it's sad, but there's not much i can do except to keep on giving the support a friend should do.
i love you guys.
sugar, spice, and everything nice,
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
As much as i dont wanna it to be true
it is still becoming a reality
As much as i dont want to believe it
it is still forcing me to do so...
As much as i dont want to lose them
yet i will
As much as i tried not to cry
yet my tears shed themselves out from my eyes
As much as i want to be happy for them
and smile for them
yet my heart rebels to do so..
How i wish i could rewind the time
and make sure that this day will not come
but time is irreversable
and i have to face it
with mixed feelings...
excuse the not so good "po-yim" i made.. it just come out n my fingers just start to type it..
call me selfish if you want
but still.., i am unwilling to let go.
in fact.., im so not ready.
Ani bru doa kesyukuran, blum lagi farewell dinner
and the worse, the real farewell at the airport
i could already imagine myself crying foolishly even though i tried to control my emotions..
ohh.. i really dont want this day to happen..
So many words and memories that we will be having in this coming time.. but those are the times where there will be no fifah.. No more lame jokes, no more kuntilanak laugh, no more ugly candid pictures, no more advice from her n etc
ive known this girl for almost 3 years. i would like to thank her for welcoming me as one of her friends and also to thank her for being the ears.. ive been letting go of everything to her since form 4. all the dramas, all the secrets and all the lame jokes.. (taie gigi pah.. ingat kau..?? hahaha)
you name it she knows it.. hahaha *exaggerating*
oohh fifah... kuntilanak ku yg tercinta.. how im gonna miss u very very much... you are one of the first friends among fnv yg kenal aku.. then the other fnvs welcomed me to this association n how i really appreciate it sooo munchini.. Fifahh....!!!!!!!! waaaaaaa....!!!!!! sedih ku eh....!!!! *sniff sniff*
enough about fifah...
Khairi...!!!! how we just get to know each other n then ur gonna leave me alone.. ur gonna ditch ur netball partner n i will be losing my gayboy friend.. AArrghh... Sedih eh.. Bru jua kn mingle2 around n get to know each other n laugh together n play netball n etc.., u will be gone in just a snap.. kamu...!! Manager tani nada lagi niee.... hahahaha... no more of his fats complains no more of his stress comlaints and no more about him bragging bout how a good shooter he is...
Sad.., Merah.., Santi.., The CCK couple.., Muizz n the rest yg dpt the scholarshipss.. (well yg aku kenal lah) even though were not really that close, but yeah... it is still a sad thing just thinking that tni bru kn be more closer n closer... tapi ada tia jua aral melintang.. hhmmphhh... how im gonna miss ur huge laugh, ur craziness n all that...
as much as i dont want to d this but i still will..
To all of the mentioned ones.., good luck yeah in persuing your studies in UK.. All the best to you guys.. Make us proud here.. yet dont forget us.. keep on tagging kmi dsini ani hehehh
With lots n muchini of love..,
ive known this girl for almost 3 years. i would like to thank her for welcoming me as one of her friends and also to thank her for being the ears.. ive been letting go of everything to her since form 4. all the dramas, all the secrets and all the lame jokes.. (taie gigi pah.. ingat kau..?? hahaha)
you name it she knows it.. hahaha *exaggerating*
oohh fifah... kuntilanak ku yg tercinta.. how im gonna miss u very very much... you are one of the first friends among fnv yg kenal aku.. then the other fnvs welcomed me to this association n how i really appreciate it sooo munchini.. Fifahh....!!!!!!!! waaaaaaa....!!!!!! sedih ku eh....!!!! *sniff sniff*
enough about fifah...
Khairi...!!!! how we just get to know each other n then ur gonna leave me alone.. ur gonna ditch ur netball partner n i will be losing my gayboy friend.. AArrghh... Sedih eh.. Bru jua kn mingle2 around n get to know each other n laugh together n play netball n etc.., u will be gone in just a snap.. kamu...!! Manager tani nada lagi niee.... hahahaha... no more of his fats complains no more of his stress comlaints and no more about him bragging bout how a good shooter he is...
Sad.., Merah.., Santi.., The CCK couple.., Muizz n the rest yg dpt the scholarshipss.. (well yg aku kenal lah) even though were not really that close, but yeah... it is still a sad thing just thinking that tni bru kn be more closer n closer... tapi ada tia jua aral melintang.. hhmmphhh... how im gonna miss ur huge laugh, ur craziness n all that...
as much as i dont want to d this but i still will..
To all of the mentioned ones.., good luck yeah in persuing your studies in UK.. All the best to you guys.. Make us proud here.. yet dont forget us.. keep on tagging kmi dsini ani hehehh
With lots n muchini of love..,
Salam fellow readers. =)
I decided to be Miss Sunshine 'Look at the bright side' today. The doa kesyukuran for scholarship recipients is today and i know there will be a lot of tears running down. I don't know what to say, thruthfully. My well of tears is drying out. I am happy for them, Fifah, Sadrina, Jihan, Khairi and Syiqin. Each of them have been a great friend. I never like being apart and saying goodbyes. Aku ber-emo disini saja dulu. =(
I can't let my baby girl go. Samihah. Jatul can't even see her face, menangis tia. It has always been her dream to be an archeologist and now, she got it! =) Thanks for being such a boobastic friend sad. Mama is proud of you. Hahahhaha. I better stop.
Don't let me start talking about Fifah. Banjir blog ani ia meraung krg. Mwahahaha. Love you ping.
Miss Sunshine
I decided to be Miss Sunshine 'Look at the bright side' today. The doa kesyukuran for scholarship recipients is today and i know there will be a lot of tears running down. I don't know what to say, thruthfully. My well of tears is drying out. I am happy for them, Fifah, Sadrina, Jihan, Khairi and Syiqin. Each of them have been a great friend. I never like being apart and saying goodbyes. Aku ber-emo disini saja dulu. =(
I can't let my baby girl go. Samihah. Jatul can't even see her face, menangis tia. It has always been her dream to be an archeologist and now, she got it! =) Thanks for being such a boobastic friend sad. Mama is proud of you. Hahahhaha. I better stop.
Don't let me start talking about Fifah. Banjir blog ani ia meraung krg. Mwahahaha. Love you ping.
Miss Sunshine
Monday, July 28, 2008
Frens come and go..
It was around 4pm.. U guys stepped out from the audi with a very WIDE SMILE and SHINING FACES.. i cried, coz im really PROUD of u.. I jz cant blieve wat i hear, d news! Itz shocking yet i expectd it.. I cried agen, bc0z itz d time that i had to let u guys go..
Frens come n go.. Yes! Yet u guys wil stil b in my heart.. Guyss my advice to u ol, PLEASE DONT CHANGE ANYTHING ABOUT YOU, u already are uniqe in ur way.. I love dway u guys are.. N jgn LUPA, smbhyng slalu aah.. Aldo kamu bz to reach ur dreamz! Always rmembr kami dsni..
To fifah - i LOVE u babe! i oredy anggap u lyk my sister.. Since form1, starting den we shared prkara yg manis, pahit, masam n masin togetha.. Dun ever 4gt dat! Im goin to miss ur laugh, ur LAME JOKES, ktawa mu yg bekirik atu, ur SMILEE.. everything! Im proud of u, n ur parentz too.. I'll always support u in watever u do n dun ever disappoint us! U are the BESTEST FRIEND ive ever got.. I hve a lot to say, bt i jz cnt xprez it in words.. THANK YOU for mking my life happier n shinier =) come bck wit a title doctor dpn ur name aah.. My doa wil alwez b wit u.. alwez updated me wit ur keadaan dsna nanti..
To sad - archeologist? Dream cum true rite..? Go for it sad.. After ol we've gone thru, d'conflict n evrything.. U are stil my fren! Im proud of u.. NO more sad's 'hyperness' msa bio.. Sunyi tia nee...
To merah - i noe u since form1 n i noe kita nda rapat sngt.. bt surely im goin to miss ur craziness n laughter yg mcm org histeria atu.. Hahah xDD be a gud physiotherapist.. Ol ur crying yg b4 atu worthed merah..
To khairi - NO more netball =( bt look at d'bright side, he'll be mine.. Hahah xDD arh sapa ku tnya maths ne? N nada lgi ur craziness jua.. baru jua kita rapat dz year n now ure leaving me.. sunyi maths claz ne.. afta jdi doctor, jgn strez2 sja..
To sabri - my kampis! Im goin to MISS you.. soon nada lgi org kan annoye or kcau aku.. =( who will b next to me msa chem and bio? Sapa kan jln dgn aku nanti ke claz2? i will be LONELY.. Who will make me laugh early in the morning? ur LAME JOKES, ur hypernez msa mkn choclate.. I'll miss dat.. Bio-chemist hah? Go for it bree.. =) i respect u brabz.. Col aku or webcam kita.. Hahah xDD n jgnkn buli2 org dsna..
ooh~ shoot! Im emo.. Jz cnt stop crying.. Itz hard to let u guys go wen im attached wit kamu daah.. Btw a poem for u guys:
are those people
who touch one another's lives
and bcome part of them
are those
who learn to share
in one another's happiness,
in their deepest secrets
and their fondest dreams
A really
close friendship
doesn't just happen..
it takes time to build
the kind of trust n respect
that mkes a friendship
a lasting one
are those people
who touch one another's
hearts and lives
and make them
brighter and happier
as time goes by
Thank you
for being such
a wonderful friend...
Lastly, Thank you
for being you!
XOXO fyqa
Frens come n go.. Yes! Yet u guys wil stil b in my heart.. Guyss my advice to u ol, PLEASE DONT CHANGE ANYTHING ABOUT YOU, u already are uniqe in ur way.. I love dway u guys are.. N jgn LUPA, smbhyng slalu aah.. Aldo kamu bz to reach ur dreamz! Always rmembr kami dsni..
To fifah - i LOVE u babe! i oredy anggap u lyk my sister.. Since form1, starting den we shared prkara yg manis, pahit, masam n masin togetha.. Dun ever 4gt dat! Im goin to miss ur laugh, ur LAME JOKES, ktawa mu yg bekirik atu, ur SMILEE.. everything! Im proud of u, n ur parentz too.. I'll always support u in watever u do n dun ever disappoint us! U are the BESTEST FRIEND ive ever got.. I hve a lot to say, bt i jz cnt xprez it in words.. THANK YOU for mking my life happier n shinier =) come bck wit a title doctor dpn ur name aah.. My doa wil alwez b wit u.. alwez updated me wit ur keadaan dsna nanti..
To sad - archeologist? Dream cum true rite..? Go for it sad.. After ol we've gone thru, d'conflict n evrything.. U are stil my fren! Im proud of u.. NO more sad's 'hyperness' msa bio.. Sunyi tia nee...
To merah - i noe u since form1 n i noe kita nda rapat sngt.. bt surely im goin to miss ur craziness n laughter yg mcm org histeria atu.. Hahah xDD be a gud physiotherapist.. Ol ur crying yg b4 atu worthed merah..
To khairi - NO more netball =( bt look at d'bright side, he'll be mine.. Hahah xDD arh sapa ku tnya maths ne? N nada lgi ur craziness jua.. baru jua kita rapat dz year n now ure leaving me.. sunyi maths claz ne.. afta jdi doctor, jgn strez2 sja..
To sabri - my kampis! Im goin to MISS you.. soon nada lgi org kan annoye or kcau aku.. =( who will b next to me msa chem and bio? Sapa kan jln dgn aku nanti ke claz2? i will be LONELY.. Who will make me laugh early in the morning? ur LAME JOKES, ur hypernez msa mkn choclate.. I'll miss dat.. Bio-chemist hah? Go for it bree.. =) i respect u brabz.. Col aku or webcam kita.. Hahah xDD n jgnkn buli2 org dsna..
ooh~ shoot! Im emo.. Jz cnt stop crying.. Itz hard to let u guys go wen im attached wit kamu daah.. Btw a poem for u guys:
are those people
who touch one another's lives
and bcome part of them
are those
who learn to share
in one another's happiness,
in their deepest secrets
and their fondest dreams
A really
close friendship
doesn't just happen..
it takes time to build
the kind of trust n respect
that mkes a friendship
a lasting one
are those people
who touch one another's
hearts and lives
and make them
brighter and happier
as time goes by
Thank you
for being such
a wonderful friend...
Lastly, Thank you
for being you!
XOXO fyqa
Friend after another friend departs.
Life is always like this. Come and go.
We've been preparing ourselves for Muizz's and Santi's absence, and by now, i guess, we're strong. But now what? More people is leaving for the scholarships, reaching for their dreams, and on top of all, making their parents proud.
Fifah, Sadrina, Jihan, Syiqin and Khairi. We're so happy for you:') We're gonna miss your presence.
Fifah - Go make your parents proud! And go make us proud! They've put high hopes on you, so dont disappoint them:) Show them that you can do it! We're gonna miss your loud laughter, your never-ending lame jokes, everything! Watch your diet and exercise more! We hope to see you a bit thinner:)
Sadrina - Being an archaeologist, dream come true,eh? You too. Go make your parents and us proud! Don't disappoint us. We're gonna miss you!
Jihan - Now, you have millions of reasons to smile:) Your parents are so proud of you! Go make them proud! Dont ever disappoint them:) we're gonna miss you!
Syiqin - One of the devilistic angels is gonna leave, leaving the other angels here. We're gonna miss you.
Khairi - We're so happy for you. Go make your mother proud!
Everyone, no matter who you are. Go and reach for your dreams. Make your parents proud. Dont you ever dare to disappoint them. If you dare, it's a huge mistake and you'll regret it.
Dalilah Nabilah
We've been preparing ourselves for Muizz's and Santi's absence, and by now, i guess, we're strong. But now what? More people is leaving for the scholarships, reaching for their dreams, and on top of all, making their parents proud.
Fifah, Sadrina, Jihan, Syiqin and Khairi. We're so happy for you:') We're gonna miss your presence.
Fifah - Go make your parents proud! And go make us proud! They've put high hopes on you, so dont disappoint them:) Show them that you can do it! We're gonna miss your loud laughter, your never-ending lame jokes, everything! Watch your diet and exercise more! We hope to see you a bit thinner:)
Sadrina - Being an archaeologist, dream come true,eh? You too. Go make your parents and us proud! Don't disappoint us. We're gonna miss you!
Jihan - Now, you have millions of reasons to smile:) Your parents are so proud of you! Go make them proud! Dont ever disappoint them:) we're gonna miss you!
Syiqin - One of the devilistic angels is gonna leave, leaving the other angels here. We're gonna miss you.
Khairi - We're so happy for you. Go make your mother proud!
Everyone, no matter who you are. Go and reach for your dreams. Make your parents proud. Dont you ever dare to disappoint them. If you dare, it's a huge mistake and you'll regret it.
