Sunday, June 29, 2008
Summary of my Holiday
Finally, I decided to post...
today's the last day of school holiday, Cua tah kamu tanya kawan2 kamu..grenti alum siap homework baru tah kan membuat hari ani..sama jua mcm aku..haha..siap tu siap tapi ada banyak homework art ku tu siap plng jua..tapi alum be overall nda lah siap... same like the others..hee~..
To summarize my holiday:
1) Starting holiday.. aku pindah rumah baru
kami sefamily iski2 angkat2 barang ah..especially my mum..iski banar ani wah..eya tah yg paling awal bangun... and from this pindah rendah thingy...i had to carry loads of heavy things.. sampai my hands nda mampu angjat hevy stuff for the whole week and aku sakit belakang mcm org tua2 ..haha..pasal mengangkat old fashion TV tuu..barat kali ah..!!haha
aa~ to say I am very unlucky... The arh new house every room nada kipas except air-conditioners first two days arh this house I slept under it.. eyatah aku damam leh nya..manakan lagi aku ne nda biasa be aircond...lamah wah badan good thing was, aku dapat escape from mengangkat2 i was allowed to when i was sick aku tidur the couch ja rh family room yg ada kipas..atleast i'm saved from the dangerous masa kan baik tu..maseh jua ku makan ice-cream eh..owh well..hee
2) We had a girls day out - (fiqah,Qayah,Sad, Sam and me)
- cz atu saja yg avaliable...and too bad kami nda dpt ikut the farewell dinner for azeef..sorry..It's been a busy holiday for me..To call it holiday was wrong i think..maseh jua ku busy..hee.. owh yea masa kami jalan tu ..I bought a vcd on leonardo da'vinci life..sekalinya bila ku kan liat patah cia..masa ku kan mengeluarkan from the box ah..waduh~~~~hampa banar i decided next tyme daja bali..hee...
3) I went to ICC with my nenek punya adi beradi...haha..
- main pount was to support my uncle for his audition for the BINTANG BAIDURI.. semangat ani the other and my sister kana lanja makan d la mee..:P..
4) Me, my mum and sister had dimsum yesterday at DYNASTY~..
- I had, carrort cake, shark fin, bean curd, salad prawn, har kow and jasmine tea ofcourse..
sekalinya masa we're otw home ku liat the receipt they added th foods yg kami nda we lost $6..hrm,, rugi eh..I shud sue the restaurant.
- Plus I bought another leonardo's vcd..Okay i was gonna be really careful when taking out the disc dis time.. sekalinya no matter how careful and slow aku kan cabut..sekalinya patah jua lagii..ey the disc was so thin..sasak ku eh
- so mlm nya we went to the shop wah to calim for a new first nda plng eya mau.,.bt kami pajal2..mcm2 lah reason kami...sekalinya mau..then aku suruh keluarkan from the dvd box..sekalinya 2 cashier cuba keluarkan lah bt kapyahan ( eyath rasakku tuu) sekali nya ada kwn nya sorg ne..kan show off lah..di tarik nya laju2 disc ah...sekalinya patah..puas hati ku..eyath ku rasa still we get a new burned vcd arh a thcker okey lah..
5) okay I'm struggling with my homework now..have to go..haha
See you guys esuk..yeah:)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
First was Abul. Following his steps will be Santi and Muizz. Going for their scholarships, to reach their dreams.
Life is always like this. Come and go. By the time we get closer,like brothers and sisters,there's always something that want to tear us apart. Hmmm.. Lumrah dunia.
Your absence definitely will make a difference. Not a major one but just a slight difference,yet,it still affects us. Your laughter that lightens up our day, your magic words that makes us even stronger than before, your ears for listening to our crappy problems, your jokes that makes us laugh sampai menangis, stomach cramps, kepala telakap etc (you name it,we have it) , your craziness that makes us go crazy too, your finger-licking foods - this especially goes to Muizz., we'll be missing. So much so, we're gonna miss every tiny little bits and pieces of you:'(
Goodluck with everything you do out there. We're always here to support you. Immune and vaccine(sp?) yourself from changing into something that we dont want to see.
Friend in need is a friend indeed. We couldnt imagine,school days without you:'(
Dalilah Nabilah
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Faj is finally in !!
sebenarnya aku sudah buat a very long post abt my hols dmalam..i spent 30 mins=(..n then *sigh*..hilang semua..give up tah ku..i'll write one nanti..or later..
alright guys..see you next monday..
Saturday, June 21, 2008
A Lost Soul
okeh okeh... its just a title of the post ok... anyways.., i found this when i was cleaning a corner of my room.. its a poem thet i wrote wen i was i n form 5.. so now i want to share it with u guys.. nda plg seberapa nie.. im not an elite.. u know.. so my english is not that 'deep'... Fifah n Qayah might remember these....
polluting it with shining stars
you came and completed my world
solving the unsolved jigsaw puzzle
you came and entered the door to my world
by being a savior - an incredible friends
you talk to me when i'm bored
you laughed to my UNfunny jokes
you listen to my never ending dilemma
you delight me when im upset
you comfort me when im over the top
you care for me when im in pain
Whenever and wherever
you will always be here
near to me
to shed the pearl n the noise pollutiom
and for that i thank you all...
Sarangheyo F'n'V-ians... <3 <3
ps i editted a bit.. hehehehe
Thursday, June 19, 2008
To feel young again =)
Anyway, today we didn’t go to RIPAS, but to the Children Development Centre and RIMBA health centre instead. It was alllll goood~ =D
Them attachmentess took a long time to arrive, so Farhan and I played swing. I like swing. Swinging makes me feel free. And young and seems to fly. I love swings. I will build one for my home next time. Kain ku terabang-terabang time main. Macam Marilyn Monroe. HAHAHA.
Going on, Children development centre was a cute place. The people there teach children yang dapat Down’s syndrome, Autism, Hyperactive, etc. We met this kanak-kanak bini-bini who was suffering from Down’s syndrome.. She was playing slide. She was kiuuuuut~ =)
Lapas tu, kami went to this one room yang banyak mainan and ada tempat bejalan yang spongy. Nyaman rasa kaki ah. Hahahaa, Mainan di bilik atu weird lah sikit, macam penyapit baju, etc. Then we were told yang Down’s syndrome children took years to actually pandai menyapit. It was amazing lah that teacher. Respecto~ ;) Oh ada macam Audiology place jua di sana. Iatah si Zatul, she was like, “Eh inda ku mau eh ke sana. Karang bebunyi parutku lagi macam kelmarin” HAHAHHA.
