Saturday, February 28, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Just updating =)
Im supposed to post about this last week but being a lazy person seriously dosent help. hehe :P
This post is specially dedicated to our feb baby namely Ifah. Pah remember when i said that i wanted to fill ur stomach with food..? well.., i made cupcakes specially for you. but too bad u and Sad were not here with us to enjoy it.. sigh.. but there is always next time. :) so kamu dua yg di UK atu jgn ambung ah after kamu blik k Brunei. tempiling kaangg.. haha.. nadawahh.. =)
And back to the cupcakes.., unfortunately for me, i have an artistic mind but my two hands are not as artistic as my mind is. so the cupcakes turned out 'badly' hahaha.. but sejak bila jua aku ani pandai dlm kes design mendesign.. haha..
I know i texted and wish you.., but once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, c labu yg manis. since kau cukup umur sudah so kau manis.. hahah.. *lame* im glad that u had a blast on ur bday. And do you realise that the msg that i texted u is the msg that u sent me for my bday last year..? aku tokok tmbah ja tuu.. hehe..

This post is specially dedicated to our feb baby namely Ifah. Pah remember when i said that i wanted to fill ur stomach with food..? well.., i made cupcakes specially for you. but too bad u and Sad were not here with us to enjoy it.. sigh.. but there is always next time. :) so kamu dua yg di UK atu jgn ambung ah after kamu blik k Brunei. tempiling kaangg.. haha.. nadawahh.. =)
And back to the cupcakes.., unfortunately for me, i have an artistic mind but my two hands are not as artistic as my mind is. so the cupcakes turned out 'badly' hahaha.. but sejak bila jua aku ani pandai dlm kes design mendesign.. haha..
I know i texted and wish you.., but once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, c labu yg manis. since kau cukup umur sudah so kau manis.. hahah.. *lame* im glad that u had a blast on ur bday. And do you realise that the msg that i texted u is the msg that u sent me for my bday last year..? aku tokok tmbah ja tuu.. hehe..

Thursday, February 12, 2009
Ke-hyper-an. Or not. Hahaa.
Gila atu panjang post ku.. Hahaha berputar-putar kali eyeballs kamu membaca. But yeah, made that especially for kamu semua. So there you go. It's a feast for kamu =DD
I really should be doing my work now. But nooooo.. Instead, im here, typing whatever is coming into my head.
OH OH! Aku balum ceritakan kamu pasal town ku!!
Conclusion of what my town has:
1. Kadai jewelleries
2. Kadai bunga, lawa-lawa pulang bunga nya tapi kan siapa jua ku balikan!
3. Kadai gunting rambut
4. Kadai baju second hand! Yang bakas urang memakai and semua baju setail urang tua!! O_O Ada one saja proper kadai baju, atu pun mahal membagi marah GRRRR
5. Cafes, yang one of them, Maryam and I spent setaie-ing posh. HAHAHA.
6: Restoran, yang konpom inda halal.
7: Kadai laundry!!! BAHAPA JUA!!
8. KADAI FUNERAL! Aku tau lah town ku ani banyak urang tua. But you dont have to make it obvious! =___=
9. Kadai kasut, tapinya KANAK-KANAK PUNYAA!!! (Aku and si Maryam happy wah yang dari jauh kami nampak kadai kasut, sekalinya semua saiz kanak2 tiga tahun and below! BAHAPA TAH KAMI MEMBALI? GRRR)
10. Kadai barang rumah - segala jenis katil, gayung baldi. You name, they've got it.
Basically the only decent place yang kamu will find solace is Tesco, which is equivalent to Hua ho. Yes, it's kadai supermaerket.
So you kinda get how sad it is. And ke town memakai teksi, membayar 10 pounds, to and from town. AIYOOOO. Jimat budget. Mesti jadi mcm Bokh. Hahah.
HAHA Byeeee =DDD
I really should be doing my work now. But nooooo.. Instead, im here, typing whatever is coming into my head.
OH OH! Aku balum ceritakan kamu pasal town ku!!
Conclusion of what my town has:
1. Kadai jewelleries
2. Kadai bunga, lawa-lawa pulang bunga nya tapi kan siapa jua ku balikan!
3. Kadai gunting rambut
4. Kadai baju second hand! Yang bakas urang memakai and semua baju setail urang tua!! O_O Ada one saja proper kadai baju, atu pun mahal membagi marah GRRRR
5. Cafes, yang one of them, Maryam and I spent setaie-ing posh. HAHAHA.
6: Restoran, yang konpom inda halal.