Dalilah Nabilah
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Ohh Fifah,,,,,
I fell asleep semalam... hahahh... tup tap tup tap.. my phone berbunyi.. rupanya its already a new day.. n its about wat..? 8 in the morning i think...?? hmm....
and so... i opened my sexy eyes but still half asleep n read the msg... its from fifah with the msg...:
"I got Called"
and so... i opened my sexy eyes but still half asleep n read the msg... its from fifah with the msg...:
"I got Called"
den aku dgn bengangnya msg ia n tanya
"wat Called..??"
i actually had the feeling that d moe called her... but somehow my brain sends this msg that i dont believe it..
den ia reply blik
den ia reply blik
the moe tpun aku.. n bla bla bla... (malas ku type.., privacy lerr.. hahaha)
den aku pun dgn terkezutnya bangun tah jua akhirnya..
den kmi msg each other and then ya ada ckp yg ekin ada bgi ia quote sampai ia nangis mengalahkan ujan..
aku yang nda mau kalah ani pun akhirnya telah berjanji pada si fifah bahawa aku akan memberinya quote jua...
so here goes the quote...
den kmi msg each other and then ya ada ckp yg ekin ada bgi ia quote sampai ia nangis mengalahkan ujan..
aku yang nda mau kalah ani pun akhirnya telah berjanji pada si fifah bahawa aku akan memberinya quote jua...
so here goes the quote...
Wahai kuntilanak ku yang tercinta..,
seandainya benar kau pergi meninggalkan diriku,
ambillah segantang darah mudaku ini sebagai pengubat rindu mu di tmpat asing itu.
sungguh jangan kau hilangkannya
dan jangan juga kau meminumnya
kerana seandainya akan ku minta balik pabila kau kembali kesisiku..
sekiranya hilang
akan ku kejar dirimu hingga k lubang cacing sekalipum...
done by: c naji yg hoxx... nyahahahahha
awuu.. nda lawa mcm c ekin punya.. biar tia wah..
seandainya benar kau pergi meninggalkan diriku,
ambillah segantang darah mudaku ini sebagai pengubat rindu mu di tmpat asing itu.
sungguh jangan kau hilangkannya
dan jangan juga kau meminumnya
kerana seandainya akan ku minta balik pabila kau kembali kesisiku..
sekiranya hilang
akan ku kejar dirimu hingga k lubang cacing sekalipum...
done by: c naji yg hoxx... nyahahahahha
awuu.. nda lawa mcm c ekin punya.. biar tia wah..
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Is it actually a laughing day??
Aa~..panya aku alum post...hee~...
I just want to announce..
People was curious why I laughed so much today...especially fifah and fiqah..haha... Is something's wrong with me?? NAHH~~..I'M fine :) see~..aku smile kali ah..
Owh today i watched futball match with fifah and fiqah...It was AWESOME!!
Cali ah..adakah aku salah sabut Gryffindor jadi Gryffindoll...haha.. and sit up jadi sets up. Well there was last time during my bio speech during form four.. I sed oesophagus jadi asparagus..and there was one time i sed sushi jadi SHU~~~SHI!! haha.. eyatah it was a joke towards me by nigle and kweng...if you remind it to them..grenti durang sed those words back to me..
hrmmm~..what ami i doing now?? BORED~~~
I bet almost all of my friends watch TANGLONG nee...dats why i got time to post..and waiting for dinner makes a space for my time to post this...
Okay~..I'm talking nonsence now...I better back up...MENTAL KAMU KARANG~~
I just want to announce..
People was curious why I laughed so much today...especially fifah and fiqah..haha... Is something's wrong with me?? NAHH~~..I'M fine :) see~..aku smile kali ah..
Owh today i watched futball match with fifah and fiqah...It was AWESOME!!
Cali ah..adakah aku salah sabut Gryffindor jadi Gryffindoll...haha.. and sit up jadi sets up. Well there was last time during my bio speech during form four.. I sed oesophagus jadi asparagus..and there was one time i sed sushi jadi SHU~~~SHI!! haha.. eyatah it was a joke towards me by nigle and kweng...if you remind it to them..grenti durang sed those words back to me..
hrmmm~..what ami i doing now?? BORED~~~
I bet almost all of my friends watch TANGLONG nee...dats why i got time to post..and waiting for dinner makes a space for my time to post this...
Okay~..I'm talking nonsence now...I better back up...MENTAL KAMU KARANG~~
Friday, July 25, 2008
Helllloooooo B-E-A-U-tiful people... hahahaha.. apakan... Its been ages since aku post sini.. sadistik eh aku ani.. macam staie kan ada 2 blogs but in d end dua2 pn nda update... blahh...
aaah anyways.., i wanted to talk about today.. i was planning to post after mandi.. tapi c pikah telah mendahuluiku... nyahahahaha.. so i guess this is gonna be just short...
but whenever i said short it'll be...... you know...
okehh heres d story.. today was muchini F-U-N-F-U-N-F-U-N.. hahahahaha..
my team, "kampong" kononnya ada match 2day with **i donno wat their team name are** people.
bt kami nda ckup urg n kami ani 'terlampau handal'.., akhirnya aku telah meng-importlah pemain fnv yg hots n panas itu.. esp aku.. ahahahahah... XD xD XP
n surprisingly hari ani banyak urg.. hahahah.. biasanya yg dpt ani are fiqah, ekin and Qayah(sometimes) n not to forget our manager c khairi aka Mr.Gayboy *ooppss* hahahaha.. kami2 nganya tu yg paham.. ah pikah ah...?!! hhahaahah
today ada fifah, Faj, Ekin, Fiqah, Sam. Qayah n mwah the fnvs.. yatah ngam 7 urg.. it feels like mcm kami plg yg main wah sebab kami conquer (spelling?) the court. masa 1st half only my cuzn n isma yg dri kampong.. well.., aku both lahh.. ahahah den 2nd half pun sama lah.. hahaha
Guys we HoXx.. hahaha
Well.., im proud of us. its because walaupun kami kalah kami have fun n most importantly kami co-operate with each other even though aku a bit mental tdi.. hahahah.. n of coz the others r so happy sebab they end up krumahku..
as u read arh pikah's post.., before the game ends.., ujan turun dgn lebatnya membasahi luar dan dalam... hahahha.. okeh okeh lets not get to far.. so kami ani masih semangat kan main but the other team balik selajur n so is the referee.. ish ish ish.. so in the end kami berkumpul lah d house that is.. so durg have fun while aku sediakan makanan utk drg.. so watever it is that i miss aku pun nda tau..
but wat i L-O-V-E the most is when fifah pikah and qayah dispersed.. its like pipah k north n naik atas kerusi n the same goes to pikah but opposite way m qayah naik atas tangga at the west..hahaha cali lah pokoknya.. they all shouted.. me my sis n my dad menahan kan ketawa.. hahaha.. ohh the reason is bapa sruh umban cicak mainan arh durg.. hahahaha
n the rest u'll know from fikah's post.. i stop here.. stiill got lots of work to do.. i got to find gp article for presentation 2morow, den geo hw n stats test esuk.. wwaaahhh no sleep for me tonight...
n pictures lets just wait for miss fifah to post it...
aaah anyways.., i wanted to talk about today.. i was planning to post after mandi.. tapi c pikah telah mendahuluiku... nyahahahaha.. so i guess this is gonna be just short...
but whenever i said short it'll be...... you know...
okehh heres d story.. today was muchini F-U-N-F-U-N-F-U-N.. hahahahaha..
my team, "kampong" kononnya ada match 2day with **i donno wat their team name are** people.
bt kami nda ckup urg n kami ani 'terlampau handal'.., akhirnya aku telah meng-importlah pemain fnv yg hots n panas itu.. esp aku.. ahahahahah... XD xD XP
n surprisingly hari ani banyak urg.. hahahah.. biasanya yg dpt ani are fiqah, ekin and Qayah(sometimes) n not to forget our manager c khairi aka Mr.Gayboy *ooppss* hahahaha.. kami2 nganya tu yg paham.. ah pikah ah...?!! hhahaahah
today ada fifah, Faj, Ekin, Fiqah, Sam. Qayah n mwah the fnvs.. yatah ngam 7 urg.. it feels like mcm kami plg yg main wah sebab kami conquer (spelling?) the court. masa 1st half only my cuzn n isma yg dri kampong.. well.., aku both lahh.. ahahah den 2nd half pun sama lah.. hahaha
Guys we HoXx.. hahaha
Well.., im proud of us. its because walaupun kami kalah kami have fun n most importantly kami co-operate with each other even though aku a bit mental tdi.. hahahah.. n of coz the others r so happy sebab they end up krumahku..
as u read arh pikah's post.., before the game ends.., ujan turun dgn lebatnya membasahi luar dan dalam... hahahha.. okeh okeh lets not get to far.. so kami ani masih semangat kan main but the other team balik selajur n so is the referee.. ish ish ish.. so in the end kami berkumpul lah d house that is.. so durg have fun while aku sediakan makanan utk drg.. so watever it is that i miss aku pun nda tau..
but wat i L-O-V-E the most is when fifah pikah and qayah dispersed.. its like pipah k north n naik atas kerusi n the same goes to pikah but opposite way m qayah naik atas tangga at the west..hahaha cali lah pokoknya.. they all shouted.. me my sis n my dad menahan kan ketawa.. hahaha.. ohh the reason is bapa sruh umban cicak mainan arh durg.. hahahaha
n the rest u'll know from fikah's post.. i stop here.. stiill got lots of work to do.. i got to find gp article for presentation 2morow, den geo hw n stats test esuk.. wwaaahhh no sleep for me tonight...
n pictures lets just wait for miss fifah to post it...
***c nudge yg batah nda post has posted***
p.s wen i sed sadistik it means sedih tu ah
pps. n munchini is much.. (u know munchini yg makanan a2 kann.. hahahah)
ppps. hoXx is hots..
p.s wen i sed sadistik it means sedih tu ah
pps. n munchini is much.. (u know munchini yg makanan a2 kann.. hahahah)
ppps. hoXx is hots..
netball match
Today is dday!!! N happily fifah, qayah n faj joined us.. Yay! As usual me, sam, ekin n naj r in the team.. 0oyea kami mkin smangt!
btw khairi+hiz sis (isma) ada jua.. Bt today khairi OFF DAY.. Ya nerding bca bio tdi smbil liat our match! Ya ada test esuk.. Boo~ you khairi.. Aku n fifah kcau ia bca tdi *wink*
kami lawan with the bussinez skul ppl.. First game our score 5-8.. God~ drang HANDAL.. n drang handal long pass, bt aku BANGGA laa c0z at least kami ada score.. 2nd half, kami KALAH TERUK!! Hahah xDD bt we had FUN.. Fifah improve yoh! Awesooomee~ naj pun mkin handal jdi GK! Ya blik2 catched the ball.. N qayah.. ya nervous today, huhu =p bt stil smangt pink qayah! sam as usual gud shooter.. Ekin+faj handal defend.. Awesoome agen! Not to 4gt me! =) i jumped, run n a gud centre.. Of cz! Hahah xDD
msa 2nd half, as i sed kami kalah truk kaan.. bt the RAIN saved us frm malu.. Huhu =p yatakan! Itz raining heavily! smua blari ke kreta.. Me, ekin, sam n amal (my cuz) bsampit dlm kreta kaka cNaj.. Afta maen, SWEATING, kpanasan n bsampit2.. Mcm sardin bnr.. The window g nda dpt buka yatah sorang2 masak! Akhrnya kami joined naj n her family+cuz dluar.. Betduh dbwh, is it electric/generator house? Pkoknya mcm atulah.. Kami ane kan tunggu taduh den smbung maen.. Bt our opponent balik.. Akhrnya dgn kata sepakat yg sungguh muktamad, semua balik rumah cNaj.. Stay, rehat2 dsna dlu.. Wide smile frm uz..
arh rumah cNaj kami dihidangi mkanan yg lazat2.. Dgn prasaan yg tidak malu, kami mkn.. N fajin pling bnyk mkn! Hahah xDD we even liat video kami maen tdi.. hoho =p BIMBO sorang2 bt stil kami AWESOOOMEE~ *pipah aku ktageh* then ada dz one time, msa kmi syok2 bcrita.. Ada kaka cNaj dtg.. Diri blakang aku+qayah.. Ekin kata ya earsdroping.. I gez~ aku+fifah+qayah BANGANG nee liat ia.. Apakan~ then ekin sdar ya ada umban sumting arh kaki kami.. P kami stil bangang.. Btw smua lah bngang.. Me+qayah searching.. Kan liat apa ya umban arh kaki kami.. LAGGIIING~ akhrnya aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. Aku+fifah+qayah shouting, sorang lari btempiaran.. Me+fifah naik atas krusi, qayah lari sumwer.. Dispersed brabizlaa kami.. Wana noe apa? CICAK mainan wa kna umban! Bt it looks VERY REAL.. Calienya cuz cNaj pun tkajut sorang2.. Yg dluar kan blik, msuk smula kdlm kan liat wat hapen.. Waah~ kami 'focus' of dday.. Hahah xDD panya itu adalah rancangan ayahanda cNaj.. Ish3.. Yatah suka ya.. P our reaction kna ucap lagging.. =]
ckhairi+faj+ekin+qayah maen c0ngkak tdi.. Akhrnya sam blik, c0z ya kau tution.. Next around 7pm+ ekin.. Den fifah+qayah+faj around 8pm+.. upacara penutup me+amal.. Btw kami kna antar blik plang oleh kaka cNaj+naj nya sendiri.. Heheh xDD
ps: guyss NICE GAME n AWESOOME brabz tdi..
pps: naj THANK YOUU for evrything.. d'transprt, d'shelter n d'food.. Next tym g aah.. Hahah xDD
ppps: ekiin.. aku post :p
im signing off.. =)
XOXO fyqa
btw khairi+hiz sis (isma) ada jua.. Bt today khairi OFF DAY.. Ya nerding bca bio tdi smbil liat our match! Ya ada test esuk.. Boo~ you khairi.. Aku n fifah kcau ia bca tdi *wink*
kami lawan with the bussinez skul ppl.. First game our score 5-8.. God~ drang HANDAL.. n drang handal long pass, bt aku BANGGA laa c0z at least kami ada score.. 2nd half, kami KALAH TERUK!! Hahah xDD bt we had FUN.. Fifah improve yoh! Awesooomee~ naj pun mkin handal jdi GK! Ya blik2 catched the ball.. N qayah.. ya nervous today, huhu =p bt stil smangt pink qayah! sam as usual gud shooter.. Ekin+faj handal defend.. Awesoome agen! Not to 4gt me! =) i jumped, run n a gud centre.. Of cz! Hahah xDD
msa 2nd half, as i sed kami kalah truk kaan.. bt the RAIN saved us frm malu.. Huhu =p yatakan! Itz raining heavily! smua blari ke kreta.. Me, ekin, sam n amal (my cuz) bsampit dlm kreta kaka cNaj.. Afta maen, SWEATING, kpanasan n bsampit2.. Mcm sardin bnr.. The window g nda dpt buka yatah sorang2 masak! Akhrnya kami joined naj n her family+cuz dluar.. Betduh dbwh, is it electric/generator house? Pkoknya mcm atulah.. Kami ane kan tunggu taduh den smbung maen.. Bt our opponent balik.. Akhrnya dgn kata sepakat yg sungguh muktamad, semua balik rumah cNaj.. Stay, rehat2 dsna dlu.. Wide smile frm uz..
