Hahahahahha a2 plg 2 nganya yg kn ku ckp...
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
BEWARE OF WHAT...??? well.., dis is just a summary for d breast cancer thingy.... want to know?? read arh c ao punya post under me.. den u get wat i mean...
but b4 that.., d guys.., boys.., men and gentlemen.... if u want to look at it.. i don mind.. but look for education n not for ur 'own good thing'.. n also dont take it easy... there is 1% of men hving breast cancer... BELIEVE IT...!!!!
well.., right now im just to dangg lazeh to type more.. s i just jost pictures... like wat ekin sed.., ' pictures says it all '

well.., now dat u got d instructions on how to do it right why wait..??? do it now..!!!! now...!!!!! its for ur own good... okehh..???? *thumbs up*
masa ani kn fikiran ku berbelah bagi... sebabnya aku liat tv jua.... so mls lahh nak type bnyk2...
i stop here.....
but b4 that.., d guys.., boys.., men and gentlemen.... if u want to look at it.. i don mind.. but look for education n not for ur 'own good thing'.. n also dont take it easy... there is 1% of men hving breast cancer... BELIEVE IT...!!!!
well.., right now im just to dangg lazeh to type more.. s i just jost pictures... like wat ekin sed.., ' pictures says it all '
well.., now dat u got d instructions on how to do it right why wait..??? do it now..!!!! now...!!!!! its for ur own good... okehh..???? *thumbs up*
masa ani kn fikiran ku berbelah bagi... sebabnya aku liat tv jua.... so mls lahh nak type bnyk2...
i stop here.....
Can u eat like me?
ey, aku dmam since mon +I feel my inside burning! N my nose non-stop blari.. HAHA XDD runing nose waa~ So i plan not 2go to skul 2day bt ada sumting yg tdak bleh d'elakkn so i hv to cum.. Ooh shussh! *SPOIL* Btw wana tel u dstory bout ystrday n d day b4 dat.. Wel i mean tue+wed.. Itz lyk dz.. =) on tue i went home at 1pm, yatakan my prentz bwa aku jln.. So yeah awl2 kan mkn dkdai bt den tba2 na jdi.. Oh god! I am damn HUNGRY!! So my dad blikan kebab, u noe wats dat ritee..? so we went home afta abiz shopin.. Den drmh aku trus mkn, i ate 2kbab ac2ly bt den mseh lapar.. So i dcide to mkn nasi.. P MALANGNYA nada lauk.. So i goreng 2keping daging 4 d'burger+half packet of d'nuget! Yata my mom shock.. Unblievably hbiz olehku.. Haha =D den afta 2hrs i ate nasi agen! Since lapar afta bru bngun tdur.. N AGAIN afta 1hr aku mkn nasi ayam.. Nyaman xa, cnt rsist it +im stil hungry.. Haha xp am i kuat mkn o wat?
My story doesnt stop der, MORE lgi xa.. dnex day wich iz wed.. Msa lunch, i ate chicken+chips as fifah sed yg $2.50 aah.. c fifah+naj+Qay+Sam mkn nasi.. n i ate sushi jua.. =) wich gladys bgi.. Itz yummy! den kan kmi ada talk bout dz breast cancer awarenez ting.. Most FUN part iz at d end of dat talk d'speakers kna sruh mkn.. As we(me+my frenz) cleaning d audi.. Since d'fud provided 4 d'speakers ada mseh, kmi kna sruh hbizkan.. So i ate d mee n drink d tea.. Tea nya nyaman!! Den msa blik, my uncle bwa MAKAN lgi.. Soo aku apalagi.. I ate mee laah.. La mee.. Slurrp! Sedap! Haha xDD Im wondring wat hapen 2me, coz i cnt stop eating msane.. Wel tel u dtruth im hungry msane bt aku mkn lunch daah.. Haha xp u bter watchout ppl virus cFifah mengena arhku dah.. Later u'll hve d 2nd pers0n yg ska fud.. Hohoh..