7: Kadai laundry!!! BAHAPA JUA!!
8. KADAI FUNERAL! Aku tau lah town ku ani banyak urang tua. But you dont have to make it obvious! =___=
9. Kadai kasut, tapinya KANAK-KANAK PUNYAA!!! (Aku and si Maryam happy wah yang dari jauh kami nampak kadai kasut, sekalinya semua saiz kanak2 tiga tahun and below! BAHAPA TAH KAMI MEMBALI? GRRR)
10. Kadai barang rumah - segala jenis katil, gayung baldi. You name, they've got it.
Basically the only decent place yang kamu will find solace is Tesco, which is equivalent to Hua ho. Yes, it's kadai supermaerket.
So you kinda get how sad it is. And ke town memakai teksi, membayar 10 pounds, to and from town. AIYOOOO. Jimat budget. Mesti jadi mcm Bokh. Hahah.
HAHA Byeeee =DDD
Oh, they say it's legal =D
The 18 year old girl is here! :DD
Hello eberioneee. Sorrie yaa gue inggak reply kamu punya sms. Yaaaa.. ngakk bisa deh, inggak punyak kredet. Gimana juga. Pusing kepala gue mikirin, mau nya pegi ke town, ganya, (HAHA knpa ada gnya ani? xD i meannn..) maksud gue, town nya inggak punya bali keredet sihhh. Susah dehh.
HAHA BOWHHH. Inda lagi baik eh si fifah ani. I guess turning 18 make you weird. Or have i always been like this? Maybe. HAHA.
Anyway, turning 18 does not feel any different. Same as when i turned 17. When i turned 16. Maybe slighty wrinkly now. Or slightly bular mata. or semakin mudah sakit badan, pasal apparently aku ani tua. (people say sooo hahah) Pokoknya sama lah. It's just im at different location. Kinda feel far away. Well, andangnya jua bah far away, bkn lagi kinda, it's 17 hours away for God's sake!
I started the day of 10th Feb, dreading to go out of bed. I predicted it was gonna suck. I really did. But it wasn't. Pasal all of those special people. I love kamu semuaa <3>
After breakfast, my friends suprised me. Durang betapuk di bilik ku, and aku masa masuk bilik menyanyi lagu pictures of you yada yada. and then SUPRISEEEE. HAHA heart attack ganya lagi inda!! Betapuk di almari ku! Kapisan, apakah yang ada di almari atu. Macam-macam barang kriminal. HAHAHA. No cake plggg, cos skulah ku ani isolated and inda dpt bali cake pasal karang expired saja inda pedah-pedah. Abis usin. And they said durang batah menunguu wah. Drg nampak aku naik tangga, and laju drg ke bilik. And it took me and Maryam 5 minutes to go up! MEMANG JALAN BRUNEI TU YOOO!! xDD
During break time, nearly the whole batch sang me a birthday song, walaupun ada yang urang putihnya inda ku pernah becakap seumur hidup ku, but yet, they sang. Masa ku makan rutipaun berflora lagi tu. Atu kan bida mua ku blushing! HAHHA. Or inda kali nampak aku blushing, pasal mua ku ani luan hitam bahh. LOL.
People posted up birthday notes on my door. Balik-balik drg jumpa aku they kept on greeting me sampai aku cakap ''eehhh malar jua'' tapi in inglish plg. HAHA. Mun melayu mana drg merati. Karang drg ucap aku ucap drg saja. Presents etc. So yeah it was alll gooood <3>
Si Cathy bagi aku pengurut badan! DASAR. HAHAHAH!. Katanya aku banar macam urg tua and ia ckp urang tua msti urut badan. IATAH KAN. TSK TSK. And Yvonne, she had a play on my birthday, and she performed it for me. It was superbbb. Ada two plays on that night, one was really really cali, and the other one was sedih berabis and aku menangis sampai siruk-siruk. Aku gerenti kalau si Pikah ada, ia pun nangis di siring ku tu. Gerenti tisu abis satu kutak!
