Salam everyone,
winter's coming... and few weeks ago, the owner of our house here came over to fix the door, in which pintu atu bedrama jua mcm aku, mahu tia dibuka. Padahal few days before he came, the door couldn't be unlocked/locked, and it was raining, and masa ia dtg macam nada tia... Could be because the lubricationg oil yg i sprayed barutah mau or pintu atu banci kami. Nuff said.
Anyway with the winter that keeps gettin worse each year, aku rasa mau pengsan. I'm coughing so much and it's been going on for three weeks now. :( im not getting enough sleep because of it, and it makes me cranky.
And last weekend, i went to my brother's to celebrate his birthday. And then on the way back to Nottingham, i bought a Glamour magazine, and in the magazine, it said if we are sick, rest because if inda, it will take longer to be healthy. But the thing is, if I dont go to lectures and stuff, I will miss a lot of things. And if i miss a lot of things, banyak tia kan dicatch up sekali jadi stress. Kalau stress, jadi damam lagi. Cemanakan tu :( The cycle is just vicious.
I was reading this blog sekali this girl took a picture with her touching her friend's pregnant tummy. HEHEHHE it makes me feel warm. Imagine that's one of us! In few years time now guys hahahhaha siapa dulu ni HAHAHHA :p
Suddenly lost the drive to type things down. Keep warm people in the winter season. And for those in the equator region, go to air conditioned room hohoho :)
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Oh my gaddddd!!
Its like ntaah berapa lama sdh aku nda buka blog andi and baca and kamu make it alive again!! im so PROUD OF U GURRRSS!! kaka bangga dgn adik2 sekalian LOLS =P
Anyway mcm2 cerita kamu aaah, siuk membaca, dikala saya sungguh sunyi ani jua.. so yeaah~~ its fun, like aku ketawa sorang2.. mcm apa!! hahah AND kamu semua balik UK sdh, the uk-ians ofcz, and since im here I dint really go out dgn fnv brunei, so I kinda running out of time now since me myself going back soon. So gurlssss pliss free kan diri kamu... tpi aku tau kamu busy tho. hmmph~~ *sigh!
Oiiii lawa gmbar raya kamu aaaah.. sygnyee saye takde =( kalau nda lagi AWESOME and LAWA-ERRR tuuu.. haha! Aku liat tu lastym, the raya thingy and aku mau gmbar sana. Bt then mcm aku sorang sja, so aku MALUU~~ klau ramai mau ku.. if ada patner in crime lah katakan. Tpi nada, sedih~~~aku rasa mcm poklen klau gmbar sorang2 hahaahahah NGOK!
By the way gurrrllsss, aku RINDU kamu semua, and wow! our frenship is super long already. And I hope we will still be together closer even more years to come. smpai kita kawin sorang2 and dpt anak cucu cicit. that would be great! Cheers!! =)
<3 Fyqa
Its like ntaah berapa lama sdh aku nda buka blog andi and baca and kamu make it alive again!! im so PROUD OF U GURRRSS!! kaka bangga dgn adik2 sekalian LOLS =P
Anyway mcm2 cerita kamu aaah, siuk membaca, dikala saya sungguh sunyi ani jua.. so yeaah~~ its fun, like aku ketawa sorang2.. mcm apa!! hahah AND kamu semua balik UK sdh, the uk-ians ofcz, and since im here I dint really go out dgn fnv brunei, so I kinda running out of time now since me myself going back soon. So gurlssss pliss free kan diri kamu... tpi aku tau kamu busy tho. hmmph~~ *sigh!
Oiiii lawa gmbar raya kamu aaaah.. sygnyee saye takde =( kalau nda lagi AWESOME and LAWA-ERRR tuuu.. haha! Aku liat tu lastym, the raya thingy and aku mau gmbar sana. Bt then mcm aku sorang sja, so aku MALUU~~ klau ramai mau ku.. if ada patner in crime lah katakan. Tpi nada, sedih~~~aku rasa mcm poklen klau gmbar sorang2 hahaahahah NGOK!
By the way gurrrllsss, aku RINDU kamu semua, and wow! our frenship is super long already. And I hope we will still be together closer even more years to come. smpai kita kawin sorang2 and dpt anak cucu cicit. that would be great! Cheers!! =)
<3 Fyqa
Monday, September 19, 2011
As if i have never left.
Less than a week to go, and soon, i am going to leave for UK.
It's going to be my 4th year in UK... and honestly, this leaving gets worse. Every year, always, i dread it. That feeling at the airport when everyone else starts crying and you start breaking down too, knowing it's going to be another year till you see these amazing faces, making inside jokes, creating memories.
Bukan nya nda mahu bersyukur, amatlah bersyukur dianugerahkan scholarship, hanya Allah yang tahu. But every year, nephews and nieces grow older, siblings and cousins grow wiser, and I am not there, to see all of that. All achievements, seen through pictures, and facebook. And in summer, it's so hard to see everyone, catch up and share the stories of one whole year, or if you have not seen the person the previous year, two whole years worth of stories to catch up.
Sometimes the stories are forgotten, and in the end, left with no more stories to tell.
Going back to UK to continue my second year, really....? It's like I never left.
It's going to be my 4th year in UK... and honestly, this leaving gets worse. Every year, always, i dread it. That feeling at the airport when everyone else starts crying and you start breaking down too, knowing it's going to be another year till you see these amazing faces, making inside jokes, creating memories.
Bukan nya nda mahu bersyukur, amatlah bersyukur dianugerahkan scholarship, hanya Allah yang tahu. But every year, nephews and nieces grow older, siblings and cousins grow wiser, and I am not there, to see all of that. All achievements, seen through pictures, and facebook. And in summer, it's so hard to see everyone, catch up and share the stories of one whole year, or if you have not seen the person the previous year, two whole years worth of stories to catch up.
Sometimes the stories are forgotten, and in the end, left with no more stories to tell.
Going back to UK to continue my second year, really....? It's like I never left.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Beautiful is a woman who has a distinctive personality, one who can laugh at anything, including themselves, who is especially kind and caring to others. She is a woman who above all else knows the value of having fun, and not taking life too seriously. She is a woman that you can trust and count on to brighten your day. She is a woman who can inexplicably make you feel really good just by being around her, and yet brings such great sadness when she is gone. She is a woman who I will never really get to know. |
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Allergy.. please go away and never come back.
Salam :)
4th raya today.... How's your purse going? Semakin berisi with angpau? TEHEEEE :p well for me, we haven't raya much. Lagipun i'm BASAR sudah. both badan and age wise. HAISH. so people hesitate to give meeeee. Beri sad one.
And my allergy is getting worse. SO i was talking to my brother, complaining how the allergy's fine in the morning but gradually getting worse throughout the day. Sekali the doctor said it's photosensitive and stress related, meaning i cant expose myself too much to the sun. Feeling like a vampire, an ugly one perhaps HOHO. and stress related, but the thing is i didn't expose my self to the sun, nor am i stress.
So i concluded that it might be due to the food i ate. Sekali i said to my brother, "What did I eat ah? Let's narrow it down...." And my brother.... "*cricket-cricket* The thing is... You eat everything. Payah jua kan dinarrow down tu"
well.... it's true. I eat everything, especially time puasa ani. I think im allergic to raya cakes, pasal it contains a lot of eggs. But i always eat eggs. and im fine. and for udang, kerang and lukan, i eat them time puasa and i was super okay. So mcm..... Apatah ni.
Unknown tah banar.
Sometimes I wish I know the answer.
But oh well. Let's just pray it will lessen. Amin! I have high hopes ni! AMIN YA RABB!
