Salam FnV! =)
First of all, Selamat Hari Raya to Fifah and Sadrina yang currently in UK, Sorry i didn't reply kamu dua punya text. Blame my credit yang habis or internet yang gay. Both of you be strong okay? =) We love both of you kaliah. Hehehe. Enjoy raya disana! Nanti ku mengirim angpau kamu. Dosa-dosa kamu saya maafkan.
To FnV di Brunei! Raya on thursday. pfft. But yeah, happy advance raya kamu! Sorry aku jarang update this blog pasal aku malas. Saya janji akan update selalu after exam. Btw kin, I'M WITH YOU BABY!! =D
To all FnV sayang ku! Forgive all my wrongdoings. =) I miss all of you banar2! Sniff. Hopefully two years from now, kitani sambut raya sama2 di UK. Amin~
Will update tomorrow lagi my dear.
Love kamu!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Siuk gambar fifah sama sad ah! Like supeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerbly siuk pasal sama friends.
Saya mau cakap, saya tidak dapat mesis some of you yg di UK, pasal bmobile macam inda dapat send to the UK-ians. Iatah membari kan mengatuk. Tsk tsk. But I shall try again.
Aku ter ingat waktu fifah sama si qayah salah rumah. HAHHAHAH CALIIIIIIIII. Pasal kan, rumah org atu sama jua simpang 1, and no. 27, and sama jua atap green and dinding kuning/orange. Skali dorang turun, bawa stuff and katuk2 pintu. HAHAH imagine if dorang kana bukakan pintu, skali macam Tanya ‘ada zaty?’ HAHAH cali jua tu. Rofl.
Iatah. Aku ingat jua masa kamu ucap2 gambar2 saya. BOOOOOOO kamu.
Aku cakap arah mi mami to turunkan the pics, skali ia inda mau. But since nada fifah this year, aku biarkan saja lah. Kalau ada Qayah, aku forbid ia masuk bilik atu HAHHAHAHA.
Im reminiscing tani punya times together, us FnVs.
Maaf Zahir Batin.
I know ive done a lot of shits, and craps, yada yada.
And forgive me pasal lately ive been busy with my own stuff,
I failed to be present untuk kamu.
Aku balum email2 yang di UK.
Yang di Brunei pun jarang contact.
I found it hard to juggle with a lot of stuff, kamu, them, this, that. you know.
So yeaaaaaaaaaaaah..
Saya, Izzaty Amanina, minta maaf from each one of you.
I miss kamu. Semua. No exceptions.
Andddddddd, I think post ani inda betantu, so yeah. Aku buat laju2, curi2 masa -.-'
Siuk gambar fifah sama sad ah! Like supeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerbly siuk pasal sama friends.
Saya mau cakap, saya tidak dapat mesis some of you yg di UK, pasal bmobile macam inda dapat send to the UK-ians. Iatah membari kan mengatuk. Tsk tsk. But I shall try again.
Aku ter ingat waktu fifah sama si qayah salah rumah. HAHHAHAH CALIIIIIIIII. Pasal kan, rumah org atu sama jua simpang 1, and no. 27, and sama jua atap green and dinding kuning/orange. Skali dorang turun, bawa stuff and katuk2 pintu. HAHAH imagine if dorang kana bukakan pintu, skali macam Tanya ‘ada zaty?’ HAHAH cali jua tu. Rofl.
Iatah. Aku ingat jua masa kamu ucap2 gambar2 saya. BOOOOOOO kamu.
Aku cakap arah mi mami to turunkan the pics, skali ia inda mau. But since nada fifah this year, aku biarkan saja lah. Kalau ada Qayah, aku forbid ia masuk bilik atu HAHHAHAHA.
Im reminiscing tani punya times together, us FnVs.
Maaf Zahir Batin.
I know ive done a lot of shits, and craps, yada yada.
And forgive me pasal lately ive been busy with my own stuff,
I failed to be present untuk kamu.
Aku balum email2 yang di UK.
Yang di Brunei pun jarang contact.
I found it hard to juggle with a lot of stuff, kamu, them, this, that. you know.
So yeaaaaaaaaaaaah..
Saya, Izzaty Amanina, minta maaf from each one of you.
I miss kamu. Semua. No exceptions.
Andddddddd, I think post ani inda betantu, so yeah. Aku buat laju2, curi2 masa -.-'
Ini khas ditujukan kepada sahabat sahabat ku yang tercinta dan tersayang, Afifah, Sadrina, and Johan Junaidi.
This also goes out to ALL SCHOLARSHIP RECEPIENTS 2008, Muizadin, Ayam, Mahirah, Ani Afifah, CCK(soon to be).. Loads to be mention. You know who you are:D
To Pipah:
Tawakal bui. Anjola seems like a nice girl and of course, ia LAME! HAHA! Ajar ia cakap melayu lapas tu, bawa nyanyi lagu melayu. Aku rindu nyanyi lagu raya sama kau. *sobs* Jangan kahwin sama the Whites. HAHAHA.
To Sad:
I hope, mesejku yang dimalam sampai arahmu:) Selamat Hari Raya:) Send us the pictures of you... CRYING! Pah, gambarkan. HAHAHA
To Johan Junaidi:
Post pictures of you.. CRYING:D Aku rindu CRAB SLAP:( Sorry aku inda sampai bagi kad raya arah mu.
Jangan bersedih. Sabar. Enjoy your Hari Raya. Ok? Ok? *bunyi badil happy bomb* Happy? Happy? Happy?