And my birthday eve, haha, it was cali lah. Like few hours before it hit 12am di Brunei, aku kana marahi ulih cigu di bawah! Biar betul cigu atu! AISHHHH. haha tapi cali pulang. Aku sama si Maryam wah, kami search lagu on Youtube, yang ada lyrics jua. Iatah kami sing along and danced! Iatah antak-antak kali kedengaran sampai ke bawah. Dasar punya kanak-kanak, drg bising inda jua kami komplen2! =___='' and then haha tau nah lagu apa kami nyanyi? LAGU HILLARY DUFFF!!! BUKAN INDA JOBLESS KE MANA! HAHAH!! xDD
Anyway, replies to the birthday greetings from fnvs, not according to order pasal ada yg msg arah UK line, and ada yang arah DST line =) :
Received di UK line chronologically, thanksss, it must be expensive for you guys to text me arah that line =):
IMINING!! =DD Kau the first one of all people, yang message aku according to Brunei time. Exact time lagi tu! For that i thank you. And you have the bragging rights according to Brunei time. Aku tau kau miss my EGEUGUW. Yes, it's spelt that way, not your way which is EGEYUGEW. HAHA okay? ;PP And yes, teramat mushy your greeting, but i love it. Aku rethink of what you said in that message and you are right. It hit me on the spot and made me realize that yeahhh. It's just between me and you!
Bukan inda panjang kupipiping mu atu. Aku macam mesti baca ikut suku kata lagi!! HAHAH!! Tapi aku ketawa membaca pasal aku cali baca ikut suku kata ah. Actually when i received this message, aku tidur sudah and aku tebangun and then senyum-senyum macam urang gila. Anyway, errr lanja? Kau ani kan makan ikan saja ni si excapde. Baik tah belajar memancing! Lagi murah, save budget. HAHA!! Btw. You gave me two, and i give you three! <3>
Haha kenapa namaku pipih? MARAK MATAKU MEMBACA LAIII!! XDDD And awu.. thank. Aku happy born day. HAA! Expressi apakan kau pakai atu :p And awu, i hope doa-doamu atu makbul. Amin! Especially yang the part mudah-mudahan aku get slimmer. AMINNN. MESTI SEMUA URANG AMINKAN. HAHA. Pasal perasan ku lah, aku maintain ah di sni ani. Apa niii. UK ani tah harapan ku kan kurus, inda jua ada. HAHA BAH AMINKAN! xD
HAHAH ummm, kau mau jua kah? Tapi aku sudah jua reply msg muuu =PP Awu bah sadin, thank you lai. Sampat lagi kau include legal kan clubbing. BAD SADIN. Bad bad. HAHA. Awu opah macam oprah. HAHA. Tapi kulit ku slightly putih er saja. And the fact that i dont have any talk show. HAHA. A year older a year wiser you say? Entah ahhh. Tadi somehow ada this simple maths question pun aku inda tejawap. Wiser kah tu namanya? HAHAHA. Entah. And inda papa clicheee =PPP
And received di BRUNEI line chronologically:
Bukan inda banyak ciuman and air liur basi mu atu. HAHAHA. And awu, haha aku balik brunei aku ambil lesen bas papal ni. Gerenti. Kalau konvoi raya pree, inda payah bayar bas! HAHA!! And Naj, hahahh, i know kau akan isi perutku kalau ku birthday. I just have the feeling ^^,VV i know you will. Kau andngnya nya. Kau macam the witch yang bagi makan arah Hansel and Gretel supaya durang lampuh. It's just that in this case you're not a witch and kau bagi mkn arah ku bkn supaya aku lampuh. Or OMG! Supaya aku lampuh kah? OMG! HAHHA nada waaa~ :p
Naz Pongie:
HAHAH katamu aku legal! apatah ertinya tu? Legal naik merry go round? HAHA! Nada wahh lai. Btw di sni merry go roundnya gila laju! INDA CALI YOOO. Awu aku tau aku opah, aku tau aku tua, and aku tau u miss me too much it's suffocating me. HAHA nada wah naz. Awu aku rindu kau jua, and kau bimbo in FnV jua. How awesome. Aku opah yang wise will guide the bimbo of Fnvs to the right path. HAHA tunggu aku balajar map reading dulu dari Ms May C**! Karang sasat saja kau! HAHAH!! xDD and i was happy on the day. thank you! <333