We (me, qayhe, jatuls, hajah, dkfiqah and Farhan) went to excapade masa tengahari =DDDDDD As always, LOUD. Haahaha. Si Farhan jadi macam arah Ju-On, yang urang spasms ah. HAHAHHA. Sama both of us imitated yang bunyi hantu JuOn yang “Arrrrkkkkkkkk” HAHAHHA. I was full, iatah si Farhan cakap, “Agatah kau ke jamban and cucuk so muntah. Then makan lagi” Hahaha. DkFiqah was so quiet, it was WOAHHHH, she was truly enjoying the sushis and all. Thank you Hajah Amal, for the trip and the excapade. :)
Then, off we went to Rimba. Nigel gave me a pork something candy. I was reluctant to take it, then he insisted it’s not pork, just the name. At the end, the name’s not even that pork something. He didn’t even knowwww. =______=” ISSSSH. And I believed him for a good, idk, three hours? SHEEEESH.
Passed by the unit for kanak-kanak and ibu mengandung. Iatah Hamizan and Wafi, from PTE, were discussing about breast cancer and how to actually detect it. Si Hamizan put ia punya tangan on his chest. HAHAHHA. Cali. XDD And we get to see this pap smear apparatus for girls, where they put it in “yours”. Ada size lagi tu. Amazing banar. Ada S (which is approximately idk, 14 cm?), M and L. I asked whether there’s an XL size, tapi nada. HAHAHHA.
Oh yeah, all of us got a souvenir today. It’s a biohazard plastic. XDD
I came across this round thing and squeezed it. Was wondering what it was, rupanya it’s a brea*t. Si Nigel ketawakan aku hahaaa boiiie. The workers use it to teach mommies how to brea*st feed their babies.
Then to the dialysis place. Di atas, the doctor demonstrated the dialysis thingy to us using a mannequin, who apparently wore a baju yang bekulat. Hahahah. Maybe it was too old. Masa balik si Farhan lambai ah the mannequin. I gave him the “look”. Even the doctor did too. HAHHA.
Wafi and I saw this GOLD stethoscope, iatah ia mau main. After I told him banyak taie telinga kali psal lama sudah usulnya, inda ya jadi HAHAHA. But eventually, we did play with it jua. Melissa from PTE kan dangar heartbeat si Wafi, so while searching for the heart, she ended up on his nipp*es pulang HAHAHHA. Zatul and I couldn’t hear anything. So si wafi pinjam yang doctor punya. He was like, “Stethoscope right?” Sekali si hajah cakap, “Inda. Telescope” HAHAHA talor.
I was the first one to hear his heartbeats. Kiut and sweet ;DDD Seriously. That was my first time. It’s like, before this we always talk about it but never really came across it. Wohhhoooo. Qayah inda sampat dangar, too bad.
At the corridors, ada this one thing, it’s a chair but when you sit on it, dapat record your weight. THAT was Qayah’s and my enemy. Mass balance. Shesh. Hahaaa. Zatul’s weight is XX.XX kg hahahahaha!
At 3-ish, we were already done. We lambai-ed eberione masa balik haha. Si Hamizan gave us (Dkfiqah, me, qayah, hajah, zatul) flying kiss. Woah. I was taken aback. HAHAHAH.
All and all, today was superb. =) Go check Zatul’s blog for pictures of today.
One day holiday. I can finally sleep in peace.
Yours truly,
Fifaaaah :DD
Ps: to FnVs, who’s coming tomorrow cinema and ahanthai?
Owkaay.. this kinda happened before skuls holiday.. few days b4 cuti.. we have nothing to do during bio.. WAITING for our tcer yg lambat arrive.. we enter our bio lab, n find out dat terry’s head was not on his body.. aaaaa~ we freaked out!!! FYI terry is a skeleton. Then kami ada idea, me n sabri esp.. we plan utk kjutkan our tcer.. hahah XD we asked every1 utk hide n WOW, they agreed!! Heheh *evil laugh* and before we hide, kmi simpan terry the skeleton infront of laptop tcer den we take out terry’s head n put it on top of ramzul’s head.. wel it was hiiis idea tho.. his wearing his jacket to cover his real head.. haha!!! But seriuzly he looks real, kinda scary wit terry’s head.. ya POSE lgi tu.. hahah!! Funny.. n ya stand infront of the door wer tcer DKCT wil enter the room.. we closed all the lights, its sriuzly are DARK.. THE REST OF US HIDE UNDER THE TABLE.. if tce dtg kmi kjutkan laa.. SAD act as a spy, checking if tcers cuming or not behind the tabir.. but before dat, u wana noe apa kmi buat??? We veining laa wit terry, pretend that hiz our tcer.. jz checked out the pic..
Next, tcer dtg.. sad bising and lari ke blakang utk hide.. smua diam.. waiting for tcer msuk.. but then nnaaaa~~~ tcer nda tkjut pun.. coz Cmuammar spoiler!!! TCER NMPAK IA.. eeerrgghh… rusak plan.. tcer admit feel kinda weird dah, y d room is dark?? Sunyi?? N mana the student?? But then ya nmpak cMuammar, giggling gtu.. dats y tce tau.. ya kinda shocked a bit liat ramzul wit terry’s head.. SPOILER WAH CMUAMMAR ATU!!!! Heeeiisssshhh.. the calie part is, msa ramzul kan take out “the head” dari his real head, ITS STUCK!!! Hahaha XD n kami nda help.. yatah yam cm terhuyunh-hayang.. pning.. we laughed first den baru help.. hahahah!! IT WAS F U N!!
Well jz wana show you sum pic of my model, cSabri… bringing my bag everywer.. wit hiz catwalk!!! N showinh it to people.. believe it or not, he even pkai my ring n bracelet.. n show it to people!!! WEIRD ting iz no one realized about it.. HAHAHA XD wana noe y??? bcoz they sed SABRI SAIZ PKAI THAT THING.. HAHAHA!!! LIATLAAA.. POSENYA..
owkaay den.. im OFF.. CHOW~
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Hello zits.
It’s weird to have conversations involving operation theatre, etc. Feels like I am working already. I mean WE, are working already. Point made.
I am lacking of sleep. Zits are developing. Truly in need of a cosy bed, where sleeping is a must.
Sumary of today: Physiotherapy > Occupational therapy > Speech therapy > Audiology > Dentist thingyyy.
I was lost at first. Thank God I found Hamizan, the guy from PTE. But still we were lost. Ended up in psychiatry place instead. Freakkkkyyy =( But nevertheless, both of us kuatkan semangat, tabahkan hati. (HAHAH. Yeahh right.)
Everyone was veryyy bright. Like Zatul. Hahaaa. And and. Farhan was really perky today. Ia bawa jacket and he wrapped his head with it. A complete transformation from Farhan to serial killer/gypsy/eminem. HAHA.
Every units demanded us to join in their team. Baik tah kamu ambil course on those above. Pasal Brunei are still lacking them. So go gooo.
Physiotherapy place got lots of mirrors. Zatul and I couldn’t help but look at each mirrors everytime melintas. =.=” And ada swimming pool, tapi highly chlorinated. If you have brown hair, your hair could turn to green. Yes yes :O
DkFiqah and Farhan got a new souvenir today; an alcohol wipe thingy. Hahaa.