Dalilah Nabilah
Ini khas ditujukan kepada sahabat sahabat ku yang tercinta dan tersayang, Afifah, Sadrina, and Johan Junaidi.
This also goes out to ALL SCHOLARSHIP RECEPIENTS 2008, Muizadin, Ayam, Mahirah, Ani Afifah, CCK(soon to be).. Loads to be mention. You know who you are:D
To Pipah:
Tawakal bui. Anjola seems like a nice girl and of course, ia LAME! HAHA! Ajar ia cakap melayu lapas tu, bawa nyanyi lagu melayu. Aku rindu nyanyi lagu raya sama kau. *sobs* Jangan kahwin sama the Whites. HAHAHA.
To Sad:
I hope, mesejku yang dimalam sampai arahmu:) Selamat Hari Raya:) Send us the pictures of you... CRYING! Pah, gambarkan. HAHAHA
To Johan Junaidi:
Post pictures of you.. CRYING:D Aku rindu CRAB SLAP:( Sorry aku inda sampai bagi kad raya arah mu.
Jangan bersedih. Sabar. Enjoy your Hari Raya. Ok? Ok? *bunyi badil happy bomb* Happy? Happy? Happy?
Dalilah Nabilah
I never thought updating pictures here, using my school internet laju berabis!! THUMBS UP! =D and oh, the labels on the pictures are on top of them, not below.
All of us di dalam double decker, kan ke Nanods yang akhirnya full tah jua.
Masa di subway, membali takeaway. Nyaman ni sini! =D

That's about it. Ada pulang lagi some pictures but im too tired to post, and i have school tomorrow, despite the day being raya. Haiyaaah. Anyway, keep on updating the blog. And i'll try as best as i can to do it as well. Bah babai.
maaf zahir dan batin. sorry for all my wrongdoings.. i miss you. i love you.
have a great raya. i know kamu exam inda batah lagi tapi try to enjoy this festive season. =)
ps. im suppose to be asleep right now tapi aku inda mauu. haha. it's 1am. and esk skulah. haha. aku BAD GIRL udah. >=)
and apparently, my raya msg inda sampai arah DAL. ntah ngapa inda mau antar arah ko.. =( anyways, selamat hari raya, Dal!
awuuu.. my College House more specifically ada fire drill tadi malam.
it was 10.30pm, curfew tani. kana tutup dah lampu and kan tidur udah ni.. well, inda pulang tuu.. aku and wana meliat pics we took masa kami ngadakan a little bruneian raya gathering arah one of me friend's room. and then...
ADA FIRE DRILL!! aku pikir alarm roomies ku kah or ringtonenya kahh.. but it was too loud for either of those. so kami semua tclick FIRE ALARM! HAHA. kami semua lari keluar bilik, down the stairs and out the house. sana tah the housemistress nunggu, smiling... NADA CALI TU AH! sajuk lagi! and bagas hujan, aku lupa pakai slippers ku.. cemana juaaa.. pikir FIRE banar-banar, nada ku tepikir kan pkai slippers lagi. hahaha. it was funny lah. first timers wah aku, wana, dzaf and ella. yg lain atu pernah dah ada fire drill. aku atu bangang wah, kmana kan ku lari.. haha. but i was the second to kluar out of the house. handal kan aku atuu.. hahaha. yang lain smua ikut blakang ku. bangga ku eh, haha, apakan..
and that night, before curfew, kami ngadakn a lil bruneian raya gathering. kami kumpulkan kuih raya and INDOMEEE. haahhaa. and then kami pasang lagu raya. meriah jua lahh.. siuk. and ada Vanessa masuk, hairan ia knapa kami bising and makan-makan di bilik. ia ikut tah jua beraya dengan kami. ia cali. haha. and esuk ke skulah, kami smua planning kan pkai baju raya tani.. hehe. =)
aite, till next time,
I feel like posting again :D since now internet connection skulah ku ani mau tia arah laptop ku. Bemusim bah internet ah =.=
Anyway. Friday afternoon Chemistry class is always the best, because somehow, the sun is always out. I LOOVEEE IT! ;D Anyway, my classmates were asking me where i would be going. I was like, ''brunei Hall, its the cheapest place to stay, and the food is nice as well.'' Iatah when i told them the prices, durang jeles. HAHA. And they were like, "Isit possible to pretend to be a bruneiean?'' HAHHA PANAT.
And oh, di skulah ku, people who takes art draws naked people. Si Zatul suka ni. HAHAHAH ;p
Moving on, Maryam and I seperated at King's Cross train station. And from that moment, i somehow, well, i wasnt lost (HAHA rasa kan inda mau urang tau aku blurrr), i asked the lady which train i should take if i wanna go to Paddington. So she told me. And after that, there was this Chinese guy in front of me, he was like, "paddington Brunei hall?' i nodded. Iski! AT LEAST AKU ADA URANG DANGAN KAN. It's pretty scary when yu're travelling alone. Trust me on that. Tapi aku atu terpaksa jua memberanikan diri. Nasib jua bejumpa that guy. Mun inda bejumpa, gerenti, well, inda plg sasat tu, tapi for sure it will take me batah. Hoho.
Anyway, when i arrived there, I saw a whole lot of people! =DD Aku happy berabis lah. And oh, i had to share a room, with eight other people. Imagine, a room with 4 beds, so i had to sleep on the floor. Inda pulang ku complain, psl katil atu katil dua tingkat wah. Sleeping on top takut katil aku rubuh, spl yaknow, barat. HAHAH. Klw di bawah aku mcm claustrophobic. Macam2 si pipah ani. HAHA. And oh, that room is permanent resident punya. Iatah banyak ia punya stuff, tapi ia baik! =D Namanya April. macam nama month. Haha apakan.