4th raya today.... How's your purse going? Semakin berisi with angpau? TEHEEEE :p well for me, we haven't raya much. Lagipun i'm BASAR sudah. both badan and age wise. HAISH. so people hesitate to give meeeee. Beri sad one.
And my allergy is getting worse. SO i was talking to my brother, complaining how the allergy's fine in the morning but gradually getting worse throughout the day. Sekali the doctor said it's photosensitive and stress related, meaning i cant expose myself too much to the sun. Feeling like a vampire, an ugly one perhaps HOHO. and stress related, but the thing is i didn't expose my self to the sun, nor am i stress.
So i concluded that it might be due to the food i ate. Sekali i said to my brother, "What did I eat ah? Let's narrow it down...." And my brother.... "*cricket-cricket* The thing is... You eat everything. Payah jua kan dinarrow down tu"
well.... it's true. I eat everything, especially time puasa ani. I think im allergic to raya cakes, pasal it contains a lot of eggs. But i always eat eggs. and im fine. and for udang, kerang and lukan, i eat them time puasa and i was super okay. So mcm..... Apatah ni.
Unknown tah banar.
Sometimes I wish I know the answer.
But oh well. Let's just pray it will lessen. Amin! I have high hopes ni! AMIN YA RABB!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Syawal fever.
Firstly, now that ramadan has ended.... Time to welcome a new month :)
Selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin everyone! Minta maaf if ada terkasar bahasa, ter-annoy sana sini.. I know aku always beulah and gauk-gauk and perasan ciyotz (yang membari kamu trauma berabis TEHEE) but nevertheless, I hope you guys will have an awesome and fabulous eid celebration, di samping keluarga tersayang.. :) For those yang go back UK, use the time wisely.. Psl krg we nyasal-nyasal and ter-rindu-rindu and thinking why on earth we didn't use the time wisely. SO EAT MASSIVE AMT OF TAPAK KUDAS (or gajahs LOLs) and ketupat and charging camera supaya gmbr bnyk2 and langgar open houses etc.
Speaking of charging camera, I bought a new one WOOOHOOOO. I am so happy. it's a pink one, so now i am going to resume back to my not-so-amazing photography skilllzzzzzz :p If we meet next time, i will try my best untuk take loadsa pictures! SO MESTI LAWA-LAWA KAYSS :p
Speaking of raya, masa mid month of ramadan, my mother got kad raya. Sekali I was very jealous. I kept thinking, aku mahu jua kad raya. Yang written with love, and long longggggg message. And then on raya itself, you know how few years back, we always receive msgs on the night esok nya raya. Sekali mcm dst always jam apa psl a lot of ppl send msgs walaupun kdg2 it's teh same pantun used every single year LOL but really, mcm it's a competition who dapat the most texts msgs regarding raya!
Tapi this year... mcm nda bnyk msgs. Less than ten i think. Is it because I've spent most of raya outside Brunei and that people have lost my contact number over years wen they change their phone, ataupun the modernisation of having facbook & twitter ataupun ppl just malas to spend their credit... HAHAHAHHAHA it really makes me think yknow.
Sekali. How over the years, the joy of having raya lessens. I guess that's the price we have to pay for growing up.
But for now, enjoy raya as it is. Meet relatives. Eat good Brunei food. And try to have fun. Hopefully there'll be no regrets when Syawal is over, amin. :)
Selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin everyone! Minta maaf if ada terkasar bahasa, ter-annoy sana sini.. I know aku always beulah and gauk-gauk and perasan ciyotz (yang membari kamu trauma berabis TEHEE) but nevertheless, I hope you guys will have an awesome and fabulous eid celebration, di samping keluarga tersayang.. :) For those yang go back UK, use the time wisely.. Psl krg we nyasal-nyasal and ter-rindu-rindu and thinking why on earth we didn't use the time wisely. SO EAT MASSIVE AMT OF TAPAK KUDAS (or gajahs LOLs) and ketupat and charging camera supaya gmbr bnyk2 and langgar open houses etc.
Speaking of charging camera, I bought a new one WOOOHOOOO. I am so happy. it's a pink one, so now i am going to resume back to my not-so-amazing photography skilllzzzzzz :p If we meet next time, i will try my best untuk take loadsa pictures! SO MESTI LAWA-LAWA KAYSS :p
Speaking of raya, masa mid month of ramadan, my mother got kad raya. Sekali I was very jealous. I kept thinking, aku mahu jua kad raya. Yang written with love, and long longggggg message. And then on raya itself, you know how few years back, we always receive msgs on the night esok nya raya. Sekali mcm dst always jam apa psl a lot of ppl send msgs walaupun kdg2 it's teh same pantun used every single year LOL but really, mcm it's a competition who dapat the most texts msgs regarding raya!
Tapi this year... mcm nda bnyk msgs. Less than ten i think. Is it because I've spent most of raya outside Brunei and that people have lost my contact number over years wen they change their phone, ataupun the modernisation of having facbook & twitter ataupun ppl just malas to spend their credit... HAHAHAHHAHA it really makes me think yknow.
Sekali. How over the years, the joy of having raya lessens. I guess that's the price we have to pay for growing up.
But for now, enjoy raya as it is. Meet relatives. Eat good Brunei food. And try to have fun. Hopefully there'll be no regrets when Syawal is over, amin. :)
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Selamat Hari Raya
Despite the fact that I looked like a married woman with children, this is the clearest picture I have in my phone (thanks to Khairi for becoming our photographer), and the picture is is nevertheless pretty with all the other pretty ladies. So yeah, since ada tanda selamat hari raya aidilfitri atu jua, baik tah di upload (inda apa, sacrifice kehodohan ku skali skala. haha =p)
Anyways, its been a while since this blog is updated, atu pun thanks to si dang fifah sebab membagi oxygen arah blog ani. Hehe. Just want to say Selamat Hari Raya everyone. Sorry for all the wrongdoings and any hurtful comments or words that I voiced out either purposely or without realising it (I know, macam sama saja aku punya greetings ani dimana-mana, haha)
Alhamdulillah, its the 6th raya we'll be spending together, which equals to our 6th year friendship as FnV (or apa ni, yang before ada fnv and before aku ada ani, ikan bilis kah? Hahaha.) and more years to come, insyallah.
Enjoy your raya, pretty ladies. :D
Saranghae. <3
Monday, August 29, 2011
Language bejurit and all over the place.
"Change of seasons, expected as it is, can be welcomed or dreaded." - Maria E.
And i guess welcome! (referring to the above quote) :)
Few days ago, I opened my Notts punya uni email. And OHMAILORD. bejutaan email bejuritan, kalau dpt kumpul jadi bukit haish (HEHE OBER DRAMATIC) but bnyk lah, but not that i could not handle TEHEE. Sekali aku mcm pikir2 semngat jua uni ani ah. Balum lagi kami habis summer. Balum lagi kami abis puasa. Alum lagi kami habis raya.
Well bukan plg salah drg. Cos they dnt celebrate Eid..... HOHO.
Skali today, aku tebaca that quote above. And how i realised, second year is really coming. with winter makin awal, and panjang, and more depressing, and tgn and jari ku purple smua SIGH.