Anyway. One thing.
I am amazed because Chinese guys bring tissue wah. Eg Nigel, Sherwin, Melvin. Then, I asked Sherwin whyyyy. Ia cakap cemani, “Aku bawa tissue so that kalau bini2 makan and she got something near her mouth, I can wipe it off.” HAHAHAHHA. Now I know, the use of tissues are to attract girls. ;PPP AND AND. “Sherry eats cherry” HAHAH. Qayah would like to give Sherwin cherries when it’s his birthday. We also (Me, Qayah, DkFiqah and Hjh) witnessed Sheryy’s phone’s screen fading. Near death experience jua mubail ah. XDD
Nigel laughs 360 degres man. Woooo :DDD
Oh yeahhh, we got to see how to make gigi palsu. Anyoneeee? ;p
Bah. Eberioneee. Farewell. Tataaaa. Babaiiii.
Fifaaaaaah. :D
Day two, attachment. Tuesday, 17th June.
Yesterday was a longggggggggggggg day, like this ____________________________
But perhaps, longer. And very. Very. Educational.
Started out in Microbiology department. Were warned it was smelly, wasn’t that bad pulang. Zatul and I were hungry, our food were waiting in my superrrr huge ex-tuition bag. I zipped my bag, with fear the microbes would enter and eat our food. Who knows. Better safe than sorry. We won’t want our dollar to fly. HAHA.
I am tired to even laugh. But nevertheless, I will still laugh. HAHAHAHAHA.
A lil briefing was held, unformally. Qayah took the other chair, causing Farhan and I to fight for the extra unoccupied chair. HAHAA. Did you know that microscope was found by a cloth merchant? Cause this dood, he liked to collect the bottom of glass bottles. Then one day, he looked at this water through the glass thingy and saw something moving. And tadaaaa. Microscope invented.
Off we went, and I had a hard time leaving the precious chair. The lab was small. And surrounded by urines, blood, phlegm, etc. We were shown how the bacterias grew in the agar plate. The workers put phlegm on the agar and after few days, if there is infection in that phlegm, there will be bacterias growing.
What is phlegm? It is dahak. HAHAHA. Saying phlegm makes it sounds cleaner. ;p
We got to see sperms too ya’know ;DDDD but only dead onesss. I envy Mahirah and Naz, they got to see yang alive, and moving masa dulu. Sheeeesh. Actually we can, but no one wanted to donate their semen. HAHAHAHAH. The sperms were amazing., big heads, longggg tails. Very cute. HAHAHAH. What a weird description. XDDDD
Dkfiqah was like, “Aku inda nampak apa-apa. Small dots of blue saja.”
We were like, “Ia jua tuuuu. HAHHA. That’s the head wah. Kana stained wah. HAHAHA”
It was virology and immunology next. Then breakkkkk. Finally =DD but then. The break was short. I was unfulfilled. So was Zatul. But at least I ate my food sudah. Hahah. We all then went to haemotology (blood area). Btw zaty, I think Edward Cullens would love to work here. HAHAHAHAH. :P
Waiting took a long time. Tummy grumbling, unsatisfied, and sad. Sekali, we saw this bell, yang macam di kantin Amsarra ah. I suggested Farhan to press it untuk panggil orang yang guide kami and so he did. Sekali, I just realized that ada label above the bell, “Sila tekan bell bila menghantar specimen” Qayah and I laughed both our heads off. XDDDDDDDDDD
Haematology was the best among all the other labs. Durang ada pasang radio, which made the atmosphere less tense. Hahah sekadar pulang tu, but if you’re actually there, you’ll know what I mean =) Blood samples, the machines, the fridges, etc. I am too tired to go into details, then after that we had to go to Biochem lab, which was soooo cold, your mucus could freeze. Banar.
Kami punya break lama. DkFiqah and I ate two rounds :D the second one was murtabak. Tais liur bahhh. Hahaha. Cali lah masa break ani. Si Farhan offered me his apam, it tasted weird, so we laughed. HAHAH. Ia trik aku into eating it. Sheesh that kid. Then he immersed his remaining apams into the soup and Zatul started designing it with her chillies and cucumbers. Farhan even wanted to tapau it. HAHAHA. Nigel was pretty much disgusted, his face twitched. Hahaha.
Sherwin was there as well, iatah si Farhan kept on saying about stool/faeces while Sherwin was still eating. HAHAH. Kapisan banar anak atu. XDD Sekali, he started telling us yang some of his friends ada yang pretending to be sciences students. Durang cakap cemani, “The plants are photosynthesizing really well ah.” And “I need not afraid of skin cancer anymore, as I am wearing sunblock with power 80.75”
Macam tah sunblock ada decimal place. Hahaha! Si Qayah ketawa-ketawa berabissss.
We met Dal there. She was visiting her aunt. Congratulations. You’ll be happily playing with baby now ;P
Merah and Nazihah saw rubic squares outside the canteen. Iatah si merah bali. For she thought it costed $3, was actually $6! Ia bayar sudah actually, and ia minta balik duitnya. Inda ya jadi bali. HAHAHHAHA. Anak atu banar. And we saw monopoly, tapi spellingnya in jawi “MONOBOLI” HAHAHHA.
Lots of kids besunat yesterday. Sherwin was like, “The meanest people on Earth is the one who wants to sunat us” HAHAHAHHAHAHA. Aint thatttt funny. XDDD Kami makan chocolate time menunggu, I offered some to kanak2 yang besunat ah. Durang reject aku. HAHAHA. Takutnya beracun kali. I gave the remaining two pieces to Melvin to share with Nigel. Nigel inda mau. And Melvin said, “PLEAAAAAASEEEE~” with his puppy eyes. Qayah Nigel and I looked at each other, and exploded into laughter. Cute eh hahah.
Radiology was A M A Z I N G! :DD We got to see the patients kana masukkan arah CT scan. Pakai this lead covered kacamata and coat. And kami ultrasound si Hamizan from PTE. Got to see his kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas etc. He was quite shy, so his friends had to hold a blanket, pasal ia nda mau kami liat parutnya. ;PP We were like, “soooo.. What’s the gender?” HAHAA. Caliii. Si Farhan inda mau, pasal katanya it’s sensitive wah parut ani, banyak baby fats. GAGAG. Plus, ia sudah volunteer masa mammogram. Fyi, mammogram untuk x-ray breasts. HAHAH. I don’t even know why he was doing it. XDD
We saw x-rays of pelvis of each gender. The girl had bigger pelvis than the guy and we were told that it is because girls have to have support during pregnancy. Anyway, we could see the shape of the bal*s masa the guy’s pelvis ah. HAHAHA.
Going to pharmacy center was next, and the place was isolated. Some medicines were very expensive, that it reached up to thousands. Especially for cancer patients lah. Even the fridges to keep the medicines were expensive. One cost $12000. Woaaaah. ;O Even one tray of the medicines could cost up to $300, 000.