After simpan barang, 11 of us, (me Hajah Amal Jihan Bazilah Muizzah Rabi Wajee Nasreen Zakiah Faizah Christina) took the bus. Kononnya durang ani kan makan di Nandos, tapinya nandos ani full tia jua. hahah ksian durang. Durang ada yang sungkai air saja since durang akhir datang. Aku sungkai di Brunei hall sudah, NYAMAN. I can never get tired of Bruneian food. =) So instead, we went to Subway restaurant and durang order takeaway saja.
Then after that, Ani brought me to Paddington station It was cool actually, ada music band playing there. And it was really really cold, i was freezing. The air in London is kamah ah, banyak asap sigup. How annoying. Tsk. We went to Coach, which is a coffee area. Durang Ian Zaty Najmi and Cody main kad di sana. hahaa.
And nope ekin, i didnt buy anyting. Aku makan makanan yang di brunei hall sja ;pp
Arrived di Brunei hall and wanted to watch tv. But then the degree students dominated the area so went upstairs to change clothes and down again to wait till sahur. SAHURNYA NYAMAN! It was daging kambing (kin aku tau kau allergic HAHAH ;pp) sayur and nasi. Aku macam WOAAAH. NYAMAN. I love food too much wah. hahah. Then headed to sleep.
The next day, Mahirah wanted to go to Nike Town. So aku Mahirah Ani Jihan Bazilah Hajah and Kairi went using the bus. Well actually kami pun inda tau cemana and kemana and bila kan takan button untuk berabti. HAHA omg, I just realise that we use a lot of busses and trains here. Bas papal di Brunei pulang ku inda pernah. Tsk tsk. Anyway, kami makan hantam saja tia, using the bus and takan hantam-hantam. And msa kami menunggu kan keluar, i was like, "kenapa beg urang atu bebulu?" then si hajah, "eh fifah. Rupanya kuyuk tah tu atas pahanya ah" HAHAH panat. Laju tah kami kelaur lapas atu XDD
We didnt really buy anyting from Nike town. Kami looked around and then went to the kadais around. And oh, kami ke kadai buku! I think Nazihah would go crazy kalau ia masuk! TIGA TINGKAT YOOOOO! Or was it dua tingkat? Pokoknya kalah kadai buku bismi lah. GAGA. EH nah, lupa tia ku kan ambil gmbr di kadai buku atu. Sayang ehhh. And kadai NEXT ada half price sale, tapinya duiiii, semua baju-baju yang lawa sudah kana bali. Yang tinggal baju-baju yang ada kamah-kamah mcm bakas urang palit-palit mud or something. Tsk tsk.
Went back to Brunei Hall via tube psl si Kairi iski. Then durang si Rabi bawa sungkai di Bayswater, and then tarus main ice skating. Tapi i didnt go, cause i was just too tired, and i wanted the Brunei food ^^, And suddeely, masa menunggu kan sungkai, ada tia si Farhan datang! HAHHA. Awal-awal just me Hajah Mahirah Sherwin Kairi Anuar and Sulaiman. And then lapas si Farhan datang, kami mcm massively ketawa. And kamu, si Sherwin pikir telakung ani di pakai di badan, macam baju, and ia pikir macam kamu bulih design kalau kamu mau katat. HAHAHHA. PANAT. And Farhan told us yang di skulah nya, the newbies kana pajal menyanyi and he got number one! PASAL ia kana bagi lagu hindustan, and ia pakai gamis and turban as his costume. HAHAH PANAT!
Masa malam, most of us was at the tv area, belajar. HAHA welll, as weird as it may sounds, cause tv and studying never goes together, =p, we did study. And macam sharing pendapat psal examination boards. Not that you're gonna be interested anyway. Rabi arrived at 10 ish and showed us the skating pictures. SIUK AH. Lapas tu, durang si Rabi Farhan Sulaiman and Farid behidang di mija tv ah. Si Rabi suruh si Farid makan makanan yang bangas. HHAHA. Panat. Pokoknya durang makan banyak lah.
I wanted to wait for the sahur, cause i know if i go to bes, aku inda lagi bangun tu for sahur. So aku Farid Farhan Sulaiman and Anuar jobless. Kami becakap psl kembayau for one hour! HAHAH IMAGINE WHAT COULD WE POSSIBLY TALK ABOUT? XDD It all started psl si Farhan sabut biji gatah and that i said i used to collect them. Weird i know. Lapas tu, i told them that somene i know used to collect biji kembayau. Iatah thats where the whole convo started. We started becakap psl Kembayau airline, lapas atu mealnya kembayau. And that ada cabin crew kerajanya memutik biji kembayau yang betaburan di lantai. And kalau in case of emergency, urang yang hyperventilating kana bagi kembayau supaya tenang.
Lapas tu kami cakap psl membuka skualh kembayau. The students will study Geography, which involves the origin of kembayau. Histoty of kembayau. The maths of kembayau, 1 kembayau plus 1 kembayau. The science of kembayau. dan sebagainya. HAHAHHA PANAT!
Lapas tu, kami cakap pasal perfume kembayau. That the perfume name is STRIPE, psl kembayau ada stripes itam putih. HAHAH JOBLESS MUCH! and that kami becakap if ada kembayau spread yang stripe atu, and ada chocolate yang nuts atu, tapi nuts atu ganti biji kembayau.