arh rumah cNaj kami dihidangi mkanan yg lazat2.. Dgn prasaan yg tidak malu, kami mkn.. N fajin pling bnyk mkn! Hahah xDD we even liat video kami maen tdi.. hoho =p BIMBO sorang2 bt stil kami AWESOOOMEE~ *pipah aku ktageh* then ada dz one time, msa kmi syok2 bcrita.. Ada kaka cNaj dtg.. Diri blakang aku+qayah.. Ekin kata ya earsdroping.. I gez~ aku+fifah+qayah BANGANG nee liat ia.. Apakan~ then ekin sdar ya ada umban sumting arh kaki kami.. P kami stil bangang.. Btw smua lah bngang.. Me+qayah searching.. Kan liat apa ya umban arh kaki kami.. LAGGIIING~ akhrnya aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. Aku+fifah+qayah shouting, sorang lari btempiaran.. Me+fifah naik atas krusi, qayah lari sumwer.. Dispersed brabizlaa kami.. Wana noe apa? CICAK mainan wa kna umban! Bt it looks VERY REAL.. Calienya cuz cNaj pun tkajut sorang2.. Yg dluar kan blik, msuk smula kdlm kan liat wat hapen.. Waah~ kami 'focus' of dday.. Hahah xDD panya itu adalah rancangan ayahanda cNaj.. Ish3.. Yatah suka ya.. P our reaction kna ucap lagging.. =]
ckhairi+faj+ekin+qayah maen c0ngkak tdi.. Akhrnya sam blik, c0z ya kau tution.. Next around 7pm+ ekin.. Den fifah+qayah+faj around 8pm+.. upacara penutup me+amal.. Btw kami kna antar blik plang oleh kaka cNaj+naj nya sendiri.. Heheh xDD
ps: guyss NICE GAME n AWESOOME brabz tdi..
pps: naj THANK YOUU for evrything.. d'transprt, d'shelter n d'food.. Next tym g aah.. Hahah xDD
ppps: ekiin.. aku post :p
im signing off.. =)
XOXO fyqa
Lost and found.
I've found my long-lost, not so thick but damn expensive that worth every moolaah, Geography texbook. It's so long that i realised my Ering's baby is already 1month and 8 days and that my 3rd anniversary is in 5 days time. How exciting,eh? Exaggerating. Haha!
It was just few weeks ago, i didnt live with it. Few weeks are like ages, like way back to the stone age, when our ancestors were either wearing the damn sexy cawat or totally naked. Super duper sexy, eh? Oh, dont forget, the organisms that lived in their hairs, Kutu. Imut banget. Haha!
Back to the book. By the time the adrenaline-rush was about to start, preparing my body either for fight with Mr.Gareth or flight from Mr.Gareth, there, Faj came with the guilty look which was not so obvious before i knew, the book was in her dark blue Nike bag. The book was living in her house, preserving its virginity, since the last term,last day of school. My drops of clear crystals overshadowed my laughter:') Suprisingly, Mr.Gareth didnt say a single thing about the book after he got mad at Naz's Adib on wednesday. SORRY DIB:') I owe you one! And Faj, mucho thanks:)
Now, i can live a normal happy life again:) Ever, ever after. Here, its my honour to congratulate myself for having the book back:)
It was just few weeks ago, i didnt live with it. Few weeks are like ages, like way back to the stone age, when our ancestors were either wearing the damn sexy cawat or totally naked. Super duper sexy, eh? Oh, dont forget, the organisms that lived in their hairs, Kutu. Imut banget. Haha!
Back to the book. By the time the adrenaline-rush was about to start, preparing my body either for fight with Mr.Gareth or flight from Mr.Gareth, there, Faj came with the guilty look which was not so obvious before i knew, the book was in her dark blue Nike bag. The book was living in her house, preserving its virginity, since the last term,last day of school. My drops of clear crystals overshadowed my laughter:') Suprisingly, Mr.Gareth didnt say a single thing about the book after he got mad at Naz's Adib on wednesday. SORRY DIB:') I owe you one! And Faj, mucho thanks:)
Now, i can live a normal happy life again:) Ever, ever after. Here, its my honour to congratulate myself for having the book back:)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Kpalaku binjul.. Hahah =DD
Lawa topic ku kan? Hahah :p bah details later..
Tdikan kami (sum of d fnv) ikut dguys+2gurls jaming!! Hahah xDD ramai wah kami aah, one group.. Smua lagi wearing baju MS tu.. Enough bout dat, i dun wana spoil anything~ bt pkoknya kpalaku beating jua ikut dsounds of drum+guitar.. Ko sam!! Ur good~ benci i..
Tdi i had my bio test, since last tue i skipped dat.. Aku absent! Hahah xDD soo today NO BREAKTIME for me.. The test was owkaaaylaa.. Kinda answerable.. Hup i pass! N tdi we (chem stundents) hving our chem comptition.. Ol d fnv arh lab phy n im d only fnv arh bio lab.. Coz im kinda terasing frm them waa.. Claz drang smua d atas, aku sja dbwh =( dal n naj dbwh plang bt drang nda ambil chem.. Ksiaan oww? Nda? Yatah aku dgn sabri, yun, syah, fiqahA n edmond ada jua tdi.. We were making signals for ans tdi, cana A, B, C or D.. Hahah xDD bt haloo ndalah kami pkai.. Sorang2 diam+concentrate arh ppr tdi.. Esp cSabri, cNerd aah.. GEEK!! Kampis!!
Then we had our career for cca today.. The base bio ppl joined us.. Kami blajr cana buat CV.. N at the end of the cca ada motivational+educational+ol the 'al'2 at the end frm sir bio.. It was sooo touching n meaningnya deep! Bh ya mndgr tdi, recall bck n think bout it.. Jgn lupa b4 tdur, think... =)
Last activity of dday iz netball.. As usual me, ekin, naj and khairi.. Today sam joined us =) then kan masa kaka cNaj dtg, kmi kan simpan beg d boot kreta.. Yatahkn dboot atu msti dpgang skajp.. Then ekin nda pgang n 'BUUUKKK'.. Aaaaaa~ *high pitch* frm aku.. N 'oooh, ouch!' frm sam.. Dat boot door or watever kna pngl trhntak arh kpala ku.. =( ekiiinn~ n now my dahi benjol.. Haha xDD sakit yoh! Dats d 1st one, 2nd accident msa maen netbol tdi.. Lari punya lari, jumping2 n pasing the ball then 'BUUUKK' agen.. Hahah xDD siku one of d player kna my dagu.. My lower jaw xactly.. Atu sakit.. N sam saw it jua, she sed 'ooh ouch!' agen.. :] sakit jaw ku woi.. Tau tah kpala binjul.. Jaw lgi.. Eyh malang~ bt overall tough game!!
ps: ppl 2mrw lgi.. maen netball.. 2mrw match yoh! Bh ready.. They are gud+handal btw..
im signing off..
XOXO fyqa
Tdikan kami (sum of d fnv) ikut dguys+2gurls jaming!! Hahah xDD ramai wah kami aah, one group.. Smua lagi wearing baju MS tu.. Enough bout dat, i dun wana spoil anything~ bt pkoknya kpalaku beating jua ikut dsounds of drum+guitar.. Ko sam!! Ur good~ benci i..
Tdi i had my bio test, since last tue i skipped dat.. Aku absent! Hahah xDD soo today NO BREAKTIME for me.. The test was owkaaaylaa.. Kinda answerable.. Hup i pass! N tdi we (chem stundents) hving our chem comptition.. Ol d fnv arh lab phy n im d only fnv arh bio lab.. Coz im kinda terasing frm them waa.. Claz drang smua d atas, aku sja dbwh =( dal n naj dbwh plang bt drang nda ambil chem.. Ksiaan oww? Nda? Yatah aku dgn sabri, yun, syah, fiqahA n edmond ada jua tdi.. We were making signals for ans tdi, cana A, B, C or D.. Hahah xDD bt haloo ndalah kami pkai.. Sorang2 diam+concentrate arh ppr tdi.. Esp cSabri, cNerd aah.. GEEK!! Kampis!!
Then we had our career for cca today.. The base bio ppl joined us.. Kami blajr cana buat CV.. N at the end of the cca ada motivational+educational+ol the 'al'2 at the end frm sir bio.. It was sooo touching n meaningnya deep! Bh ya mndgr tdi, recall bck n think bout it.. Jgn lupa b4 tdur, think... =)
Last activity of dday iz netball.. As usual me, ekin, naj and khairi.. Today sam joined us =) then kan masa kaka cNaj dtg, kmi kan simpan beg d boot kreta.. Yatahkn dboot atu msti dpgang skajp.. Then ekin nda pgang n 'BUUUKKK'.. Aaaaaa~ *high pitch* frm aku.. N 'oooh, ouch!' frm sam.. Dat boot door or watever kna pngl trhntak arh kpala ku.. =( ekiiinn~ n now my dahi benjol.. Haha xDD sakit yoh! Dats d 1st one, 2nd accident msa maen netbol tdi.. Lari punya lari, jumping2 n pasing the ball then 'BUUUKK' agen.. Hahah xDD siku one of d player kna my dagu.. My lower jaw xactly.. Atu sakit.. N sam saw it jua, she sed 'ooh ouch!' agen.. :] sakit jaw ku woi.. Tau tah kpala binjul.. Jaw lgi.. Eyh malang~ bt overall tough game!!
ps: ppl 2mrw lgi.. maen netball.. 2mrw match yoh! Bh ready.. They are gud+handal btw..
im signing off..
XOXO fyqa
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
At last we gt to play netball afta sekian lama merehatkan diri.. Go fnv!! details later~
before dat, me, amoy, zaty n faj org yg jobless nada kraja ane tngah menggali kraja.. Cpong dtg n she had BLUE EYELINER wit her.. So pong, amoy, faj and zaty buat BLUE MOLES on their face xactly bwh bibir.. Like cgu h****** then drang pajal aku jua.. Ugut2 laah.. Coz i dun wana hv a BLUE MOLES! Enough wit the black one.. Hahah xDD yatahkan amoy n pong mengrajakn aku.. Camer ane ikut2an tia jua.. Ciss~ kurang hajre =p yatah cPong smpai cangak2 ne.. Amoy tarik2 tanganku.. Akhrnya pergaduhan yg hebat utk mlepaskn diriku tidak berjaya.. =( aku berserah.. Ada tia jua blue mole atu muncul dbwh bibirku.. Den at 2-2:30pm (i gez) dtg ekin n qayah.. Kami show our moles to them.. They were SHOCK! Oh my~ as usual amoy n pong mlakukan kerja mreka utk mlukis mole itu d muka mangsa2 yg baru.. Cqayah warning drang, afta mkn baruth ia mau.. Ekin kna lukis dah, den ya liat cramin utk hlangkan d mole.. BERJAYA!! Tetapi hanya utk smentara.. Kna lukis lgi smula bt dz tym ekin lukis sndri.. Spaya perfect+lawa lah tu.. =) afta qayah hbiz mkn+minum msanya utk dlukis.. Qayah menyerah diri begitu sahaja.. Den dtg adi ekin (jiah, iyah is it?) sory if slh, i kinda lupa =) den baru jua ya kan dduk amoy n pong telah mlakukan kerja mreka! Drang ane~ heissh.. Den ya berserah tanpa sbarang prtanyaan..
at 3pm, fifah wil cum frm chemistry lab soon.. We were planning utk buat SUPRISE arhnya.. Kami smua ttup our moles, acting ayu.. Same pose ne smua.. N wen fifah dtg kami kan liatkn d moles n ckp 'egeuwger' (luruska spelling ku atu?) hahah xD den tiba msanya, fifah dtg bt ya nda notice pose kami smua sama.. Den kami ngaleh dah sbb ya nda notice2 jua (hampa!) soo kami sruh ya diri dpn our table.. With muka yg takut ya ikut jua.. Baru kami kira 1, 2, 3.. Ya LARIII.. (hampa-er) and ya nmpk dat blue mole arh muka amoy.. So ya ktawa.. Kami sruh ya diri dpn dtable agen n now our plan worked well.. Ya ktawa brabz!! Afta ol dat, me, ekin trus hlangkan dat mole.. Haha xDD fifah sed she will never lupakan dat ting.. Heheh =p wel done gurls..
afta ol d fun, itz time to play netball.. It was HOT!! Very HOT! Wedah+dk fiqah joined us.. =) n the game was owkaaylaa.. kinda slow game which only one side, (green team) sja yg score! C khairi tu jdi shooternya.. aku+fifah yg arh pink team ane kinda mental lah.. Den khairi pindah, ya jdi shoter pink n adalah jua scorenya.. N i score too =) twice i gez~ blehlaa.. Kan? Drpda nada.. Cqayah ksian d ball jarang arhnya n ya jarang score.. dats unusual.. She sed dat d ball nda suka ia, wel for dat day laa.. Bt gud work qayah =)
at 5pm naj picked me n khairi frm skul.. We went to ripas to play netball.. Den sumting hapen kami change venue to menglait.. Yoh menglait! Wer i get to see my fav coach.. A*** =p hahah! Aku hyper trus.. Ekin kami ke menglait! Kami tia plang yg maen ane wah! Hehe~ den smpai sana, RAMAAII org.. Like ada 5teams.. N drang handal2.. Oh shoot~ kami mcm awal dah mengalah.. Akhrnya my fav coach ane sruh kami maen.. Kami ane are me+khairi+naj+famly naj+cardiologist frm ripas.. Kami mixed laa~ we had 2games wit diff team, d first game.. KALAH TERUK!! N 2nd game was owkaaay.. Adalah kmi score like 3x i gez.. Bt it was humiliating.. Overall FUN!! I gt to play wit org handal.. N i can jumped higher rpanya.. I was GOOD laa.. Btw i saw Ms senior, like syuib, dibah, aden?? N i saw aklimah wit her sister n their team.. Woaa~ cool..
