Sometimes i wonder how fast the earth is spinning. The way times passes so quickly you couldn't even get the glimpse of the something slow passing by. Or.. Is it just me?
I guess so.
It's loud outside, thunder. I'm still awake and it's 2-ish am in the morning. Let's just hope today will be a snowy day.
Aku joblesssss. Macam dari tadi aku tidur, makan, internet, tidur, menangis liat cerita korea. Yesss it's been an unproductive day, but i'm loving it. Oh you guys should watch this korean movie, 'A MOMENT TO REMEMBER' Gila kejiwa ku ulihnyaaaaa. Tapi membari marah jua kan. Somehow i couldn't open the last part. SASAK KU. Maju sudah air mata ku keluarrr. SHEESH. Anyway kamu mesti liattt. Kalau kamu feel like crying your eyes out lah =)

And and aku cuba search wah the last episode atu arah youtube. Sekalinya yang keluar lagu korea yang jadi versi thailand! Or is it pilipin? Antah pokoknya salah lah! Iatah inda ku pandai ni men-search barang di internet ani.. HAHA ketara inda pas mun jadi spy! BANAR TAH. HAHA.
Bah atu saja kan ku postttt. To sadin, i like the pictures you posted. Cubatah kau pakai baju naga ke restoran ah.. HAHA nada wah. laps you sadin. Bah bah. Byeee people. <3
FIFAH is feeling korean-ish. :D
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