HAHHAHAH. weird i know i know. Jangantah bagitau. Tapi klw kamu kan bagitau jua, inda pulang papa. HAHHA
So yeah. we wasted an hour. Suara ku by that time extremely sarut sudah.
And and, si Farhan muntah-muntah time becerita. And ia muntah arah plastik. and aku macam, ''eh jgn muntah arah plastik wah. mihir!" and ia cakap ia malas ke jamban untuk muntah psl karang ia inda dapat becerita. hahha farhan farhan.
The next day, i only went jalan with Farid and Rahman pasal they wanted to look for memory card. I tagged along cause i was lamas sudah pasal inda keluar dari buliding atu. Masa bejalan, they were telling me stories masa durang ice skating with Rabi. Durang cakap durang kan sandwiched si Rabi wah, tapi si Rabi pandai mengelak, iatah Farid and Rahman ended up betakul with each other! HAHAH. Cali. Aku masa ni nada suara sudah, ketawa ku macam lelaki. XDD
I went to the train station at 5, alone. CREEEPY, is the word i can say. Banyak problems lah arise pasal train ani. HOW ANNOYING.
1) I bought the tickets wah. Suara ku sarut and aku payah sabut my train station name. Then that person ckp harganya 48punds. Suddenly aku teingat aku ada discount card, so aku keluarkan. Lapas tu ia marah2 aku psl aku akhir keluarkan. So i got the discount, and jadi 31punds. And he rudely said, "and now, dont tell me youre not gonna show your money" since aku inda tunjukkan discount card ku awal atu. KURANG ASAM. Banci ku urang ah. SHEESH. Then aku hairan pulang psl masa aku ke Brunei hall, it costed me 5 ish pounds sja, and now jdi 31pounds. But aku mcm ehhh inda papa tu, brngkali ada construction work or something.
2) When i actually look at the ticket, rupanya tiket atu ke BATH! padan tah mahal! So i had to find another counter to buy the ticket, since im not going to the kurang asam kaunter boy.
3) I had to carry my stuff all the way to the underground to buy the tiket. And the tiket is 6 pounds ish. MAHAL IH. Abis usin ku. and my 31pounds indada pedah. ilang begitu saja.
4) I looked at the board, yang tells you when that train is leaving and at what platform. Iatah aku nampak, which is at 11B. I went there and waited, dlm 15minutes. Lapas tu aku tanya the guards psl batah and i dont see anyone menunggu di sana coz it seems like everyone ikut the train arah platform next to it. Masa aku tanya, the guards ckp the train arah platform 8 ke Potters Bar, which is my train station. I had to get pass thru the tiket inserter. But then tiket ku inda mau, so that means, supposedly, train ku nada di platform 8. I wanted to ask the penjaga tapi mcm ia stress ususlnya, and ia bukakan aku the laluan saja.
5) I went inside the train at platform 8. Tapi instinct ku bagitau its the wrong train, cause ive never use that platform before. Aku kan tanya the lady yang duduk siring ku, but apparently she was on the phone. Suddenly, ada announcement yang yang gtau that train kan ke Cambridge. I was like, WOOOTTTT? IM NOT GOING TO CAMBRIDGE! Tarus lah ku kelaur, and after ku keluar, the train door shuts. PHEWWW. Nasib jua train atu alum bejalan.
6) Ertinya the guards lied to me! SHEEESH. Marah ku. Lapas tu i went to check the board again, psl aku kan make sure which platform yang banar-banar. Lapas ku tecari, i found out that the train would be leaving at 18.11, and masa atu pukul 18.08. Betapa laju ku belari ke platform yang lurus. IMAGINE AKU YANG INDA SUKA BELARI ANI BELARI. SHEEEESH! And by the time aku masuk that train, the pintu tutup and the train jalan. Thank God aku sampat masuk!
I hope i dont bore you guys. HAHA. Untuk tatapan urang yang rajin membaca saja ni. Kalau inda mau membaca, inda papa.
Its getting late now, Its 1.04 am in the morning. Anyways,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FARIDDDD!! ;DD BIRTDAY MU TIME RAYA AHHH. Bisai. Karang tah ku text kau proper text. ^^,
Goodmorning people. And to bruneians, selamat menyambut hari last puasa. Assalamualaikum.
Anyway. Friday afternoon Chemistry class is always the best, because somehow, the sun is always out. I LOOVEEE IT! ;D Anyway, my classmates were asking me where i would be going. I was like, ''brunei Hall, its the cheapest place to stay, and the food is nice as well.'' Iatah when i told them the prices, durang jeles. HAHA. And they were like, "Isit possible to pretend to be a bruneiean?'' HAHHA PANAT.
And oh, di skulah ku, people who takes art draws naked people. Si Zatul suka ni. HAHAHAH ;p
Moving on, Maryam and I seperated at King's Cross train station. And from that moment, i somehow, well, i wasnt lost (HAHA rasa kan inda mau urang tau aku blurrr), i asked the lady which train i should take if i wanna go to Paddington. So she told me. And after that, there was this Chinese guy in front of me, he was like, "paddington Brunei hall?' i nodded. Iski! AT LEAST AKU ADA URANG DANGAN KAN. It's pretty scary when yu're travelling alone. Trust me on that. Tapi aku atu terpaksa jua memberanikan diri. Nasib jua bejumpa that guy. Mun inda bejumpa, gerenti, well, inda plg sasat tu, tapi for sure it will take me batah. Hoho.