akhr atu kami maen lagi, itz gelap dah.. Bt ane maen sja2 wit the cardiologist ppl.. kami sweating n tired brabz.. Actually kami tired atu c0z ktawa sja! Bkn sbb the game.. Bnyk funny ting hapen laa.. Itz dark lagi so kami pyh catched the ball.. That was FUN! Then we went home.. =)
im signing off now
XOXO fyqa
before dat, me, amoy, zaty n faj org yg jobless nada kraja ane tngah menggali kraja.. Cpong dtg n she had BLUE EYELINER wit her.. So pong, amoy, faj and zaty buat BLUE MOLES on their face xactly bwh bibir.. Like cgu h****** then drang pajal aku jua.. Ugut2 laah.. Coz i dun wana hv a BLUE MOLES! Enough wit the black one.. Hahah xDD yatahkan amoy n pong mengrajakn aku.. Camer ane ikut2an tia jua.. Ciss~ kurang hajre =p yatah cPong smpai cangak2 ne.. Amoy tarik2 tanganku.. Akhrnya pergaduhan yg hebat utk mlepaskn diriku tidak berjaya.. =( aku berserah.. Ada tia jua blue mole atu muncul dbwh bibirku.. Den at 2-2:30pm (i gez) dtg ekin n qayah.. Kami show our moles to them.. They were SHOCK! Oh my~ as usual amoy n pong mlakukan kerja mreka utk mlukis mole itu d muka mangsa2 yg baru.. Cqayah warning drang, afta mkn baruth ia mau.. Ekin kna lukis dah, den ya liat cramin utk hlangkan d mole.. BERJAYA!! Tetapi hanya utk smentara.. Kna lukis lgi smula bt dz tym ekin lukis sndri.. Spaya perfect+lawa lah tu.. =) afta qayah hbiz mkn+minum msanya utk dlukis.. Qayah menyerah diri begitu sahaja.. Den dtg adi ekin (jiah, iyah is it?) sory if slh, i kinda lupa =) den baru jua ya kan dduk amoy n pong telah mlakukan kerja mreka! Drang ane~ heissh.. Den ya berserah tanpa sbarang prtanyaan..
at 3pm, fifah wil cum frm chemistry lab soon.. We were planning utk buat SUPRISE arhnya.. Kami smua ttup our moles, acting ayu.. Same pose ne smua.. N wen fifah dtg kami kan liatkn d moles n ckp 'egeuwger' (luruska spelling ku atu?) hahah xD den tiba msanya, fifah dtg bt ya nda notice pose kami smua sama.. Den kami ngaleh dah sbb ya nda notice2 jua (hampa!) soo kami sruh ya diri dpn our table.. With muka yg takut ya ikut jua.. Baru kami kira 1, 2, 3.. Ya LARIII.. (hampa-er) and ya nmpk dat blue mole arh muka amoy.. So ya ktawa.. Kami sruh ya diri dpn dtable agen n now our plan worked well.. Ya ktawa brabz!! Afta ol dat, me, ekin trus hlangkan dat mole.. Haha xDD fifah sed she will never lupakan dat ting.. Heheh =p wel done gurls..
afta ol d fun, itz time to play netball.. It was HOT!! Very HOT! Wedah+dk fiqah joined us.. =) n the game was owkaaylaa.. kinda slow game which only one side, (green team) sja yg score! C khairi tu jdi shooternya.. aku+fifah yg arh pink team ane kinda mental lah.. Den khairi pindah, ya jdi shoter pink n adalah jua scorenya.. N i score too =) twice i gez~ blehlaa.. Kan? Drpda nada.. Cqayah ksian d ball jarang arhnya n ya jarang score.. dats unusual.. She sed dat d ball nda suka ia, wel for dat day laa.. Bt gud work qayah =)
at 5pm naj picked me n khairi frm skul.. We went to ripas to play netball.. Den sumting hapen kami change venue to menglait.. Yoh menglait! Wer i get to see my fav coach.. A*** =p hahah! Aku hyper trus.. Ekin kami ke menglait! Kami tia plang yg maen ane wah! Hehe~ den smpai sana, RAMAAII org.. Like ada 5teams.. N drang handal2.. Oh shoot~ kami mcm awal dah mengalah.. Akhrnya my fav coach ane sruh kami maen.. Kami ane are me+khairi+naj+famly naj+cardiologist frm ripas.. Kami mixed laa~ we had 2games wit diff team, d first game.. KALAH TERUK!! N 2nd game was owkaaay.. Adalah kmi score like 3x i gez.. Bt it was humiliating.. Overall FUN!! I gt to play wit org handal.. N i can jumped higher rpanya.. I was GOOD laa.. Btw i saw Ms senior, like syuib, dibah, aden?? N i saw aklimah wit her sister n their team.. Woaa~ cool..
akhr atu kami maen lagi, itz gelap dah.. Bt ane maen sja2 wit the cardiologist ppl.. kami sweating n tired brabz.. Actually kami tired atu c0z ktawa sja! Bkn sbb the game.. Bnyk funny ting hapen laa.. Itz dark lagi so kami pyh catched the ball.. That was FUN! Then we went home.. =)
im signing off now
XOXO fyqa
SeLahau !! Jamur Bantal AH!!!
aha..selahau apa nah??
mula2 i got this burise from netball bagas tepelicuk last last next day nya nda lah ku dapat jalan maseh alum tuhus2 i'm just gona be careful with it for the mean time..
then i got this selahau at the back of my left if i walk putting much pressure to the ground.. i can feel the pain..and also if i bend my knee..
Then then the other selahau is.. ..adakah~..yesterday i had netball practise masa ptg then i was really tired malam nya...then i lock my door and rest on my bed..suddenly i fall into a deep sleep and didnt realize my sleeping position was hidious..haha...i even cant remember the way i fell asleep last night...mayb with my left hand keatas..and aku head was resting on my left hand..n i think it was 4am when i woke up to realize i was sleeping like orang pengsan..haha
so it ends me up with a neck muscle pain...i cant turn to my left..or singit kan kepala ke kiri..or rotating it 180 degrees for my head to the left side. so the whole day my kepala singit..hope it gets well sooon:)
and the funny thing about getting this muscle stiffness was..when i told each of everyone of my friends today..including my parents tho..1/4..had the same reply..haha..weird..
wanna know apa ceta nya??
first masa breakfast..was bending my head to a little bit right..mum told dad that my neck was stiff...sekalinya my dad banyak lah cakap2..because nda cukup strecting and warmed up before doing sports cia..then then..both of my parents said..
MUM: Kau mau cana kan sekajap baik?
then it was after break..statistic..(owh FYI...before this we had i end up karau nda banyak movements..and zatul helps to urut2 my neck bt still sakit maseh..hehe)..then masa STATS..
ME: BEB~..aku nda dapat garak kan my neck ke kiri..sakit..selahau bantal ~ haha..
FIFAH: awh~.. JAMUR LAH BANTAL MU~..effective tu mun kau bawa tidur balek..
ME: HAHA~...sama tah kau ne macam orang tua~..SAMA MCM MY DAD CAKAP AH!! haha
FIFAH: Banar jua tuu~..(giggles)
then I told si Zirah~
ME: My neck selahau bantal..
ME: Haha..BEB~..sama jawapan nya maca kau~..haha
then we were talking pasal this bantal thing..
so it was lunch...aku bagitau si Fiqah~..
ME: Payah ku garak kan my head..selahau bantal~
FIQAH(seriously answering it) : NDA KAU JAMUR BANTAL MU~..JAMURLAH~
then me and fifah who was beside me...ketawa..haha~..4 orang sudah..
so the last person i asked was amoy.
ME: Moy~..Aku selahau bantal...
AMOY: ey ey~..JAMUR BANTAL MU....bawa tidur balek..
then me and fifah ketawa berabisly berabis..hhaahaha....freaky eh..~..adakah..
so the moral of this story is..If you ever get a selahau on you neck because kamu salah cara tidur or someone else yg selahau bantal..ol you have to say is..."JAMUR BANTAL AH!!!" hahaha..baik tu baik..~~~ XD
mula2 i got this burise from netball bagas tepelicuk last last next day nya nda lah ku dapat jalan maseh alum tuhus2 i'm just gona be careful with it for the mean time..
then i got this selahau at the back of my left if i walk putting much pressure to the ground.. i can feel the pain..and also if i bend my knee..
Then then the other selahau is.. ..adakah~..yesterday i had netball practise masa ptg then i was really tired malam nya...then i lock my door and rest on my bed..suddenly i fall into a deep sleep and didnt realize my sleeping position was hidious..haha...i even cant remember the way i fell asleep last night...mayb with my left hand keatas..and aku head was resting on my left hand..n i think it was 4am when i woke up to realize i was sleeping like orang pengsan..haha
so it ends me up with a neck muscle pain...i cant turn to my left..or singit kan kepala ke kiri..or rotating it 180 degrees for my head to the left side. so the whole day my kepala singit..hope it gets well sooon:)
and the funny thing about getting this muscle stiffness was..when i told each of everyone of my friends today..including my parents tho..1/4..had the same reply..haha..weird..
wanna know apa ceta nya??
first masa breakfast..was bending my head to a little bit right..mum told dad that my neck was stiff...sekalinya my dad banyak lah cakap2..because nda cukup strecting and warmed up before doing sports cia..then then..both of my parents said..
MUM: Kau mau cana kan sekajap baik?
then it was after break..statistic..(owh FYI...before this we had i end up karau nda banyak movements..and zatul helps to urut2 my neck bt still sakit maseh..hehe)..then masa STATS..
ME: BEB~..aku nda dapat garak kan my neck ke kiri..sakit..selahau bantal ~ haha..
FIFAH: awh~.. JAMUR LAH BANTAL MU~..effective tu mun kau bawa tidur balek..
ME: HAHA~...sama tah kau ne macam orang tua~..SAMA MCM MY DAD CAKAP AH!! haha
FIFAH: Banar jua tuu~..(giggles)
then I told si Zirah~
ME: My neck selahau bantal..
ME: Haha..BEB~..sama jawapan nya maca kau~..haha
then we were talking pasal this bantal thing..
so it was lunch...aku bagitau si Fiqah~..
ME: Payah ku garak kan my head..selahau bantal~
FIQAH(seriously answering it) : NDA KAU JAMUR BANTAL MU~..JAMURLAH~
then me and fifah who was beside me...ketawa..haha~..4 orang sudah..
so the last person i asked was amoy.
ME: Moy~..Aku selahau bantal...
AMOY: ey ey~..JAMUR BANTAL MU....bawa tidur balek..
then me and fifah ketawa berabisly berabis..hhaahaha....freaky eh..~..adakah..
so the moral of this story is..If you ever get a selahau on you neck because kamu salah cara tidur or someone else yg selahau bantal..ol you have to say is..."JAMUR BANTAL AH!!!" hahaha..baik tu baik..~~~ XD
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Bersama rakyat Brunei Muara
Today was wel, i can say the FABOLOUS DAY in my life!! SULTAN talked to me and aku salam PRINCE MALIK.. hahaha !! aku hyper ne.. *bah more details later*
i woke up at 5:30am today.. wel its VERY EARLY for sunday.. my mom wake me up and kan aku tkajut so aku trus dduk directly afta buka mata. n mataku bsar since im shocked. then since my brothers tngah mandi so aku rhat jap laah, with my sleepy eyes yg mau kna belai utk sambung tdur smula.. nearly fallen asleep then come this DEEP VOICE (my brothers) saying "oii ka mandi!* im SHOCKED!!! and believe it or not aku ggur katil coz terlampau tkajut.. hahah =D shoot!! heeeissh! akhrnya aku bawa jua bdanku yg lemah n mataku yg kuyu ke toilet.. itz time to mandi!! afta mandi YES! I FEEL FRESH~ ooyeaa.. sambil listening to some songs aku menari2 and bersiap@.. melawakan diriku utk raja tercinta =) then aku ready with everything xcept the selendang bcoz i dunno how to use it.. my dcision pkai ja dskulah..
i tot im LATE.. so aku laju2 mkn my breakfast and went to skul.. aduyy~ hampanya i'm the first gurl utk memijakkan kaki di skulah that early sunday. there is a guy (choir ppl jua) bt hiz my junior.. then kami tunggu, tcer sed brkumpul dskulah b4 6:30 BUT... wel yes! janji org mlayu kann... bt i am PROUD OF MYSELF, dtg tepat masanya.. then afta semua ada dah, all the gurlss TO THE TOILET!! haha =D kami usai our selendang.. it was hard! coz a certain rules that we had to follow.. jgntah kamu tau coz aku MALU kan gto.. then OFF we went to the padang.. all of us, wana noe wat we did in the bus? MENGHAFAL LIRIK LAGU!! haha =D n yeaah we sang in the bus, jz to check our beautiful voice.. he~ hem...
arrival MS choir at the pdg.. kna sruh directly ke pentas utk practice for a while.. wel practice makes perfect kan.. we dun wana screwed up dpn our beloved sultan! afta practice, the REAL one cuming!! kami kna sruh stand atas pentas until his majesty arrival which *im not trying to complain here* BUT PAANAAASSS!!! the sun is directly above our head.. owh~ owh~ aku kan mengambang, i stood dpn mic.. hehe~ with zatul next to me.. time to sing!! kami nyanyi lah selawa2 yg mungkin.. then kan half of the photographer taking our pics!! CONTROL sorang2.. haha =) FAMOUS KU.. MY TIME TO SHINE! HAHA =D done the first ong, kami turun dari stage and kami vaining with the 'wushu' ppl.. wel the kids to be exact! and you noe wat?? they can SPLIT!!! UNBELIEVABLE!! drang baru like 6-9yrs old and drang dpt split!! wah!! BANGGA KU...
performing second song, makin ramai photographer dtg!! heheh~ KAMBANG I* we LOVEE the flashlight.. this time, smua photographer compete with each otha to take our picture.. FAMOUS AGEN!! then ada masa acara kemuncak, bnyak bunga (or mayb shred) kna 'tembak' ke atas and its all flying arh sky and betaburan on top of the grass.. oh my god~ its BEAUTIFUL with its golden colour lagi tu... eeeee~ aku iski.. me, zatul, nunu and wina awal dah plan utk vaining arh dat ting yg betaburan atas grass... heheh~
afta dat, kami turun pentas uth beramah mesra with his majesty.. to be exact salam with him! soo we it cumz to my turn, the sultan stops! and he talked to me =) *nurun and zatul jelerrz* it goes like this:
sultan: 'skulah...?'
fiqah: 'erm~ maktab sains...' *wide smile*
sultan: 'kamu semua dari MS?'
fiqah: 'nda, ada sum dari smsab..' *smileee*
sultan: *pose and smile*
then he gave his hand to me, i reached for it and salam.. next with PRINCE MUDA, PRINCE SUFI AND PRINCE MALIK.. he pose for a while and liik at me skajap then baru kami bersalaman.. aaaa~ god~ his hand is so putih and soft!! i admire you.. hee~ =)
btw since i sed nurun and zatul jelerz.. yatahkann.. *no comment*
nurun: 'sultan ckp dgn kau!!'
zatul: 'every year sultan alwez ckp dgn cFiqah, masa santap ia jua.. and same question!'
fiqah: *smile* 'i nooeee...'
then we went back to our stage area and vaining... then sambil having FUN dtg photographer and drang gmbar kami.. hehe~ btw zatul kna gmbar sorang!! wuuu~ KAMBANG!!! PALING BNYAK KNA GMBAR: ME, WINA, ZATUL AND NURUN..
then time to go home.. b4 dat kami mkn dulu.. n fifah! makanannya NYAMAN!!! brabis!! i looveee the ayam and daging.. haha =D special yoh foodnya.. tpikan our bus akhir dtg.. Mr Chok sed 10mins lah, 5 more mins laah but nda jua muncul2.. akhirnya me, zatul and faizan jln ke jolibee and bli ice cream sundae.. hahah =) santi and wina bli fun donuts.. afta half and hour or more, akhirnya bus kami smpai.. hampanya~ kami slah bus or sumting.. had to change bus and we went to skul.. yeeaahh...
overall FUUUNNN.. FABOLOUS!!! some pics..
adi, salehen, sufi and syafiq.. drang adi bradi and ol andai wushu-ing..
cool aaah???