Sepaking of jari, i burnt my finger :( pasal aku membuat biskut. skali bcos i focussed too much on the burnt finger, I burnt my biskut jua :( SEDIH KU. tapi akhernya aku hapi balik. Pasal it's still nyaman. walaupun my finger is still hurting :(
Heniways, back to december (eseh mcm lagu taylor swift). eh before that, aku kan ckp psl lagu taylor swift dulu! HAHAH sorry mcm berterabur but i just feel like i shud type anything random. Entah. kalau nda mahu baca, exit ajeeeee, tuu arah top corner of the window KAYS :p aku membuat biskut kan, selalunya i switch on the radio pasal it;s too sunyi! Skali came lagu taylor swift on air, and aku pkir2 wah.. lagu taylor swift ani sebenarnya genre nya sama. and selalu pasal cinta (yang menjadi or inda menjadi). And sebenarnya lagunya ani nda jua lah bnyk lawa. Ada some saja yg lawaaaa mcm Love story, or crazier, or entah ada lah BUT NOT ALL. Not sure what you guys think, but atu lah pendapatan ku.
Okay. ani banar-banar back to december. Masa december. aku mcm sakit berabis selalu. damam-damam. and like lapar pasal i malas cook psl i too sakit to cook sekali ada pernah kana invite untuk makan delivery arah my senior sekali tunggu punya tunggu inda jua muncul delivery atu. Rupaya drg tutup! Cos it was boxing day, or was it christmas... SIGH. manatah kami tahu drg kan celebrate xmas jua psl drg atu org islam yg punya delivery place.
and aku rindu snow jua. i kennot wait to play snow, attack org, aku rasa segala joints ku habis kesian bangkak kali, aku mcm berabisly mcm asgai wah attacking the guys cos it was girls against gurys. and the girls takut. so siapatah kan berani. so aku one of the brave girls ESEHMENNN. skali this new acadmeic year will be playing sama new notts people, hopefully it will be epic smpai pukul 3am mcm last year.
Bah okay panjang. suddenly ilang mood kan blog. kan baca buku.
Oh a good book, by an author graduated from oxford. I wanted smtng heavy, and this one's about war, and scandal, and anaknya yg kana evacuate. Anyone, fnv or random people who stumbled upon this blog, suggestion for any heavy books for me pleasE? HEHEH THANKS IN ADVANCE! :D
And i guess welcome! (referring to the above quote) :)
Few days ago, I opened my Notts punya uni email. And OHMAILORD. bejutaan email bejuritan, kalau dpt kumpul jadi bukit haish (HEHE OBER DRAMATIC) but bnyk lah, but not that i could not handle TEHEE. Sekali aku mcm pikir2 semngat jua uni ani ah. Balum lagi kami habis summer. Balum lagi kami abis puasa. Alum lagi kami habis raya.
Well bukan plg salah drg. Cos they dnt celebrate Eid..... HOHO.
Skali today, aku tebaca that quote above. And how i realised, second year is really coming. with winter makin awal, and panjang, and more depressing, and tgn and jari ku purple smua SIGH.
Sepaking of jari, i burnt my finger :( pasal aku membuat biskut. skali bcos i focussed too much on the burnt finger, I burnt my biskut jua :( SEDIH KU. tapi akhernya aku hapi balik. Pasal it's still nyaman. walaupun my finger is still hurting :(
Heniways, back to december (eseh mcm lagu taylor swift). eh before that, aku kan ckp psl lagu taylor swift dulu! HAHAH sorry mcm berterabur but i just feel like i shud type anything random. Entah. kalau nda mahu baca, exit ajeeeee, tuu arah top corner of the window KAYS :p aku membuat biskut kan, selalunya i switch on the radio pasal it;s too sunyi! Skali came lagu taylor swift on air, and aku pkir2 wah.. lagu taylor swift ani sebenarnya genre nya sama. and selalu pasal cinta (yang menjadi or inda menjadi). And sebenarnya lagunya ani nda jua lah bnyk lawa. Ada some saja yg lawaaaa mcm Love story, or crazier, or entah ada lah BUT NOT ALL. Not sure what you guys think, but atu lah pendapatan ku.
Okay. ani banar-banar back to december. Masa december. aku mcm sakit berabis selalu. damam-damam. and like lapar pasal i malas cook psl i too sakit to cook sekali ada pernah kana invite untuk makan delivery arah my senior sekali tunggu punya tunggu inda jua muncul delivery atu. Rupaya drg tutup! Cos it was boxing day, or was it christmas... SIGH. manatah kami tahu drg kan celebrate xmas jua psl drg atu org islam yg punya delivery place.
and aku rindu snow jua. i kennot wait to play snow, attack org, aku rasa segala joints ku habis kesian bangkak kali, aku mcm berabisly mcm asgai wah attacking the guys cos it was girls against gurys. and the girls takut. so siapatah kan berani. so aku one of the brave girls ESEHMENNN. skali this new acadmeic year will be playing sama new notts people, hopefully it will be epic smpai pukul 3am mcm last year.
Bah okay panjang. suddenly ilang mood kan blog. kan baca buku.
Oh a good book, by an author graduated from oxford. I wanted smtng heavy, and this one's about war, and scandal, and anaknya yg kana evacuate. Anyone, fnv or random people who stumbled upon this blog, suggestion for any heavy books for me pleasE? HEHEH THANKS IN ADVANCE! :D
Bini-bini atu amazing bah.
Salam peeps.
I stumbled upon this amazing blogggg few days ago. She's not the type whose english is amazing, rather she's quite someone who is very critical on things in life, very bad tempered as well, but what I like about her is that she writes or blogs, sincerely, of things that are coming from her heart, and that she cherishes the simple things in life. And i thought that was something which I adore.
And the fact that she takes loads of pictures, about her life, and adventures, and how she watched the sunset at Cameron Highlands, buat aku jealous banget. Aku rasa aku inda pernah tengok proper sunset, I think. :( Kesian eh. and how every story of were photographed. And how she used to not wear a tudung, sekali slowly, she tried and she did not promise it's going to be permanent, she did warn people esp those yang judgemental and ckp "eh kemarin pakai tudung, ani nda tia pakai" kinda people, and syukur alhamdulillah, it's something that's permanent for her now :)
And how ia ani jenis yang mcm.. gila sikit. Mcm bimbo ada jua. Mcm yknow when people take pictures, org slalunya senyum, and then she's the type yg buat cheeky weird faces. TAPI SIUKS. and she's soooo lawa as well, but i tell you, ia berabisly capable of makin muka paling hodoh di dunia. She even joined contest yang "making the ugliest face" type of contest! Dont know if she won or not, tapi hodoh berabis lah, aku ketawaaaa!
And she's the type yang adventurous (anything healthy please!!), yang naik gunung, yang cuba ikut contest arah magazine smpai she won a free pink Guess watch MCM OMG see? I guess if you never try you never know!
Iatahkan. Aku rasa ia berabisly amazing.
And ia masani kana ambil untuk memperagakan (eseh basar malay word TEHEE) baju muslimah kinda thing. And baju-baju yg ia modelkan lawa berbais. I BERRRYYY BERRY MUCH WANT. tapi i tink dpt di malaysia saja. and sizes nya small. Untuk org badan kecil saja. But I had fun browsing through the pictures. Mcm membagi idea on how to jadi model arah ANTM jua HEHEHE
Anwayyy here's the link. And she's the one in grey skirt! :D
Sorry klw mcm inda interesting kali. AHHAH SO WHAT, IM STILL A ROCKSTAR. kata si Pink! LOLs
Ping <3
I stumbled upon this amazing blogggg few days ago. She's not the type whose english is amazing, rather she's quite someone who is very critical on things in life, very bad tempered as well, but what I like about her is that she writes or blogs, sincerely, of things that are coming from her heart, and that she cherishes the simple things in life. And i thought that was something which I adore.