Anyway, when i arrived there, I saw a whole lot of people! =DD Aku happy berabis lah. And oh, i had to share a room, with eight other people. Imagine, a room with 4 beds, so i had to sleep on the floor. Inda pulang ku complain, psl katil atu katil dua tingkat wah. Sleeping on top takut katil aku rubuh, spl yaknow, barat. HAHAH. Klw di bawah aku mcm claustrophobic. Macam2 si pipah ani. HAHA. And oh, that room is permanent resident punya. Iatah banyak ia punya stuff, tapi ia baik! =D Namanya April. macam nama month. Haha apakan.
After simpan barang, 11 of us, (me Hajah Amal Jihan Bazilah Muizzah Rabi Wajee Nasreen Zakiah Faizah Christina) took the bus. Kononnya durang ani kan makan di Nandos, tapinya nandos ani full tia jua. hahah ksian durang. Durang ada yang sungkai air saja since durang akhir datang. Aku sungkai di Brunei hall sudah, NYAMAN. I can never get tired of Bruneian food. =) So instead, we went to Subway restaurant and durang order takeaway saja.
Then after that, Ani brought me to Paddington station It was cool actually, ada music band playing there. And it was really really cold, i was freezing. The air in London is kamah ah, banyak asap sigup. How annoying. Tsk. We went to Coach, which is a coffee area. Durang Ian Zaty Najmi and Cody main kad di sana. hahaa.
And nope ekin, i didnt buy anyting. Aku makan makanan yang di brunei hall sja ;pp
Arrived di Brunei hall and wanted to watch tv. But then the degree students dominated the area so went upstairs to change clothes and down again to wait till sahur. SAHURNYA NYAMAN! It was daging kambing (kin aku tau kau allergic HAHAH ;pp) sayur and nasi. Aku macam WOAAAH. NYAMAN. I love food too much wah. hahah. Then headed to sleep.
The next day, Mahirah wanted to go to Nike Town. So aku Mahirah Ani Jihan Bazilah Hajah and Kairi went using the bus. Well actually kami pun inda tau cemana and kemana and bila kan takan button untuk berabti. HAHA omg, I just realise that we use a lot of busses and trains here. Bas papal di Brunei pulang ku inda pernah. Tsk tsk. Anyway, kami makan hantam saja tia, using the bus and takan hantam-hantam. And msa kami menunggu kan keluar, i was like, "kenapa beg urang atu bebulu?" then si hajah, "eh fifah. Rupanya kuyuk tah tu atas pahanya ah" HAHAH panat. Laju tah kami kelaur lapas atu XDD
We didnt really buy anyting from Nike town. Kami looked around and then went to the kadais around. And oh, kami ke kadai buku! I think Nazihah would go crazy kalau ia masuk! TIGA TINGKAT YOOOOO! Or was it dua tingkat? Pokoknya kalah kadai buku bismi lah. GAGA. EH nah, lupa tia ku kan ambil gmbr di kadai buku atu. Sayang ehhh. And kadai NEXT ada half price sale, tapinya duiiii, semua baju-baju yang lawa sudah kana bali. Yang tinggal baju-baju yang ada kamah-kamah mcm bakas urang palit-palit mud or something. Tsk tsk.
Went back to Brunei Hall via tube psl si Kairi iski. Then durang si Rabi bawa sungkai di Bayswater, and then tarus main ice skating. Tapi i didnt go, cause i was just too tired, and i wanted the Brunei food ^^, And suddeely, masa menunggu kan sungkai, ada tia si Farhan datang! HAHHA. Awal-awal just me Hajah Mahirah Sherwin Kairi Anuar and Sulaiman. And then lapas si Farhan datang, kami mcm massively ketawa. And kamu, si Sherwin pikir telakung ani di pakai di badan, macam baju, and ia pikir macam kamu bulih design kalau kamu mau katat. HAHAHHA. PANAT. And Farhan told us yang di skulah nya, the newbies kana pajal menyanyi and he got number one! PASAL ia kana bagi lagu hindustan, and ia pakai gamis and turban as his costume. HAHAH PANAT!
Masa malam, most of us was at the tv area, belajar. HAHA welll, as weird as it may sounds, cause tv and studying never goes together, =p, we did study. And macam sharing pendapat psal examination boards. Not that you're gonna be interested anyway. Rabi arrived at 10 ish and showed us the skating pictures. SIUK AH. Lapas tu, durang si Rabi Farhan Sulaiman and Farid behidang di mija tv ah. Si Rabi suruh si Farid makan makanan yang bangas. HHAHA. Panat. Pokoknya durang makan banyak lah.
I wanted to wait for the sahur, cause i know if i go to bes, aku inda lagi bangun tu for sahur. So aku Farid Farhan Sulaiman and Anuar jobless. Kami becakap psl kembayau for one hour! HAHAH IMAGINE WHAT COULD WE POSSIBLY TALK ABOUT? XDD It all started psl si Farhan sabut biji gatah and that i said i used to collect them. Weird i know. Lapas tu, i told them that somene i know used to collect biji kembayau. Iatah thats where the whole convo started. We started becakap psl Kembayau airline, lapas atu mealnya kembayau. And that ada cabin crew kerajanya memutik biji kembayau yang betaburan di lantai. And kalau in case of emergency, urang yang hyperventilating kana bagi kembayau supaya tenang.
Lapas tu kami cakap psl membuka skualh kembayau. The students will study Geography, which involves the origin of kembayau. Histoty of kembayau. The maths of kembayau, 1 kembayau plus 1 kembayau. The science of kembayau. dan sebagainya. HAHAHHA PANAT!