It was a cold day. (Inside joke) :D
My head is banging inside.
It’s like two monkeys playing cymbals in my head.
Yes, they are civilized monkeys hahah.
Or my head; it’s like Nazihah’s chinese neighbours playing fireworks on Puasa month.
Weird, I know.
Why of all months choose fasting month and not Chinese new year season? =.=”
Lots of people are suffering what I am suffering right now. This is due to swimming. HAHAH. Iatah tu luan iski kan benanang bahhh. Qayah Nazihah Mahirah and yours truly. Iatah nominees yang mendapat virus yang tersebar melalui air. Walaupun air itu sudah diberi klorine, virus itu tidak mati. White blood cells kami tidak dapat melawan. Sungguh sedih.
Hidung saya pada masa ini tersumbat. Keletihan untuk mengeluarkan mucus-mucus menghantui saya. Tangan saya sudah lenguh. Otak saya bagaikan ditekan-tekan seperti orang menekan pam apparatus menyukat blood pressure. Suara saya sexy, dan sekiranya saya menyebut DAN menjadi DAM kerana hidung tersumbat saya.
Pada mulanya saya tidak tahu di mana saya berada kerana kawasan yang tempat saya duduk ini di kelilingi dinding putih. Ternyata, yang putih itu adalah tissue. Ternyata peribahasa yang mengatakan sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi built itu memang tepat sekali. Syabas.
Imma talk about Thursday now. Thursday was awesome. :DD
Chem period was dangerous though. cause we are dealing with LEAD ions, which are not really my favourite ion =.=” It’s poisonous and it can cause brain damage. Not really funny.
Then GP was awesome. Si muizz bagi kami gula-gula. Bukan plg ia bagi aku, aku yang minta HAHAH. It was THAAATTTT specific classic taste yang you only get to taste dulu-dulu. How I miss that taste =) Brings back good old days. Jarang jua tu si muizz bagi gula-gula, selalunya ia bagi rutipaun inti nutella ataupun nasi goring. Haha. Nice improvement. Keep up the good work XDD
Maths was fine as well, despite the fact that ekin accidentally poke my finger with my own ipin. GAGGA. =pp And that I did pretty well in maths test. Well, I hope I did. Si ekin tarus jadi anti-Fifah. Like si Zaty and Dal jadi anti-Naz pasal di Naz selalu mengasak between tiny spaces. AHHAHA
Semasa rehat, si Samima amat weird selepas Si dayang-suka-mengasak- aka si Nazihah bagitau ia dapat 75% in her GP test. Teramat weird yang akan saya elaborate karang haha. Ekin, Naj and I got left behind by teacher in charge of swimming. I cried, yes. Ive been waiting for two weeks for that day to arrive. And when it did, I couldn’t get to it because of something I didn’t do. Saya menangis and howling, macam wolves atau wolverine yang injured. Hati saya pecah and injured.
But thanks to Najihah yang tersayang, dia bercakap dengan Mr.G of geo (HAHAH) lalu he agreed to drop me off at the stadium. Inilah hikmah yang saya cari. I get to sit next to the HA’/HOT teacher. Wohhhoo. Jeles lah kamu wahai students geo especially teman saya, dulilah. =pppppp I talked to Mr. G at a very fast rate. I guess the madness in me increases my temperature, which then increases my rate of reaction. HAHAHHA. Lapas tu Mr. G puji aku pasal aku pakai seatbelt without being asked to. HAHAHA. A++++ student
Thumbs up! :D
I arrived at the stadium 15 minutes late. But I still enjoyed the moment ;) Coach got this duckie flippers yang menyebabkan kami laju beranang. But I didn’t get to have a use of it. We went to the other end of the pool, where it was DEEP and all of us were takut. HAHAH. But what the heck, aku pandai beranang sudah! =DD Aku ani kan menshow off arah coach tapi inda diliatnya. Betapa kurang hasme nya =.=”
Masaku inda pandai beranang, aku ganya ditagetnya.
Time ku kan menshow off inda ya mau meliat.
Qayah’s getting better. She’s gonna defeat the swimmers in no time =D
In the changing room, Samima was the clown of all. I know the reason but it’s a secret. Samima memang pelik pada hari itu. Dia terlalu hyper, kami semua takut. HAHHA. Sudah tah dia hilang kacamatanya yang rupanya berada di dalam beg, dia telupa sesuatu yang teramatlah penting bagi kehidupan. HAHAHHA. Akhirnya menyebabkan KECUT. If you get what I mean. ;DDDDDDD
And they all were very noisy in the changing room, they got screamed at. HAHAH. Kasiannnn. I think I got marked too. HAHHA. Hantam tahhhh. You mark me, I mark you too. That means you’re correct cause aku rait kau. HAHAHHA geddit? HAHAHHA jangatah. Masa lunch, si samima was sitting next to me and was still high. I was laughing so hard that what I ate came out. Samima went gila super crazy. HAHHAHAHA.
Bio class in the afternoon was okay. Cause it’s really not the best practical. Si Mahirah and Peah iski menggunakan pestel and mortar, untuk meng-crush the potato and onion. HAHA. Sakit mata ah bawang ahh.
Then we, THE COLTS, atau anak-anak kuda yang inda tau apa-apa, kana suruh menyambut tetamu. HAHA. Kesian jua kami sebagai anak kuda ani. ;p We had a talk on the humanities from UBD. It was coo’. Took some pictures. Melumpat-lumpat. Si jiah sama si pikah begambar sama trofi. Menari chicken dance. Mengurat si Samima. Dan yang sewaktu dengannya hahha. We did this while waiting for the people to abis makan. And when they did, it was our turn to makan. HAHAHHA kes inda ingat dunia makan ani. Abis rutipaun kami lahap HAHAH. Biasa. Kami ani, inda makan lahap-lahap, inda sah. GAHAHA.
Lots of things to mention. But im sooo tired and sick I think I need to watch something funny.
Therefore, I bid you farewell.
‘afifah O.
Ps: I smell like yeast. HAIYYAHHH.=(
It’s like two monkeys playing cymbals in my head.
Yes, they are civilized monkeys hahah.
Or my head; it’s like Nazihah’s chinese neighbours playing fireworks on Puasa month.
Weird, I know.
Why of all months choose fasting month and not Chinese new year season? =.=”
Lots of people are suffering what I am suffering right now. This is due to swimming. HAHAH. Iatah tu luan iski kan benanang bahhh. Qayah Nazihah Mahirah and yours truly. Iatah nominees yang mendapat virus yang tersebar melalui air. Walaupun air itu sudah diberi klorine, virus itu tidak mati. White blood cells kami tidak dapat melawan. Sungguh sedih.
Hidung saya pada masa ini tersumbat. Keletihan untuk mengeluarkan mucus-mucus menghantui saya. Tangan saya sudah lenguh. Otak saya bagaikan ditekan-tekan seperti orang menekan pam apparatus menyukat blood pressure. Suara saya sexy, dan sekiranya saya menyebut DAN menjadi DAM kerana hidung tersumbat saya.
Pada mulanya saya tidak tahu di mana saya berada kerana kawasan yang tempat saya duduk ini di kelilingi dinding putih. Ternyata, yang putih itu adalah tissue. Ternyata peribahasa yang mengatakan sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi built itu memang tepat sekali. Syabas.
Imma talk about Thursday now. Thursday was awesome. :DD
Chem period was dangerous though. cause we are dealing with LEAD ions, which are not really my favourite ion =.=” It’s poisonous and it can cause brain damage. Not really funny.
Then GP was awesome. Si muizz bagi kami gula-gula. Bukan plg ia bagi aku, aku yang minta HAHAH. It was THAAATTTT specific classic taste yang you only get to taste dulu-dulu. How I miss that taste =) Brings back good old days. Jarang jua tu si muizz bagi gula-gula, selalunya ia bagi rutipaun inti nutella ataupun nasi goring. Haha. Nice improvement. Keep up the good work XDD
Maths was fine as well, despite the fact that ekin accidentally poke my finger with my own ipin. GAGGA. =pp And that I did pretty well in maths test. Well, I hope I did. Si ekin tarus jadi anti-Fifah. Like si Zaty and Dal jadi anti-Naz pasal di Naz selalu mengasak between tiny spaces. AHHAHA
Semasa rehat, si Samima amat weird selepas Si dayang-suka-mengasak- aka si Nazihah bagitau ia dapat 75% in her GP test. Teramat weird yang akan saya elaborate karang haha. Ekin, Naj and I got left behind by teacher in charge of swimming. I cried, yes. Ive been waiting for two weeks for that day to arrive. And when it did, I couldn’t get to it because of something I didn’t do. Saya menangis and howling, macam wolves atau wolverine yang injured. Hati saya pecah and injured.
But thanks to Najihah yang tersayang, dia bercakap dengan Mr.G of geo (HAHAH) lalu he agreed to drop me off at the stadium. Inilah hikmah yang saya cari. I get to sit next to the HA’/HOT teacher. Wohhhoo. Jeles lah kamu wahai students geo especially teman saya, dulilah. =pppppp I talked to Mr. G at a very fast rate. I guess the madness in me increases my temperature, which then increases my rate of reaction. HAHAHHA. Lapas tu Mr. G puji aku pasal aku pakai seatbelt without being asked to. HAHAHA. A++++ student
Thumbs up! :D
I arrived at the stadium 15 minutes late. But I still enjoyed the moment ;) Coach got this duckie flippers yang menyebabkan kami laju beranang. But I didn’t get to have a use of it. We went to the other end of the pool, where it was DEEP and all of us were takut. HAHAH. But what the heck, aku pandai beranang sudah! =DD Aku ani kan menshow off arah coach tapi inda diliatnya. Betapa kurang hasme nya =.=”
Masaku inda pandai beranang, aku ganya ditagetnya.
Time ku kan menshow off inda ya mau meliat.
Qayah’s getting better. She’s gonna defeat the swimmers in no time =D
In the changing room, Samima was the clown of all. I know the reason but it’s a secret. Samima memang pelik pada hari itu. Dia terlalu hyper, kami semua takut. HAHHA. Sudah tah dia hilang kacamatanya yang rupanya berada di dalam beg, dia telupa sesuatu yang teramatlah penting bagi kehidupan. HAHAHHA. Akhirnya menyebabkan KECUT. If you get what I mean. ;DDDDDDD
And they all were very noisy in the changing room, they got screamed at. HAHAH. Kasiannnn. I think I got marked too. HAHHA. Hantam tahhhh. You mark me, I mark you too. That means you’re correct cause aku rait kau. HAHAHHA geddit? HAHAHHA jangatah. Masa lunch, si samima was sitting next to me and was still high. I was laughing so hard that what I ate came out. Samima went gila super crazy. HAHHAHAHA.
Bio class in the afternoon was okay. Cause it’s really not the best practical. Si Mahirah and Peah iski menggunakan pestel and mortar, untuk meng-crush the potato and onion. HAHA. Sakit mata ah bawang ahh.
Then we, THE COLTS, atau anak-anak kuda yang inda tau apa-apa, kana suruh menyambut tetamu. HAHA. Kesian jua kami sebagai anak kuda ani. ;p We had a talk on the humanities from UBD. It was coo’. Took some pictures. Melumpat-lumpat. Si jiah sama si pikah begambar sama trofi. Menari chicken dance. Mengurat si Samima. Dan yang sewaktu dengannya hahha. We did this while waiting for the people to abis makan. And when they did, it was our turn to makan. HAHAHHA kes inda ingat dunia makan ani. Abis rutipaun kami lahap HAHAH. Biasa. Kami ani, inda makan lahap-lahap, inda sah. GAHAHA.
Lots of things to mention. But im sooo tired and sick I think I need to watch something funny.
Therefore, I bid you farewell.
‘afifah O.