HAHA! Atu full name kau membuat namaku atu, inda plg panjang. Ganya AFIFAH. HAHAH!! =P HAHA awu no worriessss. Aku rindu kamu selalu jua. You dont know how much, that sometimes it hurts when you miss people back home. Banar. Your heart starts to aches oh so suddenly, and the moment you realized it, it's when the tears have fallen down on your cheeks for some time. Yeah.. I miss kamu semua! ='))
HAHAA!! LAGU BIRTHDAY MU OUT OF TIUN! (tune) banar! HAHA! Aku macam eh si pikah ani, lain jua lagunya! HAH!! Anyway, thank you, kau tau, walaupun kau rasa msg mu inda sampai, tapi actually, i think i received banyak, dalam 6 or was it 5? i can't remember. But pokoknya banyak lah. Baik inda abis ceredet mu? Kasiannn.. :) And awu, lame. HAHA! HIGH %! I mean high 5! HAHA tetakan shift iatah jadinya % atu. haha awu random. And thank you kerana memsg lagi pakai line bapamu.. yes, aku ada blast off. HAHA macam bunyi roket saja. i mean i had a blast. Inda plg blast banar, but yeahh. it was good! =D
HAHAHA!! QAYAH QAYAH! Ketawa ku membaca msg mu atu! Sudah tah jam mu ding a dong. Salah jua tu. Bknnya jam ani kalau bebunyi ding dong ding dong, ding dong ding dong kan? Yeah. HAHA Banyak ku type ding dong atu! xDD And dont get hogornigiy? Tks tsk haha i wont qayah! Labang ketawa kuuu membaca. I'll be waiting for you to drive me around. You promised me! HAHA skali ku dtg, kau drive aku pakai wheelbarrow, sadih ku tu! jgn hampakan aku! :P Thank u for segala puji2an mu. Kambang ku membaca.. Kan trabang ganya inda membaca. HAHA! Anyway thanx lav!
Dalibur ku:
I wish i could celebrate with you too. But i guess distance kept us apart. =') Nevertherless kamu semua still in my heart! Jgn khuatir! Heheh. And yes, aku happy happy happy in the day! Trimas dong! And lai, it's been a long time since i last chat with you. The last time, you were doing your history essay di hospital. Make sure next time i catch you, you wont! =D And pepsi is better that coke! (HAHA kes cari kelaie! xDDD) Kalau lah kau ada di sni, dapat jua ku menynyi and menari2 sama kau, apa saja jenis lagi. Hollywood, bollywood. you pick! =DD Pasal kitani awesome in that way! <3
HAHAHAH aku senyum senyum baca msg mu ah. Nyangku, ''ya rabbiii si ekin ani. She could read my mind! xDD The stuff that im longing to do- liat love movie. HAHA!! Lain sudah di pikiran ku! And yes, at times it's kinda hard without you since aku ani kadang kala, well not kdg kala, but all the time, dependant on kau =P And yes, you're a shining star yang i can rely on, even if the other stars no longer appear. <3>
Lastly to Sam:
HAHA!! DASAR! Aku diucapnya opahhhh. And adang tah buli aku! Kau jahat! And ohhh, i heard kau banyak fans! ^^,V WHEEEEE. Now i can bully you back! HAHA!!! And aku will make sure i'm up to date with cerita kamu.. Supaya aku dpt buli. And btw, Suweeet sih! xDDD
And to other people yang message aku and greet aku, sorrie i didnt reply pasal yes, as i stated above, aku nada ceredet. Kederet inda side with aku, sadly. So yeah, banyak-banyak terima kasih, kerana diriku and diri kamu begitu berharga. =D
Bah i think it's very very long. And ngalih kamu membaca. That's if kamu even bother to read. HAHA. Bah goodnite. I have prep to do. Betimbunnnn sampai utak kamu ngalih memikirkan, alum lagi membuat! Pingsan saja! Inda betidur ni. Mesti minum smtng yang ada caffeine. Too bad skulah ku punya coffee smua decaf. And aku inda tahan minum Redbull, apatah lagi Relentless yang higher level of caffeine kalahkan Redbull. Gila saja krg ulihnya. HAHAH. Bah bnyk cakapku. Well, macam tah kamu inda tau kan, kan bekunyanyang tah ganya aku ani haha.
Goodnite. And thank you all. <333>
Hello eberioneee. Sorrie yaa gue inggak reply kamu punya sms. Yaaaa.. ngakk bisa deh, inggak punyak kredet. Gimana juga. Pusing kepala gue mikirin, mau nya pegi ke town, ganya, (HAHA knpa ada gnya ani? xD i meannn..) maksud gue, town nya inggak punya bali keredet sihhh. Susah dehh.