My story doesnt stop der, MORE lgi xa.. dnex day wich iz wed.. Msa lunch, i ate chicken+chips as fifah sed yg $2.50 aah.. c fifah+naj+Qay+Sam mkn nasi.. n i ate sushi jua.. =) wich gladys bgi.. Itz yummy! den kan kmi ada talk bout dz breast cancer awarenez ting.. Most FUN part iz at d end of dat talk d'speakers kna sruh mkn.. As we(me+my frenz) cleaning d audi.. Since d'fud provided 4 d'speakers ada mseh, kmi kna sruh hbizkan.. So i ate d mee n drink d tea.. Tea nya nyaman!! Den msa blik, my uncle bwa MAKAN lgi.. Soo aku apalagi.. I ate mee laah.. La mee.. Slurrp! Sedap! Haha xDD Im wondring wat hapen 2me, coz i cnt stop eating msane.. Wel tel u dtruth im hungry msane bt aku mkn lunch daah.. Haha xp u bter watchout ppl virus cFifah mengena arhku dah.. Later u'll hve d 2nd pers0n yg ska fud.. Hohoh..
I had biology first thing in the morning. -____________-" trust me, my brain wasn’t working so well. I had fun trying to mix and match the stickers tah pulang instead of concentrating about the oh-so-fun transpiration pull. Fortunately, we used the second period to angkat barang for the breast awareness thingy in the afternoon. I was carrying Fiqah’s art of chromosome, CAREFULLY, and suddenly, tegugur chromosomenya =.=” That explains her hyperness today. She dropped a chromosome. HAHAHA XDD
I need not explain about my maths and chem. class. Because suka hati ku lah. Malas ku.
It was then GP period. I like GP, despite not having my current affairs done, yet. Haha. My class went to the lecture theatre to watch the day after tomorrow. IT WAS FUN. :)
Well, one thing is, it taught me about global warming. I am aware of the world okay, just that it made me aware-er, if that’s even a word HAHA =p Jadi vegetarian tah ku ni karang. Seriously. I might be. It’s a good thing ya’know, eating lots of sayur will make u have no constipation. Constipation ani mana cali hahha. Banar inda cali walaupun aku ketawa. And secondly, it helps slow down global warming! It’s like membunuh dua burung dengan satu batu. It’s killing two birds with one stone, just in case u don’t know hahha.
My GP teacher, no need to mention the name, switched off the lights, the room was dark, it was extremely romantic. Banyak scenes yg mmbari lamah jantung, and at one point, Dal and I held hands. No, we are not an item. HAHA. Kami pigang tangan pasal kami takut and music nya lagi mmbagi ijap. Mcm teng teng tenggggggg! Kalau kamu tau cana musicnya lah haha. Dal, Naz Muizz and I sat on the floor. Awal2 kami duduk arah the kerusi yg dapat tetutup sendiri, tapi psl sampit, entah aku ani luan basar kali. Eh inda scratch that, psl architect atu buat the seats damit, so aku payah benafas, so = duduk di lantai. Simple enough? :D
Qayah, Simaa, Naj, Fiqah and I were very very hungry people. Kami smua makan yg $2.50, maju jaya bah fats kami sudah! Cemana kan aku jadi vegetarian ni? Hahahaha! Then we headed to the breast cancer awareness di audi. We saw breasts model, and ada yang kuyak2. Ganas jua urang menyucuk ah, bahapa kan during atu. HAHAHA.
Naj and I asked questions. =p Tapi my sentence buruk, and mcm emmmm. Haha. Naj asked about whether having silicon implants will cause breast cancer. The answer is that the possibility of someone having silicon implants to have breast cancer is more or less the same as those who doesn’t have any implant. BUT, yes there is a but. For those having implants, it will be more difficult to spot any lumps. I know Brunei doesn’t practice this kind of thing, I just want to let you know.
REMINDER: Don’t forget to check for any lumps! We are still young, but prevention is always better than cure. =)
>> Deodorants and antiperspirant doesn’t cause breast cancer. (that’s what the doctor said)
>> If you have dry skin on ur breast (because breasts are suppose to be soft), it might mean that you have a disease.
>> Do self examination on the 7th to 10th days after you got your period. MUST DO!!
>> The lumps are not painful and are immobile.
This post might sound explicit, but girls, (and guys too, remember? 1% of guys are affected) this is very important. Start now, or it might be too late. Thank you for your cooperation.
Hahah Ohmaigad. Im talking about world issues here; global warming and breast cancer.
Done by;
Fifah. <3
I need not explain about my maths and chem. class. Because suka hati ku lah. Malas ku.
