It’s been a while since I blogged. Today marks the return of yours truly, Fifah the Great. The cousin of Alexander the Great. Nyahaha.
Maths was fine. No teacher sepatutnya = no belajar. But then sadly, she left us some work to do. Hancur berkecai harapan ku kan tidur. I need to sleep. Iatah inda cukup tidur ani mmbari bejerawat mua bah. Aishhh.
The table next to me ada makanan si Peah.
Maths was fine. No teacher sepatutnya = no belajar. But then sadly, she left us some work to do. Hancur berkecai harapan ku kan tidur. I need to sleep. Iatah inda cukup tidur ani mmbari bejerawat mua bah. Aishhh.
The table next to me ada makanan si Peah.
So the mathematical formula:
Peah’s mee goreng + the nyaman smell + mee being next to Fifah = making fifah hungry.
I didn’t take the picture of the makanan. Haha. Lupa ku.
Eh mcm banyak mathematical formula ih arah post ku ani.
Then it was PE. Pe was umm. Idk. It’s just a game and we should enjoy it rightttt? Nothing hidden here. Just wanna say congrats to Monday Blues, for winning.
And Farid, thank you for, you know, becali-cali. Made me laugh. Especially yg pasal mee.
Peah’s mee goreng + the nyaman smell + mee being next to Fifah = making fifah hungry.
I didn’t take the picture of the makanan. Haha. Lupa ku.
Eh mcm banyak mathematical formula ih arah post ku ani.
Then it was PE. Pe was umm. Idk. It’s just a game and we should enjoy it rightttt? Nothing hidden here. Just wanna say congrats to Monday Blues, for winning.
And Farid, thank you for, you know, becali-cali. Made me laugh. Especially yg pasal mee.
Farid: Eh licin eh lantai gym.
Fifah: Inda jua. Manada.
Farid: EHHH PALUIIII!. Rupanya yg ku surung2 yg licin atu mee!
Farid: Eh bejurit jua mee ani. Siapakan makan?
Fifah: Tempat mu jua tu. Kau gnya mkn sana kaliah. =.=”
Farid: Eh mee ku jua ni. HAHAHAH. Sayur pun bejurit ani wah
Fifah: Bah betanam sayur di gym. HAHAHHA
That was funny. :DD
This is a picture of Farid.

I didn’t go the the cnteen time break. Pasal I wanted to play bula. To build up my muscles. Kan naik gunung everest.
Kata teacher bio ku, kalau selalu naik gunung, haemoglobin akan betambah. Iatah aku msti bnykkan haemoglobin ku wah. Psl tadi kannn, aku ke restoran yg ada urg besigup. The carbon monoxide from the sigup will combine permanently with haemoglobin. Krg inda ku cukup oxygen.
Aku rasa si Simaa sasak ni mendangar. Ia ngalih sudah. She had 7 periods of Biology today. Kesiannn. =p
Chem, nothing special. I became good girl for once. Suprisingly. Bio too. Oh. I surprise myself.
Fifah good in Chem + Fifah good in Bio = Fifah very very good. *THUMBS UP*
Purkinje fibres. NYAHAHA. Si merah ketawa berabis rabis.
Everything today is veryyyy.. Frown-y. Need to turn the frowns upside down people. If it’s not that, then it’s gonna be something else.
I gave the name DONUT ROYALTE for Najihah’s and Zzats’s business project. But then they changed the name to DONUT SELECTION. All this donut talking is making me hungry. Hungry Fifah is very very bad. Because hungry fifah eats people. Banar.
Most of the F&Vs were at the usual bench spot after the class. Had some funny2 things being talked about with fiqah and naj. Unfortunately aku inda ingat. Hahaha. Then Dal, Ekin and I dangankan si sad ke pokok.
Sad kan buat her bio project di sana. The project she did before kana tiup angin. Tau lah kan, it’s been ribut-ish for the last few days. Thank God it’s over now. Kata radio tinggal dua hari saja. And the radio said that four days ago. So I guess now abis sudah.
Imagine aku kana tiup angin wah. Wahhh. Kurus tah ku sudah banar tu. Hahaha.
Then, it was time for Dal to go home. She gave us dua keropok cheeseballs. Iatah si qayah iski. HAHA. We’re gonna be ROUND and ORANGEEEE. :DDDD
Everyhting’s so random.
And mixed up.
Paning kamu?
Pening lalat.
Dizzy fly.
Im thinking of posting again. we'll see.
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