HAHA BOWHHH. Inda lagi baik eh si fifah ani. I guess turning 18 make you weird. Or have i always been like this? Maybe. HAHA.
Anyway, turning 18 does not feel any different. Same as when i turned 17. When i turned 16. Maybe slighty wrinkly now. Or slightly bular mata. or semakin mudah sakit badan, pasal apparently aku ani tua. (people say sooo hahah) Pokoknya sama lah. It's just im at different location. Kinda feel far away. Well, andangnya jua bah far away, bkn lagi kinda, it's 17 hours away for God's sake!
I started the day of 10th Feb, dreading to go out of bed. I predicted it was gonna suck. I really did. But it wasn't. Pasal all of those special people. I love kamu semuaa <3>
After breakfast, my friends suprised me. Durang betapuk di bilik ku, and aku masa masuk bilik menyanyi lagu pictures of you yada yada. and then SUPRISEEEE. HAHA heart attack ganya lagi inda!! Betapuk di almari ku! Kapisan, apakah yang ada di almari atu. Macam-macam barang kriminal. HAHAHA. No cake plggg, cos skulah ku ani isolated and inda dpt bali cake pasal karang expired saja inda pedah-pedah. Abis usin. And they said durang batah menunguu wah. Drg nampak aku naik tangga, and laju drg ke bilik. And it took me and Maryam 5 minutes to go up! MEMANG JALAN BRUNEI TU YOOO!! xDD
During break time, nearly the whole batch sang me a birthday song, walaupun ada yang urang putihnya inda ku pernah becakap seumur hidup ku, but yet, they sang. Masa ku makan rutipaun berflora lagi tu. Atu kan bida mua ku blushing! HAHHA. Or inda kali nampak aku blushing, pasal mua ku ani luan hitam bahh. LOL.
People posted up birthday notes on my door. Balik-balik drg jumpa aku they kept on greeting me sampai aku cakap ''eehhh malar jua'' tapi in inglish plg. HAHA. Mun melayu mana drg merati. Karang drg ucap aku ucap drg saja. Presents etc. So yeah it was alll gooood <3>
Si Cathy bagi aku pengurut badan! DASAR. HAHAHAH!. Katanya aku banar macam urg tua and ia ckp urang tua msti urut badan. IATAH KAN. TSK TSK. And Yvonne, she had a play on my birthday, and she performed it for me. It was superbbb. Ada two plays on that night, one was really really cali, and the other one was sedih berabis and aku menangis sampai siruk-siruk. Aku gerenti kalau si Pikah ada, ia pun nangis di siring ku tu. Gerenti tisu abis satu kutak!
And my birthday eve, haha, it was cali lah. Like few hours before it hit 12am di Brunei, aku kana marahi ulih cigu di bawah! Biar betul cigu atu! AISHHHH. haha tapi cali pulang. Aku sama si Maryam wah, kami search lagu on Youtube, yang ada lyrics jua. Iatah kami sing along and danced! Iatah antak-antak kali kedengaran sampai ke bawah. Dasar punya kanak-kanak, drg bising inda jua kami komplen2! =___='' and then haha tau nah lagu apa kami nyanyi? LAGU HILLARY DUFFF!!! BUKAN INDA JOBLESS KE MANA! HAHAH!! xDD
Anyway, replies to the birthday greetings from fnvs, not according to order pasal ada yg msg arah UK line, and ada yang arah DST line =) :
Received di UK line chronologically, thanksss, it must be expensive for you guys to text me arah that line =):
IMINING!! =DD Kau the first one of all people, yang message aku according to Brunei time. Exact time lagi tu! For that i thank you. And you have the bragging rights according to Brunei time. Aku tau kau miss my EGEUGUW. Yes, it's spelt that way, not your way which is EGEYUGEW. HAHA okay? ;PP And yes, teramat mushy your greeting, but i love it. Aku rethink of what you said in that message and you are right. It hit me on the spot and made me realize that yeahhh. It's just between me and you!