It was then GP period. I like GP, despite not having my current affairs done, yet. Haha. My class went to the lecture theatre to watch the day after tomorrow. IT WAS FUN. :)
Well, one thing is, it taught me about global warming. I am aware of the world okay, just that it made me aware-er, if that’s even a word HAHA =p Jadi vegetarian tah ku ni karang. Seriously. I might be. It’s a good thing ya’know, eating lots of sayur will make u have no constipation. Constipation ani mana cali hahha. Banar inda cali walaupun aku ketawa. And secondly, it helps slow down global warming! It’s like membunuh dua burung dengan satu batu. It’s killing two birds with one stone, just in case u don’t know hahha.
My GP teacher, no need to mention the name, switched off the lights, the room was dark, it was extremely romantic. Banyak scenes yg mmbari lamah jantung, and at one point, Dal and I held hands. No, we are not an item. HAHA. Kami pigang tangan pasal kami takut and music nya lagi mmbagi ijap. Mcm teng teng tenggggggg! Kalau kamu tau cana musicnya lah haha. Dal, Naz Muizz and I sat on the floor. Awal2 kami duduk arah the kerusi yg dapat tetutup sendiri, tapi psl sampit, entah aku ani luan basar kali. Eh inda scratch that, psl architect atu buat the seats damit, so aku payah benafas, so = duduk di lantai. Simple enough? :D
Qayah, Simaa, Naj, Fiqah and I were very very hungry people. Kami smua makan yg $2.50, maju jaya bah fats kami sudah! Cemana kan aku jadi vegetarian ni? Hahahaha! Then we headed to the breast cancer awareness di audi. We saw breasts model, and ada yang kuyak2. Ganas jua urang menyucuk ah, bahapa kan during atu. HAHAHA.
Naj and I asked questions. =p Tapi my sentence buruk, and mcm emmmm. Haha. Naj asked about whether having silicon implants will cause breast cancer. The answer is that the possibility of someone having silicon implants to have breast cancer is more or less the same as those who doesn’t have any implant. BUT, yes there is a but. For those having implants, it will be more difficult to spot any lumps. I know Brunei doesn’t practice this kind of thing, I just want to let you know.
REMINDER: Don’t forget to check for any lumps! We are still young, but prevention is always better than cure. =)
>> Deodorants and antiperspirant doesn’t cause breast cancer. (that’s what the doctor said)
>> If you have dry skin on ur breast (because breasts are suppose to be soft), it might mean that you have a disease.
>> Do self examination on the 7th to 10th days after you got your period. MUST DO!!
>> The lumps are not painful and are immobile.
This post might sound explicit, but girls, (and guys too, remember? 1% of guys are affected) this is very important. Start now, or it might be too late. Thank you for your cooperation.
Hahah Ohmaigad. Im talking about world issues here; global warming and breast cancer.
Done by;
Fifah. <3
Monday, April 28, 2008
we celebrated the april people's birthday on the 25th April. I just wanna show off the cake tho..:D
Happy Birthday to NAJAAH, AZMAN, FIQAH and KHAIRI- sorry to fiqah for forgetting her name on the cake.. (Pikir ia nda datang wah tu masa tuu.. Si khairi pulang nada eh..hehe)
Actually there's lots more of the picture for that say.. bUt somehow bnyk blurr.. Alum adjusted wah the camera settings eya tha... sayang eh!! hehe
Sunday, April 27, 2008
We are souljahhhhs. XDD
Inda kamu rindu aku mempost? Sabar wah.. Aku bkn postman. HHAHA XDD Anyway, I wanted to tell the story bout our visit to ministry of defense. I know lambat, biar tia, im making an effort here. =)) Bear with me for a few minutes here, this is gonna be a long post of mine. =p
So starting, kami menunggu bas wah. Semangat ani!! Tapi bas ani datang exactly pukul 8!! Memang berdisiplin wah. Namanya jua abdb. Clap lah kamu.. Apa ni.. Hahaha XDD So kami ani riuh naik dlm bas, bas BASAR, tapi kami naik mcm inda cukup tmpt duduk ani wah. Betulak tulak. HAHA. Ani namanya bkn nada mib ni, ani namanya iski. Kami ani peng-iski wah =D Skali dlm bas kami begmbr2. I’d love to post the pictures, tapi connction ani lag. Skali kan aku ani posing maut sudah ni, skalinya lampu dlm utak ku ter-on! “EHHHHH BEGGG KUUU TINGGALLLLLLLLL!!!!” I screamed. (that explains my ugly pictures arah ekin’s pic =s) Aku ani kan keluar tapi si qayah a bit blocking the way, akhirnya tertinggal lah beg gue.. I prayed in my heart so that no one took my bag, psl dlm beg atu ada brownies si rabi yang nyaman. Kepunan jua ku tu krg rite. =.=”
Kami ani dlm bas biasa lah, riuh riuh berabis rabis. Pikir tah jauh, skalinya inda pun jauh. Suspens jua tu.. mcm suspens arah cerita thriller. XDD Skali we arrived and kana suruh masuk arah this room. The first thing Dal and I realized was “Eh nyaman baunya.. mcm burgerdil!” HAHAHAHHA Yesss ada mknn, syukur nyanta! :DD Nyaman baunya.. Lecture nya ani lama, but cali pasal urg atu lame. Si naj menggambar2 kepala butak si muizz tah plg masa lecture ah. HAHA!