Lapas tu, kami cakap pasal perfume kembayau. That the perfume name is STRIPE, psl kembayau ada stripes itam putih. HAHAH JOBLESS MUCH! and that kami becakap if ada kembayau spread yang stripe atu, and ada chocolate yang nuts atu, tapi nuts atu ganti biji kembayau.
HAHHAHAH. weird i know i know. Jangantah bagitau. Tapi klw kamu kan bagitau jua, inda pulang papa. HAHHA
So yeah. we wasted an hour. Suara ku by that time extremely sarut sudah.
And and, si Farhan muntah-muntah time becerita. And ia muntah arah plastik. and aku macam, ''eh jgn muntah arah plastik wah. mihir!" and ia cakap ia malas ke jamban untuk muntah psl karang ia inda dapat becerita. hahha farhan farhan.
The next day, i only went jalan with Farid and Rahman pasal they wanted to look for memory card. I tagged along cause i was lamas sudah pasal inda keluar dari buliding atu. Masa bejalan, they were telling me stories masa durang ice skating with Rabi. Durang cakap durang kan sandwiched si Rabi wah, tapi si Rabi pandai mengelak, iatah Farid and Rahman ended up betakul with each other! HAHAH. Cali. Aku masa ni nada suara sudah, ketawa ku macam lelaki. XDD
I went to the train station at 5, alone. CREEEPY, is the word i can say. Banyak problems lah arise pasal train ani. HOW ANNOYING.
1) I bought the tickets wah. Suara ku sarut and aku payah sabut my train station name. Then that person ckp harganya 48punds. Suddenly aku teingat aku ada discount card, so aku keluarkan. Lapas tu ia marah2 aku psl aku akhir keluarkan. So i got the discount, and jadi 31punds. And he rudely said, "and now, dont tell me youre not gonna show your money" since aku inda tunjukkan discount card ku awal atu. KURANG ASAM. Banci ku urang ah. SHEESH. Then aku hairan pulang psl masa aku ke Brunei hall, it costed me 5 ish pounds sja, and now jdi 31pounds. But aku mcm ehhh inda papa tu, brngkali ada construction work or something.
2) When i actually look at the ticket, rupanya tiket atu ke BATH! padan tah mahal! So i had to find another counter to buy the ticket, since im not going to the kurang asam kaunter boy.
3) I had to carry my stuff all the way to the underground to buy the tiket. And the tiket is 6 pounds ish. MAHAL IH. Abis usin ku. and my 31pounds indada pedah. ilang begitu saja.
4) I looked at the board, yang tells you when that train is leaving and at what platform. Iatah aku nampak, which is at 11B. I went there and waited, dlm 15minutes. Lapas tu aku tanya the guards psl batah and i dont see anyone menunggu di sana coz it seems like everyone ikut the train arah platform next to it. Masa aku tanya, the guards ckp the train arah platform 8 ke Potters Bar, which is my train station. I had to get pass thru the tiket inserter. But then tiket ku inda mau, so that means, supposedly, train ku nada di platform 8. I wanted to ask the penjaga tapi mcm ia stress ususlnya, and ia bukakan aku the laluan saja.
5) I went inside the train at platform 8. Tapi instinct ku bagitau its the wrong train, cause ive never use that platform before. Aku kan tanya the lady yang duduk siring ku, but apparently she was on the phone. Suddenly, ada announcement yang yang gtau that train kan ke Cambridge. I was like, WOOOTTTT? IM NOT GOING TO CAMBRIDGE! Tarus lah ku kelaur, and after ku keluar, the train door shuts. PHEWWW. Nasib jua train atu alum bejalan.
6) Ertinya the guards lied to me! SHEEESH. Marah ku. Lapas tu i went to check the board again, psl aku kan make sure which platform yang banar-banar. Lapas ku tecari, i found out that the train would be leaving at 18.11, and masa atu pukul 18.08. Betapa laju ku belari ke platform yang lurus. IMAGINE AKU YANG INDA SUKA BELARI ANI BELARI. SHEEEESH! And by the time aku masuk that train, the pintu tutup and the train jalan. Thank God aku sampat masuk!
I hope i dont bore you guys. HAHA. Untuk tatapan urang yang rajin membaca saja ni. Kalau inda mau membaca, inda papa.
Its getting late now, Its 1.04 am in the morning. Anyways,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FARIDDDD!! ;DD BIRTDAY MU TIME RAYA AHHH. Bisai. Karang tah ku text kau proper text. ^^,
Goodmorning people. And to bruneians, selamat menyambut hari last puasa. Assalamualaikum.
Kamu kamu!! The ironic thing is that....
Cali kan? bah ketawa. HAHAH.
Cali kan? bah ketawa. HAHAH.
Selamat hari raya =')
I didnt even know that raya is tomorrow. No one told Maryam and I about it. Thanks to Sadrina for texting me and letting me know. At first i thought she was joking about it, cause ya'll know sadrina :p Then few minutes after that, Mahirah called me. She was like, "PIPAHHHHH!! ISUKKK RAYA!! ANI KAMI KAN TAKBIR!!'' I cried hearing that sentence. I didnt expect it to be tomorrow, cause i thought it would be on Wednesday. The ironic thing is that, masa si Merah menelipun atu, aku makan biskut raya. Ironic ironic.
Few minutes later, i received a massive flow of messeges from people pasal raya. I started crying and Anjola saw me when she entered the room. She started hugging me, and of course lah makin basar nangis ku. Daym. I've never thought it would hurt that much. I thought i could restrain myself from releasing a tear. She started saying things, and i was like, ''i rarely do this in front of people' and she was like, ''my glasses is dirty. I cant see you clearly. I cant see you crying. What can we do about this? Do u have halal meat?" I was like nope. And she was like, 'Okay we'll just order some vegetarian pizza'' That was a line that made me laugh. She tried very much to make me feel better.