And the fact that she takes loads of pictures, about her life, and adventures, and how she watched the sunset at Cameron Highlands, buat aku jealous banget. Aku rasa aku inda pernah tengok proper sunset, I think. :( Kesian eh. and how every story of were photographed. And how she used to not wear a tudung, sekali slowly, she tried and she did not promise it's going to be permanent, she did warn people esp those yang judgemental and ckp "eh kemarin pakai tudung, ani nda tia pakai" kinda people, and syukur alhamdulillah, it's something that's permanent for her now :)
And how ia ani jenis yang mcm.. gila sikit. Mcm bimbo ada jua. Mcm yknow when people take pictures, org slalunya senyum, and then she's the type yg buat cheeky weird faces. TAPI SIUKS. and she's soooo lawa as well, but i tell you, ia berabisly capable of makin muka paling hodoh di dunia. She even joined contest yang "making the ugliest face" type of contest! Dont know if she won or not, tapi hodoh berabis lah, aku ketawaaaa!
And she's the type yang adventurous (anything healthy please!!), yang naik gunung, yang cuba ikut contest arah magazine smpai she won a free pink Guess watch MCM OMG see? I guess if you never try you never know!
Iatahkan. Aku rasa ia berabisly amazing.
And ia masani kana ambil untuk memperagakan (eseh basar malay word TEHEE) baju muslimah kinda thing. And baju-baju yg ia modelkan lawa berbais. I BERRRYYY BERRY MUCH WANT. tapi i tink dpt di malaysia saja. and sizes nya small. Untuk org badan kecil saja. But I had fun browsing through the pictures. Mcm membagi idea on how to jadi model arah ANTM jua HEHEHE
Anwayyy here's the link. And she's the one in grey skirt! :D
Sorry klw mcm inda interesting kali. AHHAH SO WHAT, IM STILL A ROCKSTAR. kata si Pink! LOLs
Ping <3
Thursday, August 4, 2011
"Sometimes reality has a way of sneaking up and biting us in the ass"
Meredith: [voiceover] Pain, it comes in all forms. The small twinge, a bit of soreness, the random pain, the normal pains that we live with everyday. Then there's the kind of pain you can't ignore. A level of pain so great that it blocks out everything else; makes the rest of your world fade away until all we can think about is how much we hurt. How we manage our pain is up to us. Pain. We anaesthetize, ride it out, embrace it, ignore it... and for some of us, the best way to manage pain is to just push through it.
Meredith: [voiceover] Pain, you just have to ride it out, hope it goes away on its own, hope the wound that caused it heals. There are no solutions, no easy answers. You just breathe deep and wait for it to subside. Most of the time pain can be managed, but sometimes the pain gets you when you least expect it, hits way below the belt and doesn't let up. Pain, you just have to fight through, because the truth is you can't outrun it, and life always makes more.
Meredith: [voiceover] Pain, you just have to ride it out, hope it goes away on its own, hope the wound that caused it heals. There are no solutions, no easy answers. You just breathe deep and wait for it to subside. Most of the time pain can be managed, but sometimes the pain gets you when you least expect it, hits way below the belt and doesn't let up. Pain, you just have to fight through, because the truth is you can't outrun it, and life always makes more.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Memories photographed.
Tossing and turning on the bed and suddenly ada drive to blog....... Weird.
I was just browsing through all the pictures that I have since I arrive in the UK. Massive amount of them from my first year and slowly....... the amount decreases. Who is it to blame? Is it the fact that my camera rusak and has this little black dots whenever I take pictures (DON'T KNOW WHERE I GOT THEM, SADLY) or the fact that my friends have this massive DSLR which makes my pretty small cheap camera looks... so kasihan.. or just purely the fact that I've gotten so malas to take pictures with hope someone else will.
And last week, my hard disk decided to make the "clung clung clung" sound. I was..... in major devastation. Googled it and apparently it's one of the worse case scenarios that can happen to a hard disk! :( I don't mind losing all the movies, or songs, well maybe i do mind a bit, but not as much as losing photos.
Lost all my last summer Singapore photos :( and my Paris photos. Summer raya and everythign related to it. I should've made backup. So buta IT fifah. Mi heart is breaking.
Then I complained to my mom, and she said, "Well bulih jua ke Paris semula" HAHAHAH made me smile. My mom, always know how to say the best and sometimes funny things. Bless her ya Allah, amin!
Tapi I guess you can't compare that to the sufferings of the Palestinians, or Norway people who are dying due to the terrorist attack.
So in the end, life goes on, life goes on.
And because of that I learned that:
1) I should develop my pictures. Supaya ada hard copy!
2) I should invest in a camera.
Birds are chirping, I guess it's my cue to sleep! Goodnight/goodmorning everyoneeee. Salam!
Pips :)
I was just browsing through all the pictures that I have since I arrive in the UK. Massive amount of them from my first year and slowly....... the amount decreases. Who is it to blame? Is it the fact that my camera rusak and has this little black dots whenever I take pictures (DON'T KNOW WHERE I GOT THEM, SADLY) or the fact that my friends have this massive DSLR which makes my pretty small cheap camera looks... so kasihan.. or just purely the fact that I've gotten so malas to take pictures with hope someone else will.
And last week, my hard disk decided to make the "clung clung clung" sound. I was..... in major devastation. Googled it and apparently it's one of the worse case scenarios that can happen to a hard disk! :( I don't mind losing all the movies, or songs, well maybe i do mind a bit, but not as much as losing photos.
Lost all my last summer Singapore photos :( and my Paris photos. Summer raya and everythign related to it. I should've made backup. So buta IT fifah. Mi heart is breaking.
Then I complained to my mom, and she said, "Well bulih jua ke Paris semula" HAHAHAH made me smile. My mom, always know how to say the best and sometimes funny things. Bless her ya Allah, amin!
Tapi I guess you can't compare that to the sufferings of the Palestinians, or Norway people who are dying due to the terrorist attack.
So in the end, life goes on, life goes on.
And because of that I learned that:
1) I should develop my pictures. Supaya ada hard copy!
2) I should invest in a camera.
Birds are chirping, I guess it's my cue to sleep! Goodnight/goodmorning everyoneeee. Salam!
Pips :)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
A great speech. Or nayy?
Maybe it is easier, to be alone. Quoted from Grey's Anatomy. There's no one you need to lean on. Being on your two feet. Knowing whatever keeps you strong comes from you, no?
The video made me think.
Jadilah orang yang bersyukur.. Syukur kepada Allah Taala as He granted me with loving parents, annoying yet very supporting siblings, cousins, and friends, as my backbone, to success & happiness. Syukur Ya Rabb. Sometimes we forget.. Sometimes we lose will when things drag us down so so much.
One thing I learn, everyone is suffering. Maybe not the same as me, but everyone is, just differently. :)
Maybe in a day, something went massively wrong.. And it will beat the heck out of you. But have we look at the silver lining of life...? That things are taken away from us to be replaced by Allah with something better. Insyaallah..
Today I got two good news. One is where I am happy when someone is happy because he/she has try & taken a big step after a mistake in his/her life, and I truly truly care for this person and for he/she deserves to get the best in everything, syukur alhamdulillah. :)
Secondly, I am told that I am getting a free guitar! Am I lucky or what! :D Told the person I've been meaning to learn guitar. And that person decided to give me ia punya. Should I name it? TEHEHHEE. If so, what? I am so excited. Despite having stubby fingers, pindik lagi, but I will try to play. Tried before & my fingers hurt so badly, but hopefully dapat WHEEEE.
I hope I don't get punkd or else it won't be funny!
Wait for me dear guitar! :)
And lastly, a bit of lyrics from Beyonce, Schoolin life:
"This is for them 20 somethings
Time really moved fast, you were just sixteen"
Time has moved so fast wow. Next academic year, i'm already in second year. Time move fast. But sometimes you've gotta slow down, maybe stop and stare for a while. Or else you'll miss it.