Amazing. When we thought we know everything, we know nothing at all.
Dkfiqah said to me, eyeing the medicines, “I see some potential souvenirs” HAHAH cali. Farhan and her, mencari souvenirs saja. They took this stick yang untuk check your tonsils masa on monday. Tsk tsk. Hahaha.
So little time so much to do,
Fifah (This stands for Fifah HAHA)
remember the ambuyat outing and abul’s farewell dinner?
Well I haven’t found an ambuyat place in gadong yet.
So everyone is free to suggest a place for the outing.
It doesn’t have to be ambuyat as I am not sure of the presence of an ambuyat place in gadong. So yeah. FnVs, please suggest a place.
The outing will be held on Friday night, around six pm.
If there is a problem about the time, do tell. Because I want you guys to be able to make it.
I think that’s about it for now =)
Love love,
ps; how about Ahan Thai? is that okay?
pps; Leave a tag. or better yet, comment.
ppps; bila kamu habis attachment, exactly?
Its been a while iv been gone. hope u still remember me.. hahahh.. but i dont know what to talk about.... i have a very 'paningly' migrain right now.. ive ate 2pills of panadol yet it dosent wear off... blahh these migrain.... i woke up early just to babysit my baby fruit... so tiring becoming a babysitter.. f only i got money for it... $$ka-ching$$ sigh....
anyways... U SHUD SEE KUNGFU PANDA....!!!! its SIUK brabis... watched it yesterday with fiqah n amer.. aku jdi chaperonee... hahahhahhh
the panda reminds me a lot of ME.. hahahahh the panda is cute - macam saya.. =P =P
then the panda got sexy ass - macam saya.. =P =P n the panda got a big fat bouncy tummy - macam saya jua.... hahahahahahah...
so klau k mu liat panda... ingat panda ingatlah saya.... hahahha =D =D
n i was like cuci2 mata tengok yg handsome2.. but then i guess yesterday was for the shorties.... there were lots of short guys n shor couples... oh well.., guess i just have to use my charm another time.... hahhahh
see ya wen i see u.....
NuDgeehahh... =D
jz notice dat today bnyk cium pipi laah... Hahah xDD i mean u noe~ wen d gurls meet dey tmukan their pipi.. Get it?? Wel i jz did it for 5times i gez.. Wit diff ppl ofcz..
wel yeah datz it! Jz a quick continuation for my post tdi.. Since aku blum puas hti.. Haha xp
fine! Chow~ im off to bed..
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
wel today i went to dmall wit amer.. N naj temanin gue! Yeeah~ wel we saw d'uic guyss, cNajib, ehsan, wafeeq, kwang, hafiz, gfaezul, izzat n.. not to 4gt we saw cAdib muslim, shamsul n gman.. Yeap! Den kmi mkn arh MRSA cafe.. As usual our fav order are marble toast n milo shake! Itz HEAVEN! Yummy laa coz lma dh nda mkn.. apez join us for a while bt he was worrying bout hiz 'fren'.. Yatakn nda snang dduk ya.. Den we saw zaty imining wt mayb cuznya.. She ate der as wel..
naj bought me a bracelet n a ring.. I LOOVEEE it.. Den kmi liat m0vie 'Kungfu Panda'... It was hillarious, u guyss shud watch it.. Funny brabz! Kmi non stop ktawa.. d'panda punya tummy+hiz xpresion calie, bouncy wa tummynya aah! Bt den im PROUD of him.. He iz d dragon warrior btw!! GO PANDA!! HAHAH xp Wel amer lanja us d m0vie tho.. Hahah xp i blanja mkn.. Yeeah kinda, eyh mostly.. den kan b4 blik, i bought d cd agen.. Wel jz kan liat drmh g.. Since i love it.. N otha cds jua.. msakn blik we saw rumm wit her cuz.. We talkd skajp den chow~
ps: i saw a lot of ppl 2day dmall.. Im FAMOUS!! Haha! mcm evrywer i go, eyyh.. Kna tgur.. frm my cuz to my fren to my cuz's fren.. Hahah xp oh wel itz jz.... ME...
Monday, June 16, 2008
I got to see doctors performing surgery! LIVE =) Exciteed jua saya tu. I even wore scrubs uniform eventho the baju was kinda large on me. The first surgery i saw was the removal of lump from right breast of a 21 years old's woman. Theeeeeeen haha, i got to see five p**is-es. CHILDREN punya bh. =.=" I did not feel anything banar2. Geli nda jua, turn on nda jua. Hahahaha. I spent almost 7 hours at operating theatre. Berdiri2 lagi ganya tu.. Imagine how sangal my kaki was. Mahirah and I finished off at around 3.40 pm so we went to the canteen since kami alum makan. :p Then adatia druang jatul, fifah,qayah, nigel, hajah amalina, dk fiqah and farhan. Yth kami labang, memalukan XD I finally found someone who laugh as loud as dal. Farhan is soooo labang.
Anyway, kan tidur ku. =3 i have to wake up early esuk.
Salam sayang,
nazes HN
Because this was the first.
I had a hard time last night. To sleep I mean. Maybe it’s just the whole adrenaline rush thing or just that the fact that I slept nearly the whole afternoon yesterday. Either way, I don’t care to choose.
I arrived at the hospital quite early today. Semangat wahh. Hahaa. :p I met Dk fiqah on the way, holding a Marie Claire magazine.
And I was like, “Bahapa kau bawa magazine ah?”
“Aku datang pukul 7 ah. Buring ku iatah ku bali.” Dkfiqah said.
Hahaha. Caliii. Membuang buring ah. We sat at this comfy sofas arah the lif area. Apparently, no one dared to sit there. Barangkali the place atu untuk special guest kali wah. But whatever, we sat there anyway. HAHA. And and kami dua fascinated yang arah dinding belakang kami atu, ada secret door!! :DDDDD We were planning to hide there, and bila si Qayah datang, kami kajutkan ia. HAHAH.
Sekali, kami nampak this one car, like Qayah’s. The person went out of the car, and bajunya coklet. We were like, “EHHHH SI QAYAHHHH” *sueperrrr bigggg smilleeee =DD* Skali turned out orang tua. HAHAHA. Iatah mcm indakan si qayah thattt old. HAhHA. We laughed again.
After few minutes, Qayah arrived glamorously, pakai baju batik. BUT THEN…
HAHAHAH! It was funnie. So off we went, with the same tudung, bejalan duo. HAHAH. I bet people were like, ehhh uniform kali. HAHAH.
Things happened in between, met Hajah Amal and Farhan (from MD), and up we went-to report. Took our pass. And all was coo’. Waited for the doctor. I sat next to Nigel and Qayah. Nigel is a very very funny man. He’s so cool he made my day. HAHAHA.