Ps: I smell like yeast. HAIYYAHHH.=(
Saturday, July 19, 2008
My 2nd post of the night! Aku eager brabiz ne..
first of ol, msa ptg atu i hangout wit amer, azman, faj, zaty (skajap) n MIZAN!!! Awu eyh~ i 4gt bout him.. Mrh ya krg arhku.. mizan sat arh fnv table xa.. Til 3+ wen he went home.. aku n mizan GANG dah ne! haha xDD Sory zan~
i post agen bcoz ada sumting funny happened tdi.. It goes lyk dz~
la la la la la la.. I went to my cuz's houz (cAmal) den kmi ceta2.. As usual updating each ouga =) den afta 1hrs, i complained! Dat im HUNGRY!!! Soo we went to the kitchen n planning to eat pop mie ja.. Blum batah, dtg tia my brother (cAfiq) n amal's sister (cMiya).. fyi they r only 7-9yrs old.. btw drang ane kan mau mkn pop mie tia jua.. N the problem iz pop mie tngal 2 saja.. So kami as an adult yg undrstanding let them hv the pop mie.. So we moved on with mie goreng! otw kan msak drang ane kan mau mie goreng tia jua, nda jdi pop mie n they dmand not to put peppers on the mie goreng.. Kami mcm eyh.. Mmbaah~ then kmi sruh sja drang stick wit pop mie since kami yg sdiakn for them.. So we told them to shut up n sit!! Hahah =) amal msak the mie goreng n me, aku buat milo.. This two kids agen demand for milo jua.. N drang sruh aku put ice bnyk2 arh milo atu.. Waaaat?? Bh sbar fiqah! Aku buatkn jua.. Drang bsai dah dduk arh meja mkn.. Den i gve them their pop mie.. Then drang pngl us (me+amal) as the 'beautiful waitress'.. Wel beautiful is fine bt waitress? Amboi3.. Miya col me:
miya- 'waitress where is my milo?'
fiqah- 'wait aah..'
miya- 'laju waah.. Lmbt jua eyh servicenya..'
hmmm~ den me+amal dduk jua n mkn our mie goreng.. We were talking n dz two annoying brother n sister of ours MENYAMPUK JUA.. mcm org bsar g2 cara drang ckp! Ada dz one conversation:
fiqah- 'bla3...'
afiq- *menyampuk!*
fiqah- 'eyh jgn nyampuk! mihir ko ane eyh! *afiq mkn bjurit* ko lahir dmanakn? Kamah..'
afiq- '..aku lahir dri dlu jua..'
eik?? fiqah n amal BANGANG... Then we burst out laughing brabz.. Hahah xDD u guys get it? I asked my adi 'dmana' bt he replied me with 'aku lahir dri dlu'.. Highlight- DARI DULU.. Apakakn? Nda jua fhm soalan tu.. Hahah xDD calie lah.. Ada dz one tym jua me n amal was talking, then miya interupt us by telling us stories bout 'sapa lahir dlu'.. Kami lyk err~ *cricket cricket* random waah drang aah.. Wel kids.. Hahah xDD
bh im signing off!
first of ol, msa ptg atu i hangout wit amer, azman, faj, zaty (skajap) n MIZAN!!! Awu eyh~ i 4gt bout him.. Mrh ya krg arhku.. mizan sat arh fnv table xa.. Til 3+ wen he went home.. aku n mizan GANG dah ne! haha xDD Sory zan~
i post agen bcoz ada sumting funny happened tdi.. It goes lyk dz~
la la la la la la.. I went to my cuz's houz (cAmal) den kmi ceta2.. As usual updating each ouga =) den afta 1hrs, i complained! Dat im HUNGRY!!! Soo we went to the kitchen n planning to eat pop mie ja.. Blum batah, dtg tia my brother (cAfiq) n amal's sister (cMiya).. fyi they r only 7-9yrs old.. btw drang ane kan mau mkn pop mie tia jua.. N the problem iz pop mie tngal 2 saja.. So kami as an adult yg undrstanding let them hv the pop mie.. So we moved on with mie goreng! otw kan msak drang ane kan mau mie goreng tia jua, nda jdi pop mie n they dmand not to put peppers on the mie goreng.. Kami mcm eyh.. Mmbaah~ then kmi sruh sja drang stick wit pop mie since kami yg sdiakn for them.. So we told them to shut up n sit!! Hahah =) amal msak the mie goreng n me, aku buat milo.. This two kids agen demand for milo jua.. N drang sruh aku put ice bnyk2 arh milo atu.. Waaaat?? Bh sbar fiqah! Aku buatkn jua.. Drang bsai dah dduk arh meja mkn.. Den i gve them their pop mie.. Then drang pngl us (me+amal) as the 'beautiful waitress'.. Wel beautiful is fine bt waitress? Amboi3.. Miya col me:
miya- 'waitress where is my milo?'
fiqah- 'wait aah..'
miya- 'laju waah.. Lmbt jua eyh servicenya..'
hmmm~ den me+amal dduk jua n mkn our mie goreng.. We were talking n dz two annoying brother n sister of ours MENYAMPUK JUA.. mcm org bsar g2 cara drang ckp! Ada dz one conversation:
fiqah- 'bla3...'
afiq- *menyampuk!*
fiqah- 'eyh jgn nyampuk! mihir ko ane eyh! *afiq mkn bjurit* ko lahir dmanakn? Kamah..'
afiq- '..aku lahir dri dlu jua..'
eik?? fiqah n amal BANGANG... Then we burst out laughing brabz.. Hahah xDD u guys get it? I asked my adi 'dmana' bt he replied me with 'aku lahir dri dlu'.. Highlight- DARI DULU.. Apakakn? Nda jua fhm soalan tu.. Hahah xDD calie lah.. Ada dz one tym jua me n amal was talking, then miya interupt us by telling us stories bout 'sapa lahir dlu'.. Kami lyk err~ *cricket cricket* random waah drang aah.. Wel kids.. Hahah xDD
bh im signing off!
Today.. Wat hapen xactly? Owkay here it goes...
im quite busy today since i had to catch up wit my study.. Wel ive been outside school for d past few days.. So obviously a lot of things to be done! I had my pmaths test afta break, wel~ it was owkaay =) n n i hv my upcoming bio test next tue! Oh shoot!! Fiqah read! U hv too! I want a good result frm u! Cmon wake up! Embaah~ fiqah adang! Haha xDD i tend to talk to myself, always.. Wen i sed 'always' i MEAN it.. Bh adang.. *der it goes* owkeh enuf sed, pkoknya i hv to compile evryting bout gaseous xchnge n infectious dseases in my brain.. WISH ME LUCK EVRYONE!!
during pe, my team beat golden apple by 2points! Our score is 7-5.. N d red durian bit grey kembayau! Btw wat i wanted to say iz white berry+golden apple game was the FABOLOUS GAME EVEER!! It was the BEST! =) evry1 get the chance to hold the ball n evry1 ada high spirits! Yeeah! Dats wat im talking about.. 0oyeah~ cKampis was VERY GOOD tdi.. Cheewah~ bt stil ya kampis.. N n hiz bitch next door plays wel.. Uuu~ u guys rulez! Gud teamates! i salute you! 0oyea~ ada this one time hjSyafiq dribble the ball n i was facing the opposite way.. N n he passed the ball to me.. OBVIOUSLY i dint took the ball since i faced the otha way round! Wel he did shout my name tho n d rest are also calling me.. Wen the ball out frm the court i faced him n othas wit dz BANGANG AND INNOCENT FACE! HAHAH XDD ooyea agen! Tdi the ball kna kpala cChin kai drectly, oouch! I laughed.. Bt den afta abiz the whole game, dguys play futball.. The ball kna kpala ku.. *short term memory loss* =Pp cHjSyafiq g PUNCANYA! Aduyy~
then ptg.. Me, kampis, fizah n fiqahA ikut tce Dkct msa lunch.. Ke huaho.. Wee~ btw suara fizah SEXY!! Kami arh Mums.. I spent $5 jz on one kdai.. Owh god~ then kami buat practcal YEAST! Bebau aah~ msa cleaning, cKampis pour the hot boiled yeast on top of my hand!!! Shoot you! Damn! It was SERIOUSLY BEBAU n PANASSS! Haha xpp mlakat baunya.. Then afta 2pm, i found out dat all my frenz ditched me! Ditcher! Haha xp *nadawah* in short drang smua blik.. How can claz drang kna cancel n mine NOT?? Left me, azman, faj n zaty.. Den i sat wit amer d whole afternoon =] me, azman, amer n faj kinda bgila.. Me n azman had thiz brain connectors c0z fkiran kmi sama tdi hahah xDD den den smua rahsia pcah! Jeng3!! ada diz one tym tmpt our table kna mop, so we had to wait for it to dry up! bt kmi ane nda suka waiting kan! so me, faj n azam dduk bsila atas the bench! n amer nda, coz ya kta kakinya pnjang.. yatah nda dpt! waaaat?? n i rmembr we played thiz game, drang zaw col it as 'd 11 game' bout 11 lists.. adalah, if kamu mau main jz col me! hahah xDD Ooyea agen n agen~ we met NASREEN AND ZAKIAH.. Wee~ nasreen kurus a bit.. Waa~
bah akhrnya kmi blik.. Ooyea~ me n azman blik dlu, D 74s ppl! tngal cfaj n amer!Hee~
before i sign out! jz to let u know, GUYSS MUKA AKU AND CNAJ ADA ARH NEWSPAPER!! hahah xDD
ps: azman rmembr dz, or faj u shud noe.. 7 and 4 is a GREAT COMBINATION.. :p
pps: amer~ i noe u like dat pics dat i gave u.. =)
pps: fifah jgn lupa bwa dat paper! I want it! =)
fyqathecutestandyoungest is signing off
im quite busy today since i had to catch up wit my study.. Wel ive been outside school for d past few days.. So obviously a lot of things to be done! I had my pmaths test afta break, wel~ it was owkaay =) n n i hv my upcoming bio test next tue! Oh shoot!! Fiqah read! U hv too! I want a good result frm u! Cmon wake up! Embaah~ fiqah adang! Haha xDD i tend to talk to myself, always.. Wen i sed 'always' i MEAN it.. Bh adang.. *der it goes* owkeh enuf sed, pkoknya i hv to compile evryting bout gaseous xchnge n infectious dseases in my brain.. WISH ME LUCK EVRYONE!!
during pe, my team beat golden apple by 2points! Our score is 7-5.. N d red durian bit grey kembayau! Btw wat i wanted to say iz white berry+golden apple game was the FABOLOUS GAME EVEER!! It was the BEST! =) evry1 get the chance to hold the ball n evry1 ada high spirits! Yeeah! Dats wat im talking about.. 0oyeah~ cKampis was VERY GOOD tdi.. Cheewah~ bt stil ya kampis.. N n hiz bitch next door plays wel.. Uuu~ u guys rulez! Gud teamates! i salute you! 0oyea~ ada this one time hjSyafiq dribble the ball n i was facing the opposite way.. N n he passed the ball to me.. OBVIOUSLY i dint took the ball since i faced the otha way round! Wel he did shout my name tho n d rest are also calling me.. Wen the ball out frm the court i faced him n othas wit dz BANGANG AND INNOCENT FACE! HAHAH XDD ooyea agen! Tdi the ball kna kpala cChin kai drectly, oouch! I laughed.. Bt den afta abiz the whole game, dguys play futball.. The ball kna kpala ku.. *short term memory loss* =Pp cHjSyafiq g PUNCANYA! Aduyy~
then ptg.. Me, kampis, fizah n fiqahA ikut tce Dkct msa lunch.. Ke huaho.. Wee~ btw suara fizah SEXY!! Kami arh Mums.. I spent $5 jz on one kdai.. Owh god~ then kami buat practcal YEAST! Bebau aah~ msa cleaning, cKampis pour the hot boiled yeast on top of my hand!!! Shoot you! Damn! It was SERIOUSLY BEBAU n PANASSS! Haha xpp mlakat baunya.. Then afta 2pm, i found out dat all my frenz ditched me! Ditcher! Haha xp *nadawah* in short drang smua blik.. How can claz drang kna cancel n mine NOT?? Left me, azman, faj n zaty.. Den i sat wit amer d whole afternoon =] me, azman, amer n faj kinda bgila.. Me n azman had thiz brain connectors c0z fkiran kmi sama tdi hahah xDD den den smua rahsia pcah! Jeng3!! ada diz one tym tmpt our table kna mop, so we had to wait for it to dry up! bt kmi ane nda suka waiting kan! so me, faj n azam dduk bsila atas the bench! n amer nda, coz ya kta kakinya pnjang.. yatah nda dpt! waaaat?? n i rmembr we played thiz game, drang zaw col it as 'd 11 game' bout 11 lists.. adalah, if kamu mau main jz col me! hahah xDD Ooyea agen n agen~ we met NASREEN AND ZAKIAH.. Wee~ nasreen kurus a bit.. Waa~
bah akhrnya kmi blik.. Ooyea~ me n azman blik dlu, D 74s ppl! tngal cfaj n amer!Hee~
before i sign out! jz to let u know, GUYSS MUKA AKU AND CNAJ ADA ARH NEWSPAPER!! hahah xDD
ps: azman rmembr dz, or faj u shud noe.. 7 and 4 is a GREAT COMBINATION.. :p
pps: amer~ i noe u like dat pics dat i gave u.. =)
pps: fifah jgn lupa bwa dat paper! I want it! =)
fyqathecutestandyoungest is signing off
Friday, July 18, 2008
Highlight of yesterday.
Saya akan bercerita mengenai seorang lagi rakan saya yang bernama Nahdatul Simaa Haji Sabtu atau lebih dikenali dengan nama manjanya Sumah, Samima dan Sam.
Kelmarin dia berkelakuan pelik seperti bukan dia. Dia seperti ditimpa malang dari waktu Nazihah memberitahu dia bahawa dia mendapat tujuh puluh lima peratus untuk ujian topikal pengetahuan am.
1. Kejadian berlaku di bilik persalinan kolam renang. Dia mendapati kacamatanya hilang. Sangat menakutkan. Cari punya cari punya cari, rupa-rupanya di dalam beg.
2. Beliau tertinggal sesuatu yang sangat berharga dan penting. Sesuatu yang penting sangat-sangat.
Secara kesimpulannya, saya sangat bangga akan beliau kerana beliau berjaya mengharungi rona liku-liku harinya yang penuh dengan warna warni dengan tabah. Tabik hormat.
Dalilah Nabilah
Ps. FYI im not trying to be lame here just because i posted in Bahasa Melayu. I just miss Malay. Tidak lebih. Tidak kurang. Secukup rasa:) oh, you should try use maggie secukup rasa, sure will make your cooking ummmphhslrrpp:) GO TRY!
Kelmarin dia berkelakuan pelik seperti bukan dia. Dia seperti ditimpa malang dari waktu Nazihah memberitahu dia bahawa dia mendapat tujuh puluh lima peratus untuk ujian topikal pengetahuan am.
1. Kejadian berlaku di bilik persalinan kolam renang. Dia mendapati kacamatanya hilang. Sangat menakutkan. Cari punya cari punya cari, rupa-rupanya di dalam beg.
2. Beliau tertinggal sesuatu yang sangat berharga dan penting. Sesuatu yang penting sangat-sangat.
Secara kesimpulannya, saya sangat bangga akan beliau kerana beliau berjaya mengharungi rona liku-liku harinya yang penuh dengan warna warni dengan tabah. Tabik hormat.
Dalilah Nabilah
Ps. FYI im not trying to be lame here just because i posted in Bahasa Melayu. I just miss Malay. Tidak lebih. Tidak kurang. Secukup rasa:) oh, you should try use maggie secukup rasa, sure will make your cooking ummmphhslrrpp:) GO TRY!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
And the best progress award goes to.......AFIFAH OTHMAN..haha..inda sia2 kau mengeluarkan air mata td..
Today is a fun fun day haha..pagi2 just found out netball kna cancel..bummer..everyone was disappointed..tapi nda apa..kami ada swimming=D~which i will explain krg kesiukkannya..
