Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I had biology first thing in the morning. -____________-" trust me, my brain wasn’t working so well. I had fun trying to mix and match the stickers tah pulang instead of concentrating about the oh-so-fun transpiration pull. Fortunately, we used the second period to angkat barang for the breast awareness thingy in the afternoon. I was carrying Fiqah’s art of chromosome, CAREFULLY, and suddenly, tegugur chromosomenya =.=” That explains her hyperness today. She dropped a chromosome. HAHAHA XDD


I need not explain about my maths and chem. class. Because suka hati ku lah. Malas ku.

It was then GP period. I like GP, despite not having my current affairs done, yet. Haha. My class went to the lecture theatre to watch the day after tomorrow. IT WAS FUN. :)

Well, one thing is, it taught me about global warming. I am aware of the world okay, just that it made me aware-er, if that’s even a word HAHA =p Jadi vegetarian tah ku ni karang. Seriously. I might be. It’s a good thing ya’know, eating lots of sayur will make u have no constipation. Constipation ani mana cali hahha. Banar inda cali walaupun aku ketawa. And secondly, it helps slow down global warming! It’s like membunuh dua burung dengan satu batu. It’s killing two birds with one stone, just in case u don’t know hahha.

My GP teacher, no need to mention the name, switched off the lights, the room was dark, it was extremely romantic. Banyak scenes yg mmbari lamah jantung, and at one point, Dal and I held hands. No, we are not an item. HAHA. Kami pigang tangan pasal kami takut and music nya lagi mmbagi ijap. Mcm teng teng tenggggggg! Kalau kamu tau cana musicnya lah haha. Dal, Naz Muizz and I sat on the floor. Awal2 kami duduk arah the kerusi yg dapat tetutup sendiri, tapi psl sampit, entah aku ani luan basar kali. Eh inda scratch that, psl architect atu buat the seats damit, so aku payah benafas, so = duduk di lantai. Simple enough? :D

Qayah, Simaa, Naj, Fiqah and I were very very hungry people. Kami smua makan yg $2.50, maju jaya bah fats kami sudah! Cemana kan aku jadi vegetarian ni? Hahahaha! Then we headed to the breast cancer awareness di audi. We saw breasts model, and ada yang kuyak2. Ganas jua urang menyucuk ah, bahapa kan during atu. HAHAHA.

Naj and I asked questions. =p Tapi my sentence buruk, and mcm emmmm. Haha. Naj asked about whether having silicon implants will cause breast cancer. The answer is that the possibility of someone having silicon implants to have breast cancer is more or less the same as those who doesn’t have any implant. BUT, yes there is a but. For those having implants, it will be more difficult to spot any lumps. I know Brunei doesn’t practice this kind of thing, I just want to let you know.

REMINDER: Don’t forget to check for any lumps! We are still young, but prevention is always better than cure. =)
>> Deodorants and antiperspirant doesn’t cause breast cancer. (that’s what the doctor said)
>> If you have dry skin on ur breast (because breasts are suppose to be soft), it might mean that you have a disease.
>> Do self examination on the 7th to 10th days after you got your period. MUST DO!!
>> The lumps are not painful and are immobile.

This post might sound explicit, but girls, (and guys too, remember? 1% of guys are affected) this is very important. Start now, or it might be too late. Thank you for your cooperation.

Hahah Ohmaigad. Im talking about world issues here; global warming and breast cancer.


Done by;
Fifah. <3

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