Like tadi, we were discussing about the pass number. Zatul got number 4, and she said it’s a bad number. Then Nigel started telling me yang 8 is a lucky number, which I have on my pass, meaning rich. I said bimbo-y,”If 8 means rich, and 4 means die. Does 2 mean coma?” Nigel wet blur for a moment. And I had to explained to him. And he was like, “OHHH. I thought comma. Yang punctuation.”
HAHAHA. Nigel.. Nigel. =ppp
The whole briefing started. And bla bla bla. It was so cold. Thanks for my amazing sphincter muscle, I was able to hold on. If you know what I mean. HAHAHA.
All of us (Me, Qay, Dkfiqah, Hjh, Melvin, Nigel, Farhan and Sherwin) ate together masa tengahari. My tummy was grumbling and angry, demanding food. Dear tummy, couldn’t you just wait for a momento? Hoho. The place was full and packed with people. And the makanan were very mahal, considering us students indada $$$.
Si Farhan was like, “Eh kamu. Tinggal 45 minutes saja kan makan. Sampat kan tu?”
And when Qayah and I sat down after ordering our makanan, which approximately took 5 minutes, he had finished his makanan. HAHAH. So much for inda cukup masa. XDD
At at this one time, lalat ani landing arah straw si Qayah, inda begarak-garak. Must have mean something right? HAHAHA. XDD Geddit? If not, I guess you’re slow ;P
The attachmentees were divided into three groups. And coincidentally, Zatul Qayah Dkfiqah and Farhan was in my group. And off we went, to the accident and emergency unit.
It was ermmmm.. at first. Dkfiqah and I were passed from one to another. But from 2.30 onwards, it was bomb bomb bomb! ;DD Although I didn’t get the chance to learn how to stitch and liat orang yang toenailnya kuyak into two kana stitch like Zatul and Qayah, (since kami lima kana divided, them together and me with Farhan and Dkfiqah) but all around, it was okay. I might consider that unit. =)
I got to see patients diagnosed with HFMD, and I actually witnessed a doctor telling a patient that she is pregnant. Coooool. =D And there’s this gastric thingy with the patient and his kidney macam sakit2 saja. And this one patient with heart disease. It was awkward pulang, macam aku farhan and dkfiqah bediri2 mliat patients.
Macam a w k w a r d. . . .
HAHAHA. And then we went to this room, we were actually trying to get the doctor’s signature. But then, ada tia kanak-kanak ani. She was sooo cute. Belakang kepalanya luka and the darah flowing :O The doctor was trying to examine her, tapi that kanak2 resisted. I mean, it hurts to even watch her in pain. Apatah lagi ia the one who suffered.
The doctor went out and all of us went to the kid, to sing her a barney song. Yang “I love you you love meee”
Anyway, the luka on the head had to be stitched, so, Qayah Zatul Farhan and I witnessed it. She was crying and howling and wailing. Kesian. =(( She was soo cute. And to think at such young age, she had to feel such pain. Even her Barney couldn’t stop her from crying. The hospital dood gave an injection on the back of her head. And then, it was the momento..
The dawai went straight into her head and out again. . .
The girl was crying. . .
Blood was being wiped off her head. . .
Again, in and out the dawai went. . .
The scissors all working on her head. . .
To even hear about it. Must have hurt reallll bad. =(
But overall, it was nice. To actually ease the kid’s pain by singing a barney song. To witness a real life situation where not only theories are needed. To actually share the pain between patients. And to actually be there..
It was all worth it.
(Insert sign here)
Fifah is out. And emo.
I wonder if my two brothers, will attack me too. They're still sleeping,tunggang-tunggang macam sujud,membuat tai mata. Dang!
I still remember, when Manchester United vs Chelsea. Dorang attack aku, right after i landed my feet out of the toilet. They were in front of my expressionless face. Dorang tipu aku ManU kalah. I know,wth. Macam macam cakap dorang and laju. Zoom! Macam machine gun. Wait, machine gun doesnt sound like 'Zoom!' whichever lah.
Cant wait for school reopens,
FV - Nanas; Dalilah Nabilah
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Fathers' Day
We love you and will always do. Thank you so much for everything from the day we're born till today:) We're so proud of you:)
To my dad:
You're a rockstar. We love you. You're the best. You're our endless love:)
Endless love,
FV - Nanas ; Dalilah Nabilah Hj Laidin
Random thang ;p
Enjoy these momento yang once in a blue moon time. yaknow you ain't getting more till September perhaps? Hahaha. For attachment people, i see you on Monday. And i updated! Including this, 6 posts. HAHAHAHA. Might be random and macam, ehh apakan. But so what, im bored and so are you. So yeah, there you go. 5 posts to read, start from the very bottom, titled SHARE THE LAAUGHTER :)
These posts are to all people yang waiting for me/us to update. So yeahhh.
To dal, welcome SNOOP DOGG!! Been waiting for you!! :DDD
To Faj, be in! Post something!
For FnVs, update!! HAHAHAHA. Akay?
I just finished eating longan. I stopped because aku temakan yang buruk. Damn. =.="
Bah Fifah is out.
You know you love me,
xoxo. <3
In hiding! Keep quiet!
Please keep quiet!!
The queen and the army of cards are searching for us!
They didn’t approve of AA and BB bringing us to their world!
Darn it.
Oh the card guard saw us!
We better run! Shall continue later!
Oh my God. That was clooooose. =(
Alice is next to me. We are currently hiding under an invisibility cloak. Yang macam Harry Potter. Alice saw Harry Potter dropped it while riding his broom tadi . Hahaha. Suit you Harry Potter. But thanks anyway. I shall lanja you something in return next time.
Alice and I are thinking of something. A plan. To defeat them all. But how can we? Durang banyak. Kami dua urang saja. Think Fifah. Think think.
Ehhh siapa tu? Ehh that’s Mr Potato! With his moustache begulung ;D And good thing is, ia bawa keropok Mr Potato! Alice and I might use it against the enemy. So.. I shall update later. We have to prepare some spears, guns that eject Mr Potato keropok, shield from the Mr potato tmpt keropok, etc.
And I am back!!
And happy. Cause Alice, Mr Potato and I won!! :D
Awal2 I thought we were losing cause the enemies kept on eating the keropok/bullets yang keluar dari our guns. Mcm annoying much! Tapi sekalinya durang ani enjoying the taste of the keropok. =.=”
Hahaaa. Mr potato, you and your moustache are mine and Alice’s heroes! ;DDD
Now we are being welcomed in Wonderland. Woooohoo. The queen even gave us the magic carpet yang si Aladdin punya. Rupanya durang tangkap si Aladdin masa on the day Aladdin kicked us off his carpet.