1st and 2nd period,maths..skip that..then next,i have chem..kami buat practical..iatah my NaOH bottle kan tergugur td,well tergugur sudah..about 0.5 m above the floor sudah..then...jeng jeng jeng..big tummy to the rescue..the bottle hit my tummy n i guess the tummy decelerates the free fall of the bottle..haha next was the testtube..same thing happened,but this time i managed to catch the testtube when it was arah my knee level..good reflex huh?..
g.p?hmm lets just skip it n get to the fun part,shall we?..sam's dad drove us(dalilah,naz,qayah,sam n me) to the swimming pool stadium(is that what u call it..manasajatah) the car..we the back-seaters were very very noisy,werent we sam?esp si dal..who brought up the topic abt marriages n umm pills,was it dal?the conversation went on like this:
dal:kamu tau if sebelum kahwin mesti ambil this pill thingy which prevents u frm getting ill masa kahwin.
Qayah or naz said smtg which i cudnt hear td.
Faj:(whispering)so do they have to take the pills that melambatkan uzur jua..
Dal:(out loud)payah first night tu eh..
Hmmm i did mention sam's dad was driving us ryt..
N then masa buka bonnet(however u spell it) dal tanya sam"kau fikir ur dad taukah first night ani?".nada eh dal..n another thing..mana ia mendengar tu:s..
kami ketinggalan si fifah td..kesian ia..tapi ia dtg sma sir gareth..n si fifah float arah the deep pool,ia pandai swimming dahh..yay!congrats fifah=DD..Qayah pun pandai float sudah..i bet by masa next swimming pandai tu Q sudah hehe..n kami jadi cannon ball td..n n we wore yellow flippers=D=D siuk bnr2..birdy(farid) laju td..mcm merman..hehe
masa petang kami main the 4-d puzzle,i suck at it..adlan,ekin n the boys did well..i gave up on the huge polar bear..payah ah..stress ku..the rest of the fnvs went to the humanity,zaty,ekin n the boys stayd..
i guess thats it..nantitah ku post lg..sorry if this post offended anyone,love you all..
1st and 2nd period,maths..skip that..then next,i have chem..kami buat practical..iatah my NaOH bottle kan tergugur td,well tergugur sudah..about 0.5 m above the floor sudah..then...jeng jeng jeng..big tummy to the rescue..the bottle hit my tummy n i guess the tummy decelerates the free fall of the bottle..haha next was the testtube..same thing happened,but this time i managed to catch the testtube when it was arah my knee level..good reflex huh?..
g.p?hmm lets just skip it n get to the fun part,shall we?..sam's dad drove us(dalilah,naz,qayah,sam n me) to the swimming pool stadium(is that what u call it..manasajatah) the car..we the back-seaters were very very noisy,werent we sam?esp si dal..who brought up the topic abt marriages n umm pills,was it dal?the conversation went on like this:
dal:kamu tau if sebelum kahwin mesti ambil this pill thingy which prevents u frm getting ill masa kahwin.
Qayah or naz said smtg which i cudnt hear td.
Faj:(whispering)so do they have to take the pills that melambatkan uzur jua..
Dal:(out loud)payah first night tu eh..
Hmmm i did mention sam's dad was driving us ryt..
N then masa buka bonnet(however u spell it) dal tanya sam"kau fikir ur dad taukah first night ani?".nada eh dal..n another thing..mana ia mendengar tu:s..
kami ketinggalan si fifah td..kesian ia..tapi ia dtg sma sir gareth..n si fifah float arah the deep pool,ia pandai swimming dahh..yay!congrats fifah=DD..Qayah pun pandai float sudah..i bet by masa next swimming pandai tu Q sudah hehe..n kami jadi cannon ball td..n n we wore yellow flippers=D=D siuk bnr2..birdy(farid) laju td..mcm merman..hehe
masa petang kami main the 4-d puzzle,i suck at it..adlan,ekin n the boys did well..i gave up on the huge polar bear..payah ah..stress ku..the rest of the fnvs went to the humanity,zaty,ekin n the boys stayd..
i guess thats it..nantitah ku post lg..sorry if this post offended anyone,love you all..
Muscle Pain!!
I can still feel it..The muscle pain..causedby extensive circuit training during P.E. lesson yesterday.. Even naik and turun tangga pun my bisecps sakit..and my muscles bagas push ups pun makes me hard to do work with my only two hands...even masa art when colouring my drawing..moving my hand foward by one inch pun sakit...adui...
bt bt..yesterday evening..I played netball with cuzzen naj...eventhough i felt tired and exhausted because if the extensive training masa P.E. bt still i go for netball..haha..alteast it was much more fun compared to the training i did..aha..
Because aku kana puji pandai main..haha..and my name durnag tau dah..mula2 adakah durang address me as si tudong..since aku main betudung...haha..sekalinya ku gtau lah my name...IQIN..haha IQIN kali ah:p..nyahah..nda batah lagi aku fiqah n naj complain because durang nda kan pin-point to play with them next time..haha:P.. bt alteast kan..nyaman jua ras ku when they called me by my name..compared to..C TUDONG...TUDONG..haha..CAWER BUNYI NYA AH...mcm org nda benama saja..hehe
nah tu the drift cia lagi ceta ku..hehe.. the day which the effect of the TOTURE TRAINING makes me feel the painful i sed above...
plus..i was prettty tired last didnt actually finishes my homework..especially then luckily...when i got in phy class today..most of my friend alum siap..haha..eyath when madam khoo tanya sapa alum siap...3/4 of the class raised their hands..and the hw was given a week to do still we didnt manage to finish it on time..
then after phy we had maths..test..sekalinya badge c fifah ne tegugur..ku tolong lah eya ambil..sekali nya time ku kan bagi eya..tecucuk cia arah tangan nya...(AAA sorry fifah..nda sengaja ku tuu:S..) di buat nya ku rasa besalah banar lagi tu eh hehe..awu nanti kau..hehe and masa check the test tu kan..c fifah got Q1 lurus..yg aku membuat tekapai-kapai ah..MENTAL lagi tuu~..aku tau wah aku nda tau ..haha..apakan..~..sudah ku liat balek cara menjawab..tau cia ku..sanang kali ah..haha kalah cia ku oleh c fifah EYH~haha
Today CCA..
Kami kana tinggalkan oleh teacher wah..since nada bus...It was 10 mins to 11am still nda jua ada teacher arh concourse...yg ada c mahirah jua saja..haha nada jua org lain..sekali nya me, fifah and nudge decide kan cari teacher..sekali nya nda ke jumpahan..and we heard CCA swimming was cancled today...hmm~..sekalinya kami ne kan balik ke concourse..kan gtau c mahirah what we just heard..sekalinya C mahirah ne..entah ilang kemana we asked the PU1 yg ada s concourse tu..sekalinya nya durang..c mahirah dah jalan..with the teacher..fifah was like "WHAT THE HECK! durang jalan dah..!! HAMPA KU EH!!"..and c fifah was really dat hampa you noe...
so kami end up frustated ..and duduk2 arh concourse are tu lah...sekalinya..while depressing ourselves..especially si fifah...ada cia MR.GARETH with his 3men ikut eya..sekali nya c Naj tagur cia MR. G. tanya kemana kami kan jalan..and we said we were left eya tanya lgi whre are we heading..then the he was reluctant at first thinking that there were 3 of us and 3 of his it wont fit his akher nya kami pun bekorban tuk c fifah ja yg join MR. G...Fifah was now like "YEA!!!!"..lumpat2..haha and me and naj end up ikut arh rumah c Fiqah..and we ate lunch di sana..
The curry chicken was nyaman..i guess i want more..haha..since i'm in a hungry state ryte now..aku alum makan dinner..lapar ku ne..haha.. bt toady atleast save jua duit ku...hehe.. then we went back to school..arrived 10 mins b4 1pm..
The swimmers we like ol showing off what they did masa swimming since i wasnt there toady..EYSH! EYSH!..Actually i was relly looking foward to swimming toady..sekalinya ada GUN SHOT which aku nda aware that aku nda dpt swim..EYHHHHHHH~~buyuk kamu!!
Durang jeleskan aku..FIFAH PANDAI TIMBUL DAH! QAYAH Too..
C NAZ and DAL showed off on their ability to sit on the pool's floor..which is really at the bottom i guess..sekalinya nda jua berapa deep eh durnag ne..
AND OVERALL - i can imagine how fun their having their swimming without me, naj and fiqah.. (JULURS:P:P:P kamu~)
Ptg i skipped the talk since ada secret thing to do..
after that..kami yang ada di canteen tadi ptang challange each otherselves with the timing to solve a mini animal mainquin puzzel..haha..atleast I"M GOOD FOR A BEGINNER...!! and nda sadar2.. 4.30pm cia udah...
Then I went home..:)..TIDUR~~!!
now i want to continue my sleep..
Nytes pplz..~
bt bt..yesterday evening..I played netball with cuzzen naj...eventhough i felt tired and exhausted because if the extensive training masa P.E. bt still i go for netball..haha..alteast it was much more fun compared to the training i did..aha..
Because aku kana puji pandai main..haha..and my name durnag tau dah..mula2 adakah durang address me as si tudong..since aku main betudung...haha..sekalinya ku gtau lah my name...IQIN..haha IQIN kali ah:p..nyahah..nda batah lagi aku fiqah n naj complain because durang nda kan pin-point to play with them next time..haha:P.. bt alteast kan..nyaman jua ras ku when they called me by my name..compared to..C TUDONG...TUDONG..haha..CAWER BUNYI NYA AH...mcm org nda benama saja..hehe
nah tu the drift cia lagi ceta ku..hehe.. the day which the effect of the TOTURE TRAINING makes me feel the painful i sed above...
plus..i was prettty tired last didnt actually finishes my homework..especially then luckily...when i got in phy class today..most of my friend alum siap..haha..eyath when madam khoo tanya sapa alum siap...3/4 of the class raised their hands..and the hw was given a week to do still we didnt manage to finish it on time..
then after phy we had maths..test..sekalinya badge c fifah ne tegugur..ku tolong lah eya ambil..sekali nya time ku kan bagi eya..tecucuk cia arah tangan nya...(AAA sorry fifah..nda sengaja ku tuu:S..) di buat nya ku rasa besalah banar lagi tu eh hehe..awu nanti kau..hehe and masa check the test tu kan..c fifah got Q1 lurus..yg aku membuat tekapai-kapai ah..MENTAL lagi tuu~..aku tau wah aku nda tau ..haha..apakan..~..sudah ku liat balek cara menjawab..tau cia ku..sanang kali ah..haha kalah cia ku oleh c fifah EYH~haha
Today CCA..
Kami kana tinggalkan oleh teacher wah..since nada bus...It was 10 mins to 11am still nda jua ada teacher arh concourse...yg ada c mahirah jua saja..haha nada jua org lain..sekali nya me, fifah and nudge decide kan cari teacher..sekali nya nda ke jumpahan..and we heard CCA swimming was cancled today...hmm~..sekalinya kami ne kan balik ke concourse..kan gtau c mahirah what we just heard..sekalinya C mahirah ne..entah ilang kemana we asked the PU1 yg ada s concourse tu..sekalinya nya durang..c mahirah dah jalan..with the teacher..fifah was like "WHAT THE HECK! durang jalan dah..!! HAMPA KU EH!!"..and c fifah was really dat hampa you noe...
so kami end up frustated ..and duduk2 arh concourse are tu lah...sekalinya..while depressing ourselves..especially si fifah...ada cia MR.GARETH with his 3men ikut eya..sekali nya c Naj tagur cia MR. G. tanya kemana kami kan jalan..and we said we were left eya tanya lgi whre are we heading..then the he was reluctant at first thinking that there were 3 of us and 3 of his it wont fit his akher nya kami pun bekorban tuk c fifah ja yg join MR. G...Fifah was now like "YEA!!!!"..lumpat2..haha and me and naj end up ikut arh rumah c Fiqah..and we ate lunch di sana..
The curry chicken was nyaman..i guess i want more..haha..since i'm in a hungry state ryte now..aku alum makan dinner..lapar ku ne..haha.. bt toady atleast save jua duit ku...hehe.. then we went back to school..arrived 10 mins b4 1pm..
The swimmers we like ol showing off what they did masa swimming since i wasnt there toady..EYSH! EYSH!..Actually i was relly looking foward to swimming toady..sekalinya ada GUN SHOT which aku nda aware that aku nda dpt swim..EYHHHHHHH~~buyuk kamu!!
Durang jeleskan aku..FIFAH PANDAI TIMBUL DAH! QAYAH Too..
C NAZ and DAL showed off on their ability to sit on the pool's floor..which is really at the bottom i guess..sekalinya nda jua berapa deep eh durnag ne..
AND OVERALL - i can imagine how fun their having their swimming without me, naj and fiqah.. (JULURS:P:P:P kamu~)
Ptg i skipped the talk since ada secret thing to do..
after that..kami yang ada di canteen tadi ptang challange each otherselves with the timing to solve a mini animal mainquin puzzel..haha..atleast I"M GOOD FOR A BEGINNER...!! and nda sadar2.. 4.30pm cia udah...
Then I went home..:)..TIDUR~~!!
now i want to continue my sleep..
Nytes pplz..~
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Pengumuman istimewa:)
Sudah sekian lama saya tidak mempos diblog ini. Saya tahu ada yang merindui kehadiran pos saya. Kini, saya kembali, ingin membuat satu pengumuman.
Dengan ini, dengan persetujuan rakan rakan buah dan sayur saya yang lain, saya isytiharkan NUR NAZIHAH BINTI HAJI NORDIN, tinggal di bawah jambatan;) terima kasih kepada Afifah atas idea jambatan ini. Kesepakatan ini kami buat semasa waktu rehat tadi.
Untuk makluman awda, Nazihah mempunyai hobi yang suka mengasak. Jadi saya ingatkan, jika awda hendak membangunkan rumah, hendaklah dipastikan rumah awda bepagar, kerana di takuti dia akan mengasak rumahnya di antara rumah awda dengan jiran awda.
Pos ini tiada kena mengena dengan yang hidup atau yang mati. Sekiranya ada, ia adalah secara kebetulan saja. Ia hanyalah berfungsi sebagai hiburan semata-mata, sekepala-kepala.
Dalilah Nabilah
Dengan ini, dengan persetujuan rakan rakan buah dan sayur saya yang lain, saya isytiharkan NUR NAZIHAH BINTI HAJI NORDIN, tinggal di bawah jambatan;) terima kasih kepada Afifah atas idea jambatan ini. Kesepakatan ini kami buat semasa waktu rehat tadi.
Untuk makluman awda, Nazihah mempunyai hobi yang suka mengasak. Jadi saya ingatkan, jika awda hendak membangunkan rumah, hendaklah dipastikan rumah awda bepagar, kerana di takuti dia akan mengasak rumahnya di antara rumah awda dengan jiran awda.
Pos ini tiada kena mengena dengan yang hidup atau yang mati. Sekiranya ada, ia adalah secara kebetulan saja. Ia hanyalah berfungsi sebagai hiburan semata-mata, sekepala-kepala.