Then i went to the house room, which is next to my room, to aga my phone and balas the raya texts. Then when i entered the room again, i saw a post-it on my pillow. It said, ''You're cordially invited to the Eide Festival" I SMILEDDD =) Baik wah durang ah. The festival will be held tomorrow, and it's a secret. HAHA. Then i went back to the house room to call Ekin since ia kan call aku.
Time ku siuk meluahkan perasaan yang sadih-sadih. suddenly ada tia fire drill ani! PALAU! Pukul 9 lalu malam kaliah! SAJUK! So i had to disconnect the phone call with Ekin and lari thru the fire exits. Apparemtly kami dapat lalu thru pintu yang ada label fire exit sja. SUKA BAH DURANG SKULAH ANI KAN FIRE DRILL. This is the second time kami ada. Tsk tsk.
Kanak kanak yang grade 7 ani tulak-tulak masa turun tangga. Bising lagi tu. Tangga atu lagi galap, rasa mcm kan tegugur dari tangga. Masa tu someone was calling me on my Brunei number. Masa ku jawap, it was DAL!! :DDD I was really happy psl ia call, tapi i had to tutup the call psl the cigu suruh diam. SORRIE DAL! Macam indada jodoh bah kitani ahh. Kalau online, lapas few minute, either aku atau kau terdesconnect tia tu. Lapas tu msa kau tlipun, msti tutup kerana hal yang tidak dpt dielakkan. I will make it up to u next time =)
Anyway, masa di bawah it was really cold! Nasib jua Si Lisa and Yyvone bawa selimut, so kami tiga urang sharing. HAHA and i thought my fats could keep me warm =.=' ANYWAY! KAMU AKU DI SINI KURUS SUDAH! HAHAH BANAR! KALAU KAMU MAU TAU BERAPA BARAT KU, TANYA SI EKIN! Kalau di sini expose tia! HAHA XDDD
Sorry to Ekin and Silah, sorry pasal aku batah BRB, pasalnya i was going to make toast. Sekalinya batah tia, psl my friend was meluahkan perasaannya, asking for our opinions how to support her aneroxic bestfriend. So i was kasian, and i cudnt just leave her. Maybe next time saja kitani chatting =)
I am lost for words now. I have a lot of things to type about. Tapinya macam indada dalam utak time ani. I guess im still blank and shocked. =.="
Anyway, selamat hari raya to Bruneieans. Minta maaf atas segala salah silap, minta ampun kalau badan-badan kamu sakit kalau ku ampas time ketawa-ketawa. Minta maaf kalau aku banyak makan makanan yang kamu bawa. Minta maaf kalau kamu sangal meliat aku lamas di swimming pool. Dan sebagainya. I love you guysss and raya here won't be the same, but as much as i dont like it, i have to live with it. Terima kasih kepada messages yang telah diantar kepada saya, making me smiled and cried at the same time. <3
Raya emo mood,
I didnt even know that raya is tomorrow. No one told Maryam and I about it. Thanks to Sadrina for texting me and letting me know. At first i thought she was joking about it, cause ya'll know sadrina :p Then few minutes after that, Mahirah called me. She was like, "PIPAHHHHH!! ISUKKK RAYA!! ANI KAMI KAN TAKBIR!!'' I cried hearing that sentence. I didnt expect it to be tomorrow, cause i thought it would be on Wednesday. The ironic thing is that, masa si Merah menelipun atu, aku makan biskut raya. Ironic ironic.
Few minutes later, i received a massive flow of messeges from people pasal raya. I started crying and Anjola saw me when she entered the room. She started hugging me, and of course lah makin basar nangis ku. Daym. I've never thought it would hurt that much. I thought i could restrain myself from releasing a tear. She started saying things, and i was like, ''i rarely do this in front of people' and she was like, ''my glasses is dirty. I cant see you clearly. I cant see you crying. What can we do about this? Do u have halal meat?" I was like nope. And she was like, 'Okay we'll just order some vegetarian pizza'' That was a line that made me laugh. She tried very much to make me feel better.
Then i went to the house room, which is next to my room, to aga my phone and balas the raya texts. Then when i entered the room again, i saw a post-it on my pillow. It said, ''You're cordially invited to the Eide Festival" I SMILEDDD =) Baik wah durang ah. The festival will be held tomorrow, and it's a secret. HAHA. Then i went back to the house room to call Ekin since ia kan call aku.
Time ku siuk meluahkan perasaan yang sadih-sadih. suddenly ada tia fire drill ani! PALAU! Pukul 9 lalu malam kaliah! SAJUK! So i had to disconnect the phone call with Ekin and lari thru the fire exits. Apparemtly kami dapat lalu thru pintu yang ada label fire exit sja. SUKA BAH DURANG SKULAH ANI KAN FIRE DRILL. This is the second time kami ada. Tsk tsk.