Since Alice, Mr Potato and aku ani baik, so we asked the queen to let go off Aladdin, pasal he needed to save his princess and live happily ever after. And the queen granted our request. =) and we were then invited to this makan at the palace. We then ate the makanan yang served by our ex-enemies =p Of course the main food was Keropok Mr Potato. Sad but true. =_________=”After that, AA taught me how to make the best tea. Alice is happily tango-ing with BB. Hahahaaa. Si Alice kan buka Tango studio once we get home. Good idea ah? =D
After that, Alice and I got on our Magic carpet. Mr potato stayed there because the queen asked him jadi ambassador di sana, to process the keropok. At least gajinya basar right? Hahaha! Anyway, I gave the rakyat jelata of Wonderland a flying kiss. Made them fly that day! Giler. It was the first time yoooo durang terabang. My name was then recorded in the Guiness World record. Well, that’s the least they could do. Hahaa.
AA and BB <3
Anyway, Alice and I got lost. Aladdin is very mean. He’s only thinking of saving Princess Jasmine. Pffffft. We got lost because of him. Not to mention poisoned. But now both of us are cured. Cause I saw really really small mushrooms yang cure poison next to the big poisonous mushrooms. I have microscopic eyes yaknow. :P Plus, next to the reallllly small mushrooms is a big label, labeled “POISON CURE”
So that explains everything. Hahahah!
Anyway, after Alice and I are cured, we went untuk menghayati panorama yang menghijau. Then, I saw this rabbit, who was hopping happily. Alice followed him. And I had to follow Alice. The rabbit is nowhere to be seen after that. But then…
We arrived at this tea place!! AA is baik. He served us Cheetos and some pizzas from Pizza Hut. I wonder where he got them. BB is baik too, he took superb pictures and send them to America’s Next top model agency. Manatau one day we’ll get chosen. HAHAHA. Fat chance.
Anyway, AA and BB kan jalan to go see the queen now. Bye bye AA and BB. Take care. =’)
Ehhhh wait. AA and BB aksed us to go with them and meet the queen. Wooohooo. Will update soon on it. Seee youuuu =)
Fifah is sleeping.
We have arrived here.
And we are lost!
Sos cili?
Fifah and I had a huge fight with Aladdin. So he kicked us off the magic carpet.
But thank God we got our parachutes.
We managed to land safely on some big, poisonous mushrooms.
Not that safe though.
Cause we are now poisoned. And lost.
Need to find a way.
Alice in Wonderland.
On the carpet ;P
It’s so windy up here.
I’m still on my magic carpet with Aladdin.
I never thought we have wireless up here.
I’ve been happy for how many days now. And this fact made me happier. And sounded crazy. HAHA. How insane. My imagination has gone willlld.
Friday was a happy day.
I cut my hair.
Went to my cousin betunang and had this conversation:
Tua: Aku ani tah tua mu yang inda pandai tua niii. Walaupun aku jadi nini. Tau kau kenapa?
Fifah: *giggle.ketawa.giggle* Pasal Tua Muda!
Geddit? HAHAH Cause his name is Tua Muda. Yes Muda. HAHA walaupun ia jadi nini, his cucu will still call him Nini Muda. Which makes him muda. HAHHA.
So reminder. Name your kids “MUDA” HAHAHHA!
Then, I went to Giant. Giant is funnnn. Not to mention, BIGGG.
Hahaha first timers wah.
Couldn’t help it.
At night ada majlis lagi. We were discussing about family bowling day.
And my cousin said, “Eh bali baju sama ihhh! Kaler sama jua! Then nama, kitani simpan >ANAK HAJI *****”
Imagine if we actually did that. That would be cooo’. Hahaha.
It’s weird how these simple things made my day. Hahaa. I guess im easy satisfied? Maybe.
Bah I need to go now. Aladdin is complaining. He said I’m laughing while typing this. We nearly crash land. Pffft. Aladdin. Can’t you just rub your magic lamp and wish we arrive in Wonderland instantly? Pffffffft. You ahhhhh.
Byeeee. Aladdin is mad. HAHAHHA.
Share the laughter :)
Nevertheless, I will still post.
Cause I batu. (rock)
Let us laugh together.
Cause the holidays sudah starttt =D
My start spelling macam stuart. Y’know? Stuart little bah. The little mouse. HAHAH. Bah. Adang.
Yesterday was partially permeable, like cell membrane.
Cause there were half fun and half boring stuff.
School was quiet. . . *criket criket*
Everyone was on holidays, or some, in kem qiadah.
*cricket cricket*
HAHAH majal.
Eh majal ani one of the group kem qiadah jua.
HAHHA randommm.
I had fun during biology today. Though I had a hard time membungkus hadiah2 kem qiadah. Kamu tau apa hadiahnya? Hadiah nya is… *dumdumdummmmm*
Very patriotic ehhh? Hahah teacher gives weird hadiahs. Like Fiqah and I, we were given hadiah pasal the forum ahh. Yknow what we got? I got Spirulina (which is good for constipation =.=”) and marmalade jam. Fiqah got Ali Café and Spirulina. Weird muchhh. Sadrina got deodorant and Simaa got mouth wash.
Very weird indeed.
Patang wassssss… quiet. And quiet. And quiet. =.=”
Eh inda jua quiet ahhh. Cos during zatul zzats kairi ekin naz were very LOUUUDDDD. Durang ani mengexplain di mana swimming pool di hospital wah. Skali suara during basar. Bekelaie-kelaie ani wah. World war? HAHAH labihhhh.
Some people were very unfortunate to have class in the afternoon. Kasiannn. Si nazihah usulnya kan menangis satu perigi sudah hahah :P
Netball in the afternoon with FnVs was siuk :DD tapinya it was realllyyyyy hot. And cali. Nigel’s hands ware long. So.. Do I still need to explain about his body? I think not. Pokoknya ia tinggi and ia tangkap semua bula. ISHHHH. Hahaha.
Lapas tu ada this one momento, Qayhe and I were in one team. Sekali we had this cheer:
Fifah: Gelisah qay? NDAAA! *Highfive*
Qayah: Gementar fif? NDAA!! *Highfive*
HAHAH talorrr wahh. It was sooo funnie.
And ada lagi this one time, the bula temasuk arah lungkang.
Tekana Si alai ira (Mahirah), Nazihah and Ekin.
We were singing “Jangan gila doooong~”
Sekali Fiqah Ekin and I went to the toilet.
Fiqah started singing again, “Jungle doooong~ Ehh?”
And I started laughing.
HAHHA. Adakah jungle tia pulang.
Speaking of jungle, teingat pulang ku cerita tarzan yang masa damit-damit.
Kami ani andang selalu salah lirik kali.
Cause ada masa haritu, Kairi pun salah lirik jua.
He sang, “Makhluk tulang paling sexy” instead of the correct one, “makhluk tuhan paling sexy”
Naz then started to dance like skeletons.
Cause yaknow tulang is equivalent to skeletons.
Bah. I am off to wonderland now. To be with Alice. And drink tea. And fight the army of cards.
Wooooooah. I have so much to do in so little time.
Bahh. Fifah is off on the fying carpet.
