Friday, August 1, 2008

Bimbo baby!

Out of the blue, yesterday, nazihah, afifah and möi, dalilah turned into bimbo baby! Better yet, imitated all the bimbos that exist in this world.

We were so damn hyper.

Pipah: rainbow ada berapa warna?

Dal: ada 3.

Pipah: awesome. *hi-5*

Dal: Oh my god! Aku intelligent.

Naz: siapa tinggal dalam nanas bawah air?

Pipah, dal, jann, sam: SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!

Dal: Oh my god! Tani pandai.

So on and so forth. Alot to be mentioned here.

We managed to entertain everyone around us, right my blonde friends? So grand darling. However, naz was weird. She jumped before she did her bimbo thang.

Dalilah Nabilah

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