Sunday, July 20, 2008

Bersama rakyat Brunei Muara

toileys door arh bangunan secreteriat..

nurun dpn and at the back zatul

me and nurun

Today was wel, i can say the FABOLOUS DAY in my life!! SULTAN talked to me and aku salam PRINCE MALIK.. hahaha !! aku hyper ne.. *bah more details later*

i woke up at 5:30am today.. wel its VERY EARLY for sunday.. my mom wake me up and kan aku tkajut so aku trus dduk directly afta buka mata. n mataku bsar since im shocked. then since my brothers tngah mandi so aku rhat jap laah, with my sleepy eyes yg mau kna belai utk sambung tdur smula.. nearly fallen asleep then come this DEEP VOICE (my brothers) saying "oii ka mandi!* im SHOCKED!!! and believe it or not aku ggur katil coz terlampau tkajut.. hahah =D shoot!! heeeissh! akhrnya aku bawa jua bdanku yg lemah n mataku yg kuyu ke toilet.. itz time to mandi!! afta mandi YES! I FEEL FRESH~ ooyeaa.. sambil listening to some songs aku menari2 and bersiap@.. melawakan diriku utk raja tercinta =) then aku ready with everything xcept the selendang bcoz i dunno how to use it.. my dcision pkai ja dskulah..

i tot im LATE.. so aku laju2 mkn my breakfast and went to skul.. aduyy~ hampanya i'm the first gurl utk memijakkan kaki di skulah that early sunday. there is a guy (choir ppl jua) bt hiz my junior.. then kami tunggu, tcer sed brkumpul dskulah b4 6:30 BUT... wel yes! janji org mlayu kann... bt i am PROUD OF MYSELF, dtg tepat masanya.. then afta semua ada dah, all the gurlss TO THE TOILET!! haha =D kami usai our selendang.. it was hard! coz a certain rules that we had to follow.. jgntah kamu tau coz aku MALU kan gto.. then OFF we went to the padang.. all of us, wana noe wat we did in the bus? MENGHAFAL LIRIK LAGU!! haha =D n yeaah we sang in the bus, jz to check our beautiful voice.. he~ hem...

arrival MS choir at the pdg.. kna sruh directly ke pentas utk practice for a while.. wel practice makes perfect kan.. we dun wana screwed up dpn our beloved sultan! afta practice, the REAL one cuming!! kami kna sruh stand atas pentas until his majesty arrival which *im not trying to complain here* BUT PAANAAASSS!!! the sun is directly above our head.. owh~ owh~ aku kan mengambang, i stood dpn mic.. hehe~ with zatul next to me.. time to sing!! kami nyanyi lah selawa2 yg mungkin.. then kan half of the photographer taking our pics!! CONTROL sorang2.. haha =) FAMOUS KU.. MY TIME TO SHINE! HAHA =D done the first ong, kami turun dari stage and kami vaining with the 'wushu' ppl.. wel the kids to be exact! and you noe wat?? they can SPLIT!!! UNBELIEVABLE!! drang baru like 6-9yrs old and drang dpt split!! wah!! BANGGA KU...

performing second song, makin ramai photographer dtg!! heheh~ KAMBANG I* we LOVEE the flashlight.. this time, smua photographer compete with each otha to take our picture.. FAMOUS AGEN!! then ada masa acara kemuncak, bnyak bunga (or mayb shred) kna 'tembak' ke atas and its all flying arh sky and betaburan on top of the grass.. oh my god~ its BEAUTIFUL with its golden colour lagi tu... eeeee~ aku iski.. me, zatul, nunu and wina awal dah plan utk vaining arh dat ting yg betaburan atas grass... heheh~

afta dat, kami turun pentas uth beramah mesra with his majesty.. to be exact salam with him! soo we it cumz to my turn, the sultan stops! and he talked to me =) *nurun and zatul jelerrz* it goes like this:

sultan: 'skulah...?'
fiqah: 'erm~ maktab sains...' *wide smile*
sultan: 'kamu semua dari MS?'
fiqah: 'nda, ada sum dari smsab..' *smileee*
sultan: *pose and smile*

then he gave his hand to me, i reached for it and salam.. next with PRINCE MUDA, PRINCE SUFI AND PRINCE MALIK.. he pose for a while and liik at me skajap then baru kami bersalaman.. aaaa~ god~ his hand is so putih and soft!! i admire you.. hee~ =)

btw since i sed nurun and zatul jelerz.. yatahkann.. *no comment*

nurun: 'sultan ckp dgn kau!!'
zatul: 'every year sultan alwez ckp dgn cFiqah, masa santap ia jua.. and same question!'
fiqah: *smile* 'i nooeee...'

then we went back to our stage area and vaining... then sambil having FUN dtg photographer and drang gmbar kami.. hehe~ btw zatul kna gmbar sorang!! wuuu~ KAMBANG!!! PALING BNYAK KNA GMBAR: ME, WINA, ZATUL AND NURUN..

then time to go home.. b4 dat kami mkn dulu.. n fifah! makanannya NYAMAN!!! brabis!! i looveee the ayam and daging.. haha =D special yoh foodnya.. tpikan our bus akhir dtg.. Mr Chok sed 10mins lah, 5 more mins laah but nda jua muncul2.. akhirnya me, zatul and faizan jln ke jolibee and bli ice cream sundae.. hahah =) santi and wina bli fun donuts.. afta half and hour or more, akhirnya bus kami smpai.. hampanya~ kami slah bus or sumting.. had to change bus and we went to skul.. yeeaahh...

overall FUUUNNN.. FABOLOUS!!! some pics..

wina and nurun

hantu di siang hari.. thats zatul..

zul- erly in the morning

me and salehen (wushu kid)

salehen and sufi..
see!!! they can split!! MY HEROO!!!!

adi, salehen, sufi and syafiq.. drang adi bradi and ol andai wushu-ing..
cool aaah???

pics of myself.. last pic of the day
im signing off

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