See some off you on Monday~ :D
Thursday, June 12, 2008
We were playing netball for the whole 1 hour 45 minutes. We were playing netball under the light rain for around 30 minutes.(repitition,eh?) We can make it through the rain people:)
We're all sweating(obviously) and totally wet (sweat+ rainwater = wet) haha!
We're fitter than before. Getting darker than yesterday. Getting thinner than the last 8 hours. Muscles everywhere. More smelly than the last 4 hours. Metabolisme rate increases drastically. Getting more curvacious(sp?) than the last decade. And the most important, on top of all, WE'RE BRINGING SEXY BACK. Yeah. No,im SERIOUS.
I dont know what i'm talking about,
Dalilah Nabilah
Selamat malam dunia.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
"Welcome Nanas", said Nanas.
Newbie,aint wannabe,
FV: Nanas ; Dalilah Nabilah
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
What happened on 9h of JNUE o.o
Owh yeah..aku tadi moody early in the morning.. baru eya..adakah murung2 pagi2..manakan inda kusut ku bah my dad ah..aku kan besiap2 dah bebaju tdi bagi..sekali nya ku check maseh ia limpang2 beselimut di bilik nya ah..(eyatah tu gara2 meliat tennis men's single punya final..C Nadal kali manag ah di kalahkan nya si Feader)..haha..then in the car aku mcm diam saja..nada respond arh my dad..(kesian eh my dad, adakah ku buat catu)..bukan nya apatu ..ada test pagi2 ah..eyatah ingau fail tu..belajar lagi baru tadi pagi..eysh,eysh,eysh....
well the test, lagi buat ku mental. Ngalih2 ku hafal kan the formula for GP ,AP and S-infinite ah...sekali nya..masa ku baru masuk kelas tadi-I'm late again today-ada cia teacher ah..sedang menulis-nulis formulas d dapan papan ah..ADUUUH!! selalu aku ne eh..every time ku hafalkan formula..ada cia kana tulis d dapan..sama jua kesahnya statistic topic test masa hari atu.. NGALIH! NGALIH!..bagi panick kali tu ah...
BUT BUT even aku tekapai-kapai menjawab tadi..I got a B..satu mark lagi kan A...sayang eh,,
and and....masa kami kan keluar math kelas tadi..we were all standing and kan jalan dah.. Nda semana2 c fifah te cakap the 'P' word...kami semua mcm liat eya with silence..and muka c fifah bangang before eya teclick dat she sed the word..haha..eyath ey ngusut tadi..nada lagi 5oc with her tuuu...paksa cia eya bayar esuk I guess..hee:P..
Then here comes the breaktime..
Today ada environmental day di sekulah..Aku buat mcm nada saja tdi waktu break. same with si sadrina...haha...its because i was so dam hungry ..which makes food to be the first thing dat time.. eyath..aku rugi..aku nda ampit mengangkat tumbuhan2..haha.. c naz lagi ckp ada yang with my birthday on it..sheeesshh!!
Owh yea..C naz berjaya adopt a plant, its a cactus an she named it PAPITO!!..and tadi teburai eya puntya she have to bring in the toilet to usai it..hee..
At the afternoon,
we have a speech and theraphy career talk arh audi.
It stats at 1.30...aku tu planning kan macam nda banyak urang ja malas tah ku nah..sekalinya nda batah atu..1.35 kali..ada cia c azrul menunjukkan muka nya arh tangga facing the canteen..mencari org2 yg register nama for the talk..hahaha..langsung2 aku,khairi,hafiz and ema yang kan escape ne nda jadi escape..karang beguruh nda semana2 gara2 kan escape..hahaa..
But nasib baik the talk was okay..atleast some of us want to go for the attachment avaliables..:)..hee~...
Then we heard ada cia ujan..which we were supposed to play netball after the talk..makin labat lagi tu ujan ah...haha...but aku and fiqah just tukar the baju lah...then2..2.45..haha..ujan jua lah sikit...but nda cia kira tu...kami main saja...and it was fun playing under the rain..rather than under the sun..hehe..atleast nda jua kami sunburnt...paling teruk pun damam saja...haha..imagine the whole FNV damam..dashyat tu eh:p..hahha
OWH BTW..not forgetting c MAHIRAH lanja hazelnut choclate at us tadi...hee.. THANKYOU YAW (^^,=) Len kali bawa lagi ah...haha...dapat jua kami minta..hee~~:P..
Well i guess dats ol for today..SEE YOU ~ END
Yess.... NuDge is here to update....
For the sake of updating.... hahahhahahah.....
Not in a 'lame' mood now so dont expect to laugh...
We have a health week last week
as u noticed..
the bio people buat forum at 1pm
den theres an exhibition..
c pikah jdi chairman
n me, fifah and ekin were amazed with all the effort that the other students did..
seriously project durg LAWA..
making kmi punya last yar buruk berabisly..
and so kmi iski gmbr2..
some pictures down
den ada this outsiders yg check kmi punya bone density,
water content and fats and all that...
interesting lah jua....
Another forum..
Sadrina and mamit aka bonda aka fizah jdi panel..
n the usuak exhibition
ada mental health...
OOooo we ms-ians ada mental problem wah..
yth kmi kana bgi talk a2...
well.., not all..
But i have the symptoms
last forum
fifah and pikah jdi panel
but missed it coz ada class..
sigh... =(
Thats it... here are some pictures
Notice the difference..???
Want to know how the HFM disease look like..??
huh... yeah right..
The forum
Last but not least.....
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Awan Sembilan.=D
The guruh was terrifying and ada something melatop arah the bilik next door.
The karan was tutup.
I was alone.
Anyways, Thursday was fun. :D
I like fun days, because such days make me happy. :DDD
When I arrived at school, aku lapar wah. Iatah aku bali yang peanuts sekutak di kantin ah.
Harganya enam plusin satu.
Nyamannnn =D
Sekali kan, di bawah, Naj Naz and Dal were there. And zatul and Qayhe.
There were talking about the fact that peanuts, macam yang aku makan, will make you fart.
Si zatul ketawa-ketawaaaa. XDD Cos someone ckp like if like terrrrr, masa im having my Chem test, sunyi jua tu. And guarantee everyone will hear it. HAHAHAHAHHA gila. Atu baru namanya the bombbbb. Stinky smelly bomb. HAHAH
Starting from thursday, aku baru tau, Mr S*h ani caring. =) Ia panggil aku wah msa registration ah, very lambut-ly and damitttt. Thank God I got bionic ears. Anyway, he was like this:
Mr S: Do you always eat junk food?
Fifah: ummm. Noooo. Not good not good. *singlish accent*
Mr. S: Yes. Not good to eat ahh. Many people in Brunei very diabetic.
Fifah: Oh. Today very hungry ahhh sir. Peanuts only maaah. Always always don’t eat like this. Yesterday not junk food. Cereal ah sir. Makes my bones strong. *And I did the pose, mcm you show off the muscles*
Mr. S: Oh okay. Good. You always eat ice cleam ah?