Skali yesss!!! SYUKUR SYUKURRRRR!! MAKAN TIMEEE!! Parut ku bergeroncong berabis2!! So again, dal n I, the first one to makan. Kan udah nyangku, aku suka ni bab makan2 ani. Hahaha. Karipapnya the BOMB! Sandwichnya jua! Kuihnya jua! Even the air. HAHAH! Apakan hahah. Tapinya hairannya nada bugerdil sperti yg ku tecium awal2 ah. Aku sama si dal inda begarak2 dari mija makan ani wah. Iatah nya pegawai2 atu “bah makan tah bnyk2” Nahhh tuuuuh. Sapa suruh. Kan abis karipap ulih ku and dal n muizz. Hahaha. Smua urg duduk ani wah, kami gnya bediri. X)
Skali kan kata pegawai atu, bah sudahh makan. Tapi aku masih makan. Iatah nya pegawai "aku bagi kau masa 2 minit!" Iatah betapa lajunya ku minum n mengabiskan mknn ku! Mcm peraduan saja ani wah hahaha! Skali kan, tiba2 I saw cawan ani tegulik wah. Iatah I was like “EHHHH. Napa ya?” skali rupanya ada urg tesagir the cawan, and the teh tarik yg ada dlm cawan atu tegugur arah kasut si naj. Iatah kasut si naj kamah n egeuguw. Hahaha! Sudah kau cuci kasut mu naj? ;PPP
Then we headed to this electrical thingy, where we saw the bomb detector. Awal2 urg takut kan mengaga, then I was like, “Bomb detector jua gnya tu. Bkn bom. HAHA” I didn’t get the chance to take a picture with it. Then we went to the instruments thing. Did u know that we need kerosene to make a compass? Yes we do, in fact. Addictive ah bau kerosene ah. HAHAHA new inhalant XDD
Then it was the turn for the armament section! SIUKKK!! I get the chance to pigang the senjata2. I looked like MIB (not melayu islam beraja, but man in black HAHAHA) except the part I was wearing white school uniform. Hahaha. But it was worth it. Then ke this entah area. Kami iski begmbr dgn krita sultan. Beasak2 smua smpai inda lagi nmpk kerita ah hahaha. I saw a label, yang ada drawing psl work safety, tapi the drawing atu parutnya buncit HAHAA XD
Then it was time to go to another place-a school. =.=’ again, lecture, but this time, done by urang putih yang pndai cakap melayu. Cool! Clap wah kamuuuuu aniiiii banarrrrr. Hahaha. Si Ekin, naj and zaty akhir masuk, kesiannn inda cukup kerusi. Aku ani kan ktawakan sudah, =p tapinya drg kana suruh plg duduk arah sofa. Lagi tia kebasaran! Hahaha =PPPP Then we were divided into three groups.
My group kana suruh arah tmpt snjata dulu. It was coooooooolllll!! =DD I got to hold whatever senjata2!! And and the omputih guy was hitting on me. HAHAHA perasan. Tapi he was nice and he got such deep blue eyes. I think im drowningggg <333333333 hahaha! He taught me how to timbak2 and all, it was overall fun. Then I went to the other side of the table, and he went to the other side of the table too, arah ku! Haha! See told you!! XDD Skali I was holding this pistol, then he said the gun atu used by james bond. Ohhh. Im mrs Bond 007 now!!! <333 Ia mr bond!