Bukan inda panjang kupipiping mu atu. Aku macam mesti baca ikut suku kata lagi!! HAHAH!! Tapi aku ketawa membaca pasal aku cali baca ikut suku kata ah. Actually when i received this message, aku tidur sudah and aku tebangun and then senyum-senyum macam urang gila. Anyway, errr lanja? Kau ani kan makan ikan saja ni si excapde. Baik tah belajar memancing! Lagi murah, save budget. HAHA!! Btw. You gave me two, and i give you three! <3>
Haha kenapa namaku pipih? MARAK MATAKU MEMBACA LAIII!! XDDD And awu.. thank. Aku happy born day. HAA! Expressi apakan kau pakai atu :p And awu, i hope doa-doamu atu makbul. Amin! Especially yang the part mudah-mudahan aku get slimmer. AMINNN. MESTI SEMUA URANG AMINKAN. HAHA. Pasal perasan ku lah, aku maintain ah di sni ani. Apa niii. UK ani tah harapan ku kan kurus, inda jua ada. HAHA BAH AMINKAN! xD
HAHAH ummm, kau mau jua kah? Tapi aku sudah jua reply msg muuu =PP Awu bah sadin, thank you lai. Sampat lagi kau include legal kan clubbing. BAD SADIN. Bad bad. HAHA. Awu opah macam oprah. HAHA. Tapi kulit ku slightly putih er saja. And the fact that i dont have any talk show. HAHA. A year older a year wiser you say? Entah ahhh. Tadi somehow ada this simple maths question pun aku inda tejawap. Wiser kah tu namanya? HAHAHA. Entah. And inda papa clicheee =PPP
And received di BRUNEI line chronologically:
Bukan inda banyak ciuman and air liur basi mu atu. HAHAHA. And awu, haha aku balik brunei aku ambil lesen bas papal ni. Gerenti. Kalau konvoi raya pree, inda payah bayar bas! HAHA!! And Naj, hahahh, i know kau akan isi perutku kalau ku birthday. I just have the feeling ^^,VV i know you will. Kau andngnya nya. Kau macam the witch yang bagi makan arah Hansel and Gretel supaya durang lampuh. It's just that in this case you're not a witch and kau bagi mkn arah ku bkn supaya aku lampuh. Or OMG! Supaya aku lampuh kah? OMG! HAHHA nada waaa~ :p
Naz Pongie:
HAHAH katamu aku legal! apatah ertinya tu? Legal naik merry go round? HAHA! Nada wahh lai. Btw di sni merry go roundnya gila laju! INDA CALI YOOO. Awu aku tau aku opah, aku tau aku tua, and aku tau u miss me too much it's suffocating me. HAHA nada wah naz. Awu aku rindu kau jua, and kau bimbo in FnV jua. How awesome. Aku opah yang wise will guide the bimbo of Fnvs to the right path. HAHA tunggu aku balajar map reading dulu dari Ms May C**! Karang sasat saja kau! HAHAH!! xDD and i was happy on the day. thank you! <333
HAHA! Atu full name kau membuat namaku atu, inda plg panjang. Ganya AFIFAH. HAHAH!! =P HAHA awu no worriessss. Aku rindu kamu selalu jua. You dont know how much, that sometimes it hurts when you miss people back home. Banar. Your heart starts to aches oh so suddenly, and the moment you realized it, it's when the tears have fallen down on your cheeks for some time. Yeah.. I miss kamu semua! ='))
HAHAA!! LAGU BIRTHDAY MU OUT OF TIUN! (tune) banar! HAHA! Aku macam eh si pikah ani, lain jua lagunya! HAH!! Anyway, thank you, kau tau, walaupun kau rasa msg mu inda sampai, tapi actually, i think i received banyak, dalam 6 or was it 5? i can't remember. But pokoknya banyak lah. Baik inda abis ceredet mu? Kasiannn.. :) And awu, lame. HAHA! HIGH %! I mean high 5! HAHA tetakan shift iatah jadinya % atu. haha awu random. And thank you kerana memsg lagi pakai line bapamu.. yes, aku ada blast off. HAHA macam bunyi roket saja. i mean i had a blast. Inda plg blast banar, but yeahh. it was good! =D
HAHAHA!! QAYAH QAYAH! Ketawa ku membaca msg mu atu! Sudah tah jam mu ding a dong. Salah jua tu. Bknnya jam ani kalau bebunyi ding dong ding dong, ding dong ding dong kan? Yeah. HAHA Banyak ku type ding dong atu! xDD And dont get hogornigiy? Tks tsk haha i wont qayah! Labang ketawa kuuu membaca. I'll be waiting for you to drive me around. You promised me! HAHA skali ku dtg, kau drive aku pakai wheelbarrow, sadih ku tu! jgn hampakan aku! :P Thank u for segala puji2an mu. Kambang ku membaca.. Kan trabang ganya inda membaca. HAHA! Anyway thanx lav!