Fifah: ummmmmmmm. *And my head was like ohhh DQ DQ!* no lah sir. Only once in a while. No $$$.
And he was done talking. Sweeeet ahh. =DD I gave him the thumbs up. Wowwww. He caresss. Inda kau jeles Qayah? HAHAHA.
I took a longgggggg time to travel dari Chem lab to tingkat satu. And when I arrived at my GP class, kosonggggg. I could actually hear myself breathing. Mun namanya ngalih bejalan dri tingkat 3 sampai satu. HAHAH, Turns out rupanya di Lecture theatre.. Kami liat THE 11TH HOUR. Siukkk. It makes you more aware of what you’re doing to planet earth. Because deep inside, we know, mcm things yang kitani buat atu, mcm sekiranya lah, lapas mencharge telipun mubail karannya inda betutup, and that will cause an effect to Earth as well.
We know. But we just tend to.. Forget.
And I am here to remind you again. Macam alarm clock. KRINNNNNNNNNNG.
And another reason siuk documentary atu was pasal ada this hot scientis gila. Hot, young and mudah-mudahan single. Si jiah nasa responseeee. Ngak tau kenapa. Aku, Dal, Syah and Naz bekiap-kiap sudah, ke-hot-an =DD
Masa break time, Fiqah bagi browniessss nyamannnn. Buat lagi. Nyamannn =pppp Si azman Kairi iski ah makan. Smpai menggilat2 keratas yang bercoklet ah. Hhahaha!
Then we were off to Career room for CCA. Kami melakat-lakat for the room’s design, except for Sad, yang mmbuat bedtime story psl Hitler =p and Simaa Samima, mmbaca biology for her test.
Ehh kamu tau kah samima ani kadai stationary? HAHAH nah betambah jua ilmu kamu hari ani.
Anyway, siuk menyanyi sama sir Career, Sir Az***. Suaranya lawaaaaa. <33 Macam lullaby. Iatah si Qayah kan tetidur selajur. Iatah aku bagitau sir yang aku kan bekaroke dengan ia. And he agrreeeed. I think. Atau pun aku salah dngr. HAHAHA.
Then Muizz came. Inhaling and exhaling dengan lajunyaaa. Ia showw off ia dapat pendraip. Buyuk ihhh. Aku mau jua. =( By the time ia datang, we were done melakat-lakat. Iatah kami, aku muizz dal and naz duduk2 dapan sir ah. So becerita-cerita. The story went off like this:
Fifah: Yo minta ih pindraip ah.
Muizz: Malas tah ku ingau. EH! Kamu tau apa? Si ekin sama si jihan kana tinggalkan bas ah!! Kesiann!! Eh eh sir. Banar kah sir jadi bagi kami duit siapa2 yang dpt A? Pasal aku ani.. hehehhe *giggle* nada jua beduit.
Sir: Hahaha atu dasar inda tau malu. Krg tah sir ke bank.
Fifah: Awuih muizz. Apani stail mu ah. Tsk Whats your style?
Muizz: Doggy style.
Fifah, dal. naz: =______________=”
Fifah: Woof woof? HAHAHHA
Sir: EHH! Ada sound effek lagi tu!
HAHAH that was funny. XDDDD
I had Bio in the afternoon. Tapi langsung inda belajar. Teacher went off somewhere. So kami becali-cali lah =DDD Si merah and Fadzay mcm did this yoga thing. Cali lah. Fadzay shuffled too, ia ada hidden talent!. Ada wah time kami duduk, Si mahirah told me how to check whether your hair is healthy atau inda.
1) Pull out satu rambut, together with the bulb, aka the akar rambut. If the bulb of your hair is big, then healthy.
2) Masukkan that one strand of hair atas air. If it floats, then your hair is goooooood and bnyk healthy proteinsss!! =DDD
So I did try.
Sakit jua menarik rambut ani. Karang tarik satu rambut, the rambut yang ditarik inda mau tecabut2nya, yang lain smua beguguran. HAHAHA.
So yeah, biiiiiig bulb. So healthy. Then I immersed it arah air.
T i n g g a l a m.
Ohhhhhhhh noooooooo! Inda healthy wah rambut ku? =(((
Sekali slowly naik and TADAAAA, timbul ah. I was like ummmm okay. =.=”
Anyway, peah masa di bio, she was like “ehhh cium rambut ku! Harum macam shampoo kucing!!” (BIG BIGGG BIGGGGG smile from her)
Mahirah and I gave the look. =.=” HAHAHA. Funnie funnie.
Then after bio abis, went to the bench. Fajrina Zzats and Naz mengadakan perkahwinan Hindustan di bawah atu. Weird eh hahaha. Aku terpanggil si zaty’Imining’ wah. So ia panggil aku piping! I was like wooooot? PIPING? HAHAH cali jua tu! Inda kan? XDD hahaha biar tia aku saja ketawa. Ani took a picture of me, and surprisingly lawaaa aku pose cematu! Selalunya inda pernah bisai kalau ku pose cematu wah. HAHAHA. I love ani’s camera! =D
Went to the toilet lapas atu. Kami mcm troops, going on war wah. Pkir tah aku and three others saja yang ke toilet ani. Sekalinya ramaiii =o We did some funny funny things on the way and under the way ;P The photo uploader inda mu. sadihhhh ku.
Masa patang, handball.. I just want to share this one convo saja. Ngalih ku menaip sudahh.
Fifah: Ehhh zatie nadiah! Kasut mu sama mcm ekin! ;D
Zatie: Awu. Sama. =D
Fifah: *looks at andrew’s kasut* Eh drew kasut kitani inda samaaaaa! Tapinya kasut ku bisai lagi. Pasal kan telakap!
Andrew, silah, Zatie: errrrrrrrrrrrrr. =__________=”
After 15secs.
Fifah: Oh. I better run.
HAHAHA. Banarnya too many funny things happened in a day. Made me reallyyyy happy :DDDD Sooo. Happy Fifah needs to have the happy beauty sleep now.
I shall say farewell.
Until we meet again.
Mayfirst lambang sejatiiiiii~
‘ao <333
Pps: The karan was back again on the night! My parents my heroooo!! <3333333
Atu pulang saja kan ku taip tu =p
Eh wait!
I watched Twilight trailer last nite! It was siukkkk!! I never thought Cedric Diggory could pull such act jadi the hero. I was like woahhh. The eyes were FANTASTIC! Awu I know.. Like this news is sooo yesterday. Biar tia. HAHAHA.
Imining, aku in loooovvve. Sama Edward. Sheeets. =( HAHAHHA.
Ada wah yang si Bella cakap to Edward dalam the trailer,”How long have you been seventeen?”
Y’know right that vampires are immortal. So I guess, he’s been seventeen for quite some time.
Iatah my big brother, trying to imitate Bella, said this to me, “How long have you been seventeen?”
I was like, “Ummm. Three months?”
And that’s the end.
Fifah is signing out.
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Fifah is offline.