Dalilah Nabilah
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Birthday Greetings xD
okAy..its not actually i just started to write this blog 20mins after its TUESDAY!!..haha apakan...~..lame eh aku ne eh..
owh well just to recap of today..
I woke up pretty late today 6.30..which is 5minutes later than my usual time to wake up..haha..just need that extra 5minutes for my eyes to make till the end of the day..hee..we'll practically its because i cant sleep the last night..45 minutes bah ku guring limpang arh katil ah..nda betidur...len pulang di pikirkan ne bah..kesah lama pulang di ingatan..haha..then then my prince msg..atleast dapat jua tidur..esyeh...
My foot yg bangkak pun dapat di bawa jalan dah..n i can wear heels dah..hee YEA! (mcm th ku pakai heels jua)..and i walk normally at school toady..:) toady seems a dull day..i didnt have a long conversation with my friends toady..well since they were all at the other side if the bench so ..jadi looner tah ku nda jua ada mood kan becakap bah I was very sleepy to the maximum..haha..i even can fall a sleep during phys class just the melody of madam khoo voice makes me drool...haha....
and GP was weird today..Since i wasnt alert today..eyath nda laju otak ku befikir.. I was late for GP tadi..mana kan jauh banar bah art room ah..haha and since aku lagi nagalih today so aku jalan very to the slow mcm laju sikit lah..eyatah naik tangga pun tekapai2 ne bah..sekajap abis energy...I was the 2nd last to arrive..sekali nya time ku kan duduk ne..c hj faez betanya..."Tau kau sapa hari jadi esuk?"..and I was totally bangang....mcm aku ckp errrr~~ batah...sekali nya I end up ckp = ENTAH!=..haha tekajut c hj faez mendangar...eyatah after dat i end up ketawa2..hehe...
I decided to go home early toady..nda baik rasa ah...sakit parut..ada cramp..haha..rasa kan mutah2 lagi balek lah...sekalinya dtg rumah..makan pun nada i just went to have some nap..atleasat when i woke up , elok jua sikit rasa nya..:)..tapi kan ..nda cukup tidur ah..i want more..adakah my new closet datang toady...bising bah truck ah...engine nya melaung ah seklainya datang..mengangkat barang lagi bising tepaksa lah jua bangun..kusut2..mcm baby,,,haha:P..
then dah tah nda cukup tidur tu ah...memikirkan new position of my funiture in my room cia lagi..adui..sakit pulang kepala memikirkan ani bah..telampau damit bilik tu bah...mun kan give up TV sayang jua...sekalinya asak saja okey lah sikit..but nda lawa..haha..:P..
then malam my family and I had dinner out...sekalinya i ordered three mushrooms with chicken..sekalinya..apanh... the orderd was the waiter lupa catit...aish..atu kan lapar dah...haha..eyath kali pasal nya today ku banyak delaying stuff tuu~..ehe..
so i reached home...and watch tv and end..I blogged b4 tidur..hehe...
emm btw..HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO A FRIEND OF MINE IN THE PAST AND WILL ALWAYS BE...Missed it to post it.. It was on the 13th (PS: thanks mahirah for the favour..)wink*wink*
owh well just to recap of today..
I woke up pretty late today 6.30..which is 5minutes later than my usual time to wake up..haha..just need that extra 5minutes for my eyes to make till the end of the day..hee..we'll practically its because i cant sleep the last night..45 minutes bah ku guring limpang arh katil ah..nda betidur...len pulang di pikirkan ne bah..kesah lama pulang di ingatan..haha..then then my prince msg..atleast dapat jua tidur..esyeh...
My foot yg bangkak pun dapat di bawa jalan dah..n i can wear heels dah..hee YEA! (mcm th ku pakai heels jua)..and i walk normally at school toady..:) toady seems a dull day..i didnt have a long conversation with my friends toady..well since they were all at the other side if the bench so ..jadi looner tah ku nda jua ada mood kan becakap bah I was very sleepy to the maximum..haha..i even can fall a sleep during phys class just the melody of madam khoo voice makes me drool...haha....
and GP was weird today..Since i wasnt alert today..eyath nda laju otak ku befikir.. I was late for GP tadi..mana kan jauh banar bah art room ah..haha and since aku lagi nagalih today so aku jalan very to the slow mcm laju sikit lah..eyatah naik tangga pun tekapai2 ne bah..sekajap abis energy...I was the 2nd last to arrive..sekali nya time ku kan duduk ne..c hj faez betanya..."Tau kau sapa hari jadi esuk?"..and I was totally bangang....mcm aku ckp errrr~~ batah...sekali nya I end up ckp = ENTAH!=..haha tekajut c hj faez mendangar...eyatah after dat i end up ketawa2..hehe...
I decided to go home early toady..nda baik rasa ah...sakit parut..ada cramp..haha..rasa kan mutah2 lagi balek lah...sekalinya dtg rumah..makan pun nada i just went to have some nap..atleasat when i woke up , elok jua sikit rasa nya..:)..tapi kan ..nda cukup tidur ah..i want more..adakah my new closet datang toady...bising bah truck ah...engine nya melaung ah seklainya datang..mengangkat barang lagi bising tepaksa lah jua bangun..kusut2..mcm baby,,,haha:P..
then dah tah nda cukup tidur tu ah...memikirkan new position of my funiture in my room cia lagi..adui..sakit pulang kepala memikirkan ani bah..telampau damit bilik tu bah...mun kan give up TV sayang jua...sekalinya asak saja okey lah sikit..but nda lawa..haha..:P..
then malam my family and I had dinner out...sekalinya i ordered three mushrooms with chicken..sekalinya..apanh... the orderd was the waiter lupa catit...aish..atu kan lapar dah...haha..eyath kali pasal nya today ku banyak delaying stuff tuu~..ehe..
so i reached home...and watch tv and end..I blogged b4 tidur..hehe...
emm btw..HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO A FRIEND OF MINE IN THE PAST AND WILL ALWAYS BE...Missed it to post it.. It was on the 13th (PS: thanks mahirah for the favour..)wink*wink*
Sunday, July 13, 2008
FARMAN's DAY OUT..the 2nd
I went home early yesterday...just to get some rest for the night out that day...and too bad...I missed to meet HJ. Ahmad...he went to school yesterday..hmm...~..we'll gladly eya cumminh for dinner..atleast dapat jumpa eya d sana...hee~:)...
Kemarin we had dinner arh ESCAPADE~!!.. Our guests for that night were..zatul,zaty and ehsan...
Nigel,Ehsan and Kwang arrive first... then me...came qilah and then amoi and zaty...and obviously..zatul paling last as usual..aha...
we orderd non and kweng ate for the 2nd we had to share the food..takut nda abis...karang bazir...but at the end...nda jua kami abis eh..about two dish i guess..hehe.. and ehsan ate banyak jua..mcm nda pandai kanyang ja... we wanted to try rhe too bad abis..owh well nvm...mab next time...ehsan ordered raw salmon with fish eggs on top of it...seems ewww...tapi i ate one of wasnt that bad..taste nice you have to pakai the soya sauce..if nt..the taste is raw..hahaha..zatul order cheese maki...first time i taste it too..ermm sadang lah...and ofcourse I didnt miss ordering Tafu tataki...NYAMAN~!!!:P...
Too bad I didnt take the pictures of the food..if enda dapat jua bagi kamu teseliur..nyahaya...
and finally the bill comes...guess how much we spent...$128.?? we eat too much...and we had to pay additional amount....eventhough $70 voucher was on still we had to pay extra..haha...eyatah tu nah..telampau kuat makan bah..especially me..aha:P..
after dinner..most of our friends balek dah...left with 5 of FARMAN bodies ja yg tinggal (too bad farid cant make it :s) I treated them DQ..then we went to buy tickets...
Nigel booked the tickets earlier..sekalinya...when kami kan ambil...the booking was nigel book for 7.30 and 9.30.. the bookings was under one 7.30 passed by..and the 9.30 movie was cancled to..aish!!! too bad eh..the counter dude ask us to wait till 9.15 if by any luck there is any cancelations by people..then ada tu ada pulang..but untuk 4 people saja..hmm...sigh~..atlast we decided to stay arh arcade and spent our time singing mentally...haha..kweng sang one chinese song for us..and the rest kami mental2 menyanyi till 10.30..after that we all had to bye bye..
bt before we leave...kami vaining pakai timer lagi tu eh..time mall galap2 ah..haha Yesterday was so dam cool...
and mostly our topic conversation for that day was..."Comming to the party with a date"...and if I dont have any dates..biar cia...i'll just come with dates...with buah kurma..haha..together with c fifah and sadrina...nayhayaha:P..
btw here are some picture from y'day....

Kemarin we had dinner arh ESCAPADE~!!.. Our guests for that night were..zatul,zaty and ehsan...
Nigel,Ehsan and Kwang arrive first... then me...came qilah and then amoi and zaty...and obviously..zatul paling last as usual..aha...
we orderd non and kweng ate for the 2nd we had to share the food..takut nda abis...karang bazir...but at the end...nda jua kami abis eh..about two dish i guess..hehe.. and ehsan ate banyak jua..mcm nda pandai kanyang ja... we wanted to try rhe too bad abis..owh well nvm...mab next time...ehsan ordered raw salmon with fish eggs on top of it...seems ewww...tapi i ate one of wasnt that bad..taste nice you have to pakai the soya sauce..if nt..the taste is raw..hahaha..zatul order cheese maki...first time i taste it too..ermm sadang lah...and ofcourse I didnt miss ordering Tafu tataki...NYAMAN~!!!:P...
Too bad I didnt take the pictures of the food..if enda dapat jua bagi kamu teseliur..nyahaya...
and finally the bill comes...guess how much we spent...$128.?? we eat too much...and we had to pay additional amount....eventhough $70 voucher was on still we had to pay extra..haha...eyatah tu nah..telampau kuat makan bah..especially me..aha:P..
after dinner..most of our friends balek dah...left with 5 of FARMAN bodies ja yg tinggal (too bad farid cant make it :s) I treated them DQ..then we went to buy tickets...
Nigel booked the tickets earlier..sekalinya...when kami kan ambil...the booking was nigel book for 7.30 and 9.30.. the bookings was under one 7.30 passed by..and the 9.30 movie was cancled to..aish!!! too bad eh..the counter dude ask us to wait till 9.15 if by any luck there is any cancelations by people..then ada tu ada pulang..but untuk 4 people saja..hmm...sigh~..atlast we decided to stay arh arcade and spent our time singing mentally...haha..kweng sang one chinese song for us..and the rest kami mental2 menyanyi till 10.30..after that we all had to bye bye..
bt before we leave...kami vaining pakai timer lagi tu eh..time mall galap2 ah..haha Yesterday was so dam cool...
and mostly our topic conversation for that day was..."Comming to the party with a date"...and if I dont have any dates..biar cia...i'll just come with dates...with buah kurma..haha..together with c fifah and sadrina...nayhayaha:P..
btw here are some picture from y'day....
Friday, July 11, 2008
kami decided to makan out lunch with ckgu madiah today...and ofcourse our venue is AMINAH ARIF's arh serusop lah...well since kami karak ambuyating with ckgu ..eyath bawa mkn sana lah..haha:p

First me,qayah,and ckgu datang paling once..hee on time..bagus kan:P..hee*wink*wink* for us..=p then came sima.. then came nudge and we ordered our food..kami order special set one for two sets-for two people lah...takut nda abis bah..banyak jua kali ah the food sekali nya datang..hee...and we didnt even finished the food sampai langis jua..ey the drif cia plng ceta ku ne.. then after we ordered, came mr.amir..tarus eya makan...barangkali nda bca bismillah kali..haha..and after we're half way makan..c mr. mustaqim datang..he ordered other food from the menu....
After we finished, c fyqah,nudge and sima excuse themeselves kan meliat cd's lah..while waiting c mr.amir yg masih makan ne...(actually before that kami buat collection for the cake underneath the table lagi tu eh:P..haha)..
so after a long minutes...ckgu ne kan balek cia jua..then aku and qayah meng convinced supaya stay dulu..haha..atu payah kan bagi alasan for ckgu to wait for a while...haha..(kan kan qayah):P..nyahaha...
so i msged c fiqah..the a few minutes after that there she was..with c nudge and sima..together with the lit candles cake..and when the came in kami semua nyanyi...nasib baik semua org balek bah..mun enda kami ganya beriuh tu dalam restaurant ah...macam kami having the ambuyt session before...
and so we cut the cake, eat it and off we went just after ckgu left..
EM THANK YOU CKGU..SO SO MUCH..NANTI LAGI ahh~~~ heee :D. xD xD...but too bad banyak org nda dapat datang today..sayang...missed ckgu pnya bday cake..hee.. bt the best part was..CKGU LANJA:P..haha
After dining...kami jalan2 arh huaho window shopping while waiting for our transpot to go for netball... and so..kami window shopping lah..but but..EXTREME WINDOW SHOPPING..haha. instead kami liat2 barang ja..we use all started arh converse section then kami ke atas lagi arh dolls section and maniquin too..WHAT WERE WE DOING?? BEGAMBAR2x..all poses kami buat tadi..hehe (pictures beneath the post)
After that we went to play netball arh RBC..the girls-lah..with c nudge punya first we werent given any spots..ada dua sima and nudge volunteerlah...while me,fyqah and qayah warmed up arh the the basketball court near by...kami shoot2 lah...
the 2nd match begins...
our team vs ripas team..seems like they we underistimating us..ryte we'll see..haha...
Nudge played-GK
import player-WD
As heard, c nudge punya cuzen punya team lost for their match earlier lawan makes our team kinda discouraged to win this one match.
Nudge was good, banyak kali eya defend the ball from the opponents..
Fyqa was like a flying bird...banyak dapat ball the ball
Sima shoot banyak kali and even ada satu atu dari jauh eya shoot and scored!!!
Qayah wasnt bad either...ey banyak improvement on her shooting kali ah..if more practise then she'll be a good shooter..apath lagi if eya concentrate when she shoot
The wings were in coordinate with the other overall we ROCK today. We were even leading on the scores..YAHOOOO!!!
Iqin was good too..she blocked her opponent well..payah the opponent team players yg lain kan pass to the opponent yg si IQIN jaga..haha..ryte2..I'm not good at describing my game toady..not at all even good in describing tho..haha apakan..well I heard c nudge complimented me that 'I WAS GOOD' nyahaha.. tapi tapi...tepelicuk...haha..and i have difficulties kan bejalan ne dis week..sobs*.. and and..paling cali was.. when i made a foul ..i just drop the ball expecting the refree will blow a whistle or come up to be nada...haha..cali..i was being too honest wah tuu..haha:P
some pictures:
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