Pips. :)
Maybe it is easier, to be alone. Quoted from Grey's Anatomy. There's no one you need to lean on. Being on your two feet. Knowing whatever keeps you strong comes from you, no?
The video made me think.
Jadilah orang yang bersyukur.. Syukur kepada Allah Taala as He granted me with loving parents, annoying yet very supporting siblings, cousins, and friends, as my backbone, to success & happiness. Syukur Ya Rabb. Sometimes we forget.. Sometimes we lose will when things drag us down so so much.
One thing I learn, everyone is suffering. Maybe not the same as me, but everyone is, just differently. :)
Maybe in a day, something went massively wrong.. And it will beat the heck out of you. But have we look at the silver lining of life...? That things are taken away from us to be replaced by Allah with something better. Insyaallah..
Today I got two good news. One is where I am happy when someone is happy because he/she has try & taken a big step after a mistake in his/her life, and I truly truly care for this person and for he/she deserves to get the best in everything, syukur alhamdulillah. :)
Secondly, I am told that I am getting a free guitar! Am I lucky or what! :D Told the person I've been meaning to learn guitar. And that person decided to give me ia punya. Should I name it? TEHEHHEE. If so, what? I am so excited. Despite having stubby fingers, pindik lagi, but I will try to play. Tried before & my fingers hurt so badly, but hopefully dapat WHEEEE.
I hope I don't get punkd or else it won't be funny!
Wait for me dear guitar! :)
And lastly, a bit of lyrics from Beyonce, Schoolin life:
"This is for them 20 somethings
Time really moved fast, you were just sixteen"
Time has moved so fast wow. Next academic year, i'm already in second year. Time move fast. But sometimes you've gotta slow down, maybe stop and stare for a while. Or else you'll miss it.
Pips. :)
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Angst driven.
In times of need, always, without fail, your phone decides to die, or habis credit, or expired tia. Sekali annoyingly, DST started texting you saying"Top up today to get 45days till your next expiry date" or something along those lines. Sekali I went "jkhfbfnejvj" How appropriate timing. Berabis. Inda tia dpt ke kadai pasal nada kerita. Kasian jua lah sedikit. Membari kan jalan kaki tapi hujan skali weather nyaman skali tetidur.... zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
I don't usually do this ramblings, about things that don't go my way. Pasal it shows it's quite freaky. Skali people judge lagi, always. But this time, I don't mind. I really don't.
I know ani stupid berabis. I am bloody exhausted. Tapi pasal I am waiting for something yang Im not even sure will pop up. Sort of stupid, I KNOW. Well people deserve to feel stupid sometimes. It's natural. IT'S NATURAL BAH. Sekali I hate when a promise atu inda ditepati. Kalau sekiranya inda tebuat, jgntah bejanji. Cam apa saja.
Sekali it's annoying how time cemani jua, it's starting to hurt. I thought I'm over it. Bukan love ni eh. Shallow banar jua wei. Well.. sebenarnya I know i was never over it. Before I sleep, or when I wake up, I keep thinking, thinking and thinking. Sekali to add salt (with pepper and chilli) into the wound yang sepatutnya bangas tapi balum pasal I'm not over it, sekali jadi makin padih by listening to emo songs. So people, what songs do you recommend me today? Add a little something something to my itunes lah.
This post macam full of angst. Sorry. Kalau sangal, beranti baca.
I know in life, things don't always go our way. I know.. Issokay. Cause it always turns for the better. But for now biar tia bitter sedikit. There will be sunshine, with rainbows after today.
x (pasal aku karit this time. Satu saja)
I don't usually do this ramblings, about things that don't go my way. Pasal it shows it's quite freaky. Skali people judge lagi, always. But this time, I don't mind. I really don't.
I know ani stupid berabis. I am bloody exhausted. Tapi pasal I am waiting for something yang Im not even sure will pop up. Sort of stupid, I KNOW. Well people deserve to feel stupid sometimes. It's natural. IT'S NATURAL BAH. Sekali I hate when a promise atu inda ditepati. Kalau sekiranya inda tebuat, jgntah bejanji. Cam apa saja.
Sekali it's annoying how time cemani jua, it's starting to hurt. I thought I'm over it. Bukan love ni eh. Shallow banar jua wei. Well.. sebenarnya I know i was never over it. Before I sleep, or when I wake up, I keep thinking, thinking and thinking. Sekali to add salt (with pepper and chilli) into the wound yang sepatutnya bangas tapi balum pasal I'm not over it, sekali jadi makin padih by listening to emo songs. So people, what songs do you recommend me today? Add a little something something to my itunes lah.
This post macam full of angst. Sorry. Kalau sangal, beranti baca.
I know in life, things don't always go our way. I know.. Issokay. Cause it always turns for the better. But for now biar tia bitter sedikit. There will be sunshine, with rainbows after today.
x (pasal aku karit this time. Satu saja)
Thursday, April 7, 2011
The bimbos! :P
Again, being so clingy to this blog, i decided to post again LOL! :P
Im being sooo nice. Kamu sebenarnya mesti post jua bah. SIGH SIGH SIGH. :P
Skyped with the girls tadi masa durang celebrated Fiqah's birthday. (HAPPY BIRTDHAY AGAIN BABE! :p) And OMG cali berabis with them.... i miss you guys so much :') And since k-box Brunei makin lawa, lets kbox okaieeee when I come back? And to Dal and Qayah, yes i will hapalkan that "I STALK YOUR PROFILE" song.... KAMU PUN MESTI HAPALKAN!!! Jgn indaaa!! :P walaupun that song mcm music "jgn ya laila, jgn terpedaya" by Yasin... Hmmmm...
And sorry mcm lag berabis tadi atu. I will aga the owner of the wireless company and complain. EYAH cam si banar tehehhe. entah maybe connection Brunei kali jua. Inda ku tau. Padahal awal-awal atu okay ajeer. Weird much! :( But it's okey, i get to see your faces. :)
And HAHAHAH i am not in love, okayyy?????? LOL. cali kamu anieh!
And and.... time bagmbr, HAHAHHA hancur! Si dal yang langsung inda begarak and muanya terpampang saja HAHAHAH di dapan no worries slightly kabur, inda nampak ur jeragats yang awak suruh fotoshop tehehe. and... Mcm mua kamu terstuck2. Sudah okay, skali then mcm one of you will garak. esp si Fajin, Qayah and Naj. Mcm begarak sajaaaa! Camm whatt CMANA KAN BEGAMBAR NI HAHAHHA but i chose one picture yang the best. Teheee.
Cannot wait for summer. Miss you babes! :D

Piping, always and foreverrr~
Im being sooo nice. Kamu sebenarnya mesti post jua bah. SIGH SIGH SIGH. :P
Skyped with the girls tadi masa durang celebrated Fiqah's birthday. (HAPPY BIRTDHAY AGAIN BABE! :p) And OMG cali berabis with them.... i miss you guys so much :') And since k-box Brunei makin lawa, lets kbox okaieeee when I come back? And to Dal and Qayah, yes i will hapalkan that "I STALK YOUR PROFILE" song.... KAMU PUN MESTI HAPALKAN!!! Jgn indaaa!! :P walaupun that song mcm music "jgn ya laila, jgn terpedaya" by Yasin... Hmmmm...
And sorry mcm lag berabis tadi atu. I will aga the owner of the wireless company and complain. EYAH cam si banar tehehhe. entah maybe connection Brunei kali jua. Inda ku tau. Padahal awal-awal atu okay ajeer. Weird much! :( But it's okey, i get to see your faces. :)
And HAHAHAH i am not in love, okayyy?????? LOL. cali kamu anieh!