Dalibur ku:
I wish i could celebrate with you too. But i guess distance kept us apart. =') Nevertherless kamu semua still in my heart! Jgn khuatir! Heheh. And yes, aku happy happy happy in the day! Trimas dong! And lai, it's been a long time since i last chat with you. The last time, you were doing your history essay di hospital. Make sure next time i catch you, you wont! =D And pepsi is better that coke! (HAHA kes cari kelaie! xDDD) Kalau lah kau ada di sni, dapat jua ku menynyi and menari2 sama kau, apa saja jenis lagi. Hollywood, bollywood. you pick! =DD Pasal kitani awesome in that way! <3
HAHAHAH aku senyum senyum baca msg mu ah. Nyangku, ''ya rabbiii si ekin ani. She could read my mind! xDD The stuff that im longing to do- liat love movie. HAHA!! Lain sudah di pikiran ku! And yes, at times it's kinda hard without you since aku ani kadang kala, well not kdg kala, but all the time, dependant on kau =P And yes, you're a shining star yang i can rely on, even if the other stars no longer appear. <3>
Lastly to Sam:
HAHA!! DASAR! Aku diucapnya opahhhh. And adang tah buli aku! Kau jahat! And ohhh, i heard kau banyak fans! ^^,V WHEEEEE. Now i can bully you back! HAHA!!! And aku will make sure i'm up to date with cerita kamu.. Supaya aku dpt buli. And btw, Suweeet sih! xDDD
And to other people yang message aku and greet aku, sorrie i didnt reply pasal yes, as i stated above, aku nada ceredet. Kederet inda side with aku, sadly. So yeah, banyak-banyak terima kasih, kerana diriku and diri kamu begitu berharga. =D
Bah i think it's very very long. And ngalih kamu membaca. That's if kamu even bother to read. HAHA. Bah goodnite. I have prep to do. Betimbunnnn sampai utak kamu ngalih memikirkan, alum lagi membuat! Pingsan saja! Inda betidur ni. Mesti minum smtng yang ada caffeine. Too bad skulah ku punya coffee smua decaf. And aku inda tahan minum Redbull, apatah lagi Relentless yang higher level of caffeine kalahkan Redbull. Gila saja krg ulihnya. HAHAH. Bah bnyk cakapku. Well, macam tah kamu inda tau kan, kan bekunyanyang tah ganya aku ani haha.
Goodnite. And thank you all. <333>
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Si birthday girl! XD
HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY to everyone's dear, Miss 'AO. Miss 'AFIFAH OTHMAN <33333
We miss you like crazy girl! :')
Dalilah N.
We miss you like crazy girl! :')
Dalilah N.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
I love snow day. Despite the fact that the road becomes soggy and slippery after the snow melts. But ahhhh, the white world, it feels like you are in Narnia (drama much HAHA) tapikan siuk lahhh. Sunyi- you can rarely hear the sound of cars passing by. No birds chirping. And that the sound when the snow slowly hits the ground. Ahhhh.. Love <3
Barutah first time ever aku gembira the fact yang skulah ku ani in the middle of hutan belantara. Pasal apa nah? Pasalnya aku punya skulah dua hari cuti! HAHA!! Happy ku ehhh. Cigu-cigu semua terstuck inda dapat datang ke skulah psl snow luan tabal. Iatah kan bisai. <333
Anyway, pictures time! With descriptions! ;D

I got tired after lunch. HAHA mun namanya berapa jam bemain snow di luar. Sangal seluruh badan. Now i know how urang tua feels kalau tulang belakang durang sakit. HAHA. Slept for two hours and then went out again! Iatah kan, nya urang tua-tua, inda pandai jara bah! HAHAH :D
Bah kamuuu. Hahha and aku sudah post. Banyak pulang lagi picturs tapi i think aku bagi banyak sudah gambar so yeahh. haha. Aku demand pictures kamu jua. Pretty pleaseeeeeeeee? =) Byee kamu. i love you all.
Fiifaaaah <333
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