HAHAHAHHA! Okay enough. Then the next one I cudnt recall back what happened. =.=” sorry. Well, I could, but then it’s not that important. Like tiny2 details saja. :P At the end, we headed to the makan area. BELAJAN KAKI!! But it was worth it! The food was super super amazing!!! =) nyaman berabisssss. Si muizz kana suruh buat speech ah, then he mentioned smtng bout being soory psl kami ani a very very noisy bunch of people. HAHAHHA I was laughing soooo hard. XDDDDD
It was then time to go home. =) Bah im done here. Btw. How are u ijjaty? Hoho. Hahaha.
Fiferrrrrssss, with the deep blue eyes in mind. <33
Inda kamu rindu aku mempost? Sabar wah.. Aku bkn postman. HHAHA XDD Anyway, I wanted to tell the story bout our visit to ministry of defense. I know lambat, biar tia, im making an effort here. =)) Bear with me for a few minutes here, this is gonna be a long post of mine. =p
So starting, kami menunggu bas wah. Semangat ani!! Tapi bas ani datang exactly pukul 8!! Memang berdisiplin wah. Namanya jua abdb. Clap lah kamu.. Apa ni.. Hahaha XDD So kami ani riuh naik dlm bas, bas BASAR, tapi kami naik mcm inda cukup tmpt duduk ani wah. Betulak tulak. HAHA. Ani namanya bkn nada mib ni, ani namanya iski. Kami ani peng-iski wah =D Skali dlm bas kami begmbr2. I’d love to post the pictures, tapi connction ani lag. Skali kan aku ani posing maut sudah ni, skalinya lampu dlm utak ku ter-on! “EHHHHH BEGGG KUUU TINGGALLLLLLLLL!!!!” I screamed. (that explains my ugly pictures arah ekin’s pic =s) Aku ani kan keluar tapi si qayah a bit blocking the way, akhirnya tertinggal lah beg gue.. I prayed in my heart so that no one took my bag, psl dlm beg atu ada brownies si rabi yang nyaman. Kepunan jua ku tu krg rite. =.=”
Kami ani dlm bas biasa lah, riuh riuh berabis rabis. Pikir tah jauh, skalinya inda pun jauh. Suspens jua tu.. mcm suspens arah cerita thriller. XDD Skali we arrived and kana suruh masuk arah this room. The first thing Dal and I realized was “Eh nyaman baunya.. mcm burgerdil!” HAHAHAHHA Yesss ada mknn, syukur nyanta! :DD Nyaman baunya.. Lecture nya ani lama, but cali pasal urg atu lame. Si naj menggambar2 kepala butak si muizz tah plg masa lecture ah. HAHA!
Skali yesss!!! SYUKUR SYUKURRRRR!! MAKAN TIMEEE!! Parut ku bergeroncong berabis2!! So again, dal n I, the first one to makan. Kan udah nyangku, aku suka ni bab makan2 ani. Hahaha. Karipapnya the BOMB! Sandwichnya jua! Kuihnya jua! Even the air. HAHAH! Apakan hahah. Tapinya hairannya nada bugerdil sperti yg ku tecium awal2 ah. Aku sama si dal inda begarak2 dari mija makan ani wah. Iatah nya pegawai2 atu “bah makan tah bnyk2” Nahhh tuuuuh. Sapa suruh. Kan abis karipap ulih ku and dal n muizz. Hahaha. Smua urg duduk ani wah, kami gnya bediri. X)
Skali kan kata pegawai atu, bah sudahh makan. Tapi aku masih makan. Iatah nya pegawai "aku bagi kau masa 2 minit!" Iatah betapa lajunya ku minum n mengabiskan mknn ku! Mcm peraduan saja ani wah hahaha! Skali kan, tiba2 I saw cawan ani tegulik wah. Iatah I was like “EHHHH. Napa ya?” skali rupanya ada urg tesagir the cawan, and the teh tarik yg ada dlm cawan atu tegugur arah kasut si naj. Iatah kasut si naj kamah n egeuguw. Hahaha! Sudah kau cuci kasut mu naj? ;PPP
Then we headed to this electrical thingy, where we saw the bomb detector. Awal2 urg takut kan mengaga, then I was like, “Bomb detector jua gnya tu. Bkn bom. HAHA” I didn’t get the chance to take a picture with it. Then we went to the instruments thing. Did u know that we need kerosene to make a compass? Yes we do, in fact. Addictive ah bau kerosene ah. HAHAHA new inhalant XDD
Then it was the turn for the armament section! SIUKKK!! I get the chance to pigang the senjata2. I looked like MIB (not melayu islam beraja, but man in black HAHAHA) except the part I was wearing white school uniform. Hahaha. But it was worth it. Then ke this entah area. Kami iski begmbr dgn krita sultan. Beasak2 smua smpai inda lagi nmpk kerita ah hahaha. I saw a label, yang ada drawing psl work safety, tapi the drawing atu parutnya buncit HAHAA XD
Then it was time to go to another place-a school. =.=’ again, lecture, but this time, done by urang putih yang pndai cakap melayu. Cool! Clap wah kamuuuuu aniiiii banarrrrr. Hahaha. Si Ekin, naj and zaty akhir masuk, kesiannn inda cukup kerusi. Aku ani kan ktawakan sudah, =p tapinya drg kana suruh plg duduk arah sofa. Lagi tia kebasaran! Hahaha =PPPP Then we were divided into three groups.
