Monday, May 19, 2008

Dangerous. DANGER!!

I went to this restaurant tadi lapas sekulah.
It was a hidden place.
I doubt you know it.
My uncle becakap to the friend.
I eavesdropped.
Uncle said, "bla bla bla bla restaurant bla bla"
I was ecstatic.
Restaurant means there's food.
Which i pretty much love. hahaha
Such high hopes. wahhh.
Then the hopes fall down, broken,
when the signal was to the left.
I know this place.
"EGEUGUWWW!" i shouted inside my head.
The place is full of things things i dont like.
Firstly, CATS.
Cats are cute and all.
Just dont go to me okay?
Im trying to eat.
Kucing selalu begisil2 arah kaki.
Which is x(
So i put my kaki up the chair.
Jadi tekaran tah pulang.
As in sangal.
the place banyak lalat.
mcm lalats are dangerous okay.
They bring diseases.
Which then leads to death.
The third point,
banyak asap sigup.
Yang not good to my lungs.
Aku kan naik gunung everest wah ni!
Msti bnyyakkan oxygen,
bukan kurangkan!!
Aku cuba cover my nose,
and batuk2,
supaya they get the hint.
Tuli bah kali,
inda drg tedngr aku batuk.
Fourth point,
banyak lelaki-lelaki tua yang mengggatal sama pekerja.
Dont you doods have family at home?
Cubatah balik.
Ani sembang2 pulang di kadai kupi.
kesian anak bini di rumah.
Banyak lah lagi kan ku pinpoint pasal the restaurant. Terlalu banyak banarrr. Conclusionnya, aku inda suka tempat atu. Ish. Kusut kusut.
It's dangerous nowadays, kan?
BEWARE. hoho.

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