Kanak kanak yang grade 7 ani tulak-tulak masa turun tangga. Bising lagi tu. Tangga atu lagi galap, rasa mcm kan tegugur dari tangga. Masa tu someone was calling me on my Brunei number. Masa ku jawap, it was DAL!! :DDD I was really happy psl ia call, tapi i had to tutup the call psl the cigu suruh diam. SORRIE DAL! Macam indada jodoh bah kitani ahh. Kalau online, lapas few minute, either aku atau kau terdesconnect tia tu. Lapas tu msa kau tlipun, msti tutup kerana hal yang tidak dpt dielakkan. I will make it up to u next time =)
Anyway, masa di bawah it was really cold! Nasib jua Si Lisa and Yyvone bawa selimut, so kami tiga urang sharing. HAHA and i thought my fats could keep me warm =.=' ANYWAY! KAMU AKU DI SINI KURUS SUDAH! HAHAH BANAR! KALAU KAMU MAU TAU BERAPA BARAT KU, TANYA SI EKIN! Kalau di sini expose tia! HAHA XDDD
Sorry to Ekin and Silah, sorry pasal aku batah BRB, pasalnya i was going to make toast. Sekalinya batah tia, psl my friend was meluahkan perasaannya, asking for our opinions how to support her aneroxic bestfriend. So i was kasian, and i cudnt just leave her. Maybe next time saja kitani chatting =)
I am lost for words now. I have a lot of things to type about. Tapinya macam indada dalam utak time ani. I guess im still blank and shocked. =.="
Anyway, selamat hari raya to Bruneieans. Minta maaf atas segala salah silap, minta ampun kalau badan-badan kamu sakit kalau ku ampas time ketawa-ketawa. Minta maaf kalau aku banyak makan makanan yang kamu bawa. Minta maaf kalau kamu sangal meliat aku lamas di swimming pool. Dan sebagainya. I love you guysss and raya here won't be the same, but as much as i dont like it, i have to live with it. Terima kasih kepada messages yang telah diantar kepada saya, making me smiled and cried at the same time. <3
Raya emo mood,
Monday, September 29, 2008
and the rest of the FnVs,
raya inda lagi lama.
tani nada convoy kah?
lajutah be convoy,
send sadin and piping our pics
then kitani edit supaya dapat masukkan muka dorang.
lajutah convoy =(
might be our last.
or second last.
pokoknya ada word 'last'
sodih jua i ni.
and the rest of the FnVs,
raya inda lagi lama.
tani nada convoy kah?
lajutah be convoy,
send sadin and piping our pics
then kitani edit supaya dapat masukkan muka dorang.
lajutah convoy =(
might be our last.
or second last.
pokoknya ada word 'last'
sodih jua i ni.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Bruneian night out (26 sept)
We Bruneian 'Yorkers' went on a Bruneian night out on Friday night, so tarus sungkai lah. inda sampat shopping sal shops sini close kul 5.30.. dont know why, they just do. haha. 12 peeps including the seniors ikut so it was a lota fun. lots of laughs and all.
Kami ke La Piazza for sungkai.. the pizza nyaman!! BERABIS YUM YUM.. aku order PASTA jua.. ntah apa namanya but it sounded delicious! and then we went to Betty's for desserts, HOT CHOCOLATE WITH CREAMnya nyamannnnn.. VERYYYY..
bah aku inda mau banyak 'bekunyayah', hahaa, i'll just post the pics. inda banyak though, aku alum ambil dri some people. plus, aku malas upload banyak-banyak. hehe.
Long Lost Triplets
Hai kamu...
sesungguhnya hanya tinggal 17 hari hanya lagi sebelum menduduki peperiksaan as level..
dan sesungguhnya saya blum memulakan perjuangan saya dlm meratah smua buku2 yg sepatutnya sdh d ratah pda permulaan cuti dulu..
ANNyyywaysss...., theres this new korean group..
namanya SHINee and durg HOT.. hahahhaha...
well..,cute lah n their songs are good.. *thumbsup*
my point is that i realize that one of the members, mukanya kn sma mcm rahim or rahman.. hahah..
so aku iski kn post..
mau liat..?? nah cuba tia bndingkan

Choi Minho - SHINee
Rahman n Rahim
so wat do u think..?? ada persamaan atau hanya imaginasi ku sja..??
bh atu saja dulu buat masa kini..
p.s saya curik itu gmbr dri Rahman's blog thru Pong's blog..hehehe
sesungguhnya hanya tinggal 17 hari hanya lagi sebelum menduduki peperiksaan as level..
dan sesungguhnya saya blum memulakan perjuangan saya dlm meratah smua buku2 yg sepatutnya sdh d ratah pda permulaan cuti dulu..
ANNyyywaysss...., theres this new korean group..
namanya SHINee and durg HOT.. hahahhaha...
well..,cute lah n their songs are good.. *thumbsup*
my point is that i realize that one of the members, mukanya kn sma mcm rahim or rahman.. hahah..
so aku iski kn post..
mau liat..?? nah cuba tia bndingkan

so wat do u think..?? ada persamaan atau hanya imaginasi ku sja..??
bh atu saja dulu buat masa kini..
p.s saya curik itu gmbr dri Rahman's blog thru Pong's blog..hehehe
Saturday, September 27, 2008
muha muha kitani
Hey guys!! slamat berpuasa and na gi bth lgi raya!! i just wanna let u guys noe that i miss us! hehe.. bgi sesiapa2 yg lebih tua dari saya, sila sediakan angpau bnyak2 ok:P and bgi yg muda and kn minta dri saya..*the number u have dialed is unreachable* hahahaha.
below are the pictures of the people i miss in school.. the FnVs...
below are the pictures of the people i miss in school.. the FnVs...
guys.. i found these cool images of fnv... hehe enjoy!! hahaha cali wah.. yknow msa aku google-d "FNV" bnyk kluar gambar %$#^*&. .hahahahahaha ani yg bisai2 ja...
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