And and.... time bagmbr, HAHAHHA hancur! Si dal yang langsung inda begarak and muanya terpampang saja HAHAHAH di dapan no worries slightly kabur, inda nampak ur jeragats yang awak suruh fotoshop tehehe. and... Mcm mua kamu terstuck2. Sudah okay, skali then mcm one of you will garak. esp si Fajin, Qayah and Naj. Mcm begarak sajaaaa! Camm whatt CMANA KAN BEGAMBAR NI HAHAHHA but i chose one picture yang the best. Teheee.
Cannot wait for summer. Miss you babes! :D

Piping, always and foreverrr~
Toast, to the tua-est among all :)
Salam everybody.... :)
As the title says,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR DEAREST TUA GIRL AMONG THE FnVs, NUR AFIQAH BTE ROSLAN :DDD As cliche as it sounds, saya hanya mahu mendoakan yang terbaik untuk mu, the normal semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki and diberkati Allah sentiasa. And awak demand panjang-panjang kan wall post ani.. DEMANDING BANGETT. hennoying (kkeke inda ikhlas :P) but i will try my best to astonish you with my words!
Firstly, mohon ampun dipinta kerana tidak dapat datang ke majlis awak kat rumah. Well, kau inda invite aku jua anyway EYAH BETCHY KEKEKKE :p but yeah i know psl aku di sni.... (an invitation would be good yknow HEHHE labih) but yeah inda papa. At least I get to skype with you batah berabis. Heee <3 walaupun alum semua cerita keluar! And cali jua lah, with occasional mama mu and uncle mu popping up now and then LOL. and yes thanks again to your mom pasal buatkan aku keropok ubi. Pengubat luka lara hati ini esehmen.
And inda ku ikhlas tu nyanyikan kau birthday song ah! KANA PAJAL!!! apa tu!! kekke nadawah. I hope you enjoyed my not-so-awesome voice and bangas looking face time menyanyikan awak lagu hari jadi :p
Sebenarnya aku mencari bahan kan dicakapkan wah ni... Hmmmm... PAYAH WAH MENG-HAPPY-KAN org demanding mcm awak ani!
Never forget you're always my breath of fresh air when it gets a little bit suffocating :)
Its a nice feeling when you know that someone likes you, someone thinks about you, someone needs you. And you make me feel like that. Cos you're the bomb, just like that.
And your whatsapp, HEHEHHE i enjoy them. Walaupun kadang2 ada yang cam WHATTTTT?!?! esp masa kau record your voice message (dont know if you remember what you sent me, if kau inda ingat, i'll tell you personally hehe krg kdptn tiaaa teheeee)
Semoga hari ini akan membawa kebahagiaan. Pasang tia lagu sooulja boyy, ber-crank that kamu di rumah mu HEHHEHE sama the girlies. Shake your asss offfffff!! and harap-harap drg akan lap the creme of the cake kah tadi atu on your face. Menghuduhkan muka awak kekekek :P
I read this somewhere,"A smile is the most beautiful curve of a woman's body" SEE? Walaupun your jubur segala bootilicous, always it's the smile bebeh yang menawan hati and bagus TEHEHHE. Life gets tough sometimes, but it's okay, everyone's suffering, and we'll be okay, insyaallah. Doa banyak-banyak, insyaallah eveyrthing will be fine. You have us to catch you when things go wrong, and slightly off the cliff. Remember, kami jadi pelampung mu di kala kau drown. ESEHMEN. Aku ani patut manang award ni tehehhehe.
Life's been tough, we all know that. Thank you for you support. cos i wouldn't know how to live without it. <3
I miss summer. I get to see you in Spore. :( and now you're so far. Awuu, i hate distance. It's my enemy. AKU BANCI. SIGH. and btw check out lagu Bruno Mars- Long distance. MEMBARI EMO BABE! TEHEHHEHE. skali skala slit wrist wah~ (OI DONT DO THIS AT HOME! BAD BAD GIRL!)
You've known my good sides. My bad sides. My stories. Apa lagi? My family? Segalanya lah. And yet you still accept me, despite me being so menses, emotionally-driven, slightly psycho, ketawa-jokes-sendiri kind of girl, and for that, I love and thank you.
For you always bring the positive side of me out, and I thank Allah for sending you to me. For creating someone this wonderful, who's always ready to listen to my super duper crap about some makanan yang inda nyaman or my constant craving of food yg kalau aku nda fulfill aku will nangis, and always ready for new adventures mcm berbiskal di Spore mcm random much TEHEH, someone who picks me up when I fall, who shares and listens and laugh together ktawakan Qayah kalau ia SNORT tehehhe, making this world a wonderful place despite its occasional gloom.
And sorry mcm im not there for you kali.. most of the times. But you know I always wish for your happiness and success, always. So... as today is your great day, smile berabis, laugh berabis and be HAPPYYY :DDDDDD It's an awesome day, I mean come one, how can it not be? It's 7 April 2011! (well kalau 10 Feb lagi awesome plg TEHEHHE :P)
OKAY GOOD ENOUGH? I should copyright this post! Ngalih ku memikirkan ni!!! ORIGINAL! HAHAHHAHAHHAHA.
Wishing you the best on your birthday,
'Afifah Othman :) <3 (thousand of these heart shape loveee!!)
and my virtual hugs tooo! LOVE YOU!!!
As the title says,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR DEAREST TUA GIRL AMONG THE FnVs, NUR AFIQAH BTE ROSLAN :DDD As cliche as it sounds, saya hanya mahu mendoakan yang terbaik untuk mu, the normal semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki and diberkati Allah sentiasa. And awak demand panjang-panjang kan wall post ani.. DEMANDING BANGETT. hennoying (kkeke inda ikhlas :P) but i will try my best to astonish you with my words!
Firstly, mohon ampun dipinta kerana tidak dapat datang ke majlis awak kat rumah. Well, kau inda invite aku jua anyway EYAH BETCHY KEKEKKE :p but yeah i know psl aku di sni.... (an invitation would be good yknow HEHHE labih) but yeah inda papa. At least I get to skype with you batah berabis. Heee <3 walaupun alum semua cerita keluar! And cali jua lah, with occasional mama mu and uncle mu popping up now and then LOL. and yes thanks again to your mom pasal buatkan aku keropok ubi. Pengubat luka lara hati ini esehmen.
And inda ku ikhlas tu nyanyikan kau birthday song ah! KANA PAJAL!!! apa tu!! kekke nadawah. I hope you enjoyed my not-so-awesome voice and bangas looking face time menyanyikan awak lagu hari jadi :p
Sebenarnya aku mencari bahan kan dicakapkan wah ni... Hmmmm... PAYAH WAH MENG-HAPPY-KAN org demanding mcm awak ani!
Never forget you're always my breath of fresh air when it gets a little bit suffocating :)
Its a nice feeling when you know that someone likes you, someone thinks about you, someone needs you. And you make me feel like that. Cos you're the bomb, just like that.
And your whatsapp, HEHEHHE i enjoy them. Walaupun kadang2 ada yang cam WHATTTTT?!?! esp masa kau record your voice message (dont know if you remember what you sent me, if kau inda ingat, i'll tell you personally hehe krg kdptn tiaaa teheeee)
Semoga hari ini akan membawa kebahagiaan. Pasang tia lagu sooulja boyy, ber-crank that kamu di rumah mu HEHHEHE sama the girlies. Shake your asss offfffff!! and harap-harap drg akan lap the creme of the cake kah tadi atu on your face. Menghuduhkan muka awak kekekek :P
I read this somewhere,"A smile is the most beautiful curve of a woman's body" SEE? Walaupun your jubur segala bootilicous, always it's the smile bebeh yang menawan hati and bagus TEHEHHE. Life gets tough sometimes, but it's okay, everyone's suffering, and we'll be okay, insyaallah. Doa banyak-banyak, insyaallah eveyrthing will be fine. You have us to catch you when things go wrong, and slightly off the cliff. Remember, kami jadi pelampung mu di kala kau drown. ESEHMEN. Aku ani patut manang award ni tehehhehe.
