! we got no.1 for green group, and as overall got no.2.
i also would like to thanks the purple nurple for getting no.1 amongst the pinkssss:) heheh
and too the NOOBS, no worries:) you're still on the race! who knows maybe your luck is tomorrow!! but overall good team y'aall!!!!!!!
p.s--> zatul, jgn pakai selipar! pakai kasut!!-.-''
the Purple nurple with their poses!!


I wish you all the best!! no stress, just have fun! ni pain,no gain!!!
i also would like to thanks the purple nurple for getting no.1 amongst the pinkssss:) heheh
and too the NOOBS, no worries:) you're still on the race! who knows maybe your luck is tomorrow!! but overall good team y'aall!!!!!!!
p.s--> zatul, jgn pakai selipar! pakai kasut!!-.-''
the Purple nurple with their poses!!


I wish you all the best!! no stress, just have fun! ni pain,no gain!!!