Anyeonghaseyo people..... wondering y d topic is part 2..?? well.., it is part 2.. hahahaha apakan... i used 2 post a question few weeks ago. n its about wat ppl do in d library.. but den i got no response.. hahahahaha... menyedihkan wah.. hahahha... hanya fifah lah teman ku yg baik sebeb bgi jwpn... but too bad jwpnnya slh... hahahahha... bernaz plg jwpnnya a2 nganya... not wat i xpected...
so enough with d suspenz.... d answer is actually
SLEEP...!!!!!! how come u may ask... well, its just it.. my question my ans... hohoho...
n rite now im just typing watever it is dat my fingers touch so its borennnggg... yeah i know.. hahahaha....
some pictures to entertain u... n d proof to my ans...

n last but not least...... as usual .....
well.., ani aku eksen tdur plg ni... sja kn meliatkn kmu muka ku yg sweet ani pabila ku tdur... blum lagi tdur bnr2 2... hahahaha... cheers..
yg bnrnya... aku ada kwn yg suka tdur.. well nda plg suka.. but ya blh tdur dmana2.. unfortunately i didnt manage to gmbr msa ya tdur so gmbr ani sja...
hahahahaha... ifah syg jgn marah yekk.... =D =D
p.s aku mau mkn honey dew..........
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