Life's been tough, we all know that. Thank you for you support. cos i wouldn't know how to live without it. <3
I miss summer. I get to see you in Spore. :( and now you're so far. Awuu, i hate distance. It's my enemy. AKU BANCI. SIGH. and btw check out lagu Bruno Mars- Long distance. MEMBARI EMO BABE! TEHEHHEHE. skali skala slit wrist wah~ (OI DONT DO THIS AT HOME! BAD BAD GIRL!)
You've known my good sides. My bad sides. My stories. Apa lagi? My family? Segalanya lah. And yet you still accept me, despite me being so menses, emotionally-driven, slightly psycho, ketawa-jokes-sendiri kind of girl, and for that, I love and thank you.
For you always bring the positive side of me out, and I thank Allah for sending you to me. For creating someone this wonderful, who's always ready to listen to my super duper crap about some makanan yang inda nyaman or my constant craving of food yg kalau aku nda fulfill aku will nangis, and always ready for new adventures mcm berbiskal di Spore mcm random much TEHEH, someone who picks me up when I fall, who shares and listens and laugh together ktawakan Qayah kalau ia SNORT tehehhe, making this world a wonderful place despite its occasional gloom.
And sorry mcm im not there for you kali.. most of the times. But you know I always wish for your happiness and success, always. So... as today is your great day, smile berabis, laugh berabis and be HAPPYYY :DDDDDD It's an awesome day, I mean come one, how can it not be? It's 7 April 2011! (well kalau 10 Feb lagi awesome plg TEHEHHE :P)
OKAY GOOD ENOUGH? I should copyright this post! Ngalih ku memikirkan ni!!! ORIGINAL! HAHAHHAHAHHAHA.
Wishing you the best on your birthday,
'Afifah Othman :) <3 (thousand of these heart shape loveee!!)
and my virtual hugs tooo! LOVE YOU!!!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Done and over with hell yea!
Salam everyone. :)
BEG was done and over with, finalllyyyyyyyyy!! YAYYYYERRRRSSSSSS. HEHHEHE. There are some things that could be improved for next year so insyaallah next year it will be better! Insyaallah, amin! Came back feeling lethargic, whole body aching! I wish i have masseuse right now. Minta kana urut! SIGH. I'm gonna miss it though. Tiring preparation, of going back and forth to city centre to handle the baju, things going wrong on the orders, sticking logos on trophies, all the brainstorming and stuff. They will surely be missed :')
And yesterday, my family went back to London. And..... damn i'm still stuck in Nottingham because of something. Sedih eh. kennot change the date ah. But i'm going to London later at night, i kennot wait!!! :D
And after that... they'll leave. I dont know how I will react. I must watch a lot of chick flicks after that. MUST DO. to cheer me up. LOL.
And........ how are things guys? You all have been quiet.
BEG was done and over with, finalllyyyyyyyyy!! YAYYYYERRRRSSSSSS. HEHHEHE. There are some things that could be improved for next year so insyaallah next year it will be better! Insyaallah, amin! Came back feeling lethargic, whole body aching! I wish i have masseuse right now. Minta kana urut! SIGH. I'm gonna miss it though. Tiring preparation, of going back and forth to city centre to handle the baju, things going wrong on the orders, sticking logos on trophies, all the brainstorming and stuff. They will surely be missed :')
And yesterday, my family went back to London. And..... damn i'm still stuck in Nottingham because of something. Sedih eh. kennot change the date ah. But i'm going to London later at night, i kennot wait!!! :D
And after that... they'll leave. I dont know how I will react. I must watch a lot of chick flicks after that. MUST DO. to cheer me up. LOL.
And........ how are things guys? You all have been quiet.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Bits and pieces of me.
Salam everyone! :)
It's Wednesday sudah.. You know what that means? That weekend is coming! I cannot wait. This week is the last week of uni life of term two. It's been.... an ups and downs, obviously. But i'm sure things will change, for the better, insyaallah. And weekend, i get to see amazing people jua TEHEHE <3 And to see that lovely smile, makes me smile too. It's too far. You're too far.
Life's been hectic. I've got my family here in the UK, YAY! Spending my time with them, everyday waking up to the smell of good breakfast, ie cucur pisang/ubi/kacang or nasi goring or mee goring. Just generally waking up to see these lovely faces makes your worries go away. Bt obviously they will leave soon, SADLY. Sometimes, i wish life could slow down a bit. But it's okay.. Life goes on, life goes on......
And at the same time, been juggling with Brunotts Easter Game stuff as well, which is going to be on Saturday this week. I'm so hyped up! WHEEWHOOOT. People will be coming to this event, playing different kinds of sports, and honestly i really cannot wait. All the preparation done all these while, insyaallah will be worth it. And at the same time, I get to see people yang participate in the games jua, ie Naz and Khairi, etc. I KENNOT WAIT! :D Awu bah sangal kamu dangar kekekkeke.
Last night, i heard a news lah. Yang... makes you wonder. WHY WHY WHY. and at the same time, it makes me lose hope... slightly. It made me think mcm does all these years meant nothing kah? Mcm.. don't you have the memories played over and over again in your head? But i guess that's one life's story. I should not dwell much.
I haven't been in contact much with people. Deeply, i apologise. Things been..... Well... I've been busy. Not a good reason. But I hope it's sufficient. I hope everyone's been well.
Miss you guys.
Much love,
It's Wednesday sudah.. You know what that means? That weekend is coming! I cannot wait. This week is the last week of uni life of term two. It's been.... an ups and downs, obviously. But i'm sure things will change, for the better, insyaallah. And weekend, i get to see amazing people jua TEHEHE <3 And to see that lovely smile, makes me smile too. It's too far. You're too far.
Life's been hectic. I've got my family here in the UK, YAY! Spending my time with them, everyday waking up to the smell of good breakfast, ie cucur pisang/ubi/kacang or nasi goring or mee goring. Just generally waking up to see these lovely faces makes your worries go away. Bt obviously they will leave soon, SADLY. Sometimes, i wish life could slow down a bit. But it's okay.. Life goes on, life goes on......
And at the same time, been juggling with Brunotts Easter Game stuff as well, which is going to be on Saturday this week. I'm so hyped up! WHEEWHOOOT. People will be coming to this event, playing different kinds of sports, and honestly i really cannot wait. All the preparation done all these while, insyaallah will be worth it. And at the same time, I get to see people yang participate in the games jua, ie Naz and Khairi, etc. I KENNOT WAIT! :D Awu bah sangal kamu dangar kekekkeke.
Last night, i heard a news lah. Yang... makes you wonder. WHY WHY WHY. and at the same time, it makes me lose hope... slightly. It made me think mcm does all these years meant nothing kah? Mcm.. don't you have the memories played over and over again in your head? But i guess that's one life's story. I should not dwell much.
I haven't been in contact much with people. Deeply, i apologise. Things been..... Well... I've been busy. Not a good reason. But I hope it's sufficient. I hope everyone's been well.
Miss you guys.
Much love,
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Salam everyone.
You know that feeling when you're standing next to born geniuses and you feel incompetent? SIGH.