My group kana suruh arah tmpt snjata dulu. It was coooooooolllll!! =DD I got to hold whatever senjata2!! And and the omputih guy was hitting on me. HAHAHA perasan. Tapi he was nice and he got such deep blue eyes. I think im drowningggg <333333333 hahaha! He taught me how to timbak2 and all, it was overall fun. Then I went to the other side of the table, and he went to the other side of the table too, arah ku! Haha! See told you!! XDD Skali I was holding this pistol, then he said the gun atu used by james bond. Ohhh. Im mrs Bond 007 now!!! <333 Ia mr bond!
HAHAHAHHA! Okay enough. Then the next one I cudnt recall back what happened. =.=” sorry. Well, I could, but then it’s not that important. Like tiny2 details saja. :P At the end, we headed to the makan area. BELAJAN KAKI!! But it was worth it! The food was super super amazing!!! =) nyaman berabisssss. Si muizz kana suruh buat speech ah, then he mentioned smtng bout being soory psl kami ani a very very noisy bunch of people. HAHAHHA I was laughing soooo hard. XDDDDD
It was then time to go home. =) Bah im done here. Btw. How are u ijjaty? Hoho. Hahaha.
Fiferrrrrssss, with the deep blue eyes in mind. <33
wel this date that i mension above.. is the time kami jln.. but not ol tho.. yg ada ja are - dal+bf, faj+bf, me, ekin, qayah, sad and sam... yeap!! btw did u notice dat its raining heavly dat day?? haha.. until i gt selesma.. oh my~ worst ne.. im like, i cnt stop sneezing n kan sniff2 saja.. wat the hell.. haha.. bah2 btw tujuan kami jln iz bcoz kan suprisekan bf cda+faj wich iz cNajah n azman.. bday drang hritu.. wel last min drang suprisekan aku jua wich i oredy noe.. bt my name nda plang ada arh d cake.. ish3.. haha.. i dun mind.. bah we go on to the next crita..
wel dat day i was meeting sum1 jap since i promise arhnya daah.. ooo we jln2 for like 30mins sja den ya blik.. since ya not feeling wel.. haha.. den msa mkn.. mcm ada curse wah since cSam n ekin tukar tmpt dduk.. cSad tertumpah cuka arh cEkin.. haha *bida muka ekin* cali laaah.. yatakan cEkin bau masam.. cuka xa..den afta dat hapen ekin gugurkan cake agen msa ya ambil n wana put it arh pinggannya.. n also not to 4gt she dropped her sudu or fork arh lantai.. aduuyy.. hampa.. den kan msa kmi jln2 naik d escalator.. my heels stuck arh escalator wa.. haha! n it make a sound like.. 'drrrttt'.. bt den nsib baik skajap ja n no one realise it.. only sad did.. haha.. btw i kinda kan gugurkan satu barang jua msa kami liat cd.. nsib baik nda gugur, if nda MALU BEB!! haha.. n yeah kmi (sam, sad, ekin, qay n me) mcm kna curse dat day.. coz everything yg kmi pgang mcm msti gugur or watever..
den kmi ke arcade afta ol of us bli wat we want.. n we played the bball shooting game.. it was FUN!! baik kmu main.. i played for three rounds xa.. highest score is 132points.. haha.. every1 was looking tho msa main bt who cares..
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