You know that feeling when you're standing next to born geniuses and you feel incompetent? SIGH.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Segalanya ada hikmah
Assalamualaikum everyone. :)
To be honest, I don't know if people actually read this blog anymore. HAHA kesian kamu.... Always have to put up with my rants :P Again, this is gonna be a useless post (but hopefully it will not go to that direction HAHA gimme ideas!)
My exam's result is going to be released on Monday. And heck i'm scared like hell. Aku takut. What if I dont make it? I was soooo engrossed with other things in mind, I mean who wouldn't be if you hear such news? That aside, things are still not fine. More towards going worse, but I'm sure segala-galanya ada hikmah. Cos I belive Allah won't give me something that I cannot endure. I believe firmly in that.
And something that I would like to share with you guys. To keep holding on. :)

I'm lacking sleep. GAH.
Okay. Sorry if again useless. Tujuan saya hanya cuma untuk menyerikan blog yang usang ini LOL!
Muchos <3,
Piping :)
To be honest, I don't know if people actually read this blog anymore. HAHA kesian kamu.... Always have to put up with my rants :P Again, this is gonna be a useless post (but hopefully it will not go to that direction HAHA gimme ideas!)
My exam's result is going to be released on Monday. And heck i'm scared like hell. Aku takut. What if I dont make it? I was soooo engrossed with other things in mind, I mean who wouldn't be if you hear such news? That aside, things are still not fine. More towards going worse, but I'm sure segala-galanya ada hikmah. Cos I belive Allah won't give me something that I cannot endure. I believe firmly in that.
And something that I would like to share with you guys. To keep holding on. :)

I'm lacking sleep. GAH.
Okay. Sorry if again useless. Tujuan saya hanya cuma untuk menyerikan blog yang usang ini LOL!
Muchos <3,
Piping :)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Whining about daging
Salam everyone. :)
Banarnya post ani useless pulang ni KEKEKKE. Aku masak daging kari tonight YAY! :D pasal kami smua sick of eating chicken wah sudah... -ish and lama sudah nda makan daging psl daging here is really mahal.
Skali kan batah wah tunggu daging ani masak. Iatah ku malas tu nah...
Tapi it was a success! Happy I.
Harap-harap org nda sakit parut! HAHAHHAHAHHAHAH!
eh nyaman wah banar.
bah aku kan panjangkan post ani supaya nda THATTT empty.
Bah bai :P
Banarnya post ani useless pulang ni KEKEKKE. Aku masak daging kari tonight YAY! :D pasal kami smua sick of eating chicken wah sudah... -ish and lama sudah nda makan daging psl daging here is really mahal.
Skali kan batah wah tunggu daging ani masak. Iatah ku malas tu nah...
Tapi it was a success! Happy I.
Harap-harap org nda sakit parut! HAHAHHAHAHHAHAH!
eh nyaman wah banar.
bah aku kan panjangkan post ani supaya nda THATTT empty.
Bah bai :P
Saturday, January 15, 2011
If you have no intention of staying........
Salam everyone. :)
I know I should really be studying right now. It's uni exam season and honestly, ngalih ku sudah belajar HAHAHHA right now lah. So tired. I just wanna sleep, or youtube stuff or watch Spongebob. BANAR. But masani menunggu masak nasi HAHAH so yeah i might as well type something here! (irrelevant banar paragraph ani HAHAHAHHA!)
You know that feeling when you go to sleep crying and the next day you wake up with puffy face? Yeah let's hope that's not gonna happen to us anytime sooner. LOL. Aku wondering saja... bakas liat chick flicks KEKE.
And sekali.... there are some things yang you regret doing lately. Skali this peribahasa came up to my mind "Terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata buruk padahnya." Iatah baik-baik. I guess cakap siang pandang-pandang, cakap malam dengar-dengar (or so i think it goes like that)
And like.... if you don't intend to stay, mcm jgntah start. AT ALL. Just sayinnnnnnnn. If TER-start sudah, at least say proper goodbye. Courtesy bah!
I'm hungry. Hope nasi ku masak sudah! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA
Piping :)
I know I should really be studying right now. It's uni exam season and honestly, ngalih ku sudah belajar HAHAHHA right now lah. So tired. I just wanna sleep, or youtube stuff or watch Spongebob. BANAR. But masani menunggu masak nasi HAHAH so yeah i might as well type something here! (irrelevant banar paragraph ani HAHAHAHHA!)
You know that feeling when you go to sleep crying and the next day you wake up with puffy face? Yeah let's hope that's not gonna happen to us anytime sooner. LOL. Aku wondering saja... bakas liat chick flicks KEKE.
And sekali.... there are some things yang you regret doing lately. Skali this peribahasa came up to my mind "Terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata buruk padahnya." Iatah baik-baik. I guess cakap siang pandang-pandang, cakap malam dengar-dengar (or so i think it goes like that)
And like.... if you don't intend to stay, mcm jgntah start. AT ALL. Just sayinnnnnnnn. If TER-start sudah, at least say proper goodbye. Courtesy bah!
I'm hungry. Hope nasi ku masak sudah! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA
Piping :)
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Obligatory last day 2010 post :)
Anyway. I just thought that a post on the last day of 2010 is a must. I don't think i've ever done an obligatory post but someone in twitter said she wanted to do one, and then i got me into doing it jua KEKEK. LOL. It's funny how we all conform to the same ideas. despite it being a ridiculous one. :P HEWHEWHEW (cos everyone laughs like this lately. see? conforming again hahah!)
So.. what happened in 2010?
Stupid UCAS moments. The best birthday ever, being 19th and such birthday ideas are irreplaceable. Italy trip. Barcelona trip. Left Queenswood for good. The most amazing summer, EVER. Got into Notts uni doing the course that I want. Amazing housemates in Nottingham.
To be honest, i can't remember much. Oh why whyyyy? when i agree to make an epic post. selalu ni. annoying tia. Well. Ingat pulang sebenarnya but then i wouldnt write down my 2010 life chronology, okay, cause that's just... wrong. HAHAHHAHHA. Obviously there are some shit things I wouldn't fancy much but i guess they make me stronger? And of course, some bits yang buat aku happy. mcm happy yang buat aku jump in joy.
Nevertheless, here's to an amazing 2010. CHEERS! Semoga 2011 memberi lebih makna to us! WIth keberkatan dari Allah and kegembiraan. Amin.
Anyway. I just thought that a post on the last day of 2010 is a must. I don't think i've ever done an obligatory post but someone in twitter said she wanted to do one, and then i got me into doing it jua KEKEK. LOL. It's funny how we all conform to the same ideas. despite it being a ridiculous one. :P HEWHEWHEW (cos everyone laughs like this lately. see? conforming again hahah!)
So.. what happened in 2010?
Stupid UCAS moments. The best birthday ever, being 19th and such birthday ideas are irreplaceable. Italy trip. Barcelona trip. Left Queenswood for good. The most amazing summer, EVER. Got into Notts uni doing the course that I want. Amazing housemates in Nottingham.
To be honest, i can't remember much. Oh why whyyyy? when i agree to make an epic post. selalu ni. annoying tia. Well. Ingat pulang sebenarnya but then i wouldnt write down my 2010 life chronology, okay, cause that's just... wrong. HAHAHHAHHA. Obviously there are some shit things I wouldn't fancy much but i guess they make me stronger? And of course, some bits yang buat aku happy. mcm happy yang buat aku jump in joy.
Nevertheless, here's to an amazing 2010. CHEERS! Semoga 2011 memberi lebih makna to us! WIth keberkatan dari Allah and kegembiraan. Amin.
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